Smash Hero
Thought you heard that Pit's arrows got a lag reduction and the rapid jab works now. The Dair thing was a hitbox I never noticed, though. Why would there be a stronger upwards hitbox closer to the spike, anyway?@Shaya 's insightful treatise on
as a potential top-tier threat has made me consider where
will ultimately place in the metagame.
Like Mario, Pit (this extends to Dark Pit as well, I will just say Pit for the sake of convenience) has been more-or-less untouched by patches. Sakurai himself has come out and said that he feels Pit is a below-average character:
Now this may inspire comments which question the exact nature of Sakurai's balance criteria, if he balances for certain modes over others, but what this means to me is simply that Sakurai is reluctant to tweak Pit too much in balance patches. Thus far, precedent suggests there is no reason to believe this mantra will change: in every patch so far, Pit has received minor, at best, changes:
Credit to @LancerStaff for testing this stuff!
I'm theorycrafting here, but I wonder how Pit will fare in the overall meta if he remains totally static? The survey cited in the OP offers the notion that Pit is, in the present context of the meta, a "notable" threat, yet still an outlier from the Top 15 mean characters. Players like Nairo and Pink Fresh have managed to yield distinct results with Pit in official tournaments, buuuut I think it's fair to say he wouldn't be among the most popular choices or widely regarded as a constant threat. Pit's eternal dilemma seems to be, right now, that he is a "decent character overall": no extraneous strengths, no fatal weaknesses, just an honest character with a balanced moveset who happens to be (thus far) near-absolutely exempt from balance patches.
I think what really holds Pit back from real considerate as a viable character at top-level is his relatively mediocre matchups against the top-tiers. From my own experience and experience watching other competitive Pit players, I reckon Pit's real issue here isn't that he's necessarily terrible against most of the top-tiers - definitely no more so than other characters of his ilk; rather, it's the fact that his matchups are just "okay" at best. He doesn't really have anything to make him stand out from other characters in terms of top-level viability, none of his matchups against the top-tiers (that I have seen) are widely regarded as a matchup wherein you would want to go for Pit. He doesn't really have any advantage over these characters, which will obviously compromise his competitive viability. I think the fact that he isn't necessarily invalidated by any of these characters in a matchup sense is definitely a boon, but I'd be remiss to say it's anything more than that - I'd even argue that Rosalina is among our tougher opponents (albeit the rare example of a matchup where Dark Pit is near-objectively favourable over vanilla Pit). Factor in the communal consensus that Pit has difficulty with a few other matchups here and there (Ness, Marth, debatably Roy and quite possibly R.O.B. are often cited as relatively difficult matchups below the basic threshold of what's considered top-tier) and it's difficult to convince folk that Pit is any kind of a dominant threat in the metagame.
But I digress. The point I want to bring up is: with Pit virtually immune to balance patches and currently cited by pro players as a potential high-tier threat, is it worth keeping an eye on how he progresses? Will he manage to maintain consistency in the overall meta, but ultimately eke out a comfortable existence as a "good at best" character, or will he emerge as a viable character by virtue of his "safety" as a balanced character, with others ultimately balanced around him?
It's all relative, of course, but it's this relativity that interests me. I hope this doesn't come off as baseless theorycraft; I have no real opinion on this concept other than "yeah it could happen", I just started to think about it when Shaya's thoughts were mentioned and I wanted to get others' opinions on it.
Incidentally, if it irks people that I just talk about Pit, please tell me. I wouldn't want to be known as "that cat that obsesses over Pit".

Myself, I think Pit's potentially A- material now that his arrows have this massive buff. He can camp in the air now, which is pretty insane. IMO, Pit's worst matchup was ZSS. Not sure how effective air camping will be with flip jump being a thing, but if it ends up smoothing out the matchup then I think it'll bump Pit up a ways.