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Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2005
gainesville, fl
Is melee really the only game for you worth playing?
quite frankly yes. i hadnt bought a video game in 3 years before melee, and didnt own any gaming system more recent than nintendo 64 before december 04, which is when i bought a gamecube and melee


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
Brawl pretty much sucks, to the people who say it's more balanced you're right. I love being chain grabbed by DDD and Falco and Laser/Reflector camped ect. Man.. let me tell you everyones equal this time around. No tech skill, Super Camping dang what could be better.

Brawl really sucks.


Smash Lord
Mar 18, 2006
Winter Park, FL
Hmm I personally like the new mechanics (minus tripping lol). Way more options from shield, interesting buffer system add a lot that was impossible in Melee. They removed stuff I can honestly say I don't miss.

Wavedash? I can move quick enough with most characters and now have better options out of shield. I guess I don't have too much room to talk, Snake basically has a swd :p

At first I thought I was going to miss L cancel, but in the end not really. Just learned how to autocancel or use low lag aerials. Most combos I do don't involve a series a shffls. Depending on the character it's either in the air or a combination of projectiles.

I dunno, I guess I never went through the Brawl hate phase. Only thing that pisses me off is when I'm not performing well same crap I had in Melee. As far as camping? Game feels the same to me as Melee except I feel I have better options for dealing with it this time around.


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
Brawl pretty much sucks, to the people who say it's more balanced you're right. I love being chain grabbed by DDD and Falco and Laser/Reflector camped ect. Man.. let me tell you everyones equal this time around. No tech skill, Super Camping dang what could be better.

Brawl really sucks.
Because fox, falco, samus, etc couldnt camp in melee at all, and twice as well. rofl.

And you played ganondorf of all people and you're gonna complain about getting cg'd in brawl but not melee? I mean really did you know sheik was even a playable character in melee? <_<;

DDD gets max like 25% on almost every neutral and counterpick in brawl. Plus you know almost every character can sidestep out of it? orly?

yes, really, invest a little bit more time. There were discussions about the fairness of sheik's chain grab years after melee came out, and they sound laughable now. Give brawl more than a couple weeks and a presumptuous dismissal.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
Because fox, falco, samus, etc couldnt camp in melee at all, and twice as well. rofl.

And you played ganondorf of all people and you're gonna complain about getting cg'd in brawl but not melee? I mean really did you know sheik was even a playable character in melee? <_<;

DDD gets max like 25% on almost every neutral and counterpick in brawl. Plus you know almost every character can sidestep out of it? orly?

yes, really, invest a little bit more time. There were discussions about the fairness of sheik's chain grab years after melee came out, and they sound laughable now. Give brawl more than a couple weeks and a presumptuous dismissal.

Oh i see


Smash Master
Jun 1, 2006
eff el oh are eye dee aye
Why is everyone saying Brawl is more balanced?

It's been out for 2 weeks.

And its pretty obvious that it's gonna come down to whoever has the better projectile, leaving characters like Ike and Bowser unusable.

Sakurai please die and take this abomination with you(as well as XIF).

The only reason XIF likes this game is because he still doesn't have to L cancel(like he did with Peach).

<3 XIF


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2006
Brawl is awesome. Pikachu ****ing ***** everything, and Jigglypuff is still amazing. Stop hatin'. It's not all about camping, unless you're Snake.


Smash Master
Jun 1, 2006
eff el oh are eye dee aye
No, actually, once again camping will prevail.

However, that's all there will be.


Nothing new.


And everyone who plays character A will play him exactly the same or else character A will suck.

Brawl is the end of good deep fighting games.

GA Peach

Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2005
Why is everyone saying Brawl is more balanced?

It's been out for 2 weeks.

And its pretty obvious that it's gonna come down to whoever has the better projectile, leaving characters like Ike and Bowser unusable.

Sakurai please die and take this abomination with you(as well as XIF).

The only reason XIF likes this game is because he still doesn't have to L cancel(like he did with Peach).

<3 XIF
it's called an airdodge. apply it. you DO know that you can airdodge and it doesn't freeze your character like in SSBM, right? :)


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
There's some hope for brawl yet.

But I don't care to be the one to develop these tricks. So until brawl becomes entertaining and challenging,

Who wants to play melee?

You know LTECs will be melee until that happens. But the next one possible is during sometime during May (when I'm out of school and back in Gville).
I will not miss LTEC


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2005
gainesville, fl
i thought the shine thing was cool b/c it gives you an option during the very limited first few frames of your initial dash.

an observation after playing brawl on wifi for the first time--brawl was designed for laggy online play. certainly, most of the gameplay changes seem tailored to online: auto sweet-spotted recoveries, slower movement in general, no l canceling, buffered attack inputs, no shield stun. think about it, can you imagine trying to sweet-spot recoveries online against melee marth (esp with connection variability)? you'd get forward smashed all day. similarly, the combination of no shield stun and buffered inputs allows for more consistent shield punishment in a lagged online environment. again with a marth example. in online melee, it would be extremely difficult to properly time a shield wavedash to punish a shielded marth forward smash. you'd have to take into account the shield stun before you could wave-dash, and if you entered the controls for wd too soon you'd just roll. in brawl, you can actually input your attack any time after marth hits your shield and the buffering takes care of it for you

i sort of view these changes as necessary for an online game. [understatement] obviously, is still prefer melee in person [/understatement], but for an online version of smash bros, i guess brawl aint too bad (other than tripping wtf)


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
***My other topic, rewritten because it was close***

lets be honest here, galeon were not good in melee. He never went to tournaments and rarely went to smashfests, so how could he be? He also played sub par characters, which with melee (and unlike brawl) sets you back quite a bit.

But being bad at melee should in no way be an indicator of whether you are good in brawl. You might see a positive correlation between good melee and good brawl players, but only so much as how smart they were and their other fighting game backgrounds. Azen is a beast at almost every game period, so him being good at brawl is no surprise. Mike G has roots in dozens of other fighters, and is also really good at brawl. But Asking someone to be good or bad at brawl because they were good or bad in melee is utterly ridiculous. Its like asking someone to be a beast at third strike because they were amazing in super turbo. It doesnt work like that, and you'll find many many instances of players being amazing at one and then trash at the other.

So for someone like galeon to be good at brawl is not a huge surprise because not only is it a chance for those who were poor at melee to get good at brawl but because also anybody could simply like and therefore put forth more effort in brawl. People like doodah and hungrybox think their skill in melee should exactly parallel brawl, and that other bad players should continue being bad, but because they hate the game and find it boring, they simply cannot put forth not only the effort but the intensity of training others who love it do.

I also dont understand the sentiment that somehow people who were bad in melee dont deserve to be good in brawl. A line I hear alot is something like "Brawl is giving all these trash melee players an opportunity to be good at brawl what nonsense is that?!" I dont understand the problem. Why not? Obviously if they put forth the effort they deserve to be good, and likewise their lack thereof in melee gave them a deserving poor skill level.


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2007
Holla at me if you need to hire a teams partner. I
OR no one is exp agsint any character and anyone can win a tourney like the olden days of melee where diffrented people win tourneys lol I garanteed that in 1 or 2 years its gonna be like melee the top 4 IF they are pro will **** in brawl easily and the skill between top 4 and the rest of fl will be a huge gap. im not saying im one of them cuz im not even close to being a decent player in brawl I suck balls at brawl. I dont train cuz im not motivated to play brawl yet jjust waiting on some good vids like in melee to motivate me to train.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
lol tru

i was playin some melee at valencia today after we played brawl
and this one guy said "they changed it to melee cuz they know we would win, brawl is more balanced and everyone has a chance. melee sucks all you have to do is short hop and press A and you win." i would be short hop lasering and pillaring and everytime i moved he would say " short hop A Short hop A" it was so annoying and didnt make any sense at all but just a couple days before brawl came out the same guy was decent so he liked melee but he sucked compared to wato. Now brawl came out and people feel good because they beat me at a completely different game. I JUST BEAT ZORO. omg stfu man.

if noobs wernt so gay i wouldnt mind at all that they are good
but with attitudes like that I just want them to get owned

and dont tell me this hasnt happened to you.


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
Yeah i had something mentioned like that in my closed topic chops but forgot to put it down again.

lol tru

i was playin some melee at valencia today after we played brawl
and this one guy said "they changed it to melee cuz they know we would win, brawl is more balanced and everyone has a chance. melee sucks all you have to do is short hop and press A and you win." i would be short hop lasering and pillaring and everytime i moved he would say " short hop A Short hop A" it was so annoying and didnt make any sense at all but just a couple days before brawl came out the same guy was decent so he liked melee but he sucked compared to wato. Now brawl came out and people feel good because they beat me at a completely different game. I JUST BEAT ZORO. omg stfu man.

if noobs wernt so gay i wouldnt mind at all that they are good
but with attitudes like that I just want them to get owned

and dont tell me this hasnt happened to you.
Something similar has happened, but far more courteous and flattering. I've had people assume they were gonna lose to me when they played me in brawl just cause I was decent in melee. I mean, I won in the end because i've been practicing ALOT, but they didnt do nearly as bad as they thought. Because i'm not auto good at brawl.

But absolute a-holes are good in melee too. G-reg has always been a bit of a jerk but that doesnt mean he's any less deserving of the skill he has.


Smash Lord
Mar 15, 2004
Boynton Beach, FL
And Its funny how there are plenty of fighting games that survived without anything near l-cancelling or wavedashing. Ever heard of a game called street fighter third strike? zomg there's no way to cancel moves.
I usually try and stay out of Brawl debates considering my convictions regarding the game are no secret (unabated trash) ...but I had to address this specific misnomer I see Brawl supporters running to time and time again (never mind the fact that the rest of this post was complete nonsense).

It's simple really; did you know Brawl is the only "fighting" game that imposes lag on aerial attacks? Of course not, you made that post.

As for Wavedash: Since you're so fond of comparing Brawl to 3rd Strike, where's my Quick Dash equivalent that fosters footsies and spacing regarding the ground game? There truly is none.



Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2007
lawrenceville, GA
he is comparing it to third strike because brawl is a totally different game from melee as third strike is to super turbo..brawl is great


Smash Lord
Mar 15, 2004
Boynton Beach, FL
His motivation behind making the correlations do not concern me, only the accuracy of his logic. He's clearly wrong -- specifically the point he was trying to make about L-Cancel's removal.

Brawl is garbage.



doot doot doot
Feb 15, 2005
Usually not playing Brawl. Location: Enterprise
just because u probably suck at the game doesn't make the game garbage..play another game if u hate it so much
Really PBJ, stop pretending as though you know how good everyone is at brawl.

Synikal is obviously very familiar with other fighters, so by Xif's logic he should be able to be good at Brawl as well. If he wanted to be. Syn is also one of the most articulate, logical and clever posters on the boards, which suggests he is smart enough to be good at any game he applied himself too. I have never seen him make an argument as unbased and illogical as the one I just quoted from you.

I'm sure Synikal could have come and said this far more eloquently than I, but he's also intelligent enough to not get involved in pointless flame-wars. Also, it seems he does play other games.

You on the other hand, make absurd claims about people you've never played in Brawl (in melee either?) and openly attack anyone who disagrees with you.

The game is slow, unimaginative, and party game-ish.

GA Peach

Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2005
I understand and agree with the slow part, Thomas, but not the other 2. I think the game is MAD slow compared to Melee, but there are lots of great fighting games that are slow-paced (i.e. Virtua Fighter, 3rd Strike, and others), so I don't see what speed has to do with how deep and involved a game can be. If you could, please explain the unimaginative and party game-ish opinions of yours. I'd like to hear them.
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