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Upstate New York Tournament Thread


Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2009

you just mad cus even though he hasnt played brawl since pound, you still couldnt beat neil in a match.
You assume I play brawl a lot. I have actually been playing mk9. However i feel its funny that i attack your skill level, you than compare yourself to 5th place on the pr (which i do think Tommy is better than you. ) And then you refer to neil skill to mine cause your not confident of your own maybe? Dont be so butt-sore I didn't say you were bad at the game. I just said everyone on the Pr is better than you. Your 6th place material no doubt.
really? are you that dyslexic?
I did that to avoid name searching dont make so much assumptions.

Rochester's **** talk and not win strategy. (All the people that do win from Rochester do very little bragging online)
Kind of in order...

No idea who Zanda is, but PAUL/Beta got way better (and that was at AXS2, I can only imagine how much better they are now if they kept that rate up).
Zanda hosted best1-2-3 came to axs 1 and 2. Been pretty active in the community and pretty much revived the albany/troy smash scene for both melee and brawl. And he got 3rd last tournament beating me and kwan in winners.

If you don't know who Zandaa is, that just shows that you are at a disconnect with the region. You know with him hosting 3 tournaments since the fall.

I guess we're all trying to do the same thing....

Dear inactive players: Stop being inactive

---- Edit: This is CURA


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2007
No Longer Bumping With Content, Smörgåsbords
I guess we're all trying to do the same thing....

Dear inactive players: Stop being inactive
Dear active players: Make me. I still go to gatherings when I can. People jumping into downsmash only entertains me for so long. A while ago after numerous attempts, I was like "yo pplz, mayray?" and they was all like "nah dawg." So I moved on.

jack of all trades is bad
Transferable skills are nothing to scoff at. In a game with as few constraints as melee, (lol, my mindset) the understanding your opponent (1) part of it is essential. That and technical ability to execute your strategy (2). Combine that with knowledge of mechanics (3) and that's everything?

So anyway:
1 limitless, promotes camping and traps
2 has an effective limit to open up certain options that'll let someone win
3 finite, attainable by everyone

Other games can contribute to these (eg. tomahawk, button mashers). The first is arguably the most most important once, since the latter two are attainable by anyone at a high level.
By not playing melee, I get better at melee. Especially at being patient.

My main gripes are:
1 This is my favorite and offered in many other facets of life. Not a huge fan of camping as the main viable strategy. If I look like I'm playing aggressively, I'm either camping or am not thinking at all.
2 Involves practicing (time). Good opponents help.
3 Boring, I don't know it all because I can't care enough atm. That's why I'm not into hon/dota/etc.

I get a lot more out of using my time to hang out with people. That's why I don't smash that often/seriously anymore. I'm long overdue to see all the apt ppl.

As always, content:
to offset whining
Female wireframe btt
5sf ...so grumpy


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2007
No Longer Bumping With Content, Smörgåsbords
Zanda hosted best1-2-3 came to axs 1 and 2. Been pretty active in the community and pretty much revived the albany/troy smash scene for both melee and brawl. And he got 3rd last tournament beating me and kwan in winners.
Thanks for the info.

If you don't know who Zandaa is, that just shows that you are at a disconnect with the region. You know with him hosting 3 tournaments since the fall.
Did I ever claim to be?

>225 mi from me


da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
You assume I play brawl a lot. I have actually been playing mk9. However i feel its funny that i attack your skill level, you than compare yourself to 5th place on the pr (which i do think Tommy is better than you.)
I find it hilarious that IN THIS VERY POST, you try to rag on people for being at a disconnect with the rest of the region then go on to make assumptions about where i am, despite the fact that you havent played, or even seen me play this game for close to a year now. when was the last time you even saw tommy play? like a month or two ago? I mean, Im pretty sure you just bring tommy up to try and get me to say something mean about him for no reason to make me look bad. and if thats your perogative, that fine by me. but youve been saying everybody and their momma is better than me since we met.
you said jason was better than me, than this happened.
you said leet-0 was better than me, then this happened.
you said james was better than me, then this happened.
you said tommy was better than me, then this happened.
eventually, youre going to get tired of being wrong all the time.

And then you refer to neil skill to mine cause your not confident of your own maybe? Dont be so butt-sore I didn't say you were bad at the game. I just said everyone on the Pr is better than you. Your 6th place material no doubt.
I refer to neil because youre not worth the time, so i let him handle my light work. but if you need me too, i can give you the business any time.
I did that to avoid neil coming in here and putting me on blast cus i was poppin off at the mouth.

ps. rob i love you those pics are awesome.

and ps2. ill eat anybody in MK9 too and i dont even try.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
this reminds me. rob, we havent chilled in wayyy too long. we need to fix that. can you like just come to a marvel tournament and say stuff?


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2007
No Longer Bumping With Content, Smörgåsbords
this reminds me. rob, we havent chilled in wayyy too long. we need to fix that. can you like just come to a marvel tournament and say stuff?
What are you doing tomorrow night ~10pm? I'm getting some pizza
and celebrating
. You down? If not, I have been meaning to check out how butt-nasty MvC3 is. I wanna see some combos. And trashtalkin sf4 kids getting chatted on.

PS: I think that faultydude is this smart:

Us And Them (Dark Side of the Moon)
"everybody, in the end, is the same. and there is really no point in warring with each other" - CaptainWafflos


Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2007
Im not offending you so i dont understand why your getting so defensive. If i do recall ive beaten you about 9-10 in tournament. And you havent beaten me since like 09 SS1 Lol. With mk. Dont take offense to what im saying like i said i dont think your bad just players are better.


Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2010
Binghamton NY
you always think people are better than me when they arent. aint nuthin new my dude. im not getting upset, just stating facts.
firstly, all those videos are from at least 6 months ago. so yeah tommy is definitely better than you now. not even a contest. im pretty sure by watching those, i could beat you pretty well... with a couple characters... quite sad.

Why does Rochester get so butthurt about EVERYTHING on this site. i havent gotten to meet any of them in person, thank god, but i really hope they dont start coming to these tournaments. all i can picture is kid losing to TGS and crying about it.

EDIT: i don't want to meet them if they act in person like they act online.


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2007
No Longer Bumping With Content, Smörgåsbords
firstly, all those videos are from at least 6 months ago. so yeah tommy is definitely better than you now. not even a contest. im pretty sure by watching those, i could beat you pretty well... with a couple characters... quite sad.
Fourthly, amazing logic there.

firstly, all those videos are from at least 6 Why does Rochester get so butthurt about EVERYTHING on this site. i havent gotten to meet any of them in person, thank god, but i really hope they dont start coming to these tournaments.
I'd rather not be "connected" to someone as miserable as you. :colorful:

Thirdly, metalfault, dude, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwEZRPkAAu8

I wonder if she could tell I'm hard right now, hmmm
Yeah, come on, dance for me baby, ha ha, yeah
Ut oh, you feel that? Alright
Come on, don't stop now
You done did it, come on, uh, yeah, alright, hold on

[1] - Baby when we're grinding
I get so excited
Ooh, how I like it
I try but I can't fight it
Oh, you're dancing real close
Cuz it's real, real slow
(You know what you're doing, don't you)
You're making it hard for me

All the songs on you requested
You're dancing like you're naked
Oh, it's almost like we're sexing (oh yeah)
Yeah boo, I like it
No, I can't deny it
But I know you can tell
I'm excited, oh girl

[2] - Step back you're dancing kinda close
I feel a little poke coming through
On you

Now girl I know you felt it
But boo, you know I can't help it
You know what I wanna do

[Repeat 1]

Baby us dancing so close
Ain't a good idea
Cuz I'mma want you now and here
The way that you shake it on me
Makes me want you so bad sexually
Oh girl

[Repeat 2]

Now girl I know you felt it
But boo, you know I can't help it
You know what I wanna do

[Repeat 1]

[Repeat 1]

I love when you shake it like that, ah, ah, ah
I see that you like it like that, oh, oh, oh
I love when you shake it like that, ah, ah, ah
I see that you like it like that, oh, oh, oh

[Repeat 1 while:]

I like the way you move
You're making me want you
Oh the way you move
I like those things you do
But you're a little too close

[Repeat 1 until fade]


Smash Ace
Jul 27, 2009
Albany/Troy NY
I'm glad I quit this game & I hope you kids stay playing smash because I hope I don't have to hear this at some SF tourney from some bad MvC3 side event.

Edit: Stay free.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 12, 2009
Geneseo, NY
Rawr! Contrary opinions make me angry! New PR is bull****! I could beat everyone playing with my left foot!

Am I doin' it right?

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
yo metalpat. name a number, i will money match you for it.

I will money match you for the entire 300 in my bank account right now. if thats too high to seem real to you, I will money match you for the 50-60 bucks in gas it would take me to drive to albany and back.

tommys my boy but i understand how the progression of people getting better works. and while i dont doubt that hes gotten a lot better, to say hes gotten that much better to be leagues ahead of me while simultaneously still not being able to beat any of the people he hes been losing to all this time is rather far fetched.

if you want to be salty and generalise and come to jump to conclusions about stuff be my guest. ill just be a bigger **** when i rub it in your faces later.


Smash Ace
Jul 27, 2009
Albany/Troy NY
yo metalpat. name a number, i will money match you for it.

I will money match you for the entire 300 in my bank account right now. if thats too high to seem real to you, I will money match you for the 50-60 bucks in gas it would take me to drive to albany and back.

tommys my boy but i understand how the progression of people getting better works. and while i dont doubt that hes gotten a lot better, to say hes gotten that much better to be leagues ahead of me while simultaneously still not being able to beat any of the people he hes been losing to all this time is rather far fetched.

if you want to be salty and generalise and come to jump to conclusions about stuff be my guest. ill just be a bigger **** when i rub it in your faces later.
damn this nga said he'll rub his **** in your face or some ****, I don't even know.


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2009
So I have to say, I hope this region stays alive even with the loss of so many players. I assume given time, we'll see some people come back (because let's face it, no one ever really quits smash). I know me leaving for half a year really hurt the rochester community (not saying i'm really good or anything, just that smashfests twice a week are healthy for the comunity). aside from this though, I look forward to seeing everyone in september.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2009
Beta you ****ed up my controller with your short hop nairs or some ****. My L button sticks you *******. >:O



Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2007
Monroe, NY
I'm really not sure what got you so pissed off about what I said. It doesn't really matter how far away you are from Albany/Troy. While that's certainly a good excuse for not coming to the tournaments--I would certainly think twice about going to something in Rochester with gas prices the way they are--the fact remains that you were spouting off about how players compare without even knowing one of the key players in the region. That's all I was getting at. But having several posts calling me an idiot doesn't make you look like a 5-year-old or anything.

Moving on, KTAR hype. See some of you guys there.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
let me save you the time and finish this whole convo.

Me: but I didnt say anything about comparing players from albany to Rochester, I dont even know what youre talking about.

CalmRage: Thats because I wasnt refering to you, I was talking to _____.

Me: Oh, well you should make that more clear since you didnt explicitly state or implied to whom you were speaking.


Smash Master
Oct 31, 2007
Syracuse, NY
I find it hilarious that IN THIS VERY POST, you try to rag on people for being at a disconnect with the rest of the region then go on to make assumptions about where i am, despite the fact that you havent played, or even seen me play this game for close to a year now. when was the last time you even saw tommy play? like a month or two ago? I mean, Im pretty sure you just bring tommy up to try and get me to say something mean about him for no reason to make me look bad. and if thats your perogative, that fine by me. but youve been saying everybody and their momma is better than me since we met.
you said jason was better than me, than this happened.
you said leet-0 was better than me, then this happened.
you said james was better than me, then this happened.
you said tommy was better than me, then this happened.
eventually, youre going to get tired of being wrong all the time.

I refer to neil because youre not worth the time, so i let him handle my light work. but if you need me too, i can give you the business any time.


ps. rob i love you those pics are awesome.

and ps2. ill eat anybody in MK9 too and i dont even try.
Quick Cura, say I'm better than goggles! :troll:


Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2009
sad I won't be there =(

btw sharky my bad for not getting back to you my phone's screen decides to not work arbitrarily. friends are LANing this weekend. :o so we'll be busy.

good luck to every one who is going though. Represent :]


1/Sympathy = Divide By Zero
Oct 26, 2008
Rochester, NY
I don't think many of us are going at all. Any fests going on over the next few weeks, though?
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