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Upstate New York Tournament Thread

a nub

Smash Ace
Mar 28, 2009
Rochester, NY/ Yonkers, NY
yeah these prs really need updating. also why hasnt kwan ever been added lol

also I really hate how I have midterms next week, otherwise I would loved to go with whoever may be going to no johns

facking 6 hour drives

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
not even from an arrogant stand point, i havent lost to minh since I dont even know when. im def better than him, for the time being. I think he would agree. but I wouldnt be surprised if I wasnt even on a pr after South NY gets added to this.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 15, 2010
Hmm true goggles has beaten me in friendlies recently, but i've outplace him in tournies for a while now. Money match? However Beta did beat me last tournament. Something to consider for the PR updates. Hey u apartment ppl are coming down to RIT for EGS right? it's been almost a whole month since we smashed or did anything. Also did any1 happen to find my controller and copy of smash there with the case i sorta need em back.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
what did you out place me at? serious question. only tourney i remember that happening was the one where power went out, and a whole bunch of them that I didnt enter.

and have we money matched recently? I dont remember. either way, ill do it.

I bet they broke all your shiz, happened to me...

also, I want some seriouslies with that jin son, when you gonna get at the rest of us for some blazblue? everybody (me, neil, yannick, paco, foy) has gotten a lot better.


Smash Ace
Apr 27, 2010
On the fence
Weekends wide open *****es. Who ever's playing melee hit me up. I wanna get tons of matches in this week end. I'll probably post this again friday (:

ps. Imma be on that PR by summer

oh and mihn you gotta drop that double nair on goggles. ****s that shield grab bs up!

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
see the thing about double nair, is that that only works for link, and HOPEFULLY this dude has given up using terrible characters against me.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
I'm pretty confident that if you included just TFS into the PR, it would look pretty much exactly like the results of the tourney in Troy. I would beat Kwan if I went Falco, but since I lost to him at the last tourney I have no problem putting him in front of me. Just gonna have to **** next time.

Also, I relaly want to play Vicious and Pikapika. Pretty sure you guys are free, but you never know.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
the majority of the scene that mattered was there.

also, doesnt infinitesimal mean infinitely small? if so than otgs confidence is like... the opponent of that.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 15, 2010
that's the problem goggles, that blackout tourney was one of the only melee tournaments you've enter within the last year or so. Play it seriously again for a change. U already play like 5 other ones to the degree u play brawl

Man i really want to learn another character besides jin. I feel like im playing ken masters in street fighter it's so basic. But transitioning to another character in blazblue requires like tons of hours in the lab getting combos down and learn their ****. I kinda wish i bought the game. Perhaps this weekend we can get some smash/blazblue in. Im probably free.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
youre probably not amazing minh, but in all fairness, you are the only one of all of us that has fixed all of their character's trials.

I dont have issue with melee. I have issue with the attitude and conduct of SOME of the people who play it at times. Not worth the effort to play that game seriously anymore.

you can still buy blazblue, or you can play wow. me and neil still play brawl too, theres plenty of games you could and should play, melees not one.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
1. youve got skills to develop
2. help represent our region
3. strong game attitude
4. your friends want you to play!
1. my melee skills are developed as far as they are gonna be, everyone out here is better than me at this game, from a techskill standpoint. My hands arent going to move any faster than what they do now, and the only reason I do as well as I do is because I play a character thats not technical and relys on hard reads and tight spacing. Everyone asks me why I play ganon, and I tell them its because my hands arent fast enough to play any better characters.
2. *looks at sig*
3. i have a great attitude towards brawl and blazblue and WoW...
4. If they really wanted me to play they wouldnt antagonise me so much.

Blazblue is better. c:
also this.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
Mana, based on what Jesiah told me, I would tap your entire region. He and I went even the whole day (I think I won more friendlies but that doesn't mean anything) and from what he told me he's way ahead of everyone else.

I mean, call it ego or arrogance or confidence or w'e, I got this.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
Mana, based on what Jesiah told me, I would tap your entire region. He and I went even the whole day (I think I won more friendlies but that doesn't mean anything) and from what he told me he's way ahead of everyone else.

I mean, call it ego or arrogance or confidence or w'e, I got this.

best part? who the hell is this kid? never heard of him before, and better than everyone in this region. randoms from any other region and be on the PR here.

also, I havent played melee in way too long, and as such, I take back what I said earlier about being better than minh, he definitely stomped me today. If I cared enough I might be able to get back to where I was when I was beating him. But crushing souls in Blazblue is far too entertaining to even think of doing something like that.


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup
me vs beta was cool. sharky too. no recording or anything. too much random hilarious ish happened for play-by-plays. lol

cant wait to play the rest of u guys.

edit// highlights:

sharky beat my sheik w yoshi

sharky got falcon punched by me

beta got edgeguarded armada style *coolface*

sharky and randal struck a deal w the devil for like 2 matches........

we could not break sharkys shield :(

beta did something ridiculous and hilarious but idr what it was

final match/set ended with a surprise stitch X_X

then i had to jog like 3 mi. downtown >_<

good night tho


Smash Ace
Dec 15, 2008
Rochester, NY
I got that with a few buffs stacked XD (26). also: you're a bum. smash tomorrow?
a sick bum!!

yes smash tomorrow :reverse:

you should help me run lab13 cuz ill prolly hit 24 tomorrow.. that zones so dead and i need the rubies >_>


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.

best part? who the hell is this kid? never heard of him before, and better than everyone in this region. randoms from any other region and be on the PR here.

also, I havent played melee in way too long, and as such, I take back what I said earlier about being better than minh, he definitely stomped me today. If I cared enough I might be able to get back to where I was when I was beating him. But crushing souls in Blazblue is far too entertaining to even think of doing something like that.
lol wtf? I'm confused as to what ur trying to say here.


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2009
Modesto at &lt;3
This Vicious:

the majority of the scene that mattered was there.
When you say stuff like this, you can't help but wonder why people don't respect your online presence. Because when I try, I clearly don't stomp the life out of you like it's free as wal-mart discounts.

I dont have issue with melee. I have issue with the attitude and conduct of SOME of the people who play it at times. Not worth the effort to play that game seriously anymore.
And we don't have issues with the attitude and conduct of you at times? All you do is **** talk the people in this community who are active and care, trash talk your own region, and then refuse to MM those people (namely me), and refuse to enter tournaments to validate anything you ever post. In all seriousness, your behavior is probably the most deplorable off anyone in our community. If you hate melee and us so much why do you ever take your time to post about it and slam the community? I want a serious answer on that one.

why should i?

when I can just play better games with better people?
Better is entirely based on each persons perspective.

Also, I relaly want to play Vicious and Pikapika. Pretty sure you guys are free, but you never know.
Lol @ me and neil being free. I would enjoy playing you. New faces are always fun.

Mana, based on what Jesiah told me, I would tap your entire region. He and I went even the whole day (I think I won more friendlies but that doesn't mean anything) and from what he told me he's way ahead of everyone else.

I mean, call it ego or arrogance or confidence or w'e, I got this.
I think sometimes Jesse underplays us because he is so used to the next best three players (Me, Neil, Minh) that it's hard for him to gauge how good any of us really are, but that is just speculation. I usually do alright. At ROM3 I lost to Darc in round 1 pools, beat Hazzard, and in round two lost to Vanz, and barely lost to Rockcrock, and beat PockyD. Had my set with RockCrock gone the other way I would have made bracket.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Westchester, NY
It's funny how people can do much differently than you'd expect against the field based on how they do against you personally. In some cases better and in some cases worse.

In any case I really don't see how we are from upstate NY. Troy was fun but that was us going out of region. No Johns, the main tristate local, is like 30 minutes away from us. Tournaments in nyc/LI/jersey are like 45 mins to an hour. We don't play with upstate remotely regularly (once ever?). I guess it's fun to speculate where we'd be ranked in other regions or something but at the end of the day, we're just unranked tristate players. :(


Smash Apprentice
Mar 15, 2010
On that third strike status eh?
YO I was totally thinking the same thing. Yanick gonna hop on that daigo status and parry the *** out of drill shine combos.

Why'd u link a katty perry video Rob?
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