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Upstate New York Tournament Thread

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
Can you tell me what you know about dreams?

And what about night terrors, cause im quite curious for a man of my stature.
why dont you tell me what your dream(s) is/are about? its been a while since ive studied this kind of thing, but I still might be able to shed some light in what ever is going on.
I'm on the pursuit of happiness and I know everything that shine ain't always gonna be gold. I'll be fine once I get it, I'll be good.
actually if shine isnt always golden for you then youre doing something wrong, its clearly the best move in the game.


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2007
Rochester, NY
why dont you tell me what your dream(s) is/are about? its been a while since ive studied this kind of thing, but I still might be able to shed some light in what ever is going on.

actually if shine isnt always golden for you then youre doing something wrong, its clearly the best move in the game.

Foy posted that


Smash Ace
Apr 4, 2009
Ill definitely be coming around anytime i dont have work though, im super excited about it.


Smash Champion
Apr 28, 2009
Carnival Hell
Hey guys, long time no see. The new PR is pretty legit, by the way. I'd totally fix it up and make it so all the fonts match and whatnot but I don't have Paint Shop Pro on my laptop, and I made that PR on my desktop at home.

Just wanted to say hi to everyone, since I kind of disappeared for the past once with school starting and all. My lifestyle changed much more than I could have ever imagined, really. I'm taking 17 credits (5 classes), and have been incredibly busy working/studying/reading and just keeping up in general. My RA commented on how much my floor has been working and he said he's never seen people come into college so work-oriented. I just don't want to fall behind, so I've had to cut back on a few things, one of which was Smash. Today I played for a bit while my friend used my computer so she could get internet, and that was the first time I picked up a controller in like two weeks. Compared to August before school started when I was playing at least once a day.

I haven't even made it out to Smash Club here at UB yet, in all honesty I haven't really even thought about it much and keep forgetting to go. I don't really have many people to practice with and my gaming area is pretty lackluster. I have a 9-inch tube TV from 2002 with built in VCR, and the picture quality is pretty poor, and considering how little I've been using it, my incentive to upgrade is marginal. Not to mention I don't really have a couch or anything, but I'm getting a futon soon, which should be pretty awesome. The single dorm is way too good.

As far as the November tournament goes, I can't make any promises. Some friends from back home said they'd come to visit sometime in November, and I don't know which weekend that entails. Traveling to Syracuse would not be too hard since I have a buddy on my floor who goes home every now and then so I could hitch a ride with him for a weekend or something if he goes.

But overall I'm enjoying college and once I get a better grip on things hopefully you'll be seeing me around the boards more and hearing about me tearing up the UB Smash Club. :D
I win everything in buffalo anyway, tho.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2010
Rochester, NY
We could kind of play a game of SKATE, but in Smash.

You know, some one does some tech skill tricks and the next person tries to do the same or close to the same. If they fail, they get a letter, the first person to spell out SMASH, loses.


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2009
Modesto at <3
Haha, well the actual idea for that game is SICK and that's actually something I've thought of doing. Each person should get like 3-5 tries though.

There's a few problems with doing that to practice tech skill though.

A.) Actually learning the tech skill takes hours and hours of concentrated practice. There's no way nearly anyone here would be able to just do that tech stuff on command, since most of the people don't even know how to do it yet, or can't do it consistently

Actually I guess that's it lol. That's a fun game to play if everyone is at the same tech skill level...But no one is there yet haha. Btw snowman, are you doing what I recommended? That 30 rep method with music?

This is Jesse btw


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2010
Rochester, NY
Well, I still would like to try it, because it'll push us to try and learn it more and possibly learn new things.

And I have not, Jesse. My controller is at your place.


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2006
Glen Cove/RIT, New York.
is anybody upstate going to the Gorillaz Concert @ MSG this friday?

or just going down to the city around that time in general?
A friend and I are going to the concert and are trying to work out the logistics of getting there, and if anyone could do us the favor of driving us there, it'd be the most awesome thing in the ****ing world.

anyone? anywhere
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