Once she's Dark Phoenix...
Here's the first part of the matchup that's important - don't let her transform. Practice your combos into snapbacks and try to play in such a way to bait your opponent into using meter. Always snapback to Phoenix first and Morrigan second. If you suspect that they'll start with Phoenix, use your best pressure character to get in and do a lot of damage. Zero could work well here since his smaller hitbox will give him an easier time getting around Phoenix's Bullet Hell mode. If Pheonix X-Factors, just wait it out. If you have your own X-Factor, you can probably turtle Pheonix enough that her X-Factor will stop and her Blood Kain will drain her life down to almost nothing so that you can chip her to death. For getting through her projectiles, Hyper Armor Hsien-Ko is probably the best, if you can keep her healthy. Haggar's assist could work if she's rushing you down, but idk how well a grapple character would do against her Bullet Hell.
She'll be in the air and Sentinel's Rocket Punch won't reach her until you're somewhat close.
Really? That's odd. Maybe try an upwards rocket punch or a different anti-air assist.
Sentinel's size makes it hard to get through all her projectiles being thrown at you while she'll just rush me down with healing field activated because of all the meter that's constantly being built by Morrigan's Dark Harmonizer.
This is starting to sound kinda like Sentinel vs Strider.
So far I'm using Zero/Morrigan/Sentinel but I might find a replacement for Morrigan.
Don't know if I should keep Morrigan for AAA purposes or find someone that'll help expand on Zero's OTG corner combos.[/color]
Definitely keep an anti-air assist that has a lot of vertical range on your team. Dante comes to mind obviously but if you want some keep-away aspects of your team you could also run Dormammu. Morrigan could definitely still work though. Maybe you could even use Thor since his Mighty Smash OTGs and can be used as an anti-air.
Zero's otg DHCs into maximum spider for free.
Does Maximum Wesker get the same boost?