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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
I hate these links to hours of marvel

I'll just sit there and watch the whole thing lol


Smash Champion
Jan 4, 2009
My ego...It's OVER 9000!
Creepy Crawler (a)/ Furball (y)/ Transformer (a)

That's what I'm running for a while. Raccoon does NOT do better on point if you put Spiderman into the equation.

Max Spider > Mad Hopper > Hard Tag to Spiderman > Web Throw > Repeat


Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2005
Northwest NJ
The only downside to having RR not on point is that if your point character dies, RR will die as well if he gets mixed up while coming in.

Though this isn't a problem if your point character doesn't normally die first.

However, for me RR is better on point because Chris serves more of a purpouse as an assist and he can survive an incoming mixup after RR dies.


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
frank/iron man/sentinel

using iron man's repulsar blast makes leveling up frank really easy, seriously, three combos and he's at level 5

lvl 1 combo; cr. l, cr. m, cr. h, s, j. m, j. m, j. h, tools of survival h, s, j. m, j. m, j. h, j. s, repulsar blast, camera, camera (now at level 3)

lvl 3 combo: cr. l, cr. m, cr. h, s, j. m, j. m, j. h, tools of survival h, m, h, s, j. m, j. m, j. h, j. s, repulsar blast, camera, camera (now at level 4)

lvl 4 combo: j. m, j. m, j. s, h, s, j. m, j. m, j. h, j. s, repulsar blast, camera, camera (enjoy level 5 frank)

it's so dumb especially considering that no meter was used yet and a character could be killed or on the other hand, if you have 3 meters built up, just THC and you got yourself instant level 5 frank (since i know for a fact his hyper ends before iron man's and sentinel's do)


Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2005
Northwest NJ
frank/iron man/sentinel

using iron man's repulsar blast makes leveling up frank really easy, seriously, three combos and he's at level 5

lvl 1 combo; cr. l, cr. m, cr. h, s, j. m, j. m, j. h, tools of survival h, s, j. m, j. m, j. h, j. s, repulsar blast, camera, camera (now at level 3)

lvl 3 combo: cr. l, cr. m, cr. h, s, j. m, j. m, j. h, tools of survival h, m, h, s, j. m, j. m, j. h, j. s, repulsar blast, camera, camera (now at level 4)

lvl 4 combo: j. m, j. m, j. s, h, s, j. m, j. m, j. h, j. s, repulsar blast, camera, camera (enjoy level 5 frank)

it's so dumb especially considering that no meter was used yet and a character could be killed or on the other hand, if you have 3 meters built up, just THC and you got yourself instant level 5 frank (since i know for a fact his hyper ends before iron man's and sentinel's do)
The problem is, is that you have to start out with Level 1 Frank on point. So good luck getting hits with him to begin with. Especially how it takes 3 combos to get Frank up to level 5, thats just not going to cut it at high level play. All Nova/Frank combos have to do is get a single combo in the beginning of the match and it's instant level 5 Frank, not to mention Nova is alot better on point than Level 1 Frank is.

I know this because I play against a Nova/Frank/Hawkeye team at my Video Game club who's ranked in the top 40 on 360 leaderboards. In the beginning of the match, if he gets the first hit I have to deal with Level 5 Frank and I don't usually win when that happens. So I have to run away and get my ground, Snap Frank in and kill him before he gets to do any of his Level 5 ****. Level 1 Frank can't do that much so its easy for me to zone him out and get hits on him when I need to.


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
nova/frank is on my secondary team

it's just another option and i was surprised to see how well frank and iron man work together, kind of in a similar fashion to how nova/frank do

but the difference here is that iron man's repulsar blast deals with a lot of **** that frank can't and then backed up by drones will allow frank to close the gap, he's got a 5 frame cr. l with a pretty decent hitbox alone with that slide, hell even if frank just does knee drop, repulsar blast, camera, camera, he's at level 2 and that's really all you need

while yes, putting frank second is optimal, but if you want to run frank on point, repulsar blast is by far the best assist to back him up with

my problem with nova/frank is nova killing the opponent too fast sometimes, due to online shenanigans i would sometimes drop the combo and by the time i start it up again, the opponent is dead, and i would do this all the time and it started to piss me off


Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2005
Northwest NJ
my problem with nova/frank is nova killing the opponent too fast sometimes, due to online shenanigans i would sometimes drop the combo and by the time i start it up again, the opponent is dead, and i would do this all the time and it started to piss me off
If thats the case either save your meter for their second character or predict a raw tag and combo off of it that way.


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
i would still have the meter, it's just nova hits like a grown man, so i would always go for the kill


// s o n d e r
Jul 15, 2009
Hi, add me to the Xbox live list please :D BeastlyRed77. I use Iron Fist/Ammy/Dante most of the time.
Whenever I'm online I'll usually be playing UMvC so just send me an invite if you want to play :)



Smash Master
Nov 5, 2007
I got the lightning loop down with zero in like 30 minutes lol (with breaks in between)

why don't people use it


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2010
I got the lightning loop down with zero in like 30 minutes lol (with breaks in between)

why don't people use it
people get nervous in bracket.

sams club uses it quite often. Everytime I get to the point of using it, the other character dies.

where are you at wesker, :D


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
Starting to hate Frank a little more each day.

Anyways, I have another tourney today.

Hopefully I meet that Spiderman again and introduce him to Akuma. xD


Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2005
Northwest NJ
I've been working on some RR BnB combos and I made a 650k corner combo that uses 1 meter. 600k if it has to be mid screen or widescreen.

lmh, wild ripper, s, air.MS, oil bomb + cr.H, s, air.MS, oil bomb + cr.H, s, air.MS, Wesker Gunshot assist + Log Trap, Bear Trap, Log Trap, Rock n Roll

lmh, wild ripper, s air. MS, Wesker Gunshot assist + Lot Trap, s, air. MS, Bear Trap, Log Trap, Rock n Roll

While the second log trap doesn't cause a wall bounce opponents can't recover from it until a certaint amount of time which is usually right as they hit the ground, so theres enough time to still combo into Rock and Roll (and if your right next to them, you can combo with S).


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
i would use rocket raccoon if he reach didn't suck so much

he's a pain in the *** to hit but god damn, his reach is so terrible that it's usually hard for him to get that hit, he's got so much stuff to abuse in such a little character

but landing that first hit is just so annoying


Smash Champion
Jan 4, 2009
My ego...It's OVER 9000!
i would use rocket raccoon if he reach didn't suck so much

he's a pain in the *** to hit but god damn, his reach is so terrible that it's usually hard for him to get that hit, he's got so much stuff to abuse in such a little character

but landing that first hit is just so annoying
I just DHC into Mad Hopper and zone with c. H and Sentinel drones.


Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2005
Northwest NJ
i would use rocket raccoon if he reach didn't suck so much

he's a pain in the *** to hit but god damn, his reach is so terrible that it's usually hard for him to get that hit, he's got so much stuff to abuse in such a little character

but landing that first hit is just so annoying
You get your hit confirmations through your traps. Thats the point of playing RR, its that his Traps are his metagame. He's really good at anti-rushdown and the four main ways you start combos with him are

boulder trap
Net trap
Log Trap
Assist + Tunnel Rat

Bouldertrap is extremely fast and safe and if your opponent lands on it infront of you, the only way they can win is if they retreat. Otherwise you can create an unblockable with it (boulder trap is an overhead, which many people don't know). Crouch infront of them when they activate the trap, if they attack they get hit, if they don't attack, I create an unblockable.

Net Trap is pretty self explanitory, its slower but you can hit confirm it even if your far away. Tunnel Rat makes landing on it a 50/50 guess for the opponent because of tunnel rat L and M. It's also great for mixing up incoming characters because of tunnel rat H where you can hide under the trap and move left and right constantly so that the side they need to block is random.

Log Trap is an exellent anti-air and again leads to a full combo if you hit with it. If you're mid screen or farther this is usually safe to randomly pull out. On my team, if you get hit by Log Trap while mid-screen or in the corner you're going to eat a 705k combo (820k if I want to use 2 meters instead of 1)
Log Trap, (double dash, foward jump), Air HS, Wild Ripper, S, Air MS, Samurai Edge Assist + Log Trap, S, Air MS, Bear Trap, Log Trap, Rock n Roll (DHC into Sweep Combo)

Tunnel Rat + Beam Assist is nessisary for opponents who don't want to come to you and know how to counter a raw Tunnel Rat. The Beam assist makes it safe and if they super jump out of it tunnel rat M again and mix them up with boulder trap.

Basically, you can't just go and play footsies with RR without his traps and expect to win. He's a fast character with tons of traps to play mix-up with. If he had good range he'd be unbalanced.


Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2005
Northwest NJ
Mad Hopper stays out for excactly 10 seconds I believe, which is, a decent amount of time for a super trap.

EDIT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NM67HuKiOro&feature=related

My Spiderman is better than this...honestly...
I wouldn't be that surprised, he was dropping a ton of combos. From what it looked like he won because his opponent didn't know how to fight spidey.

I fought a 3rd lord spidey once and he had so much trouble hit confirming on my RR I felt bad for the guy. Because of that I took his spidey out and that was pretty much it.


Smash Champion
Jan 4, 2009
My ego...It's OVER 9000!
Mad Hopper stays out for excactly 10 seconds I believe, which is, a decent amount of time for a super trap.

I wouldn't be that surprised, he was dropping a ton of combos. From what it looked like he won because his opponent didn't know how to fight spidey.

I fought a 3rd lord spidey once and he had so much trouble hit confirming on my RR I felt bad for the guy. Because of that I took his spidey out and that was pretty much it.
Yeah smaller characters have to be comboed a little differently with Spiderman. Tron's rounded hurtbox makes it tricky to combo with Web Swing so I have to use Spider String early.

If I can improve my Raccoon game I may use Spiderman / Raccoon / Sentinel over Nova/ Ammy/ Spiderman.

EDIT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erSfo800EgQ&feature=related

Bum is my favorite player next to Noel Brown.


Smash Cadet
Jan 25, 2012
New York
Yeah smaller characters have to be comboed a little differently with Spiderman. Tron's rounded hurtbox makes it tricky to combo with Web Swing so I have to use Spider String early.

If I can improve my Raccoon game I may use Spiderman / Raccoon / Sentinel over Nova/ Ammy/ Spiderman.

EDIT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erSfo800EgQ&feature=related

Bum is my favorite player next to Noel Brown.
i defeated your precious noel brown live during stream :)


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
so, i think chris is now a completely viable character and actually is quite pleasant to use

he's fun as hell, now i just need to learn spencer to make my chris/spencer/nova team a success

Shin Kaizoku

Smash Journeyman
Oct 6, 2011
I've been messing with Spencer a lot lately too. He's a lot of fun to play when you actually know combos. I only know a few, and they're mostly in the corner though. Anyone know good midscreen spencer BnBs?

Also working on Vergil/Spencer tech. Trying to get: Stuff, hardknockdown, Spencer assist, df+H, into a Spiral Swords combo, but either the timing is really strict or it's impossible. But either way, you still get good mixup off of it.


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2010
New Orleans
I just wish Chris had SOME sort of mixup game. I can't see how he can ever land a clean hit unless history opponent ****s up

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