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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
same here

i hate this game, i went super positive using wesker/sentinel/dormammu, a team that i don't want to play at all, i went from being inbetween an 8th lord and 7th lord to now being pretty close to becoming a 6th lord, ****'s whack

i want to use iron man but his hit confirms are soooooooooooooooooooooooo bad, but i got the krispy kreme down :) (now just to get into the mode of always using it)


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
On paper Nemesis seems like a blast. I mean he is fun to play but only having 1 low hitting attack sucks hard. Also it does not help that his super armor is not that good. I can never open people up with him. I try to use his antiair grab the way I use skrulls and Shehulks, but it reaches WAY to high to punish a regular jump most of the time.

His level 3 is garbage. His IDGAF. Needs to have some type of start up invul to be useful. Still love him though

Why you dropping him Sent?

Basically he is too easy to open up, too easy to punish and doesn't do enough damage for the kind of character he is.

His Air.S also has the dumbest hitbox ever.

You can clearly see it going through characters sometimes but it won't hit them.

I can do more damage with Akuma and he is a far easier character to get in with/maintain pressure with.

I'll see how I feel after hitting the lab a bit more, because in fairness Nemesis has brought me a lot of wins.


Nov 19, 2009
VA baby whe' you at
Woah woah woah woah

Doesn't do enough damage? Nemesis? :V

In other news, I need to start playing this game again, if only I had someone to play with, just ****. Need to get a car or some ****.


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
compared to hulk, sentinel, thor, and haggar, nemesis is on the lower terms of damage

yea he still hits hard but when he's easier to keep out than all of those characters, you got issues

compared to hulk and sentinel, his armor move is no where as good as any of what those two have, also combine that with having less mobility, no invincible hyper, and the worst projectile out of all of the, you can see that he is a little lackluster

he's probably most comparable to thor, one projectile, big powerhouse with a command grab, lot of life, but thor is better at everything nemesis is and then having more options on top of it

some times, i don't think capcom thinks things entirely through


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
silliest resets? you mean the one where he hopes you tech in the right spot so he can H. command grab you?

cause that's about the only reset i can see him having, he's too slow to even try anything else

just look at my ratio from when i went team gay (wesker/sentinel/dormammu), i was 154-148 before i started using them, i am now 188-154, an 85% win ratio is pretty okay by me

i hate wesker, so boring and straight forward, anyone can use him, i'm okay with having sentinel as a main though, i'm one of the few who actually does more than bait the cr. M, and dormammu is seriously just there, he helps wesker extend combos and just locks the opponent in place for sentinel, hell, i'm more likely to burn x-factor with sentinel than dormammu cause i trust my sentinel more than my dormammu (i might try doom here for now but dormammu is a better anchor)

yes we did play last night (totally remember a drdrew gamertag), i don't remember who won though, if i was wesker, then most likely me (since i only lost 6 times in total), if not then probably you, nor do i remember if the match was good or not (as in, no happy birthdays or losing from a dropped combo due to online lag)

Dr Drew the Dragon

Sep 11, 2003
I think I lamed out your Wesker team ftw actually ;) I was messing around with my new Spencer/Hawkeye/Doom team.

Nemesis strikes me as a "once you know the matchup he's garbage" kind of character. He's tricky and his hitboxes are nuts, but his armor isn't helpful enough to get him out of pressure and he's got probably the worst mobility in the game.

Still, there's some merit (especially online) to a character who can kill a good chunk of the cast off of one hit confirm, and has enough health to build decent meter for your more important characters in case he gets steamrolled.


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
i don't remember having wesker as my only character left like...ever, haha

i always ran him on point, it was either sentinel or dormammu you lamed out or something


Smash Champion
Jan 4, 2009
My ego...It's OVER 9000!
For anyone who is not on my block list I would appreciate some feedback on my two teams:

Nova (y)/ Ammy (b)/ Spiderman (a)

I know that Serris uses Nova so maybe he can give me some tips, but I'm liking the synergy I've found between all three of these characters. Nova Strike is a good assist for extending Spiderman combos due to its wall bounce. DHCing and CrossCombo with Okami Shuffle is nice. I can pretty much switch the order in any way and make it work.

Frank (a)/ Raccoon (y)/ Chris (b)

IMO Frank can work on point at lv. 3 thanks to the the broom's awesome range and having the roll move for mixups. Not much about getting to lv. 4/5 but rather using Frank from the start with assist covering ground and air space. DHC into Mad Hopper gives me free hard tag (except from projectile supers anyway). I've already taken advice from JMaster about Raccoon as I use Gun Fire assist for Raccoon zoning and mixups. My Chris is bad though.

Shin Kaizoku

Smash Journeyman
Oct 6, 2011
For anyone who is not on my block list I would appreciate some feedback on my two teams:

Nova (y)/ Ammy (b)/ Spiderman (a)

I know that Serris uses Nova so maybe he can give me some tips, but I'm liking the synergy I've found between all three of these characters. Nova Strike is a good assist for extending Spiderman combos due to its wall bounce. DHCing and CrossCombo with Okami Shuffle is nice. I can pretty much switch the order in any way and make it work.

Frank (a)/ Raccoon (y)/ Chris (b)

IMO Frank can work on point at lv. 3 thanks to the the broom's awesome range and having the roll move for mixups. Not much about getting to lv. 4/5 but rather using Frank from the start with assist covering ground and air space. DHC into Mad Hopper gives me free hard tag (except from projectile supers anyway). I've already taken advice from JMaster about Raccoon as I use Gun Fire assist for Raccoon zoning and mixups. My Chris is bad though.
Team 1:
I think the main problem is the starting order. Spider-Man is great on point, and Nova is a pretty good anchor as well, so the shuffling of the order doesn't seem necessary to me. Other than that, sounds good. Ammy's assist has fantastic lock-down which is almost necessary for Peter. It's not quite necessary, but it helps a lot. The fact that you also have a character that sets up unblockables makes the team sound broken, but it depends on the matchup, I guess.

I don't really see a problem with team 2. Maybe switch Frank and RR but it doesn't really matter.


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
rocky should be first, he's much better on point than as an assist, vice versa for frank, frank really wants those levels

finally a 6th lord, that's done, started at 154-148 and now 210-165, have to say, winning every 3 out of 4 isn't too bad

i just wish it was with a more fun team to use than wesker/sentinel/dormammu


Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2005
Northwest NJ
I used to run RR/Frank/Chris, but RR had to get 2 meter's before being useful so he could DHC into Frank for instant level 4/5

Putting all that risk on such a fragile character isn't good, and if he gets KO'd level 1 Frank comes in and gets bodied, leaving a mediocre Anchor character to take the entire team on.

I like Chris and Frank, but they just can't be on the same team.

RR stays on point, Frank takes away RR's ability to use Mad Hopper as a GTFO me move in the start of the match but if you play well enough you get Level 4/5 Frank, so its a high risk high reward. If Chris is your secondary, Meter is no longer a problem and RR can use it at his own will while also having a full screen mixup. For anchor I'd suggest somebody that has an otg assist to help RR extend his combos and always end his combos in the corner (which RR has great corner pressure).

As much as I hate to say it, Wesker fits that role perfectly as his OTG is absoultely perfect for RR and he's one hell of an anchor character. Switching from RR/Frank/Chris to RR/Chris/Wesker took me from de-ranking down to 7th lord again to ranking up to 5th lord, now on my way to 4th.

So in the end my most sucessfull team is
RR (LogTrap), Chris (Gunfire), Wesker (Samurai Edge Shot)

However, if you can avoid rushdown or you're fighting a non rushdown team. RR/Frank/Wesker is better.


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
I wonder would I start winning more if I replaced Sentinel with Wesker?

Anyways I think I'm defintel;y dropping Nemesis now, apart from when I'm gonna play someone who uses characters I know he can beat.

AKA Hulk, Tron, Wolvie, Sentinel.

Akuma is just too good to put down now that I have spent some time in the lab with him.

900k bnb for 2 bars, or into TAC with Doom for around 1.1 million for 2 bars.


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
I love the way people instantly brush Akuma aside just because he has low health.

The boy does HUGE damage and his combos are fairly easy.

Also Wesker actually does need nerfing.

Take his buff off him please.

Dr Drew the Dragon

Sep 11, 2003
What is with you and really lame teams? D; You're making it really hard for me to drop Zero here.
Any team with Hawkeye is automatically lame. But he's so fun, and really good!

My 4 day old Doom is super scrubby though, need a lot more practice to get the hang of his movement. But missiles make Spencer combos and Hawkeye keepaway SO GOOD.


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
everyone's doom that isn't marlinpie is scrubby

they should really take away the ground bounce on his S footdive, it makes him like 8532905832320578320958320432 times easier to use compared to his vanilla version

i really want the avengers team to have good synergy but they really don't, cap likes the 2 assists they provide but thor really wants that OTG assist, and iron man is probably the 2nd hardest character in the game to use

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
ryker, you never played that hawkeye kid me and charles played

quite possibly, the gayest thing i have ever faced

haha, the two most like comments on the vid are:

"just lost all my respect for chris g"


"Chris G gained my respect"

just thought it was funny

after watching that, i am happy that marlinpie won that, holy crap, THAT WAS LAME


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
i haven't actually seen clockwork's doom in a long time, so i have no comment, imma go check that out


Smash Cadet
Jan 25, 2012
New York
Daihaksu vs Chris G -beginning of video-
Daihaksu vs Chris G part 2 0:34:00
Daihaksu vs Noel Brown shortly after

i played marlinpie, nerdjosh and i didnt finish the match with dieminion but it could have went either way cause of xf3 morrigan versus 2 and a half characters (he had to go to his street fighter match)


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
I'm thinking Dark Hole w/ Dormammu it's the only decent one for comboing off.

Unless liberation can be followed up by a teleport>air.s.

I'd probably go for plasma beam with Doom.

It's good for Dorm and Dante.(Although molecular shield might be better for Dante since he is kinda rushdown)

Solid team though IMO.

Even if Dante gets destroyed you have Dorm with Doom backing him which is pretty damn potent.

I was actually thinking of maybe picking up Dorm and having a 2nd/3rd team.

I'd probably go Dorm/Doom/Akuma.

Oh actually there is a question!

Can you hit a stalking flare after a sphere flame if you DHC quickly enough?

I also just realised there is no good reason why you can't DHC in the air into another aerial super, yet you can't.


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
dorm is a really dumb character not

also, i think you can DHC sphere flame into stalking flare, haven't tried, but even if it doesn't combo, free liberation set up for dormammu

also sentinel, the fact that your combo keeps you meter positive is really dumb, simple combo with a lot of damage, it shouldn't be allowed, it's why i feel TAC is quite possibly the most overpowering thing in this game (i feel they should all be like the up TAC, no extra meter gained directly but allow you to do bigger combos while "safely" switching out your character), they just do too much for how stupid they are (yea i think they're more ovepowered than x-factor)

dante/doom/dorm is a real solid team, it does everything and you want and order isn't that big of a deal, although going dante/dorm/doom might prove beneficial as dante and dorm have much a much stronger DHC relationship than either of them and doom with doom providing that beam assist to help teleporters

and i don't think the fact you can DHC into air supers was on purpose, i think it's probably cause it physically couldn't be done or it could but caused a lot of glitches

hard drive is the only air hyper making it the only hyper you can't DHC into but it would be pretty nice if you could DHC into an air hyper, especially the OTG capable ones


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
hard drive is the only air hyper making it the only hyper you can't DHC into but it would be pretty nice if you could DHC into an air hyper, especially the OTG capable ones
I mean like any hyper that can be performed in the air.

So you could do something like Sentinel combo>hard drive>air photon array>shinkou hadouken.

I don't see how that would be hard to implement.

Although it MAY make the game broken.


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
coding issues are probably why it didn't work out and it would not make the game any more broken than it currently is

i could see glitches happening if they tried to do such a thing though


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
i just watched the WNF archive

great stuff to upa and combo showin the power of hawkeye/spencer


fanatiq has been runnin dat team for 30 years so he got this
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