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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds


Smash Ace
Apr 6, 2008
Chicago, IL

Cause I totally don't follow the game at all to know what I'm talking about.

I love pissing people off.

@TL? Yes PS3. Vergil teleport is SO predictable though so you wanna have back up with an assist. If not then I get to 100% you with a UWT reset...
I play a bit of a nub vergil without any real assist that covers teleports. I just try to time it so I pop up while the opponent is in cooldown from using an attack. I do agree that the vergil teleport is super predictable, even in lag you can react to it. :urg:

On the topic of dieminion, he's fun to watch. I actually run a morrigan anchor as well, so i was pretty excited when i first saw someone making it far into the local tournies with her. :bee:

Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move

Cause I totally don't follow the game at all to know what I'm talking about.

I love pissing people off.

@TL? Yes PS3. Vergil teleport is SO predictable though so you wanna have back up with an assist. If not then I get to 100% you with a UWT reset...
Lmao why would i get pissed off at a scrub being scrubby?

It's like getting mad at a loser for losing, it doesnt stop anyone from winning.



Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2008
Captain Falcon
Hey Gunmaster, I don't take your posts seriously cause I've never seen you play. So shut up and stop posting your pointless posts. Nobody cares about your teams, nobody cares what you did online, nobody cares about how you send hatemail (lol), nobody cares who you hate.

So shut up.


Nov 19, 2009
VA baby whe' you at
He was just posting what was said.

Anyway, Heralds won on PS3 despite being almost 3000 down from the heroes, though it wasn't by much at all.

Also, the Herald costume the game gives you is random...I wish it was based off of characters you played.


SiNiStEr MiNiStEr
Apr 18, 2006
Are you on PS3? I run into mostly good connections on XBL. And for anyone who is campy, I just pop up behind them with vergil. :bee:


I like this game a lot better than vanilla. Although, If you tried vanilla and didn't like it, you probably won't like this one.
Eating Zeros Air H for free Eh? lol


SiNiStEr MiNiStEr
Apr 18, 2006
Oh I know better than to pop up into zero's insane hitboxes. He's a pretty tough matchup still, but somehow I don't see too many zero players.
K good. Its funny to see Vergil players try to teleport behind me when I'm using zero.
Its even worse when i have Gravametric pulse & i walk slightly in front of it then they teleport behind me. This is my reaction deep down inside :urg: (the setup was obvious)
http://www.twitch.tv/omegaevolution/b/303481205 My desperate comeback


Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2010
Montreal, Canada
Quick nub question, when someone is in a corner while crouching and blocking, how do I hit them? I think its an over-head or something I dunno, I know you can grab but whenever I use strider XF3 and The orb special, my friends just crouch in the corner and block....obviously theres a way to get passed it


Sep 8, 2007
Corona, CA
UMvC3 Signup Deadline

Alright, Christmas is over. Deadline for the LH UMvC3 signups is now decided to be the end of this year. So 12:00 AM PST on January 1st is when signups close. If you don't have the game by now, I highly doubt you'll get it any time soon then. If your name is already up there, you won't need to sign up (but I will send PMs to verify those who I'm not sure on if they own Ultimate since signups were early).

Rules and info are here: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=313571

If you don't see your name there, sign up in that thread, preferably in the format I have in the Participants collapse tag since I'm lazy.


Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2004
Dallas, Texas
Quick nub question, when someone is in a corner while crouching and blocking, how do I hit them? I think its an over-head or something I dunno, I know you can grab but whenever I use strider XF3 and The orb special, my friends just crouch in the corner and block....obviously theres a way to get passed it
Best way IMO is to press a button or two a good ways away, then teleport behind them with dp.M so the Orbs shot hits them just as you cross up...fall with a H, and then go nuts if it opened them up. If they start to catch on, start throwing in teleport L and H instead. If you manage to get close without them advancing guarding you away, you can also do instant overhead air H (which is done by pressing 'up, up, H' really fast).


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
I'm getting so many laughs from Nemesis with an airdash in H&H.

I have one card that gives you an airdash and more jumps.

Then another to give you armor in the air.

Then one to deal extra damage in the air.


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2008
Wilmington, NC
K sooooo I'm really new to these kind of games. I've played a little Street Fighter but thats it. How do I not suck so much in MvC3 is pretty much my question? Are assist extremely important? Fastest/Best way to get better? Are you suposed to design your team around 1 character?

I main Arthur. Anyone know anything about this guy?


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
don't worry about the fastest/best way to get better

take your sweet time to learn as much as possible about the game. knowledge of game mechanics and matchups are most important, and understanding each character and how to fight/use them.


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2008
Wilmington, NC
Probably solid advice since I really don't know anything about the game. Played online a few times yesterday and got utterly destroyed. I felt like the main reason I was getting owned is because I have to blatantly walk up to people to try to do my little L M H S combo while they are good with gap closers and finding openings in my game.

Completing all 10 of the trial things is probably a good start. I can never get past 8 when the X factor cancels come in.


Smash Champion
Jan 4, 2009
My ego...It's OVER 9000!
Probably solid advice since I really don't know anything about the game. Played online a few times yesterday and got utterly destroyed. I felt like the main reason I was getting owned is because I have to blatantly walk up to people to try to do my little L M H S combo while they are good with gap closers and finding openings in my game.

Completing all 10 of the trial things is probably a good start. I can never get past 8 when the X factor cancels come in.
You play on PS3?

I had some trouble coming into Marvel myself, but you start to catch on after a few hours in Training mode.

There's a lot of variety in putting teams together. Sure you can make teams revolve around one character, but what if that one character dies? Put the controller down and quit?

No, so my advice is to build a team that can compete no matter who dies first.

Shoutout to Brightside for his wisdom on Spiderman.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2006
Skokie, IL
Probably solid advice since I really don't know anything about the game. Played online a few times yesterday and got utterly destroyed. I felt like the main reason I was getting owned is because I have to blatantly walk up to people to try to do my little L M H S combo while they are good with gap closers and finding openings in my game.

Completing all 10 of the trial things is probably a good start. I can never get past 8 when the X factor cancels come in.
If you are new to the vs series in general the game mechanics are extremely simple. Just spend some time in training mode and the magic series and combo mechanics pretty much explain themselves.

For now keep your offense simple. Call a proj assist to cover your point character and go for lows or maybe a cross up jump if you can make it ambiguous. Marvel basics are pretty much the same as SF basics focus on your spacing and know ranges. When you are still new the most important thing to learn is defense not offense. Learn how to block against specific chars and learn how to pushblock and counter-poke in block strings. Knowing when to block is an invaluable tool most new players tend to glaze over. Offense, combo's, and more advance setups will come naturally as you play and spend more time in training mode.

Damn lol. Yo man are you going to FR or CEO? We need to do best out of 5 for $20.

naw im not going to either. Don't have the money to partake in such expensive ventures.


Smash Ace
Apr 6, 2008
Chicago, IL
Thinking about picking back up Arthur and learning MODOK. Arthur's new jumping s is so godly

Nice I use Arthur too! Got any good arthur tech? I've been experimenting with super jumping into jump S and immediately canceling j. S into his projectile specials. Doing this with knives kinda reminds me of a short hop laser lol. He can launch 3 times in the corner too, it's funny. I'm also one of those crazy people who runs arthur on point instead of anchor.

I can give you some arthur advice. For now, we'll just talk about teams for him. If you post the rest of your team or people you are thinking about using, that could be helpful. His best assist is probably his daggers, if you run arthur last, this assist is pretty helpful to most rushdown characters. If you're running him on point, you'll need some good assists to back him up. I like to use Strider's Vajra and Sentinel Drones. Hidden missles are pretty mean too, along with any type of "Get off me" armored assists (haggar lariat, hulk anti air, iron fist dragon fang).


Sep 8, 2007
Corona, CA
Another reminder for the UMvC3 tourney

Here's another reminder for the Ultimate tourney in the Light House. http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=313571
Deadline is the start of New Years PST. I'll do another reminder tomorrow and the day after for good measure.

Also, I kinda want to make an Arthur team for fun. No clue how to build a team with him though. I'm a bit disappointed he does best as anchor due to his level 3 XF gimmick. I just don't like that kind of thing in general which is why I never used Phoenix and even Strider (as anchor) much.


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2010
New Orleans
Nice I use Arthur too! Got any good arthur tech? I've been experimenting with super jumping into jump S and immediately canceling j. S into his projectile specials. Doing this with knives kinda reminds me of a short hop laser lol. He can launch 3 times in the corner too, it's funny. I'm also one of those crazy people who runs arthur on point instead of anchor.
This is all I know about Arthur. Golden armor is only good for x-factor level 3, and using him as an assist in preparation for x-factor level 3 arthur. Otherwise it is just not worth the bars and the HARD KNOCKDOWN state you will eventually be put into. That being said Arthurs jumping S is amazing. Because of how quickly he can do a jump and quickly do is j.S he can do some very scary instant overheads for opening people up. if you can get into the habit of doing quick hops into J.S. you can almost do something like a pseudo tri-jump in the way that you can get mixups. The instant overhead scares them into blocking high, however the shenanigans come into play when he is on the ground because he can still attack low. Either way you can get a full combo off of a hit. The j.S is also pretty safe on block so it is hard to punish. Naturally your opponent is going to try to pushblock you away, but that does not mean much when you have the long range tools Arthur has.

My gameplan is pretty much play a normal game with my other 2 characters and much sure I at least have 1 bar for Arthur. Once he comes in I do my level 3 x-factor nonsense, although powered up or not his dagger assist works well with Chris and the other characters i use for the first 2 slots.

Towards the end of vanilla people used to just counter with their own x-factor and turtle out my Arthur, but this is no longer the case with his new j.S. Combine that with x-factor speed boosts and arthur can become pretty damn scary. If they choose to turtle me I can superjump and do j.S for a crossup or a high low mixup when I land. If they choose to attack then I will almost certainly catch them with his lance infinite/block stun infinite.

My main goal is to do as much damage as possible with the other two characters to make Arthurs job easier when it comes to him. I am still working on how to handle aircampers since they negate his high/low mixup game. So far I just chase them down with homing arrows and try to force a mistake.
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