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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds


Nov 19, 2009
VA baby whe' you at
Didn't She-Hulk lose the ability to chain cr.L?

Also, the only nerfs I'd like:

Increase minimum damage scaling on Maximum Vergil, **** does hella damage off of like 2 hits. It's not like that lowers his combo potential or anything.

Remove the entire wesker's glasses thing. Just. No.


The Young Lion
Oct 1, 2007
Newport News, Virginia.
I tried it. Got 7 statue's in a row. -_-. It's random. They really didn't adjust it at all. Plus, I get the Folder more which is Absolute garbage in terms of projectile uses. Knife, Cell Phone, and the Picture are the best. Atleast have the Knife or Cell Phone.

Wesker's Launcher is -1 on block, shades off it's 0 on block. X factor level 1 with shades on it's +1, with them off it's +3. lol

Doom's Launcher is also -1 on block.

So is Akuma's...


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
Whoever said Wesker has the best OTG is incorrect.

That goes to Sentinel, it hits from a mile away and does more damage.


Smash Champion
Oct 22, 2008
British Columbia, Canada
Whoever said Wesker has the best OTG is incorrect.

That goes to Sentinel, it hits from a mile away and does more damage.
It's arguable - Sentinel's OTG pops the opponent up to an awkward height and is slightly slower. Also, of course, it doesn't hit low.

Who here plays on XBL? I'd like some casuals with the folks of SWF.


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
It's arguable - Sentinel's OTG pops the opponent up to an awkward height and is slightly slower. Also, of course, it doesn't hit low.

Who here plays on XBL? I'd like some casuals with the folks of SWF.
If you just time your move properly you can catch them before they go too high.

I did forget that it doesn't hit low though :p

Also I play on xbox!

My GT is Tornado Aido.

I will defo be on tonight.....a lot.

It's holiday time!


Smash Ace
Apr 6, 2008
Chicago, IL
Whoever said Wesker has the best OTG is incorrect.

That goes to Sentinel, it hits from a mile away and does more damage.
That hitstun nerf hurts rocket punch. If your combo is fancy enough, people can flip out before plasma storm hits. :urg:

Anyways, if anyone wants to play me over XBL, you can add Pat7286. I'm from IL if connection distance matters to anyone. My main teams: x23/vergil/morrigan, arthur/morrigan/sentinel. :bee:


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
I was talking about Rocket punch assist TL?

I use it with Nemesis for massive damage relaunch combos.

Everyone from 900k downwards dies in 1 combo using 2 meters, or if I reset I don't need any meter :troll:


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
I run Nemesis/Sentinel/Doom.

Yeah it's annoying that after Nemesis has gone in there, DHC's don't do any damage really.

I wish there was a way to DHC into hard drive.

But in other news, those Akuma combos are the business!

That last one was just sickening.


Smash Champion
Oct 22, 2008
British Columbia, Canada
If you just time your move properly you can catch them before they go too high.

I did forget that it doesn't hit low though :p

Also I play on xbox!

My GT is Tornado Aido.

I will defo be on tonight.....a lot.

It's holiday time!
Anyone on Xbox can shoot me an add as well, I'm Ugg VI. I play semi-frequently.


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
i still want a reason to why deadpool's standing light can hit opponents above his head

and still, being able to to hit 8 of them and still get a full combo off is dumb, make it so that after three the combo scales more

i hate deadpool...


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2010
New Orleans
Playing at my first tournament right now. Also my first time playing real people offline. I won my first two rounds although it was tough. I will post details when I get home



Smash Champion
Oct 22, 2008
British Columbia, Canada
Playing at my first tournament right now. Also my first time playing real people offline. I won my first two rounds although it was tough. I will post details when I get home

My first MvC3 tourney was Canada Cup, haha. That was a blast, hope you enjoy it. Make sure you get friendlies!


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2010
New Orleans
Worst tournament experience ever because the TO ****ed me over. I will give details when I get home


Edit: So basically since this was my first time playing ultimate with people in person besides my roommates who cannot really play, I was excited but nervous. I used my Skrull/Hawkeye/Arthur team to throw people off, and switched arthur with dorm when they figured out Arthur.

I won my first two rounds against a Nemesis/Doom/Wesker who hates marvel, but plays it to beat scrubs and make them feel bad (I hate people like that) and a former She-Hulk player who taught me most of the stuff I know with her. He played Zero/Nemesis/Strider.

I lost my 3rd round and loser bracket round to a Captain America/Viper/Hawkeye who was AMAZING. I lost my 4th round in losers to the guy who got 2nd.

The reason the tournament was BS is because the only controller I can use is a Ps3 pad controller. I made this clear to the TO and he was acting as if I was holding back the entire tournament. I could not help but notice that when other people played their matches he did not make a deal about which setup aka SYSTEM they used, but for EVERY ROUND I PLAYED he kept trying to put me on a ****ing xbox. To be fair to my opponents since 360 was the tournament standard, I read the brackets ahead of time and talked to everybody who I would have played before our match to make sure it was cool with them to play on ps3. The 1st did not care and we played. The 2nd was also a ps3 user and did not care. The 3rd played on xbox, but borrowed a friends fight stick to play me. What pissed me off most was that at one point out of the 5 setups, 4 of which were xbox, only the ps3 one was open. Noticing that the ps3 one was open I asked the TO if he I could play my 3rd round match on it while it was free to get it out of the way while the TV was free. IN HIS INFINITE WISDOM HE SAID NO WITHOUT GIVING ME A ****ING REASON. By the time our match for the 3rd round came the ps3 was in use for friendlies, so the guy I was playing asked the dudes to stop. They stopped and allowed us to do our tournament match. The TO however noticed and actually called me out saying "THE REASON YOU HAD TO STOP YOUR FRIENDLIES MATCH IS BECAUSE SAVON ONLY KNOWS HOW TO USE A PS3 CONTROLLER!"

When my round 4 game came around he said I had to play on xbox since it was the only system open. With no xbox controllers nearby I was forced to using a ****ing stick. Keep in mind I have never touched a stick in my life, and I was against the guy who got 2nd at the tournament. I did not even know how to pause the game. I just picked random both games and let me kill me. He even offered to just wait until the ps3 opened up to be free, but considering how much a ***** the TO was being I realized there was no point in bothering. Anyways he knocked me out. The people who beat me would have beaten me regardless, but that is not the point. I swear I just wanted to punch him in the ****ing face.

Anyways had a blast playing marvel. I love my team. I love this game. I am mad salty though. Never been this salty in my life.


Smash Champion
Nov 30, 2007
London, Ontario, Canada
^You need to get a converter, that's your responsibility anyway as a pad player, but he really should have tried harder to get you on a PS3. edit: ninjad, this line is @Savon

Some stuff in this thread is pretty entertaining. :)

I just want to point out some things for those of you posting suggested change lists though:
-Individual moves do not have their own damage scaling (except for those that completely ignore it whether by design or not). Damage scaling is in categories (Normal, Special, Super) and Zero's minimums are way way too high.

-On the same note individual moves don't have their own HSD. The amount of hitstun that decays from a move is based on its base hitstun. HSD is also on an invisible timer (it is not determined by # hits as is popular opinion; only damage scaling is determined by # of hits) and the timer moves faster when the target is airborne. There are also certain things that fast-forward the timer a bit such as launchers. I'm not sure how long it takes to reach the maximum HSD and its almost impossible to test since it's really hard to reach the maximum without using a launcher.

-The exact way HSD is calculated is very hard to figure out, but after enough time making combos and combo videos I have a very good feel for it and am 100% certain of the invisible timer (doing the exact same combo but leaving a delay early in the combo will cause a drop later in the combo that won't happen if you do the same combo without the delay).

-HSD is not character-specific (but since base hitstun is character-specific, it sort of is)

-The only way to fix Zero's damage output is to remove the knockdown on either Raikousen or Buster (or completely neuter his special damage scaling, but even then he can still loop you until he runs out of meter). That's not the main issue that needs to be fixed with him though. The main issue is that he has mobility that ignores most of the cast's ability to zone him out (except a few like Hawkeye or Tasky) while also having normals that outpace and outprioritize everyone once he does get in. Some characters simply can't fight him at all and if he did less damage they would just spend more time failing to fight him.

-Health is not really a legitimate weakness if you have the tools to body anyone and prevent them from hitting you anyway (think Meta Knight) and Wesker doesn't need less health.

-Personally I think every launcher in the game should be at least -4 on block. That would immediately cut the derp factor in this game in half.

-I still despise the TAC system and wish it would be removed entirely, but until then I'll keep abusing my 4-meter building Zero/Doom combo on my Phoenix team.

Random Zero/Wesker stuff:
-Zero's only true bad matchup is Hawkeye. Trish used to be bad but is even now. Firebrand, Viper, Dante, Taskmaster, Magneto, and maybe Deadpool are even, everyone else is pretty free.

-Wesker is really good but there's no doubt in my mind that he is not #1 and I doubt he will be top 5 when the dust settles. He's top 10 at worst though.

-Wesker doesn't help Zero very much except for being a solid character on his own. His assists add nothing that other assists can't do much better for Zero and his DHC is *** (with the exception that it brings in Wesker powered up). The best partners for Zero in no particular order are Doom, Dante, Sentinel, Magneto, Vergil, Ammy, and Akuma. Iron Man and Strange get honorable mentions for their assists and DHC's but can't be included in that list because they are just such bad characters (and I really hate to say that about Strange). Viper, Firebrand, and Strider also open up some ridiculous **** with Zero but come with the weakness that you're essentially playing 2 low-health point characters.

-I'm working on bringing the Zero/Dante DHC back. I'm getting close to vanilla numbers but not quite there yet, I expect to have a video up on the 28th.

-This "high-execution theory fighter ****" for Zero is not even that hard. Seriously my execution is terrible and I do this stuff in matches regularly (sometimes online even). The crew I used to play SF with would crack jokes (rightfully) about my execution and how I could get things like jump forward when I meant to do QCB or how my TK motions looked like 2 interwoven pretzels. My execution isn't quite that bad anymore but it's an acquired skill, it's absolutely not a talent and anyone can learn it (barring some kind of nervous disability).

-There aren't a whole lot of Zeros out there (same with Viper) but most of the ones who are there are doing very well (same as Viper). There's several boatloads of Weskers out there, not all of them are doing so well, but of course with that many good players there's going to be the ones who shine (also consider that most Weskers placing well now also played him in vanilla and he didn't really change much).


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2008
Captain Falcon
I agree with everything this man said.^^

Don't bother telling people Zero and Viper aren't hard, the only people that say that started with Marvel 3 and that is hard to them.


Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2005
Northwest NJ
I'm a 360 Pad player and I always bring my 360 styled PS3 controller (with Control Stick and D-pad swaped like 360) whenever I go to tournaments, just incase PS3 is the regular.


Smash Champion
Nov 30, 2007
London, Ontario, Canada
@Avarice: Who do you think is number 1 now, then?
I'm honestly not sure mainly because I've started thinking of character ranks as specific to each slot in a team. Zero is one of the best point characters but he's only good as a point. Phoenix is the best anchor but is only good as an anchor. What makes Wesker and Doom so great is that they are top tier no matter what slot you put them on a team, but they aren't #1 in any slot individually.

My top 5's in no particular order:
Point: Zero, Viper, Dante, Dorm, Hawkeye
2nd: Wesker, Doom, Dante, Dorm, Hawkeye
Anchor: Phoenix, Strider, Wesker, Dorm, Doom

So if you want to average that out then Dorm is #1, and although I could see that happening I'm not ready to say that quite yet. Some characters are also very very close to being listed in those top 5's like Magneto (any slot), Logan (point), Vergil (2nd), and depending how much worth you assign to assists then also Sentinel in the 2nd slot (he is a horrible anchor, but you can play him in the 3rd slot as long as you plan to run XF2+assist).


Smash Ace
Apr 6, 2008
Chicago, IL
I would put vergil in the top 5 seconds. He can make nearly anyone a one touch kill character if you just DHC to his spiral swords. Rapid slash can extend combos too.
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