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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds


Smash Master
Nov 5, 2007
Haha thanks for the critique, Serris. I don't really care for any other team than my main one for the moment. I'll be happy to give input on future posts about teams if anyone wants to talk.

Yo Brightside, where you at? I wanna see that Ultimate MvC Spidey in action!


Sep 8, 2007
Corona, CA
I haven't experimented with Ultimate much, but I'm having a hard time figuring out what team/characters to stick with.

Grey Belnades

The Imperial Aztec
Jan 20, 2009
Brawley, CA
Team Viewlish Resets:

Viewtiful Joe (Shocking Pink)
She-Hulk (Clothesline)
Vergil (Rapid Slash)

Condition: Joe must be on point.

Please note, I picked these characters because I really liked them and I'm committed to keeping them in a team. I choose Joe on point since he's someone you wouldn't expect him to be first. In my opinion, Joe/Shulk has good synergy such as an exampe, with Shulk acting as an OTG for Joe, his BnB can end with a Slow on an opponent. Another is extending Shulk's combo with Joe's Shocking Pink. I basically choose Shulk for her resets. I went with Vergil as anchor since I build up alot of meter and I don't even use it.

Deleted member

Since I'm a noob, here's the only team I've beaten Arcade Mode with, and my only main team:

Deadpool (Katana-Rama!)
Amatersasu (Cold Fire)
Rocket Raccoon (Spitfire Twice)

Nothing much to say, just three characters that I just so happen to be decent with.


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2009
Three Rivers, MI
I'm a total scrub, and I haven't really used it yet, but...

Morrigan (γ - Dark Harmonizer)
She-Hulk (a - Torpedo)
Nemesis (β - Launcher Slam)

Only condition is to keep Morrigan, preferably on point, since that's who the team's about. I wanted a team that would be good at backing up Morrigan. I figured of all the low-hitting assists, Shulk's was the best for what I needed. Nemesis is just there because his assist covers a **** load of the screen to help keep me protected, and provides a ground bounce to extend combos as well.


Nov 11, 2007
Plymouth, Massachusetts
Team Viewlish Resets:

Viewtiful Joe (Shocking Pink)
She-Hulk (Clothesline)
Vergil (Rapid Slash)

Condition: Joe must be on point.

Please note, I picked these characters because I really liked them and I'm committed to keeping them in a team. I choose Joe on point since he's someone you wouldn't expect him to be first. In my opinion, Joe/Shulk has good synergy such as an exampe, with Shulk acting as an OTG for Joe, his BnB can end with a Slow on an opponent. Another is extending Shulk's combo with Joe's Shocking Pink. I basically choose Shulk for her resets. I went with Vergil as anchor since I build up alot of meter and I don't even use it.
This team works, for the most part. I'm not sure how reliable Joe's DHCs into She-Hulk are. Joe also lacks an anti-air. Maybe switch Vergil's assist accordingly. Other than that, there's not much you can do to make it better.

Overall: 7/10 - Good. The basics of the team are there. There's one noticeable drawback, but it should still be capable of winning despite them.

Since I'm a noob, here's the only team I've beaten Arcade Mode with, and my only main team:

Deadpool (Katana-Rama!)
Amatersasu (Cold Fire)
Rocket Raccoon (Spitfire Twice)

Nothing much to say, just three characters that I just so happen to be decent with.
You've actually picked a good mix of characters. DHCing with this team is fairly easy. Katana-Rama is a great OTG assist and could open up some new combos for Ammy, now that her hit stun decay has been increased. Rocket Raccoon's Pendulum assist is much more useful to this team than Spitfire. It's a fast, reliable anti-air, which is something both Deadpool and Amaterasu lack. It could also help cover Amaterasu's approaches, now that she can't block during air dashes anymore.

Overall: 9/10 - Excellent. Aside from one or two minor setbacks, this is a well put-together team, and I don't see it preventing them from being effective.

I'm a total scrub, and I haven't really used it yet, but...

Morrigan (γ - Dark Harmonizer)
She-Hulk (a - Torpedo)
Nemesis (β - Launcher Slam)

Only condition is to keep Morrigan, preferably on point, since that's who the team's about. I wanted a team that would be good at backing up Morrigan. I figured of all the low-hitting assists, Shulk's was the best for what I needed. Nemesis is just there because his assist covers a **** load of the screen to help keep me protected, and provides a ground bounce to extend combos as well.
Nemesis has the anti-air covered fairly well. Morrigan doesn't have her own OTG. She-Hulk's Clothesline assist might work better. I'm concerned about the ease of DHCs with this team. I'm sure Morrigan into Nemesis is a non-issue, but She-Hulk presents a bit of a problem.

Overall: 7/10 - Good. The basics of the team are there. There's one noticeable drawback, but it should still be capable of winning despite them.


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA

More infinites and bugs than Vanilla.
lv 3 x-factor?

pretty sure any lv 3 x factor character can kill in one combo anyway.

the firebrand lvl 1 xfactor infinite is pretty bonkers though haha

Serris RMT haha:


my team was buffed from vanilla. this team has pretty good teamwork, but the early-game strat is not as strong as my old x-23/tron/doom (aka team quasidomo.) however all 3 of these characters got buffed in the combo department, and they all have new options for moves in general.

for early game, if going for the throw tech is too risky (like vs magneto who has too many options, or vs anyone w/ haggar assist), i'll just try to hang back until i can get a random punish with low L, or catch an assist with a fully charged neck slice. neck slice gets a lot of happy birthdays so that's why i love x-23 on point. instead of trying to rush and abuse tron, i now like to hang back and use missiles assist, or use it during blockstrongs just so i can get 2 meters faster. i still have to learn a bnb that will use missiles to otg, because that'll probably ensure that i gain 2 meters during a combo in the beginning.

my focus on 2-meters is so that i can dhc into hsien ko and guarantee some armor. after that i can either tag back to x-23 if i want to continue my offense. x-23 + armor hsien ko pendulum + doom missiles freaking amazing, and reminds me of how i used to play strider doom in mvc2. just stuff flying everywhere with my character constantly attacking. the only concern that i have is powerful full screen beams from dorm and akuma, but other than that i don't really have trouble getting in on other characters very quickly.

if x-23's life is too low, i go to doom and use this freakin cheap keepaway tactic of using hidden missiles on point, and then if someone decides to approach me i'll just call hsien-ko during the attack to blow them up. while hsien ko is hitting them, or making them block or whatever, i'll do plasma beam, or two plasma beams, or plasma beam XX finger lasers. i could also use doom + hsien ko for offense, but my offense with doom is not that good yet so i'll work on it.

as for anchor strategies... generally i like to keep my team synergy as long as possible, but all 3 of my characters are mediocre to good anchors. x-23 is alright, and she has her neck slice infinite off of one hit. really fast anchor in general but she gets zoned out really hard by herself. lvl 3 hsien ko with the armor always surprises people, but if she doesn't have meter for the armor then she gets zoned out or ran away from really badly too. her pendulum gets an insane speed and range buff with lvl 3, but without the armor it's way too unsafe. doom would probably be the best anchor, but even then his mobility is not top tier enough to open people up by himself. that's why i love the team synergy.

basically i like being in someone's face, but i like being safe and chipping at the same time. that's the reason i used team clockwork in mvc2, and i thought x-23 + assists would probably be my best bet to stay in someone's face, since i really do believe she is by far the fastest character. with the wolvie nerf, i find she is way more viable now and just has certain matchup problems which can be alleviated by switching my strategy to doom on point, who is pretty good with hsien ko assist as well.

i personally would give my own team a 7-8/10 but i'd like to hear what you think!


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2008
Captain Falcon
I'm gonna go ahead and critique Serris since nobody else is helpin em out.

Condition: Phoenix must always be on point.

Team 1:
Phoenix (α - TK Shot)
Chun-Li (β - Tenshokyaku)
X-23 (β - Ankle Slice)

Phoenix is on point because **** the police. Her TK Shot assist gives Chun-Li a better chance at getting in, and Chun-Li is pretty much unparalleled at meter building. Her infinites haven't been removed, so once she gets on you, she's not coming off. Tenshokyaku comes out pretty fast and is pretty good for pushing the opponent back. It also gives me a more stable anti-air option.
Well, Phoenix on point is *** but I respect it. I don't see how Phoenix benefits from the assists. Legs just locks down, but Phoenix doesn't need to lock down, she just needs to mix-up for days. Legs is her better assist so okay then.. and and ankle slice.. well unblockables and slightly longer combos are cool. I don't the X-23 is the best anchor. If I was you I would switch X-23 and Chun so that you can get lvl3 XF ******** Chun cause she's still REALLLLLLY fast. Also the DHCs in this team aren't safe at all.

Overall: 6/10 - Aight. but Idk it's missing some ****. But if you make it work you make it work. Maybe you're a low tier warrior.

Team 2:
Phoenix (α - TK Shot)
Crimson Viper (β - Seismic Hammer)
X-23 (γ - Crescent Scythe)

This is the "don't give a ****" team, and by that, I mean "don't give a **** about using meter." Viper's double jump does allow her to build back whatever she uses in fairly short order, so it's not too much of a handicap. Dark Phoenix is still relatively easy to achieve. X-23's Crescent Scythe is there for push-back and an anti-air that doesn't vanish when I get hit.
Okay so as a Viper player, this is just weird. Viper NEEDS a projectile assist and a lockdown assist to be broken. She has no AA and she has problems with catching people without an AA assist. Crescent Scythe ain't good enough. Phoenix will most likely be dead so no TK shot. And he worst position is 2nd. lvl3 XF Viper is really good if she has dat meter. On point is where she shines though. Oh and again the DHCs are really bad.

Overall: 4/10 - Kinda wack. I really think this team just has really bad synergy. Viper doesn't have any of he benefits. Phoenix is on point and X-23 just ain't like that as an anchor imo.

Team 3:
Phoenix (α - TK Shot)
X-23 (γ - Crescent Scythe)
Sentinel (γ - Rocket Punch)

This is my D3athWish-inspired team. Rush the opponent with Phoenix, X-Factor and tag in Sentinel, then go to town on the helpless victim. Rocket Punch gives Phoenix a better OTG combo extension option, while Crescent Scythe is a better anti-air than Sentinel's assists. This team hardly sees any use because Dark Phoenix shenanigans are more reliable with X-Factor intact.
Okay. I like this team. Phoenix can benefit more from drones I'm pretty sure, but you can prolly prove me wrong. I just don't think Phoenix needs combo extensions. X-23 is pretty damn good with drones and being on 2nd is gdlk. Anchor Sent is still kinda annoying too. Oh yeah. and DP is in use so this team becomes 10 times better haha.

Overall: 8/10 - WOOP swag. I like this team. I think it works.

MY TAKE on a Phoenix point team:

Phoenix (TK)
Storm (Whirlwind)
Doom (Hidden Missiles)

With this team you have really good supporting assist, safe DHCs, and two gdlk characters to back up if Phoenix dies. The entire team can rushdown and runaway too. I think it's a pretty good team..


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
Ok so I have the game but I haven't had a chance to play it yet.

I'm definitely going to be running this team though, or at least trying to.

Doom (Plasma Beam)
Sentinel (Air raid)
Nemesis (Don't know yet, haven't experimented)

I'm not sure yet but I think I can DHC to either of Nemesis' hypers from plasma storm.

Doom is pretty much fine on his own, he can hassle most of the cast easily and he has even better offense and defensive capabilities than before.

He can build crap loads of meter and does quite a lot of damage even without hypers.

Sentinel is there because.

Nemesis is anchor because when it comes to one on 1 fights, there are few popular anchor characters I imagine that can handle his "I don't even care" hyper.

Am I correct in saying that only grab hypers and level 3's can knock him out of it?


Nov 11, 2007
Plymouth, Massachusetts
Oh yeah. and DP is in use so this team becomes 10 times better haha.
I just noticed this and wanted to point out that I go for Dark Phoenix on every one of my teams. Jean is my point character, but also my primary anchor. If she dies, X-23 is the back-up. Silent Kill with level 3 X-Factor is godlike.

ankle slice
senpu bu
hidden missiles
Every member of this team is utilizing an assist that compliments everything else. X-23's Ankle Slice helps Hsien-Ko's combos, Hidden Missiles and Senpu Bu are great for keeping the pressure on and insuring yourself against taking damage.

Overall: 10/10 - This is about as efficient as you can get with these characters.

Grey Belnades

The Imperial Aztec
Jan 20, 2009
Brawley, CA
I dislike it when people can't take losses. I was playing my friend's Viper/Hawkeye/Dorm team with my Cap/Shulk/Vergil team and I ended up winning with a 13 win streak. He then switch his team which was just plain keepaway and stayed quiet and salty the rest of the set. Shulk resets are still too good. :glare:

This team works, for the most part. I'm not sure how reliable Joe's DHCs into She-Hulk are. Joe also lacks an anti-air. Maybe switch Vergil's assist accordingly. Other than that, there's not much you can do to make it better.

Overall: 7/10 - Good. The basics of the team are there. There's one noticeable drawback, but it should still be capable of winning despite them.
Thanks for the critique. I haven't tested it Joe DHCing yet but I don't think it'll work. I was thinking of switching Vergil's assist to Rising Sun.

What's the drawback? Lack of anti air? Once again, thanks.

Deleted member

You've actually picked a good mix of characters. DHCing with this team is fairly easy. Katana-Rama is a great OTG assist and could open up some new combos for Ammy, now that her hit stun decay has been increased. Rocket Raccoon's Pendulum assist is much more useful to this team than Spitfire. It's a fast, reliable anti-air, which is something both Deadpool and Amaterasu lack. It could also help cover Amaterasu's approaches, now that she can't block during air dashes anymore.

Overall: 9/10 - Excellent. Aside from one or two minor setbacks, this is a well put-together team, and I don't see it preventing them from being effective.
That's six better than what I expected.



Smash Ace
Apr 6, 2008
Chicago, IL
You guys can RMT:

Arthur (Daggers)
FireBrand (his DP M. I forget what it's called)
Rocket Raccoon (pendulum, LOG TRAP!)

firebrand lets arthur get a full combo off his airthrow, and RR lets arthur relaunch from midscreen. LOG TRAP also slams people into walls and keeps people off arthur.


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2009
Three Rivers, MI
Nemesis has the anti-air covered fairly well. Morrigan doesn't have her own OTG. She-Hulk's Clothesline assist might work better. I'm concerned about the ease of DHCs with this team. I'm sure Morrigan into Nemesis is a non-issue, but She-Hulk presents a bit of a problem.

Overall: 7/10 - Good. The basics of the team are there. There's one noticeable drawback, but it should still be capable of winning despite them.
Yeah the DHCs on that team were terrible. DHC from Morrigan to She-Hulk was nigh impossible, and DHC from Morrigan to Nemesis was pretty unpredictable unless I had gotten them into the corner. I'll try to look for another couple of assists to run with Morrigan and get back to here.

I have this weird feeling like Super Skrull is going to end up as my anchor, even though I'm pretty sure he's sub-optimal for the team. But those DHCs of his are so versatile and I love playing as him and omg. :C Actually Stone Smite might be helpful as an OTG/Wall-bounce for Morrigan, so long as I can come up with some good flight combos without entering super jump state (shouldn't be too hard with her). I'll have to look into that.


Smash Lord
Feb 27, 2008
Phoenix, Arizona
Team 1
Felicia (Rolling Buckler)
Taskmaster (H. Arrows)
Tron (Gustaff Fire)

Condition: None really, but I want to be able to play this team because I like all three of them.

This team is essentially the team I played in vanilla. I picked them all because they worked well for me in vanilla and because I like them all as characters. Tron's assist though lacking invincibility, helps me extend some of my combos with Felicia and Taskmaster.

Team 2
Felicia (Rolling Buckler)
Rocket Raccoon (Pendulum)
Taskmaster (H. Arrows)

Condition: I want to keep Rocket Raccoon on this team.

This is the new team I've been trying out lately. Not sure how good it is. I also don't know which position RR should be in on this team.

Team 3
Iron Fist (Rising Fang)
Rocket Raccoon (Pendulum)
Taskmaster (H. Arrows)

Condition: I want Iron Fist on this team.

An experimental team I've been trying out. I want to use Iron Fist merely for fun, but I'm not sure if RR and Taskmaster have the right assists to help him get in.

Any sort of critique would be greatly appreciated.


The Young Lion
Oct 1, 2007
Newport News, Virginia.
Lulz a Random P.W Combo from the Guide.

Court(Trail) Stance or whatever it's called lol.

Cr. L, L, H, H, jump forward, Down H, Delayed S, Land, M, H, -> H, S, j.m, j.m, j.h, j.h j d.h (stun), S, j.m, j.h, j.h, s, Order in the court. LOL


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2008
Captain Falcon
Team 1
Felicia (Rolling Buckler)
Taskmaster (H. Arrows)
Tron (Gustaff Fire)

Condition: None really, but I want to be able to play this team because I like all three of them.

This team is essentially the team I played in vanilla. I picked them all because they worked well for me in vanilla and because I like them all as characters. Tron's assist though lacking invincibility, helps me extend some of my combos with Felicia and Taskmaster.
This team seems amazing in vanilla, but in this game.. idk. Tron need to be on point or 2nd in Ultimate. Anchored Tron is just *** in this game.

Overall: 6/10 - Aight. I think you should just make a secondary team just for Tron.

Team 2
Felicia (Rolling Buckler)
Rocket Raccoon (Pendulum)
Taskmaster (H. Arrows)

Condition: I want to keep Rocket Raccoon on this team.

This is the new team I've been trying out lately. Not sure how good it is. I also don't know which position RR should be in on this team.
Anchor rocky and you're golden bro.

Overall: 9/10 - GDLK I think this teams amazing. Felicia has really good synergy with these two. Good, safe DHCs, good supporting assists for Felicia, and is a good team in general.

Team 3
Iron Fist (Rising Fang)
Rocket Raccoon (Pendulum)
Taskmaster (H. Arrows)

Condition: I want Iron Fist on this team.

An experimental team I've been trying out. I want to use Iron Fist merely for fun, but I'm not sure if RR and Taskmaster have the right assists to help him get in.
Hrmm, and IF team.. idk if arrows are good enough to help you get in, but it might be. I think you should take out RR. Swap him for Dooms hidden missiles for lock down purposes. You have to keep people on the ground with IF cause you CAN'T catch them in the air.

Overall: 7/10 - Not bad. I would just tweak it a bit.


SiNiStEr MiNiStEr
Apr 18, 2006
i would help critique but i had to deal with
Wesker hagger Phoenix

so i dont know whats good or bad outside of my team & what ever i see on streams =/


Sep 8, 2007
Corona, CA
Twist (or anyone), help me make a team for Doom (Hidden Missiles)/Hsien-Ko (Senpu-Bu). I need to find someone as anchor.
I messed around with Strider and Firebrand as third for awhile.

I feel that Firebrand isn't suited for anchor, but that's just me. Then again, maybe XF3 and his Level 3 could make him a good anchor. Strider works well with Doom and as anchor. Him and Hsien-Ko aren't amazing when paired though. It's more like Hsien-Ko's on her own and hopefully builds enough meter when she dies. If Strider's on point, all he benefits is a get off me assist.

Sent could work, but him as anchor is kinda tough on good players.



Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2008
Captain Falcon
Um, Strider should work. Lei-lei and Strider aren't THAT good together but the Vajra assist should def help her catch opponents since it's a really good AA. Vergil wouldn't be too bad I don't think. His assists aren't really amazing though. Firebrand def isn't a good anchor. He doesn't benefit enough and his combos become mad hard. You ever think about putting Doom on anchor and Vergil on point?


Sep 8, 2007
Corona, CA
Um, Strider should work. Lei-lei and Strider aren't THAT good together but the Vajra assist should def help her catch opponents since it's a really good AA. Vergil wouldn't be too bad I don't think. His assists aren't really amazing though. Firebrand def isn't a good anchor. He doesn't benefit enough and his combos become mad hard. You ever think about putting Doom on anchor and Vergil on point?
Hm, Vajra would help Hsien-Ko by putting the opponent closer to ground level. If it hits though, she can't capitalize on it damage-wise. Vergil might be a good pick. I've been putting Doom on point since I kinda like the good meter gain, but him as anchor could work better depending on who's first.

I know my team is pretty flawed because of Hsien-Ko. And there's the fact that she benefits from Hidden Missiles more (lock down, combo extensions, and possibly unblockables) while characters like Strider/Zero/Vergil would benefit more from Plasma Beam.

I might try out Firebrand on point though since his fully charged swoop move is unblockable which works with Senpu-Bu and Hidden Missiles.

Or maybe I should just drop Hsien-Ko if things get too hard. :ohwell:


Nov 11, 2007
Plymouth, Massachusetts
On an entirely unrelated note, Boston is finally getting a league together, with fight nights and tournaments. Definitely going to look into that.


Jan 26, 2010
Peyton, Colorado
Graah I gotta stop visiting this thread. I've commited to buy KOf instead of this...

Anywho firebrands unblocka-swoop seems naasty! Theres a really gnarly set up you can do with ammys cold star assist. Bums me out kinda. When I was gonna get this game I was gonna use firebrand, and then later I find out he goes AWESOMELY with Ammy and Sent. ;~; Oh well. I'll get it by christmas probably. this games metagame moves so quick though i'll probably be left in the dust.


Smash Lord
Feb 27, 2008
Phoenix, Arizona
This team seems amazing in vanilla, but in this game.. idk. Tron need to be on point or 2nd in Ultimate. Anchored Tron is just *** in this game.

Overall: 6/10 - Aight. I think you should just make a secondary team just for Tron.
Yeah, I figured. I'd been playing this team online a couple days and every time it came down to Tron she was murdered. Poor Tron, but oh well I'll just make a team specifically for her.

Thanks for the critique.
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