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Super Smash Bros. Infinite Project (Finally Finished!???)

Which title should we use?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Also, it seems we have two similar nominations for Dark Samus down Smash so I will be attributing this to two people, Otoad64 Otoad64 and cashregister9 cashregister9 .

This seems like a popular concept so if we don’t get that many different submissions, we will make an express decision and fo with that one earlier than the other ones listed.
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Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
are you sure he would work as an echo? much less an identical one?
I mean I interpret a Tom nook echo as villager but with reskinned moves and not much else (Bell bags instead of Turnips and Balloon fight would function the same but instead of flapping his arms and wearing a helmet he would hold onto a balloon and kick his legs for example.), although that might be too many changes for the criteria.

The more I think about it the more right you are, I might change it if I can think of one.
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Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2020
Who Knows Where?
I mean I interpret a Tom nook echo as villager but with reskinned moves and not much else (Bell bags instead of Turnips and Balloon fight would function the same but instead of flapping his arms and wearing a helmet he would hold onto a balloon and kick his legs for example.), although that might be too many changes for the criteria.
also his bodyshape is too different to Villager's

The Fantasy Smasher

Smash Cadet
Aug 18, 2020
Job 55: 42ε - The Ancient Minister

I'm gonna get creative with this one. This may seem like a bizarre one but I think this could work, after all R.O.B and the Ancient Minister are the same person, eh, robot. I know a smash original character has yet to be playable at this point, but I believe this could be one of the coolest echos they could possibly do that no-one has really talked about, all without any major changes. All of R.O.Bs swipes, pokes and spins can be done with those pink dagger he has equipped. I know this may seem like a really odd pick, but I just think it would be really neat and unexpected, plus a great way to acknowledge subspace.

Golden Icarus

Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2013
Echo Submission
Impa (Sheik Echo)

Zelda's bodyguard, Impa, is the most reoccurring LoZ character outside of Link, Zelda, and Ganon. She’s taken on many unique forms over the course of the series, whether it’s as an elderly guide to Link, or a more active protector of Zelda.

Impa has more than enough going for her to be an entirely unique character, but given that she is a Sheikah, she could still pull off all of the same techniques as Sheik. In fact, Sheik’s entire character is mimicking Impa, so having Impa echo Sheik in Smash would be a full circle!
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Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2012
Logo Vote: I vote for cashregister9's design.

Job #55
Alph (Pikmin) 40E

Alph is the protagonist of Pikmin 3 and since Smash Bros for Wii U and 3DS, he has been alternative costume for Olimar. The reason why I am proposing him to be the next echo fighter is because we know that the first echo fighters Dark Pit and Lucina were originally supposed to be alternative costumes of Pit and Marth.
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Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2014
SMCU Express
Job 55: 82ε Felix

Introduced as a major villain in the first Golden Sun, Felix takes on the mantle of protagonist in the sequel, Golden Sun: the Lost Age. A fellow Venus Adept, Felix is also capable of manipulating the earth. It can be argued that he is the true protagonist of the first two games, as he is the one who convinces Isaac to turn away from the Wise One and unleash Alchemy into the world.

Logo Vote: Golden Icarus's design
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Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
Was going to submit Ms. Pac-Man, but I'd rather she have unique fruit, in that case...

Job #55

Paula is the second party member in EarthBound. She was rescued from the Happy Happyist cult by Ness, and joined him after that - eventually being the one to save the whole world at the end of the game. She helps her parents at their school in Twoson (named, rather awkwardly, "Polestar Nursery") and is said to have appeared on multiple news reports.

Paula makes perfect sense as an echo fighter given most of Ness' moves are taken from her as is. The frying pan would replace the baseball bat, but she would still swing it like the latter. She would use a unique yo-yo design.

Job #56
Daisy Side B: SuperBall

Instead of a butt-bash, Daisy now throws the Super Ball from Super Mario Land. This is a powerful projectile that bounces off walls and ceilings. Two can be out at a time, though the second is smaller, slower and weaker. Daisy isn't slowed down by spawning a superball while running. which totally isn't an excuse to replace Peach Bomber instead of Toad, no way.

Logo: Icarus. It looks cool, I don't need a reason. It's just cool.
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Smash Ace
Oct 18, 2020
I vote for Golden Icarus Golden Icarus 's logo. I like that it feels unique from the previous smash logos, but is still instantly recognizable as a smash logo.
Job #55: 54e Medusa
Medusa is a female villain hailing from the Kid Icarus series, and would be an echo fighter for Palutena. While Palutena is good and Medusa is evil, both attack using magic, and Medusa would use evil dark magic in contrast to Palutena's godly light magic. The only female villains we have right now are Wendy O. Koopa and Dark Samus... so female villain representation can definitely be worked on, and Captain Syrup is already out of the running. While Kid Icarus may not exactly need a fourth fighter, Medusa would be an echo fighter, and a villian which makes her inclusion worthwhile. Her personality can be preserved through her idles and taunts, but Palutena's moveset already represents her pretty well since its just generic godly stuff. She is also relatively unimportant enough to be a fitting as a twitter shadow drop. (side note I've never played KI:U, but all my other echo ideas would be more unique, like dixie kong or black shadow, and therefore not qualify for this job so she was who I narrowed it down to.)
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Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2019
Voting for Cashregister9’s logo

Echo: Dark Bowser (14E)

Dark Bowser debuted in Mario and Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story as the final boss, and I think he would make a heart echo for Bowser. Of course there will be a few moveset changes including his neutral Special being his dark flame, but I Inkling it can work.

Job 56: Tentacle Bash (Up Smash). Dark Samus will use this attack for her up-Smash, where some tentacles will emerge from underground and bash the opponents upwards, with good range. Does 18% damage.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Can you wait until about this time tommorow to close submissions? I want to try and choose an echo for whoever we get tommorow.
Echo submissions will remain open for a while so you will be in a clear. That being said, this will only be first party echo fighters.

I do want provide some info regarding our next character submissions;

October - Nintendo Direct with a newcomer reveal. Job prompt pending.

December - Game Awards Reveal with a third party newcomer plus a third party echo fighter (think of the Incineroar reveal retailer with Ken but if Incineroar was....Geno...or Doomslayer or something lol)


Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
your mother's sleeping quarters
Job 55: No, I'm not sorry. For the third time (and probably not the last), it's Funky Kong!

Funky Kong is practically the same character as DK, physically. While it would be cool to have a surfing move...look, at this point I'll sacrifice just about anything to get this dude in Smash.
Here's some more info from my first Funky submission. (just ignore the parts where I talk about him being a semi-clone)
Character 2
Woah, who's that rad dude with the 'tude and the board?

Funky Kong hails from the totally righteous Donkey Kong series. He first appeared in the game Donkey Kong Country as a tubular NPC who ran Funky's Flights, which would let players travel anywhere they wanted to on the gnarly world map. He would keep selling bodacious items until 2018, where he became a playable character for the very first time in Donkey Kong Country Returns: Tropical Freeze!

How would he play? Glad you asked!
This epic member of the Kong family would play almost exactly like his best friend/possible younger brother Donkey Kong, due to their similar, awesomely muscular body types. However, Funky would come with one radical difference-for some moves, he'll shred on his surfboard or use it as a weapon.

Why should he be in Smash?
Well, first of all, he's a surfer, which is really cool. Second, outside of Dixie, he's really the last member of the DK Crew who should be added into Smash Bros. And finally, Funky is a fan favorite character who would make perfect sense as an echo of Donkey Kong, whose popularity was heavily bolstered by DKC Tropical Freeze's Switch port.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2020
Balatro Brainrot
Did we ever come to consensus on what would happen if a character we created for this project ends up in the Fighter's Pass?
Read the quote below
I imagine everyone is pretty excited for the Direct. I am as well. I do want to bring up our Grandfathering Policy. Any content that gets revealed during this Direct will get added into our game by default. In addition, this will include content that we have confirmed in our game. If Crash gets revealed, he was transition into the veteran section but still retain his moveset we gave him. We will then institute an Emergency Upgrade which will see the second place winner, Phoenix Wright, to our E3 newcomer.

Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
One-to-one Echo Fighter:

#27E: Dark Meta Knight

First featured in Kirby and The Amazing Mirror as a notable antagonist, Dark Meta Knight is the Mirrorworld equivalent of Meta Knight, and as such retains pretty much all of the abilities that original Meta Knight has, albiet being a separate entity with entirely different personality, which I think makes him fairly viable option when it comes to potential echoes

He is a bit of a Dark Samus case where while he also has his own stuff to potentially pull from (especially seen in appearances like Kirby Star Allies), he could still feasibly pass as nothing more than a mere echo with nothing more than tweaked animations and stuff. Especially when he probably wouldn't have a shot as a unique slot otherwise, which I think we should strive to keep in mind when selecting echoes.

Also, much like Dark Samus, we'd have to replace one of Meta Knights prexistung costumes given it was pretty much based on Dark Meta Knight, but that doesn't seem that big an issue.
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Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2019
Identical Echo
Digby is Isabelle twin brother and is the owner of Happy Home Showcase, while his popularity isn't as big as Isabelle nor even play an important supporting role in the game he is still one of the character that always has been heavily associated with her.

His similarities and reason to be Isabelle's echo include:
  1. Both being a dog villager
  2. Both having the same height
  3. Both being a Special Villager
  4. Directly related to Isabelle
  5. Can do the same thing as Isabelle (which honestly could be applied to every character)
  6. And his identical echo status could be a cute nod to both Isabelle and Digby being a twin and twin have been shown to have practically identical things to one another.

Also, can I submit more than 1?
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Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Job #55: Giegue

Giegue, also known as Giygas, is the main villain in Earthbound Beginnings and Earthbound. Originally an alien leading an invasion of Earth, he loses his sanity and physical form and becomes the Universal Cosmic Destroyer - his iconic red swirl form.

In Smash, he'd use his Beginnings incarnation, and function as an Echo of Mewtwo (who bears a striking similarity to Giegue). Since the only differences can be cosmetic, Giegue's attacks would look like small red "Giygas" swirls instead of psychic blasts, to give some representation of Giegue's most iconic form.

The reason I chose Giegue is because I love Earthbound and I'd love for it to get another character. And while Ninten is my preferred choice, I don't think he works as an identical Echo of Ness (Ninten can't use PK Flash and yo-yos) or Lucas (Rope Snake), so instead Giegue can represent Beginnings and be a better fit for the role since his attacks are so abstract and undefined anyway.

Job #56:

Daisy's new Neutral B: Superball
I think the most egregious thing about Daisy's moveset is that she uses Toads despite the fact that they're not her subjects. With the Superball Flower making a surprising comeback in Mario Maker 2, it seems fitting that this power-up from her native land becomes her new neutral special. The Superball functions as it does in the games; Daisy shoots a Superball at an angle towards the ground, but instead of bouncing along like Fireball it turns in 90° angles. Because of its awkward trajectory and the layout of most Smash maps it would be very hard to hit with this. To compensate, and encourage traps and trick shots, the Superball's damage grows the longer it's out in the air. After the initial bounce, it deals considerable damage and knockback but if left in play for long enough it can be devastating. And if you're playing against Daisy in a map with a ceiling? You better run!

Daisy's new Final Smash: Daisy Dance
This one isn't too different from her current Final Smash, however instead of putting enemies to sleep it gives them the flower status effect.

Got nothing to give to Dark Samus and Richter since I think Aurora Unit and Hydro Storm are the ideal Final Smashes for them and those have already been pitched.

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
Job #55: Giegue

Giegue, also known as Giygas, is the main villain in Earthbound Beginnings and Earthbound. Originally an alien leading an invasion of Earth, he loses his sanity and physical form and becomes the Universal Cosmic Destroyer - his iconic red swirl form.

In Smash, he'd use his Beginnings incarnation, and function as an Echo of Mewtwo (who bears a striking similarity to Giegue). Since the only differences can be cosmetic, Giegue's attacks would look like small red "Giygas" swirls instead of psychic blasts, to give some representation of Giegue's most iconic form.

The reason I chose Giegue is because I love Earthbound and I'd love for it to get another character. And while Ninten is my preferred choice, I don't think he works as an identical Echo of Ness (Ninten can't use PK Flash and yo-yos) or Lucas (Rope Snake), so instead Giegue can represent Beginnings and be a better fit for the role since his attacks are so abstract and undefined anyway.

Job #56:

Daisy's new Neutral B: Superball
I think the most egregious thing about Daisy's moveset is that she uses Toads despite the fact that they're not her subjects. With the Superball Flower making a surprising comeback in Mario Maker 2, it seems fitting that this power-up from her native land becomes her new neutral special. The Superball functions as it does in the games; Daisy shoots a Superball at an angle towards the ground, but instead of bouncing along like Fireball it turns in 90° angles. Because of its awkward trajectory and the layout of most Smash maps it would be very hard to hit with this. To compensate, and encourage traps and trick shots, the Superball's damage grows the longer it's out in the air. After the initial bounce, it deals considerable damage and knockback but if left in play for long enough it can be devastating. And if you're playing against Daisy in a map with a ceiling? You better run!

Daisy's new Final Smash: Daisy Dance
This one isn't too different from her current Final Smash, however instead of putting enemies to sleep it gives them the flower status effect.

Got nothing to give to Dark Samus and Richter since I think Aurora Unit and Hydro Storm are the ideal Final Smashes for them and those have already been pitched.
Giegue's a Spirit, you'd probably have to protect him first.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Identical Echo
Digby is Isabelle twin brother and is the owner of Happy Home Showcase, while his popularity isn't as big as Isabelle nor even play an important supporting role in the game he is still one of the character that always has been heavily associated with her.

His similarities and reason to be Isabelle's echo include:
  1. Both being a dog villager
  2. Both having the same height
  3. Both being a Special Villager
  4. Directly related to Isabelle
  5. Can do the same thing as Isabelle (which honestly could be applied to every character)
  6. And his identical echo status could be a cute nod to both Isabelle and Digby being a twin and twin have been shown to have practically identical things to one another.

Also, can I submit more than 1?
No, just one submission per person in order to be fair.

I am once again asking for the music cap to be increased.

mainly because i'm bored and there are no spots open on the music list
I was holding off on it so we can play catch up to add it on the wikia. That being said, I suppose opening it up just a little bit won’t hurt. I’ll do that during the weekend
Job #55: Giegue

Giegue, also known as Giygas, is the main villain in Earthbound Beginnings and Earthbound. Originally an alien leading an invasion of Earth, he loses his sanity and physical form and becomes the Universal Cosmic Destroyer - his iconic red swirl form.

In Smash, he'd use his Beginnings incarnation, and function as an Echo of Mewtwo (who bears a striking similarity to Giegue). Since the only differences can be cosmetic, Giegue's attacks would look like small red "Giygas" swirls instead of psychic blasts, to give some representation of Giegue's most iconic form.

The reason I chose Giegue is because I love Earthbound and I'd love for it to get another character. And while Ninten is my preferred choice, I don't think he works as an identical Echo of Ness (Ninten can't use PK Flash and yo-yos) or Lucas (Rope Snake), so instead Giegue can represent Beginnings and be a better fit for the role since his attacks are so abstract and undefined anyway.

Job #56:

Daisy's new Neutral B: Superball
I think the most egregious thing about Daisy's moveset is that she uses Toads despite the fact that they're not her subjects. With the Superball Flower making a surprising comeback in Mario Maker 2, it seems fitting that this power-up from her native land becomes her new neutral special. The Superball functions as it does in the games; Daisy shoots a Superball at an angle towards the ground, but instead of bouncing along like Fireball it turns in 90° angles. Because of its awkward trajectory and the layout of most Smash maps it would be very hard to hit with this. To compensate, and encourage traps and trick shots, the Superball's damage grows the longer it's out in the air. After the initial bounce, it deals considerable damage and knockback but if left in play for long enough it can be devastating. And if you're playing against Daisy in a map with a ceiling? You better run!

Daisy's new Final Smash: Daisy Dance
This one isn't too different from her current Final Smash, however instead of putting enemies to sleep it gives them the flower status effect.

Got nothing to give to Dark Samus and Richter since I think Aurora Unit and Hydro Storm are the ideal Final Smashes for them and those have already been pitched.
Indeed, this character is already a Spirit. It’s easy to say “well, just change it on the front page or something.” However, I really want people to consider the cause and effect when adding content in. Adding a Spirit, for now, means that character can’t be in the roster and easily removing said content removes responsibility...if that makes sense. One example is Dry Bowser. I really wanted to have him as an Echo but he was voted to be an Alt costume of Bowser. A few people then realized this and sort of regret those votes. I want people to really consider these submissions.

Adding an EarthBound character probably means that a character like Masked Man or Porky can’t get in.
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Ganondorf’s Echo: Demise

I was torn between a Hilda, character I thought would have a decent chance of getting votes against a character I generally want. I decided to go the later route. Demise may be a one-shot Zelda character (having only appeared in Skyward Sword) but his actions have been felt throughout the franchise’s timeline. Without his curse, we wouldn’t have the reincarnation of Link, Zelda, and Ganon. There wouldn’t be this over-arching evil present. In terms of gameplay, he was used the new Ganondorf moveset with more fire-like effects for his attacks. While his frame would be bulkier, his height and weight would be the same to Ganondorf. For his Final Smash, he transforms into the Imprisoned and dashes forward while striking the opponents in the same manner at Ganondorfs. This would be the first form of that Monster and not the armed or winged versions
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Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
No, just one submission per person in order to be fair.

I was holding off on it so we can play catch up to add it on the wikia. That being said, I suppose opening it up just a little bit won’t hurt. I’ll do that during the weekend

Indeed, this character is already a Spirit. It’s easy to say “well, just change it on the front page or something.” However, I really want people to consider the cause and effect when adding content in. Adding a Spirit, for now, means that character can’t be in the roster and easily removing said content removes responsibility...if that makes sense. One example is Dry Bowser. I really wanted to have him as an Echo but he was voted to be an Alt costume of Bowser. A few people then realized this and sort of regret those votes. I want people to really consider these submissions.

Adding an EarthBound character probably means that a character like Masked Man or Porky can’t get in.
Ah, darn it. Should probably start paying attention to Spirit submissions then. Thanks for the heads-up!


Smash Champion
Aug 13, 2018
Been keeping an eye on this for a while. Read the OP and I'm pretty sure I understand what's going on. Looks fun so if it's still possible to join in I'd love to do so Venus of the Desert Bloom Venus of the Desert Bloom

Might as well drop an echo while I'm here

Job #55

Pikachu Echo fighter - Mimikyu

Who better to come in as an echo than a Pokemon who so badly want to be another that it copies it's appearance best it can?

First, the concept:
Obviously, the Mimikyu does it's best to well, copy Pikachu. Not only does it's look remain the same, but it take it to an extra level of mimicry here and does it's best to mimic Pikachu's moveset in every way it can. Some moves stay the same as Mimikyu can learn them on it's own or via TM such as thunder, while others have easy substitutes like it using Shadow Ball instead of Thunder Jolt. It could also use some obviously comedic moves in ways to copy Pikachu's moves in which there aren't any close replacements. Attribute wise it would be a bit heavier and powerful than Pikachu but not by a ton. It's final smash would be a completely unique move where it uses it's Pokeball attack and pulls fighters under it's cloth and attacks them there.
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Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2020
Who Knows Where?
Been keeping an eye on this for a while. Read the OP and I'm pretty sure I understand what's going on. Looks fun so if it's still possible to join in I'd love to do so Venus of the Desert Bloom Venus of the Desert Bloom

Might as well drop an echo while I'm here

Job #55

Pikachu Echo fighter - Mimikyu

Who better to come in as an echo than a Pokemon who so badly want to be another that it copies it's appearance best it can?

First, the concept:
Obviously, the Mimikyu does it's best to well, copy Pikachu. Not only does it's look remain the same, but it take it to an extra level of mimicry here and does it's best to mimic Pikachu's moveset in every way it can. Some moves stay the same as Mimikyu can learn them on it's own or via TM such as thunder, while others have easy substitutes like it using Shadow Ball instead of Thunder Jolt. Attribute wise it would be a bit heavier and powerful than Pikachu but not by a ton. It's final smash would be a completely unique move where it uses it's Pokeball attack and pulls fighters under it's cloth and attacks them there.
the echo fighter has to be 100% identical functionally though
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Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2021
The Flat Eric cult
Job 56: Echo Fighter: Yarn Yoshi

Yarn Yoshi knits his way into battle as a Yoshi echo fighter! Although his attacks remain the same, they look different. For his side b, he becomes a yarn ball instead of an egg. For his up b, he throws yarn balls. And for his down b, he would use his ground pound from Woolly World. For his final smash, it would be a cinematic that starts just like Yoshi's. He charges forward and catches anyone in his way. But the cinematic is different. Instead of gathering a bunch of Yoshi's to attack the foe, he becomes giant and swings his giant tail at the foe. But don't worry, it deals the same amount of damage and knock back.
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Been keeping an eye on this for a while. Read the OP and I'm pretty sure I understand what's going on. Looks fun so if it's still possible to join in I'd love to do so Venus of the Desert Bloom Venus of the Desert Bloom

Might as well drop an echo while I'm here

Job #55

Pikachu Echo fighter - Mimikyu

Who better to come in as an echo than a Pokemon who so badly want to be another that it copies it's appearance best it can?

First, the concept:
Obviously, the Mimikyu does it's best to well, copy Pikachu. Not only does it's look remain the same, but it take it to an extra level of mimicry here and does it's best to mimic Pikachu's moveset in every way it can. Some moves stay the same as Mimikyu can learn them on it's own or via TM such as thunder, while others have easy substitutes like it using Shadow Ball instead of Thunder Jolt. It could also use some obviously comedic moves in ways to copy Pikachu's moves in which there aren't any close replacements. Attribute wise it would be a bit heavier and powerful than Pikachu but not by a ton. It's final smash would be a completely unique move where it uses it's Pokeball attack and pulls fighters under it's cloth and attacks them there.
We are always happy to have more on board! Previously, we included Octoling which has several differences from Inkling so, this time, we are adding an Echo Fighter that is 100% similar to their base fighter. I love the concept but it doesn’t really fit with the prompt.

Pyra/Mythra will become one of our confirmed veterans with thier spirits and battles getting removed and replaced with a Fighter Spirit in the same vein as Min-Min. I can also confirm that from here on out, a Spirit can be promoted to a fighter once we enter into our DLC season.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Submissions for a Echo Fighter will finish in 6 hours. Please submit one before that time.

PeridotGX PeridotGX , do you still want to do an 100% Echo fighter based off Pyra/Mythra?


Smash Ace
Oct 18, 2020
Venus of the Desert Bloom Venus of the Desert Bloom I updated the all star table with the new fighter, so it can go on the front page.

link to post with table.

disclaimer: mythra's icon isn't on the website, and stylist doesn't even have a fan made one.


Smash Champion
Aug 13, 2018
We are always happy to have more on board! Previously, we included Octoling which has several differences from Inkling so, this time, we are adding an Echo Fighter that is 100% similar to their base fighter. I love the concept but it doesn’t really fit with the prompt.

Pyra/Mythra will become one of our confirmed veterans with thier spirits and battles getting removed and replaced with a Fighter Spirit in the same vein as Min-Min. I can also confirm that from here on out, a Spirit can be promoted to a fighter once we enter into our DLC season.
Ah I gotcha then. I'll table that for now and will be back with a new pitch here soon then


Smash Hero
Nov 23, 2018
Nintendo Land Theme Parks, Incorporated
Job 55


Image result for hilda zelda

Hilda would be an echo fighter of Princess Zelda. She'll summon Ravio in her taunts and fight with magic like Zelda. Although she only appeared in one game, she has appeared in the game that our current incarnation of Zelda is based on, so she would fit perfectly as an echo.


Smash Ace
Oct 18, 2020
Job 55


Image result for hilda zelda

Hilda would be an echo fighter of Princess Zelda. She'll summon Ravio in her taunts and fight with magic like Zelda. Although she only appeared in one game, she has appeared in the game that our current incarnation of Zelda is based on, so she would fit perfectly as an echo.
Zelda already has a Hilda alt which was added as one of her four bonus costumes, and if we're not going back and changing content then this would be disqualified unfortunately.

Golden Icarus

Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2013
Zelda already has a Hilda alt which was added as one of her four bonus costumes, and if we're not going back and changing content then this would be disqualified unfortunately.
Was it a Hilda costume or just Hilda colors? If it's just a color swap, wouldn't that still make Hilda eligible?


Smash Ace
Oct 18, 2020
Was it a Hilda costume or just Hilda colors? If it's just a color swap, wouldn't that still make Hilda eligible?
Its just colors but samus’s dark samus alt was removed when dark samus was added, and so was ike’s chrom alt. Plus zelda and hilda are nearly identical so it would be even harder to tell them apart than most echos who at least have different silhouettes.


Smash Champion
Aug 13, 2018
Alright let's go again here

Job #55

9e - Gooigi(no picture this time because all the ones I put here come out funky)

The case:
This one is pretty simple and straight forward. It feels like Luigi's Mansion has taken a bit of a step up in recent times for Nintendo. Doesn't feel like there's tons of content from it in the game and it's easily the biggest Mario spinoff with no playable characters since Luigi is counted as a Mario rep still. This would rep another Mario series and give it an official playable character.
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