First order of business:
Heatstroke was right. I'm not going to stump myself immediately. I've already reached the point of no return (i.e. officially being asked to stump myself by Will of Town), so that's fine. I'll stump myself when we have three (or two, if Town is impatient with my methods) more people that are also officially asked to stump themselves and refuse, or if we somehow manage to get to Day's end so that Summoner doesn't have to.
Sidenote: I'm classifying people in four categories; 1) Neutral, 2) Asked to stump by majority, 3) Refusal to stump, 4) Added to lynch queue. I separate "Refusal to stump" and "Added to lynch queue" because we'll need to give each refusal one more chance (which I will be taking) before we actually lynch them. Since I was the first to actually refuse, I will, of course, be the first to be lynched if I refuse at that point.
Wants Brockin to stump: Cello, Marshy/Today, Omis, tHe-Man. We just need three more people. Summoner, Paprika? Mentos?
Assault against Brockin
1) They both ignored post #25, in which I corrected my typo in post #6 about "Rule #". While normally this would be inconsequential (maybe), they later claim that they spoke primarily about me in their private communications (by which point I had become a fairly focal point). If I was, in fact, the main subject in their private logs, then how did they both manage to miss my correction?
Oh, but wait. What did Rockin say in post #28? "Also, want to say that we can't post our logs". I was the only person that said anything about posting logs, in a question to Macman. This was in post #25, the same post in which I corrected myself. How did they miss my correction, which was clearly directed at them, yet see the question about log posting? Also, why was it so important to them that they wanted to try to strike it down, even at that early stage?
2) Brockin has stated many times that he wants to play this game in a more traditional way. However, business as usual is a terrible idea. Why is he so worried about "overstumping"? The alternative is to allow the scum team to gain more Night Kills. While it is a bad idea to ignore such information, there is no reason to give
the enemy control over our information gathering when we literally have full and perfect control. It's sort of like Tom's Popcorn scum play, citing traditional methods as tried and true, as well as trying to appear wise by being "cautious", but there is no benefit to this.
3) "SSBF is...meh. I'm seeing neutral, but slightly town (Only cause he seems to be trying)", yet you have no opinion on me? You've actually said that you aren't getting any scummy vibes from me. Yet you want me to stump myself? Why?
4) "I pick Omis cause he barely talked about how he feels with everyone as well as share some insight. All he's doing is just mainly grilling me about the logs." Yet, all you've done is try to defend your decision to not post your logs. Heck, you even said, "I would love to speak more if Cello wasn't mad at me for not posting the logs (same ones that Mod said we can't)." You declared your intent to essentially remain silent as long as I continued to berate you.
Brockin said:
Summoner, extending the day like that will not profit town that much. In the end, you lose an ability to vote, so it's best to hold that said ability till the end. I'm sure we'll come up with a conclusion near the deadline. Whether it comes down to someone else stumping, or a lynch.
seriously, don't be stupid.
And what's the alternative? Night? Where a townie will die? That's a loss of a vote too. I'd rather lose a person's vote and find a scum in the resultant 7 days instead of losing that person's voice as well as their vote for 8 days (the next Day). Especially ironic that you chastise Summoner when
later on in the same post you say
Heatstroke, while you do lose your ability to vote, saying your opinion....or even having a voice is just as strong. People would more likely listen to you now that you're a confirmed townie. When one stumps themselves, the votes are resetted and we get an extendsion of 7 days. Plus, maf doesn't get a chance to nightkill anyone. One would be helping out town by just being a voice and telling their opinion. It can help, lots
When you're lynched, you're dead. That's that. No vote ability, and you only get to say 'bah, go town/scum/whatever as your last saying. Plus, when you die, it goes to night phase and Mafia gets a chance to nightkill a townie.
I don't think he's really scummy, but I'm not seeing a single drop of pro-town either. He's just someone I'm not going to trust so easily.
These sorts of sentiments are what makes me think that you are scummy, even beyond the point of not posting your logs.