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Tree Stump Mafia - OVER! Who lived happily ever after in the forest?


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Omis said:
What do you think of this development Cello? Do you plan to stump yourself? How does this make Pierre look to you know?
I'm surprised. I wasn't planning on stumping myself, to be honest, but I probably will be. Still want Pierre (and Brockin) stumped. I'm really not sure of the third person now. I wanted to say that I didn't think SSBF was scum, but some of the things he's said really bother me. Like this.

However, he has not posted in two days, which brings him down to an null read. Let's hope that he responds soon, or that Mentosman8 is a more active and better player.
Clearly, he's aware that Mentos is replacing Today. Okay.

Guys, read Today's profile. There is no reason why Today should be inactive, especially given that he's been in Smash World Forums. Someone needs to notify him via PM to get his attention if prods don't work here.

So basically, nothing excuse Today's absences.
So, why say this? Why try to cast that player slot into the spotlight? Especially by saying Today shouldn't be inactive, when she isn't in the game anymore. I suppose it could be that he meant that Today had no excuse for quitting, but that's not how it comes across.

Marshy said:
seeing how people react to cello is useful
Would those interactions' usefulness be diminished if my role were revealed? I won't stump myself immediately if it helps you.

Marshy said:
pretty much me

macman pm nick

request replacement
Seriously? If you disagree with my sentiment on Today's slot, then talk about it instead of just up and leaving.

@All: I want to set a time and date and stump myself simultaneously with Brockin. Or Brockin goes first. Either is fine.


Smash Rookie
Mar 25, 2010
brockin why are you afraid of overstumping. that makes no sense. are you being paranoid for the sake of being paranoid? stop
Because this is a new game system I'm playing and I rather be careful not to stump too much. We need to make sure we have enough townies so they can vote. I know we can probably just stump till we hit maf, but I rather we just do a bit of stumping and then a lynch. Right now, I'm playing this game like traditional mafia.

why wouldnt you post logs? just edit out info you dont want to be seen
I already explained that if we post the logs, we may as well talk in third person, cause we're just going to say the same thing we're speaking out now.

brockin youre cautious of who you trust...you should probably be more decisive considering making ronike bulletproof in lodscrew wouldve helped town bigtime
I always am, especially

1) if I'm playing a role for the first time
2) or when I'm playing a system for the first time.

I'm pretty sure you remember that time when I played Popcorn mafia on AIM. Sure, I know gameplay between thread and AIM differ (sometimes greatly), the fact remained that I played the game as though I played any mafia game with a calm serious attitude, and I was maf. I'm pretty sure if I was to play Popcorn mafia as town, I would be that same cautious townie.

Also, that Lodscrew game was tricky. It was my first time being as doc, as well as someone who's pretty broken. There were other powers that I could do on that game that could really tip the favor of maf, so caution is key.

Right now, I'm just being cautious cause there's some people (sworddancer, summoner, Cello) that I'm just playing for the first or second time. There's also people (like cello) that I don't completly trust and would just rather watch my toes as well as watch out for them.

you dont seem to grasp the benefit of posting chatlogs. posting them shows youre scumhunting with your other half outside the thread. its hard to replicate as scum and it most likely gains you gg points specially when you have a bunch of em like cello said
I probably don't, cause I'm just not liking that idea. Meh.

Also, I don't think it's THAT hard for scum to replicate it, but that's just me (which is probably the main reason why I don't want to post it).

also, even if I/we did wanted to, there wouldn't be much to talk about. I havn't even spoke to my other half within a day or two (I'm now realizing a possible time zone conflict. May be minor, who knows...). This is another reason why I'm not stressing for the logs, cause we've hardly conversated yet.

@All: I want to set a time and date and stump myself simultaneously with Brockin. Or Brockin goes first. Either is fine.
Sorry Cello, I'm not stumping for you. You havn't really proved that I should trust you >:


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
So like mmk cool.

I don't really see the issue about order here. You don't mind stumping but you want Cello to go first? I think if you don't trust Cello, if you stump because he told you he'll be forced to stump or we'll lynch him. Worst case is you're both town and then we can go off people's reactions to Cello. If you don't trust Cello, do you think he's scummy then? I don't see what the big deal is gawd.

*fades away*


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
you also say you don't know how you feel about me sworddance and cello but then go on to say that you're cautious of cello because of past games.

whatever maaaaaan


Smash Rookie
Mar 25, 2010
So like mmk cool.

I don't really see the issue about order here. You don't mind stumping but you want Cello to go first? I think if you don't trust Cello, if you stump because he told you he'll be forced to stump or we'll lynch him. Worst case is you're both town and then we can go off people's reactions to Cello. If you don't trust Cello, do you think he's scummy then? I don't see what the big deal is gawd.

*fades away*

It's not about the order that's bothering me, it's that what he wanted his three chosen people of what to do, and what he'd do if they complied. Heatstroke stumped himself, so I expect Cello to do his end.

Either case, I rather not stump myself unless provided a legitimate case.

I don't think he's really scummy, but I'm not seeing a single drop of pro-town either. He's just someone I'm not going to trust so easily.

Vote: Omis

you also say you don't know how you feel about me sworddance and cello but then go on to say that you're cautious of cello because of past games.

whatever maaaaaan
I never said that. I'm cautious of cello because of how he's acting in this game, and it's making me not trust him so easily. Everyone else who I'm playing with for the first time or second (like cello) is making me be a bit careful of who to trust cause I can't get a mindset where some of them are at.

That doesn't mean me and my better half are gonna sit back and let these things happen.

Right now, my only concern is Omis cause of how much he wants me, Pierre, and Heatstroke to stump ourselves without providing a legitimate reason or case. He's just parroting, and I don't like that.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
I think his entire play right now has been pretty pro town. I don't see scum doing what Cello is doing and making stump deals. I'm pretty sure Cello will be forced to stump himself if he continues and I don't think he cares too much. Unless Cello is going for "let's get town all confused and get as many townies to stomp themselves and then force them to lynch me" and then in that case, it's pretty **** ballsy and I like it(and at worse, right now it'll be 2 townies for 1 scum) so Brockin, are you saying you're both town? or that you're town and Cello's scum. because right now, I can't really see it being that bad if Cello stumps as it'll clear up all the 'bleh Cello could be scum' stuff flying around. Worst case is you're town and we have 3 stumped townies. We know we also have all these reactions to Cello and we can mad scum hunt from there :D

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
cello i guess the value of those interactions wouldnt decrease if you stumped. i dunno. but i still rather you not cuz im leaning town

so brockin youre seriously going to acknowledge not making sense but try to justify it anyway...ok

the point of posting logs was that WE could see it and judge for ourselves

also if your cautiousness led to you failing to help town then thats probably a sign that you should reconsider your approach. can you just admit youre wrong? yeesh

anyway enough with the log argument since you cant post them anyway i think? i dont think this argument being dragged out will be helpful

request votecount

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
as for replacing out i joined this game cuz there were no other replacements and i didnt want a modkill. nick has since agreed to replace me

that reminds me. if any of yall have friends you consider good scumhunters that youd like to replace in my spot then tell them to pm macman and im sure hell let them replace over nick. or ill ask nick to not replace so that person can


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
If someone else wants to replace, they can do so. DBZ mafia is looking like it'll start soon anyway.


So much for friendship huh...
Aug 31, 2006
somewhere near Mt. Ebott
Hi, macman said he'd be busy this weekend and asked if I'd watch over this.

Day 1 Vote Count X-1

Marshy (
Cello_Marl: (0)
Marshy: (0)
mentosman8: (0)
Omis: Brockin (
Pierre The Scarecrow: (0)
SummonerAU: (0)
Super Smash Bros. Fan: (0)
Sworddancer.: (0)
tHe-Man: (0)
The Paprika Killer: (0)
Not Voting:
Cello_Marl, mentosman8, Omis, Pierre The Scarecrow, SummonerAU, Super Smash Bros. Fan, Sworddancer., tHe-Man, The Paprika Killer (
Living Treestumps:
HeatStroke (Town)

Pierre The Scarecrow & tHe-Man are both within prod zone. tHe-Man is V/LA and thus only Pierre the Scarecrow is prodded.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
It's three townies for one scum at this rate, getting two townies, and then getting lynch gives mafia a free kill, which is a legit trade.

Cello, you never sealed my deal of stumping after i stumped.

Stump yourself, you shouldn't really be allowed to make more deals anyways.

Pierre the Scarecrow

Grasping at Straws
Jun 23, 2009
@Cello: I had a reason to say that you didn't confirm, I just can't find it right now, I'm pretty sure it was the fact that you wrote that first post without seeing your alignment, so I assumed to never opened your role PM and when the game started you posted it and then checked your role PM. This also explains why I didn't expect you to edit the post and why "lying as town / telling truth as scum" wouldn't make any difference.

HeatStroke... you did not have to stump. You didn't do anything wrong except semantics.

@Macman: is the deadline extended each time someone stumps, or was the deadline extension from Cello's request?

@Brockin: why did you vote Omis...?

@Marshy: hi. bye. you should have stayed and played.

@SSBF: I understand what you mean when you say you think its odd that I said "I haven't done anything scummy." What I meant to say is that the people who said I looked scummy didn't provide any specific reasons and so I couldn't argue against them.

Great, I just got prodded by the new mod mid-post. That's ********.


my friends were skinny
May 22, 2008
including myself in your posts
I wanted to go for Heatstroke because of how antsy he was about everything. He was quick to get nervous the second the attention was placed on him. I see now that I was wrong but I still dont regret it.

You just havent been playing well, sorry. The whole issue with the chat logs is somewhat irrelevant now that you dont have a choice but I still see no reason why you should have posted them. Im stubborn and Im not letting that go.

For pierre Im just following what Cello said. My list also had Cello stumping so it was to be variable based on the other stumps. If Cello came up town and you and Heatstroke came up scum, I would have gone Pierre just because of how much of a streak Cello would have been on.

Pierre the Scarecrow

Grasping at Straws
Jun 23, 2009
@Omis: Do you actually suspect me then, or are you just literally piggybacking Cello? If I've done anything to make you think I'm scummy, I expect you to show for it because I won't let you piggyback. "My list has what Cello said," looks like you're just putting the flavors of the week in your stumplist... prove me wrong?

edit: What of The Jester / Today / other players who have avoided the spotlight and therefore avoided your list?


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
I just haven't been playing well? To what degree? I don't like being pressured about Bull**** that's out of game for one. And i don't treat well to being a lynch (stump) target either.


my friends were skinny
May 22, 2008
including myself in your posts
I dont really see much for you atm, no. Considering the scenario I put forth, I think itd wouldnt be too unreasonable to go after you. You more or less answered your own question later on. Today and Jester havent really said anything so its more or less impossible for me to have a good read on them. Im looking forward to their replacements heavily.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
First order of business:

Heatstroke was right. I'm not going to stump myself immediately. I've already reached the point of no return (i.e. officially being asked to stump myself by Will of Town), so that's fine. I'll stump myself when we have three (or two, if Town is impatient with my methods) more people that are also officially asked to stump themselves and refuse, or if we somehow manage to get to Day's end so that Summoner doesn't have to.

Sidenote: I'm classifying people in four categories; 1) Neutral, 2) Asked to stump by majority, 3) Refusal to stump, 4) Added to lynch queue. I separate "Refusal to stump" and "Added to lynch queue" because we'll need to give each refusal one more chance (which I will be taking) before we actually lynch them. Since I was the first to actually refuse, I will, of course, be the first to be lynched if I refuse at that point.

Wants Brockin to stump: Cello, Marshy/Today, Omis, tHe-Man. We just need three more people. Summoner, Paprika? Mentos?

Assault against Brockin

1) They both ignored post #25, in which I corrected my typo in post #6 about "Rule #". While normally this would be inconsequential (maybe), they later claim that they spoke primarily about me in their private communications (by which point I had become a fairly focal point). If I was, in fact, the main subject in their private logs, then how did they both manage to miss my correction?

Oh, but wait. What did Rockin say in post #28? "Also, want to say that we can't post our logs". I was the only person that said anything about posting logs, in a question to Macman. This was in post #25, the same post in which I corrected myself. How did they miss my correction, which was clearly directed at them, yet see the question about log posting? Also, why was it so important to them that they wanted to try to strike it down, even at that early stage?

2) Brockin has stated many times that he wants to play this game in a more traditional way. However, business as usual is a terrible idea. Why is he so worried about "overstumping"? The alternative is to allow the scum team to gain more Night Kills. While it is a bad idea to ignore such information, there is no reason to give the enemy control over our information gathering when we literally have full and perfect control. It's sort of like Tom's Popcorn scum play, citing traditional methods as tried and true, as well as trying to appear wise by being "cautious", but there is no benefit to this.

3) "SSBF is...meh. I'm seeing neutral, but slightly town (Only cause he seems to be trying)", yet you have no opinion on me? You've actually said that you aren't getting any scummy vibes from me. Yet you want me to stump myself? Why?

4) "I pick Omis cause he barely talked about how he feels with everyone as well as share some insight. All he's doing is just mainly grilling me about the logs." Yet, all you've done is try to defend your decision to not post your logs. Heck, you even said, "I would love to speak more if Cello wasn't mad at me for not posting the logs (same ones that Mod said we can't)." You declared your intent to essentially remain silent as long as I continued to berate you.

Brockin said:
Summoner, extending the day like that will not profit town that much. In the end, you lose an ability to vote, so it's best to hold that said ability till the end. I'm sure we'll come up with a conclusion near the deadline. Whether it comes down to someone else stumping, or a lynch.

seriously, don't be stupid.
And what's the alternative? Night? Where a townie will die? That's a loss of a vote too. I'd rather lose a person's vote and find a scum in the resultant 7 days instead of losing that person's voice as well as their vote for 8 days (the next Day). Especially ironic that you chastise Summoner when later on in the same post you say

Heatstroke, while you do lose your ability to vote, saying your opinion....or even having a voice is just as strong. People would more likely listen to you now that you're a confirmed townie. When one stumps themselves, the votes are resetted and we get an extendsion of 7 days. Plus, maf doesn't get a chance to nightkill anyone. One would be helping out town by just being a voice and telling their opinion. It can help, lots

When you're lynched, you're dead. That's that. No vote ability, and you only get to say 'bah, go town/scum/whatever as your last saying. Plus, when you die, it goes to night phase and Mafia gets a chance to nightkill a townie.
I don't think he's really scummy, but I'm not seeing a single drop of pro-town either. He's just someone I'm not going to trust so easily.
These sorts of sentiments are what makes me think that you are scummy, even beyond the point of not posting your logs.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
First order of business:

Heatstroke was right. I'm not going to stump myself immediately. I've already reached the point of no return (i.e. officially being asked to stump myself by Will of Town), so that's fine. I'll stump myself when we have three (or two, if Town is impatient with my methods) more people that are also officially asked to stump themselves and refuse, or if we somehow manage to get to Day's end so that Summoner doesn't have to.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
I think you forgot to post, Heatstroke. You just quoted me then didn't say anything.

Also, would you like to join me in getting Brockin to stump? Why not?


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Pierre said:
@Cello: I had a reason to say that you didn't confirm, I just can't find it right now, I'm pretty sure it was the fact that you wrote that first post without seeing your alignment, so I assumed to never opened your role PM and when the game started you posted it and then checked your role PM. This also explains why I didn't expect you to edit the post and why "lying as town / telling truth as scum" wouldn't make any difference.
But, wouldn't that make my disposition toward truthfulness the very heart of the matter? Instead, you just assumed that I actually wrote that post without knowing my alignment. To be honest, I did write it before knowing my alignment, then made only two important edits (which were removing 6 and any references to Kataefi who I mistakenly thought was playing). But, wouldn't the fact that I added portions to it after the Original Post indicate that the latter half was written while I was aware of my alignment? Wouldn't I have known to reply after reading the rules? How did you just to that conclusion that I did not? What was your purpose in claiming Heatstroke and I were delaying the game except to imprint the possibility that we were doing it to discuss strategy? Why shy away from declaring that?

Pierre the Scarecrow

Grasping at Straws
Jun 23, 2009
It wasn't to say that you were delaying the game for strategy, it was just to snarkily rank on the two of you for making me have to wait for the game to begin. I think OP confirmation rules are gay and I didn't want to have to wait longer, I even petitioned to the mod to get rid of the specific rule that required OP confirmation with the symbol because I wanted the game to start. That's it.

Cello, do you think that Omis is piggybacking on you? What made you choose 3 more people to be stumped before you will stump yourself like you gambited, and wouldn't that take you all the way to end-game before you satisfied your end of the deal?


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
About halfway through my read, got a few reads that I'll see if they hold up. Gonna set up my hookah and move outside before I finish up reading and get a real post up, expect it before too long.

Pierre the Scarecrow

Grasping at Straws
Jun 23, 2009
@Cello: Don't you think you are putting too much emphasis on things that don't matter? Smaller contradictions or general mix-ups that aren't telling of alignment? How is it so easy for you to say "x is scum, y is scum" based on things like the mix-up I pointed out with HeatStroke or Brockin's log-postings that won't happen or responses to your Rules? I sympathize with Brockin when he states about Omis: "Right now, my only concern is Omis cause of how much he wants me, Pierre, and Heatstroke to stump ourselves without providing a legitimate reason or case. He's just parroting, and I don't like that." because it seems as though he is just piggybacking on you.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
To take out three people takes out three 'scum'.

However if these three people refuse to stump, that gives town three poeple to 'lynch' off of evidence that really isn't good. With three townie stumps, and one mafia dead, that leaves us at 5v2. Pretty bad odds yo.

Cello, i didn't want to post anything, i just wanted to point out that you aren't stumping as you said you would. In the end, if you're town, no one else has any reason to deal with you in that. If you're maf, you need to get lynched now.

I also FoS SummonerAU for buddying extra hard on Cello


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Omis said:
Why are you not stumping Cello?
I believe I can get better responses from Pierre, Mentos, and Nick with my alignment unrevealed, and I also can't think of any benefit that my revealing with have as of this moment. As long as I am given the chance to stump at three queued-to-lynch, it's fine.

Pierre said:
It wasn't to say that you were delaying the game for strategy, it was just to snarkily rank on the two of you for making me have to wait for the game to begin. I think OP confirmation rules are gay and I didn't want to have to wait longer, I even petitioned to the mod to get rid of the specific rule that required OP confirmation with the symbol because I wanted the game to start. That's it.
You are in violation of Cello-rules

Pierre said:
Cello, do you think that Omis is piggybacking on you?
I don't care if he is or not. I'll deal with him when my targets are dead.

Pierre said:
What made you choose 3 more people to be stumped before you will stump yourself like you gambited...
There are 3 lumberjacks. I want them all in the line-up. I do, however, recognize that certain people may have a problem with my hunting method and somehow think that I am scum. In deference to them, when we have two more lined up (by which time my ambiguous alignment will have served it's purpose), then I shall stump myself.

I made that offer, yes, but Heatstroke also said he doesn't make deals with anti-town players. There was no deal in place. I only bow to the Will of the Town.

Pierre said:
...and wouldn't that take you all the way to end-game before you satisfied your end of the deal?
I do intend to make it to end-game, but it will be as a stump, I am sure.

Pierre said:
@Cello: Don't you think you are putting too much emphasis on things that don't matter? Smaller contradictions or general mix-ups that aren't telling of alignment? How is it so easy for you to say "x is scum, y is scum" based on things like the mix-up I pointed out with HeatStroke or Brockin's log-postings that won't happen or responses to your Rules?
I put emphasis on the point that you were trying to subtly attack Heatstroke and myself while absolving yourself of guilt. Even now, in post #214, you said "I had a reason to say that you didn't confirm, I just can't find it right now, I'm pretty sure it was the fact that you wrote that first post without seeing your alignment...". This was shifty and uncommitted, so that you could back out of what you were saying. Why did you say, "It wasn't to say that you were delaying the game for strategy, it was just to snarkily rank on the two of you for making me have to wait for the game to begin."? How does one "find", or for that matter "lose", that sort of reasoning? Even if we compare this to Heatstroke, I have a hard time believing that you, Pierre, would make this sort of mix-up, unless it was just saying whatever seemed right at the moment to alleviate pressure.

Also, how many times have you attacked Omis at this point? Yet, not once have you put forth a suggestion that we have him stump. Take a stance, Pierre.

Heatstroke said:
However if these three people refuse to stump, that gives town three poeple to 'lynch' off of evidence that really isn't good. With three townie stumps, and one mafia dead, that leaves us at 5v2. Pretty bad odds yo.
How about this? Once we have the three people lined up, I'll stump first. If I'm town, they go after me. If I'm scum, then they get pardoned.

@Nick: Commit fratricide, please.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
I meant to remove the bit about Pierre being in violation of various rules of mine (I didn't bother to finish it because it really didn't go anywhere), but I think I'll use it to demonstrate a point instead.

By reading something that I hadn't originally intended for other people to read, it gives you a better insight into my thought processes and how I'm looking at. (This is actually one of the reasons I dislike it when people go invisible)

If you have a larger amount of material, such as a chat log, you gain further insight.



Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Pierre, Paprika, Heatstroke, what do you all think of my points against Brockin? If I stumped and flipped town, would you support my campaign against them?

Pierre the Scarecrow

Grasping at Straws
Jun 23, 2009
I believe I can get better responses from Pierre, Mentos, and Nick with my alignment unrevealed, and I also can't think of any benefit that my revealing with have as of this moment. As long as I am given the chance to stump at three queued-to-lynch, it's fine.

You are in violation of Cello-rules

I don't care if he is or not. I'll deal with him when my targets are dead.

There are 3 lumberjacks. I want them all in the line-up. I do, however, recognize that certain people may have a problem with my hunting method and somehow think that I am scum. In deference to them, when we have two more lined up (by which time my ambiguous alignment will have served it's purpose), then I shall stump myself.

I made that offer, yes, but Heatstroke also said he doesn't make deals with anti-town players. There was no deal in place. I only bow to the Will of the Town.

I do intend to make it to end-game, but it will be as a stump, I am sure.

I put emphasis on the point that you were trying to subtly attack Heatstroke and myself while absolving yourself of guilt. Even now, in post #214, you said "I had a reason to say that you didn't confirm, I just can't find it right now, I'm pretty sure it was the fact that you wrote that first post without seeing your alignment...". This was shifty and uncommitted, so that you could back out of what you were saying. Why did you say, "It wasn't to say that you were delaying the game for strategy, it was just to snarkily rank on the two of you for making me have to wait for the game to begin."? How does one "find", or for that matter "lose", that sort of reasoning? Even if we compare this to Heatstroke, I have a hard time believing that you, Pierre, would make this sort of mix-up, unless it was just saying whatever seemed right at the moment to alleviate pressure.

Also, how many times have you attacked Omis at this point? Yet, not once have you put forth a suggestion that we have him stump. Take a stance, Pierre.

How about this? Once we have the three people lined up, I'll stump first. If I'm town, they go after me. If I'm scum, then they get pardoned.

@Nick: Commit fratricide, please.
I still don't understand why you insist that there must be three people lined up to be stumped "by the will of the town" (Majority?) before you will stump yourself. What does there being 3 lumberjacks have to do with that?

Instead of weaseling your way out, why don't you ask HeatStroke right now what he wants you to do - because all of us were under the impression that if he stumped you would. He can speak for himself right now I'm sure, like he did when he quoted back your stuff calling it BS. Add me, add Omis, add ThePaprikaKiller.

The reason why I'm not willing to say "Omis stump yourself" is because he is conflicting and I don't know if he is scum piggybacking you. Especially considering that he agrees with you on every point but also wants you to stump yourself, I am hesitant. That is understandable.

And no, my diction isn't shifty or uncommitted, it is straight dialogue, thoughts to text.

I think your points against Brockin are bad and I don't follow them. If you flipped town I probably wouldn't either. I touched on them earlier in my most recent post.
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