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Tree Stump Mafia - OVER! Who lived happily ever after in the forest?


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
See, this doesn't make me understand stumping, it's generally suiciding correct?

From how it was explained, you lose your vote, however you're allowed to talk still, and your role is shown.

Cello, i was never pressured to actually be lynched, you've been telling me to stump before anyone was even on me. Now I'm still refusing because there is no lynch to be avoiding.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Okay TPK. thanks for giving me the wrong information.

When you suicide, all votes are reset, and you -die-. You do not get to keep your real vote, however your virtual vote is usable. Which is fine, however you are not able to add to the person count (closer to mylo/lylo), you cannot vote towards scum, you can just say your opinion. Which is great, but you can't express anything outside of it.

Deleted member

Otherwise, your only powers are to post, think, and vote.
hm, funny, I could swear my PM as well as the example PM shown in OP said that sentence.
and of course you lose your count towards the player number, otherwise twon would just mass-stump and thus forcing scum to stump or get lynched.

Deleted member

hm, read it three times in a row and you might be right.
that said, dead townies keeping their virtual vote only helps so another point in favor of this system.

tell me heat, would you stump yourself for the town?


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Not good with big words.


I wouldn't vote myself for town as a whole, with inclusion of scum and town pushing the stump. This being the case, I probably wouldn't stump myself at all. It's something i just don't feel it's helpful.

I guess i'm just sounding like an idiot but. Cello is asking multiple people to stump, and then he will proceed to stump. It's a loaded situation.

If i say no, i'm considered scummy by not doing it.

If i say yes, and stump myself, Cello does not have to stump. In his mind, scum will not stump themselves, instead they will be lynched. I'm looking scummy because i want my power to vote, therefore i won't stump before him. I get lynched, i flip as town, mafia gets a free kill, and we start back over with two less town.

And it's not like he's just doing this with me, he's doing this with three people. If i get lynched and flip town, he might just ask someone else from his list to stump.

Tl;dr before i got frustrated and ranted.

I won't stump, not right now when i barely have reads on anyone here.

Deleted member

There are situations where if you stump, your flip could decide the game. not really in place right now, but I'll note for now that you refuse to stump.

If i say yes, and stump myself, Cello does not have to stump.
How so? you said yourself that you would look scummy if you didn't stump. the same would apply to Cello. maybe even more so becasue he made the offer.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Exactly, it doesn't much at all right now, maybe in a situation where it could help town win definately, then yes. But no where near d1.

It does apply to Cello, he will get lynched for not stumping, or he would stump and show up as town. There's nothing but bad coming from this. He self stumps and we end up no where with two less townies, he is scum and dies by lynch which gives maf another kill. Or i'm scum and he dies because he's town (but i'm not scum, so that option doesn't really matter)

Deleted member

only the first one is a bad scenario. trading a townie for scum is always a good deal since it will improve the ratio of townies, even if you count their night kills into the equation.


Smash Rookie
Mar 25, 2010

I'm not asking anyone to do anything, I'm just telling people not to worry about the deadline because I'll stump myself and extend it for 7 days if it really comes down to it.

Still haven't looked at posts in detail and there's no plan to in this uni break since it's only an hour long and it's half gone already.
Summoner, extending the day like that will not profit town that much. In the end, you lose an ability to vote, so it's best to hold that said ability till the end. I'm sure we'll come up with a conclusion near the deadline. Whether it comes down to someone else stumping, or a lynch.

seriously, don't be stupid.

Summoner, will you join us? Also, don't stump yourself, unless I tell you to. I'll need your vote, later.
You're not calling the shots in this game, Cello.

@Brockin: So you agree that Today is very townie?
Yep. I don't see anything scummy about her thus far, so I trust her.

Heatstroke, while you do lose your ability to vote, saying your opinion....or even having a voice is just as strong. People would more likely listen to you now that you're a confirmed townie. When one stumps themselves, the votes are resetted and we get an extendsion of 7 days. Plus, maf doesn't get a chance to nightkill anyone. One would be helping out town by just being a voice and telling their opinion. It can help, lots

When you're lynched, you're dead. That's that. No vote ability, and you only get to say 'bah, go town/scum/whatever as your last saying. Plus, when you die, it goes to night phase and Mafia gets a chance to nightkill a townie.

Like I said, whether Cellos does his end of the bargain or not will be his decision. If he does, then good. If he doesn't, he'll be lynched. That's the most likely scenario.

what's so hard to understand?

also, no n00b johns. in SSBM, Junglefever accepted the n00b johns from SSBF (who was under heavy pressure). Turns out that he was mafia.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009

I just realized something.

@Moderator: Does each lumberjack get a Night Kill?

You are a Lumberjack! Leaping from tree to tree! The Mafia is comprised of [NAME], [NAME], and [NAME], whom you may talk to whenever you like.

Each night you may target a tree or a tree stump, and kill them. Trees or stumps killed this way will no longer be able to post in thread.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
He'll be lynched and it will be nighttime is what I'm saying.

Eh, whatever I really don't care for this game anymore.


Deleted member

cello, highly unlikely. then we had to hit scum every day. (well not every but it would still be broken)
Heat, wut?


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Heatstroke just stumped himself, but I'm too lazy to correct various points in this post so I'm just posting it as is.

Heatstroke said:
{About stumping}That doesn't make sense, you're out of the game where it matters, your vote.
Rule 6 (Portion redacted) was originally the idea that we could have town stumps commandeer (take control of) any vote of any living townie. I rejected it because I thought that stupid townies would lose the game for us, but it might be something to consider. Essentially, the eldest stump can control one person's vote and has first choice, and the next senior stump controls one person of their choice of who's left, etc. What do you all think of that idea? Heatstroke, that would let you keep your vote if you are town. You could even take mine if you wanted to.

Paprika said:
stumps even keep their real vote, why would we make people lose their virtual vote? (unless they are revealed as scum)

I just had a thought: Mafia can stump in hopes of us stumping more town before the day end. (they will die regardless, might as well hope to take more town with them)
I don't understand what you mean here. Saying that phrase kills you. When you are dead, you can't vote. But, you have the special ability to keep posting. Also, why does the second part even matter? If they just let it go to Night, they'd get their Night Kill, then it's Day again, and we're back to stumping.

Brockin said:
Your reason for scumminess for Pierre lacks detail, and makes you feel extreamly lazy. Either speak your reasons or say he's neutral.
What, Pierre can't fight his own battles? Buddy Pierre for us some more, buddy.

Brockin said:
I would love to speak more if Cello wasn't mad at me for not posting the logs (same ones that Mod said we can't).
You've said various bits to this effect multiple times. What, one person has you so cowed that you feel you can't even share your opinions? That's ridiculous, and is wasting time, to boot. Anti-town sentiment, at best. Talk.

About Heatstroke: We have here before us a person that claims he dutifully read the opening rules and with proper form (I'm imagining this even with offered obeisance) submitted his role confirmation. This is also the same person that didn't understand until it was spelled out to him how stumping works and what it does (and frankly, may still not). I cannot imagine this person having truly read the rules, in full and complete detail, and confirmed. This person has lied. He is a liar. He must be punished.


SSBF said:
I agree with you, but if there's one thing I want you to know, it's that there is one good thing about a townie lynch. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not interested in an Townie lynch at all, as a matter of fact, I hate seeing townies lynched. However, the difference between a townie lynch and an no lynch is that a townie lynch gathers some form of information to use later in the game. A No Lynch brings absolutely nothing to the table and the only thing we would have is an night kill which may or may not help us later out.
This lynch information is only useful if properly interpreted. More importantly, this information is gained just as effectively by forcing a stump the following Day. Are you just not reading my rules, or what? Any and all hammers not sanctioned by me by the collective will of the Town after the three scum are lined up are a sure indicator of scum. Don't argue with this. Further, given the mechanics of this game (this is very important), we DO gain something from a No Lynch in the extraordinarily unlikely scenario you suggested; three random (at worst) extra lynches. (especially after Macman is adding seven extra days from a stumping [which really should not be the case; this game is impossible for scum to win now without serious, serious error on Town's behalf])

SSBF said:
I would say The Jester, but he's getting replaced, so that's not an option. It would have to be someone who has been relatively inactive and has a null read. The closest I can find is Sworddancer, who made a few posts, disappeared for awhile, and came back. He currently has a null read here, so if I was forced to do an stump, I would do one on Sworddancer.
This disgusts me. You've been touting the merits of lynching for information, but you want to lynch inactives that would yield nothing in those terms? If you're going to be wrong, be consistently wrong. What about me or my three adversaries?

SSBF said:
You are not the mod of this game, please don't do vote counts or even virtual vote counts.
I'm calling a virtual vote count because...it's not a vote count. Macman isn't going to do them, so I am.

SSBF said:
I'm not really liking this post. This can be used as an scum tactic because it can give scum the opportunity to clear them self of a lynch, providing that everyone goes through with it.
No...it can't. If he stumps himself, he's revealed as scum and is dead. There's no clear there. If you meant that it could be a ploy to make himself seem townie, then sure. But, that's true of anything.

SSBF said:
Although I do support Heatstroke, the argument between him and Cello Marl looks to get nowhere anytime soon. I also really hate the numerous times that Heatstroke and Cello Marl asked them to kill them self, very anti-town.
Do you just repeat what more experienced players have said hoping that you'll say it at the right time? Voting for yourself in a normal game and/or getting yourself lynched is stupid. The very different nature of this game greatly skews the power balance in favor of Town. Not taking advantage of it would be ****ing stupid. You've spoken several times of information lynches. Wouldn't knowing Heatstroke or my alignment be...oh, I don't know... valuable information? Why do you not wish to know at least one of our alignments? In a normal game, with 9 v 3, we'd have two mislynches. Here, we have five misstumps. Three freely available information stumps. AND WE DON'T LOSE THEIR OPINIONS EITHER. Why why why why? Don't you want to know?

SSBF said:
Cello Marl, I want you to rank all of us (Excluding The Jester) from scummiest to most townie and give explanation why.
This would be useless. Until I see at least one of their flips, Pierre, Brockin, and Heatstroke are the scummiest to me. I need information that can gained by their deaths. If I am wrong, then I can reevaluate my opinions on everyone that isn't Summoner or Today. (I'm allowing for error on tHe-Man, take that as you will)

Actually, I could be persuaded to have you (SSBF) stump yourself. Mostly because of these sorts of sentiments...

SSBF said:
We need to focus on stumping relatively inactive players that has an relatively null read. They will be the least important votes of the game until they start contributing more.
What? Having a person stump is the same as lynching them. It garners the same information (by virtue of "votes" on them, and we get their flip), except that we get to keep them around to talk. DON'T FEAR THE STUMP. THINKING THIS WAY AND ACCEPTING IT IS WHY WE CAN ASSUME THAT PEOPLE THAT REFUSE TO STUMP ARE SCUM.

Also, what do you think about Today? You've said that you want to lynch Summoner for my support of him. But I think Today's slot is the towniest town to ever town a town.

Deleted member

Heat I know, let me repeat myself.


And no they CAN still be killed by lumberjacks, they don't count twoards the player count. otherwise, we would mass stump know and the proceed to lynch the now known scum the next 3 days


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Eh, I guess it's fine, however people don't 'actually' have to let someone take their vote. That requires agreement on both sides. Someone could just say their reason for taking their vote isn't valid.

Deleted member

Cello, the first part was wrong as Heat later pointed out to me.
The idea in the second part was as follows.

if mafia gets lynched it's night, they kill, next day.
if mafia stump, town could possibly take out a townie before the night, then at some point it's night, mafia kills, it's next day.

they could profit by this because we don't have the night kill yet to get more info from. it was more a generic line of thought I wanted to share.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
HeatStroke has stumped himself.

He was an ordinary tree!

The deadline has been extended 7 days. And is now on May 7th.

Marshy replaces the Jester

Mafia is allowed one NK per team not per person.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Ahh, sorry for the doubt, Heatstroke. I just didn't like how you kept answering back to Cello

In either case, Cello is gonna have to do his end of the deal.

Whether Today or Jester, or their replacements (if they get any) responds, I'd like to hear their imput on the general base.


Smash Rookie
Mar 25, 2010
LOL sorry, I forgot I was in my original account. Marshy, please delete the above post. LOL


Ahh, sorry for the doubt, Heatstroke. I just didn't like how you kept answering back to Cello

In either case, Cello is gonna have to do his end of the deal.

Whether Today or Jester, or their replacements (if they get any) responds, I'd like to hear their imput on the general base.


Smash Rookie
Mar 25, 2010
Ahh cool. Sup Marshy and Mentos. :D

whenever you can, read up and tell what you think of the discussion thus far.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Brockin, i had nothing else to do but defend myself, my logic is skewed, but is it really scummy. I've been consistent in all my posts thus far about him. It sounds like you're just thinking.

"well that's now how town works imo, so he must be scummy"

which isn't always the case.

Deleted member

@Cello Marl:
Cello Marl said:
Actually, I could be persuaded to have you (SSBF) stump yourself. Mostly because of these sorts of sentiments...
I don't really see any benefits of me stumping myself. Sure, it allows more game time, but I'm not going to give up my power to vote just because I might be saved from a lynch.

Cello Marl said:
Also, what do you think about Today? You've said that you want to lynch Summoner for my support of him. But I think Today's slot is the towniest town to ever town a town.
I'm leaning toward him being town. He's been a pretty good player right now and none of his posts have been particuarly suspicious. However, he has not posted in two days, which brings him down to an null read. Let's hope that he responds soon, or that Mentosman8 is a more active and better player.

So, would you people recommend that I do an analysis of everyone? Don't worry about Smash Bros. Mafia, it won't be that bad.

Deleted member

Guys, read Today's profile. There is no reason why Today should be inactive, especially given that he's been in Smash World Forums. Someone needs to notify him via PM to get his attention if prods don't work here.

So basically, nothing excuse Today's absences.


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
Hey, just wanted to confirm my replacement and all that jazz... Gotta be up for work in ~6 hours, so I'm gonna get some sleep and will read up/put something together soon as I get home tomorrow. Prepare yourselves for a post that will..... probably show my rust quite a bitXD

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006

i dont want to make this into popcorn. i might sheep some good stumps tho

i didnt add "OP hijacked from xiivi". i wouldntve capitalized. i changed the deadline for day and later added that the-man was a ryker/xonar hydra

how bout the official system is everyone votes/wagons as usual and when someone gets to -1 they stump in their next post. they get hammered immediately if they fail to do that. itll result in a longass deadline meaning yall are gonna have to work. dont do the two-days-to-deadline scramble this game please

hi pierre!

why the hell are scumteams being looked for on page two

bad memory != scummy. cello going after heatstroke is unconvincing

brockin why are you afraid of overstumping. that makes no sense. are you being paranoid for the sake of being paranoid? stop

why wouldnt you post logs? just edit out info you dont want to be seen

oh yall can do what cello said and not vote at all...but thats lame lynch *****es. also if you put them at -1 they HAVE to stump while they can just be whiny town refusing to stump at -1 wasting time. but it doesnt matter its more important that theres a system and people dont commit to one or another and see another group as scummy for disagreeing on method

cello what completed games here have you read?

ssbf "stumping" means "saying those bold words in your role pm" causing you to become a tree stump

brockin youre cautious of who you trust...you should probably be more decisive considering making ronike bulletproof in lodscrew wouldve helped town bigtime

also voting an inactive doesnt do anything. theyre not there to look. i think you might be confusing that with lurker

you dont seem to grasp the benefit of posting chatlogs. posting them shows youre scumhunting with your other half outside the thread. its hard to replicate as scum and it most likely gains you gg points specially when you have a bunch of em like cello said

roxy you NEED to stump when you are put at -1. dont argue this

macman do more votecounts

i bet cellos wrong about heatstroke being scum. lets keep him for a while

zv needs a rule about not using metadeta. im assuming he doesnt anyway

ssbf why would you choose the jester to stump? im the towniest player slot in this game

i appreciate the votecounts when macmans not doing them and the virtual ones

paprika who cares if mafia stump. wed have to keep stumping the next day so they just wouldnt get a nightkill. stop

annnnd heatstroke was town. whyd you change your name btw? roxy was much better

mmm i say keep cello/omis for a while. seeing how people react to cello is useful

town force mentos to do stuff. if he pussyfoots hardbody and never votes and fails to do anything just lynch the **** out of him dont read his posts and say "oh hes being logical hes fine" if hes not scumhunting and taking stances (i like that more people are emphasizing the importance of this) kill him fast and kill him hard im talkin like down and dirty paced quicklynch

ssbf dont contact any players in this game about anything related to this game. today has a replacement so dont bother her

i wanna see more pierre/summoner and them interacting would be cool too. id like a better idea of where dancers head is at. id also like to see omis/paprika killer try to narrow who they want stumpin instead of naming like one-third of the game

down for brockin to stump/die go wagon lets do this!

vote brockin
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