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Tree Stump Mafia - OVER! Who lived happily ever after in the forest?


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
HeatStroke, if you are sure that Cello is scum and you are indeed town, wouldn't stumping yourself point out your are town and still give you a chance to put a case on Cello?
no i don't think i should. Should i be considered scummy because i'm acting differently to this?

Guys, feel free to talk about it more, I'll stump myself if we get within a day of deadline. Also, I'm completely okay with letting Cello do what he likes and I think voting him just because he's suggesting to do something so different is silly. Unvote too tired to look at detail at what I missed over the last day or so, I'll vote sometime in the near future.
we are not a day of deadline, this can't be proven, however i'm holding on to this post.

Pierre the Scarecrow

Grasping at Straws
Jun 23, 2009
Okay, was I the only one that laughed?

HeatStroke, if you are sure that Cello is scum and you are indeed town, wouldn't stumping yourself point out your are town and still give you a chance to put a case on Cello?

Guys, feel free to talk about it more, I'll stump myself if we get within a day of deadline. Also, I'm completely okay with letting Cello do what he likes and I think voting him just because he's suggesting to do something so different is silly. Unvote too tired to look at detail at what I missed over the last day or so, I'll vote sometime in the near future.
This seems strange to me.

Were people even talking about you in a negative light? If not, why would you mention stumping yourself except to put out the idea that you are willing to? Also, what do you mean by "do something so different", do you mean playing this as if it were Popcorn or do you mean his weird "Pierre is right about HeatStroke, HeatStroke and Pierre stump yourselves then I'll stump myself" stuff?

I look forward to when you aren't too tired to contribute.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
HeatStroke - Scum. Obviously.

"I'm pretty certain i confirmed my role" This is not something a person is mistaken on.
I didn't sound mistaken here.

Yet, he said, "I never looked at this thread when it was closed. I had it subscribed so i only looked at it when Macman opened it."
you do realize in order to subscribe a thread from the get go to thread tools> and subscribe right? Which requires me to look at the thread that one time to subscribe. I quoted the message and pasted it to him then i was done with the thread.

Like I said, he wants us to believe that he memorized all the rules and quoted them back to Macman without looking at the thread (since that's what he would have had to have done). That's unreasonable.
If that was truly the case, sure it's unreasonable. But in comparison to what? Me saying in game about something out of game (something that i might've said wrong in the first place mind you) has no relevance to whether i'm scum or not.

Picture this scenario.

person a: "Heatstroke how old are you?"

HS : "18"

person b: "Heatstroke, didn't your birthday come by a week ago and you turned 19?"

HS : "oh sorry i'm 19."

person a: "that's pretty scummy to me"

Deleted member

Not really... he's a robot. He responded to Cello's long rulesheet late and in detail and I wish he would have posted his opinions instead, but I don't know what that means about his alignment if that is just how he is.

What do you think about SSBF, Paprika?
for now I think he is bad town since this basically is how I've seen him play some other games.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
I want Pierre to stump.
I want Heatstroke to stump.
I want Brockin to stump.

Post every person that you would want to stump (even if it's just everyone), in this format. Let's just win this, people.

tHe-Man said:
Also, I disagree on stumping too much right now. Later on we can stump people with a good town read, right now, if we go purely by chance, we have a 1/4 chance of getting a scum if we stump someone. I don't think 3 townies for 1 scum would be legit, but it's only chance.
If we do this properly, we should have all three scum lined up before the end of Day 1, so that everyone can talk and everyone can realize what everyone else is thinking. We can't stump too much unless town spontaneously explodes and kills itself. Remember, a refusal to stump (when at a majority of virtual votes) is an admission of being scum.

Sworddancer said:
Cello, do you still want me to answer your question to me all the way back on page 2, or do you not care anymore?
Please do so. I want to see how people respond to it, especially in terms of casting suspicion on you, with them knowing that I will be watching for that. (Someone will say "I'm not going to pussyfoot around you, Cello!", or something like that, I'm sure)

I will add something else, though. Who would you like to see stump themselves right now? Especially in terms of Pierre, Brockin, myself, and Heatstroke.

Sidenote: For ease of reading, we should refer to post number rather than page if possible. We all use different "post per page" counts, so I was scouring #41-#80 looking for my question to Sworddancer. Then, I realized it was #16-#30 that he was referring to.

Brockin said:
No, no, no. We would just have these posts of me talking with my rockier half getting nitpicked by you looking for more scummy reasons to lynch us. We can share our thoughts in the thread without needing to post logs. And macman just said we couldn't even if we wanted to.
Rule 8a. By your own admission, posting your logs would have done no harm. Yet, you've refused turn after turn. There was no reason for you to stand on principle. The only reasonable explanation is that you didn't want to have the content of your logs be shown, since it was obviously scum talk (who to frame, etc). If it was a matter of wasting time, how many times did you just say "I don't wanna", trying to stall? Again, your own recalcitrance was your doom.

@Pierre: I want to hear why tHe-Man (especially Ryker) thinks you are scum. I was the one that started this movement against you, so of course I have a reason. However, my reasoning was something that probably only makes sense to me, so I want to hear him out. Also, Today's vote seemed more like pressure to get you to respond to a question/point of hers. Yet you freaked out over that, too. Way too defensive. Also,

Pierre said:
If I were scum and if HeatStroke is scum, I would not have pointed out the contradiction, so this doesn't make sense.
WIFOM, WIFOM, WIFOM. If you were town, it's what you'd do. If you're scum, it's called bussing, and it took place on page 2 (or 3, depends).

Pierre said:
Cello is lining up lynches using other peoples reasoning so he doesn't take the fall when we are wrong.
I take responsibility for the stumping lynching of Pierre, Heatstroke, and Brockin. Although, seriously, with what has been said so far, you'd have to be pretty ****ing stupid to think that I wasn't responsible for them. What was your point here except to create negative sentiment toward me? There's no way you honestly think that that was what I was doing.

Also, have you actually committed to any opinions whatsoever? Everything you've said up to this point (except for people voting for you) has been "Oh, I just don't know :urg:", plus subtly pushing negative feelings toward just about everyone.

@Heatstroke: All of your interactions with me show your obvious scumminess. But, that first bit is a nice condensed reason that is easy enough to see is unreasonable. After all, if we follow your own example, by saying "Oh, yeah, I'm 19, then that is an admission that the event (in this case, checking the thread) occurred". Which didn't happen. After all, you said that you don't know how to get here except by the subscription.

Heatstroke said:
I quoted the message and pasted it to him then i was done with the thread.
The whole message? He asked for specific portions of it. You really didn't confirm, did you? And if you didn't, how did Pierre know? (The last part is rhetorical)

Pierre the Scarecrow

Grasping at Straws
Jun 23, 2009
I've decided that I don't want the game to turn into a Popcorn setup.

It is too early for me to be comfortable posting a lynch list, plain and simple. If it looks like I have said "oh, I don't know" about a player, that's simply because I'm unsure of their alignment. If you think that's ridiculous, say so.

@Cello: if you want to hear why tHe-Man thinks I'm scummy, say that instead of saying "I will let tHe-Man tell you all why Pierre is scummy." Those are two different things. I want to hear why you think I'm scummy, and I don't care for you stalling to see what he says first.

What Today said was bogus and I called her out on it. Look at the "question" she asked - its obviously a rhetorical question and she is making a point. She wasn't asking a question and adding a vote for emphasis/pressure - if you read what she said, it's obvious.

Yes, it seems to me like you are trying to line up lynches and pass off ownership. Too bad if you think I'd have to be "pretty ****ing stupid" to think that, because it's what I think - and we will see what other people think about it. (I think I'm beginning to see why nobody likes playing with you! Your attitude is ridiculous and your points (at least the ones you actually give as opposed to saying other people can give theirs or yours would only make sense to you) are baseless.)


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
@Pierre: Explain why you don't want it be Popcorn. It's not just that it's one player you are "unsure" of, it's everyone (that's not voting for you *surprise surprise*). Also, if you truly are unsure, why did you lightly and subtly suggest they were scummy?

Pierre said:
Yes, it seems to me like you are trying to line up lynches and pass off ownership. Too bad if you think I'd have to be "pretty ****ing stupid" to think that, because it's what I think - and we will see what other people think about it.
I've already said I'm taking responsibility. Something you know nothing about.

Pierre said:
Cello, how can you say that this is how you act as town when your first (and largest by far) post was written before you knew your alignment? It would then be also how you act as scum.
You are fully aware that I lie as town. You didn't even bother to consider that I might have lied that I wrote it before knowing my alignment? Instead you try to null the pro-town sentiment generated by my post.

Pierre said:
By the way, I would agree that your first post is far more pro-town than it is pro-scum, but its also a bit pro-Cello... not that that is a bad thing if you are town.
Here you acknowledge that it was pro-town, but it continues to push that my initial post was purely selfish, yet absolving you of responsibility. What have you done here except try to continue focus on my opening in a negative light?

Pierre said:
Cello, you should second-guess yourself until you get that heavy feeling in your head that you are doing it too much.
This looks like you answered it just for the purpose of answering it. Just to not stand out.

Pierre said:
Also, thanks to Cello_Marl and HeatStroke for making the confirmation stage take forever!
Could be a joke, probably isn't. I submitted my confirmation at 1:05 p.m. so obviously I was just thrown in there. But, Heatstroke. That was the first link between you two.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
@Heatstroke: At what time did you submit your confirmation, since you claim you did?

@Everyone else: Given Pierre's constant defense of Heatstroke, would you all be more inclined to think that he is scum if Heatstroke is?

@Pierre: You never did say whether or not you would stump yourself with me. If you stump, I'll stump (you first). You'd be worth it.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
@Sworddancer: "Add pressure to your question?" You didn't seem to care that I didn't actually answer it/them. Assuming that I had continued to not answer it/them, would you have taken that as a sign of scumminess? In my experience, that is seldom the case. If it would not have been, why was pressure necessary?
I didn't care, at the time, because you questioned my question. I can understand if you didn't answer them because you were unaware of what I was trying to say. I wanted to clarify what I meant.

However, you still haven't answered my question, and I do take that as a scummy move. I like it when people clarify their actions, I think it helps the town.

Also, you've claimed that Heatstroke hasn't done anything, but you acknowledge that the time I supposedly "gave an answer to cover my tracks" was in response to a question by Heatstroke. On that note, what "tracks" are you referring to, specifically? Surely, no matter what my alignment is, I would have had to have expected some sort of response from my opening statements (especially since there are people here that I've never played with before). How could I have expected that Heatstroke would have made such a comment? Are you suggesting that Heatstroke was trying to create a link to me? Do you think that his question was a ploy engineered by the two of us (i.e. do you think that we're scummates)? If so, why do you say that you have nothing on Heatstroke? If not, what would I have done (as scum) if Heatstroke hadn't made that comment?
Okay, once again I worded myself wrong. Please forgive me for that. What I should of said is that I think you might be trying to cover up anything that you do do, as in, for now on. To try to make myself clearer, I think you might have been trying to implant into our minds that anything you do is a townie move. It had nothing to do with heatstroke, I thought it was just a random question that Heatstroke threw out there.

But you did rise an interesting point, I never considered that heat might have planned with you to ask that question. I still think that his question was innocent, but now I'm a bit more weary of him for that reason.

FoS Heat

I still have more reading to do. Be back later with more.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
@Heatstroke: At what time did you submit your confirmation, since you claim you did?

@Everyone else: Given Pierre's constant defense of Heatstroke, would you all be more inclined to think that he is scum if Heatstroke is?

@Pierre: You never did say whether or not you would stump yourself with me. If you stump, I'll stump (you first). You'd be worth it.
Honestly, I can not tell you, why it shows in my inbox i've responded, it doesn't however show in my sent items that i've sent a message..


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
@sworddancer - If i planned to ask that question to cello. Doesn't that just make us both problematic? Please ride everything cello says more.


: |

Deleted member

blame it on the server hiccups. is it really important to the game when heat confirmed?

I don't see pierre defending Heat that hard, but it does make the link stronger.

I want to stump; Heatstroke, cello, pierre (depending on the first 2 though)


Smash Rookie
Mar 25, 2010
How about you kill yourself first so we can see who you are, and then i will stump.

If everyone had to choose one person to stump first who would it be and why?

@Brockin, So you wouldn't post your logs to prove your innocence? Although I understand where you're coming from. I find it odd you completely won't share anything at all.
I feel there's nothing much to prove when posting logs (even though I am taking in Cello's way of how it may 'benefit' town points). I'd like to share my thoughts more if Cello wasn't constantly grilling me about it.

as far as stumping, I'm at a tie with Heatstroke and Omis.

I'm not liking how Heatstroke tried to reverse the stumping thing with Cellos.

How about you kill yourself first so we can see who you are, and then i will stump.
whether Cello does the self-stumping after either us three (us, Pierre, Heatstroke), Cello would have to fill out his deal either way, or else he'd be lynched.

I pick Omis cause he barely talked about how he feels with everyone as well as share some insight. All he's doing is just mainly grilling me about the logs. The fact that he's not providing a case for said reason is also making me want him to stump.

It was a joke Today, I'm hinting at the hardcore feeling that everyone thinks i'm scum.
You're in a bad spotlight right now. There's no time for jokes >>;;

Summoner: Town. "Macman, with rule 28, does that apply to people who have commited suicide and can still post?" is not the sort of thing he would say as scum, I think.

Today: Town. "This would depend on the situation. If I put myself out there and if I feel threatened to a kill the next night then obviously I would stump myself." This response took me by surprise. But, after I thought about it for a while just now, I realized where her mind was at. She wasn't thinking in terms of payoff (as scum might have), but in terms of self-preservation. By self-preservation, I mean actually being able to post, something that scum would find no use in, and would not consider.

tHe-Man - Town. "Once, I read through the rules like a good player should, and noticed that rule23 was actually wrong. I also corrected rule 16 which was still referencing to Twilight Mafia." Again, not something that would occur to scum to say or do. If we really need them to, they can post all of their logs. Does anyone want them to?

HeatStroke - Scum. Obviously. "I'm pretty certain i confirmed my role" This is not something a person is mistaken on. Yet, he said, "I never looked at this thread when it was closed. I had it subscribed so i only looked at it when Macman opened it." Like I said, he wants us to believe that he memorized all the rules and quoted them back to Macman without looking at the thread (since that's what he would have had to have done). That's unreasonable.

Brockin - Scum. Refuses to post his logs. Honestly...that's all that we need. It's that important. (Interesting point, if Brockin was town, this would be a perfect example of rules 1 and 8a)

Pierre - Scum. I'll let tHe-Man field the reasons why.

Omis - Dunno, really. I like his words. The most accurate way to put it is that I don't think he's scum because I think other people are scum.

SSBF: Much like Omis, but I like his anger and frustration at me. It feels genuine.

Everyone else is going to read like Omis and SSBF.

Summoner, SSBF, Paprika, Sworddancer, Omis, Today, Jester: We need you to say that you're willing to lynch Pierre, HeatStroke, and Rockin. HeatStroke first since Rockin is willing to bus him.
That is a horrid list. You're only clearing The-man and Summoner because they corrected a rule and not because of how either of them is playing. There is such a thing as players in general being nice. Your reason for scumminess for Pierre lacks detail, and makes you feel extreamly lazy. Either speak your reasons or say he's neutral.

I would love to hear what *The Jester* and Sworddancer. have to input. I'm having a hard time gauging Paprika and Omis. Brockin seems to talk more about himself and his hydra than anything else. I feel like Cello is scum, I am put off by tHe-Man for his random "Pierre is scum" but has nothing else to say, Today doesn't seem very town by just chiming in to vote me for a bad reason.
I would love to speak more if Cello wasn't mad at me for not posting the logs (same ones that Mod said we can't).

I agree with Pierre for as to why summoners wants to self-stump, especially near deadline. It was...so random. Would like to hear a reason

Omis - You say that you want us stumped, but you have yet to provide a reason. You're basically riding along with Cello. Mind telling us why you want us stumped without providing the log issue?

Vote: Heatstroke

@everyone (besides Cello and Omis) Does everyone else finds us scummy at all, even by us not posting in our logs (if we had the option to)?


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
I put myself up for stumping because I didn't want people to worry about the deadline. If we go into night, we definitely lose a townie and they can't talk anymore.

Due to uni, I won't even have time to look at this seriously until another 3 hours.

Deleted member

@Brockin: no, not really

I wondered something. Macman, can people that are stumped still be lynched?


Smash Rookie
Mar 25, 2010
I put myself up for stumping because I didn't want people to worry about the deadline. If we go into night, we definitely lose a townie and they can't talk anymore.

Due to uni, I won't even have time to look at this seriously until another 3 hours.
You stumping like that will give no benefit to town whatsoever. You have a voice, so it's best if you use it. Just try your best to post and keep up with the game.

Deleted member

Summoner seems to just want to stump himself without someone even politely asking for it.

The idea behind the forced stumping is the same as voting someone to L-1 except we only keep virtual votes (the lists). this removes the risk of someone getting lynched "on accident".
And if we hit scum who really really refuses to stump we can either quicklynch, or just note the person down to be the next lynch while we continue searching. that way we don't lose our precious day phase. (we lynch said person near the deadline I suppose).

Deleted member

Big massive post.

Pierre The Scarecrow said:
Nothing has made me scummy
This irks me a little. You say that nothing has made you scummy, but you need to realize that people can use anything as a evidence, even random posts at the beginning of the game. Also, that is an opinion, not fact. Someone here may consider you the most scummy right now and you may not know it.

Omis said:
Omis said:
What are you saying when you distinguish between Walls of text and long posts? I thought they were the same.
They are similar, but not the same. Long posts are usually beneficial to the game, providing that it doesn't reeks of scumminess and is meant to contribute to the game. Wall of Text, I will admit, does do the same thing, but it makes things difficult to read and can be annoying. Occasionally, they can get ignored, thus if you make an fantastic post that is extremely large, people may ignore it due to the huge Wall of Text, wasting a great opportunity to get people to realize that you're contributing to the game and waste a great post in general.
Cello Marl said:
First, I'll explain the game. Stump mafia works like this; if you (plural) say a certain phrase listed in the OP, you turn into an unlynchable stump. You also lose your vote, but you may continue to post. This does not end the Day. If we use this to make townies commit suicide, it allows us to keep "lynching" until we hit scum, who will refuse to stump themselves.
Thank you for explaining the game to me. Now I understand what you're saying.

Cello Marl said:
Your scenario is unreasonable. Since the risk versus reward is too unfavorable, if there are ten minutes left, you shouldn't be considering hammering. Going to a "No Lynch" and losing 1 tree to a NK is better than probably mislynching and then lynching you as punishment, with a total loss of 4.

Further, this rule prevents the same scenario from occurring midDay. Rockin lynched Riddle in LoDScrew (both were town) after a scant 5 hours, despite saying that he was hoping Riddle would put something up in his defense. Well, why didn't Riddle defend himself? He wasn't on. Instead, Rockin relied on claiming it was town's will. Such an occurrence here would be disastrous, so I'm taking every precaution possible to guard against such an event.
I agree with you, but if there's one thing I want you to know, it's that there is one good thing about a townie lynch. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not interested in an Townie lynch at all, as a matter of fact, I hate seeing townies lynched. However, the difference between a townie lynch and an no lynch is that a townie lynch gathers some form of information to use later in the game. A No Lynch brings absolutely nothing to the table and the only thing we would have is an night kill which may or may not help us later out.

Today said:
If everyone had to choose one person to stump first who would it be and why?
I would say The Jester, but he's getting replaced, so that's not an option. It would have to be someone who has been relatively inactive and has a null read. The closest I can find is Sworddancer, who made a few posts, disappeared for awhile, and came back. He currently has a null read here, so if I was forced to do an stump, I would do one on Sworddancer.

Cello Marl said:
today (0) -
Cello Marl said:
super smash bros. fan () -
brockin (rockin/swordsrbroken hydra) (2) - Cello_Marl, tHe-Man
the-man (ryker/xonar hydra) () -
omis () -
heatstroke (2) - Cello_Marl, Brockin, Omis (maybe)
sworddancer. () -
pierre the scarecrow (4) - Cello_Marl, *The-Jester* (maybe), Today, tHe-Man
summonerau () -
*the jester* () -
the paprika killer () -
cello_marl (2) - HeatStroke, SSBF
You are not the mod of this game, please don't do vote counts or even virtual vote counts.

Cello Marl said:
@Everyone else: Given Pierre's constant defense of Heatstroke, would you all be more inclined to think that he is scum if Heatstroke is?
I don't think Pierre The Scarecrow has been defending Heatstroke that much. If Heatstroke were to flip scum, then I might become a little more suspicious of Pierre The Scarecrow, but I wouldn't think it would be warranted a lynch on him.

Brockin said:
@everyone (besides Cello and Omis) Does everyone else finds us scummy at all, even by us not posting in our logs (if we had the option to)?
You have done absolutely nothing scummy in my eyes. You are active, make very good posts, and contribute to the game in general.

I do have my small grievances with Heatstroke and Pierre The Scarecrow. Heatstroke due to him wanting Cello Marl to lynch himself, something that we should not be focused on. I also don't like Pierre The Scarecrow's post on where he said there is no evidence regarding him being scummy as of that post he made.

SummonerAU said:
I put myself up for stumping because I didn't want people to worry about the deadline. If we go into night, we definitely lose a townie and they can't talk anymore.
I'm not really liking this post. This can be used as an scum tactic because it can give scum the opportunity to clear them self of a lynch, providing that everyone goes through with it.
Now for my general thoughts on the game.

Although I do support Heatstroke, the argument between him and Cello Marl looks to get nowhere anytime soon. I also really hate the numerous times that Heatstroke and Cello Marl asked them to kill them self, very anti-town.

Cello Marl currently has an scum read from me. I'd like to add that due to him shouting out numerous that Heatstroke needs to kill himself, it sounds like that he wants to get rid of his enemy by intimidating them. We search for scums, not tell people to kill them self. And has anyone noticed that most if not all of Cello Marl's posts has been consisted of quotes? Now granted, you can say the same thing about me, but I'm not that active. Cello Marl has been very, very active in the game, the only real major positive I can say about him.

Cello Marl, I want you to rank all of us (Excluding The Jester) from scummiest to most townie and give explanation why.

As for Heatstroke, I say he has an null read, leaning toward townie. I don't like the fact that he asked Cello Marl to kill himself a few times either, but he's also been very active and I haven't found his posts scummy. I'll need to read over his posts more, thought.

Pierre The Scarecrow's post where he said that he has no evidence on him also irks me a little. However, he has an overall town image. He has been reasonably active in the game and has made very good posts overall. He could be an very important member in the future, so I defindently don't support an stump on him. We need to focus on stumping relatively inactive players that has an relatively null read. They will be the least important votes of the game until they start contributing more.

I'm also finding SummonerAU relatively suspicious. He has been relatively inactive in the game, which is not good. Sure, he's made a couple decent post, but his latest one where he wants to stump himself looks scummy and unbeneficial to town. Combining with the fact that Cello Marl keeps defending him and I'm thinking he's the 2nd scum. FoS: SummonerAU.

Another common person that Cello Marl attacks is Brockin. I personally don't see anything wrong with him, he has been very active in the game, is very helpful, and unlike Heatstroke, has put genuine effort on pushing a case on different people. Most of his other posts are good as well.

Well, there's my thoughts on the game for now. If you want to ask any questions or if I need to ask some, tell me and I will answer them immediately.

On question I want to ask you guys. If your top suspect was not up for lynch, who would you consider lynching instead? I'd go with SummonerAU for reasons above.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
cool SSBF, completely wrong, but cool.

I've made a complet of decent posts...? I don't think I have and I've been busy. You'll have to trust me that I only say I'm busy when I'm actually busy.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
I'm not really liking this post. This can be used as an scum tactic because it can give scum the opportunity to clear them self of a lynch, providing that everyone goes through with it.
Now for my general thoughts on the game.

I'm not asking anyone to do anything, I'm just telling people not to worry about the deadline because I'll stump myself and extend it for 7 days if it really comes down to it.

Still haven't looked at posts in detail and there's no plan to in this uni break since it's only an hour long and it's half gone already.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Alright, I'm going to break up what I want to comment on into when the posts were made, so to make it easier to know what I'm referring to.

posts 30-60:

A question and debate that we have here is if we should try to lynch a lot of people toDay, because if they're town then they would supposedly stump, but if they're scum then they will probably refuse to stump, and then we can move in on a lynch on them.

I do think that this is a good idea. It takes away a lot of the humans power (the night) and keeps everyone active.

Just a little warning, though. If we do do this, then we need to try not to hastily stump people. I'm just worried that people who play like this might feel like they have to get people to stump quickly, and we'll all end up stumping town without much of anything to go off of.

That said, I'll like to move on.

posts 45-60:

There is also a debate here about rather or not we should turn this game into a "popcorn" style game. I'll have to say no to this. I don't like the idea of giving someone all of the power to make the calls on who we should try to stump. Which brings up cello, who stands out in my mind.

He states that he wants to lead. I really don't like that. I think that it would be best for town to keep this a democracy as much as possible. Cello wanting to take power right now and quickly stump a lot of people seems scummy.

Brockin also makes a really weird post were he refuses to posts his conversation logs. That's. . . scummy.

posts 60-75:

Fan makes a large post where he disregards a lot of what I consider to be good advice. It's a bit scummy to me. It's also kinda late to the punch.

Alright, that's my 2 cents on the first half of the game. Sorry if I haven't really contributed anything new here, I just wanted to give my stance on things there. At this point Cello and Brockin are the two scummiest to me, but I doubt that if one of them are scum then the other one is as well. My next post will be my thoughts on the second half of the game, and what sticks out in my mind there. I feel I need to read everything so to understand what is going on right now.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Btw, my opinions on some things may very well change after reading the second half of the game so far. I just want to clarify now that I'm not basing my opinions on only the previous half of the game, but rather just playing cacth-up.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
I suppose you don't become unlynchable, but you pretty much can't be lynched anyway, since the vote count gets reset, and no one is going to vote for a town-confirmed stump.

@Sworddancer: Since you took the time to answer me,

Sworddancer said:
Taking his question as an opportunity to try to subtly hint that you're town? Why would you be worried about that so quickly?
No, I wasn't; I was answering a direct question with the truth. I'm not worried.

Omis said:
Quick list of who I want stumpin: Heatstroke, Brockin, Cello, Pierre. In that order if possible.
Awesomesauce. Everyone should agree with this.

Paprika said:
blame it on the server hiccups. is it really important to the game when heat confirmed?
Maybe. I want to see when he claims to have confirmed to catch him in a lie. It won't matter if people find him scummy, at any rate.

Heatstroke said:
Then why ask people to stump is everyone's voice is potentially important.
People. Stumps can talk. That's the point. You just lose your vote, and don't count toward the majority (which is good, not bad).

Heatstroke said:
what about newbie town who refuses to die.

Cello, Omis, Brockin, Paprika. We just need three more to declare they want Heatstroke to stump to force him to stump. Unless he wants to save us the trouble.

Summoner, will you join us? Also, don't stump yourself, unless I tell you to. I'll need your vote, later.

tHe-Man, have you changed your mind about Heatstroke? What would you need to convince you? Also, don't you think it's convenient (and improbable) that Heatstroke managed to send a confirmation yet not have it? The site hiccups couldn't cause that. If he changes his story and tells us a time, I'll need to call upon your testimony.

SSBF, I've already promised to stump myself if Heatstroke goes first. Is this an acceptable situation for you? Heatstroke, then me? If so, say so.

Sworddancer, please read as accurately and quickly as possible, and join us.

Same for Jester and Today, or their replacements, as appropriate.

@Brockin: So you agree that Today is very townie?

I'll comment on other stuff in about 16 hours, but I have to go to sleep then go to work.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Actually, I just thought of something else. Since we're going by virtual votes anyway, there's no reason for us to make a stump lose his/her vote. We can just ignore the votes of people that refuse to stump.

Two more for Heatstroke. Truly vote if you like, since he's just got two real votes on him.

Real post later today, going to work now.

Deleted member

stumps even keep their real vote, why would we make people lose their virtual vote? (unless they are revealed as scum)

I just had a thought: Mafia can stump in hopes of us stumping more town before the day end. (they will die regardless, might as well hope to take more town with them)
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