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Tree Stump Mafia - OVER! Who lived happily ever after in the forest?

Pierre the Scarecrow

Grasping at Straws
Jun 23, 2009
I never looked at this thread when it was closed. I had it subscribed so i only looked at it when Macman opened it.
Pierre - i didn't make the confirmation stage talk forever if i remember correctly. I'm pretty certain i confirmed my role :/ If i didn't i apologize.
@Today - I have no reason to check the thread, I read the rules before, I understand what's taboo and what isn't in this game. Until Macman opened it, I had no reason to post and no reason to relook at this thread.?
Contradictory? If you never looked at the thread when it was closed, you wouldn't have known to confirm your role by quoting back the rules to the mod in a PM. So then you would have made the confirmation stage take forever. But if you read the rules, you would have looked at the thread when it was closed, right? So... how did you know to confirm your role PM, again?


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
See? I told you bussing doesn't take place on the first page. Pierre waited until post #41 (i.e. page 2) to bus Heatstroke.

That is a very compelling case. We'll kill Heatstroke last, though. Since it's a sure thing. Pierre first.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Aah, my apologies, I looked at it once.

cello, i don't see how that however, would be a sure case of scum. If anything it's missing the fact that i looked at the thread to confirm. That's something entirely OoG


Sep 4, 2009
Cincinnati, Ohio ; Land of Happiness and Kindness

It should be pretty apparent that I stated that my better half (which is SwordsrBroken) has been posting the first several where as I (Rockin), is now on my 2nd post (the last post before this was also done by me).
Fair enough. Admittedly, I didn't know you guys were a Hydra.

Like I said, I forgot all about it. The other side of my brain just reminded me about this game today.
When you received your PM role did you not decide to check the thread then?

Only cause it seems like the most affective to use. Everyone can practically suicide and instead of just lynching, we can force those that seem scummy to suicide. By doing this, we can lower the possibility of mislynching someone.
I see your reasoning. Although, with suicides we still lose town players. Do you think this is risky? Have you played a Stump game before?

Or @everyone, Anyone else played Stump? If so, what worked vs what didn't. Thoughts and ideas on how we should go about suicides and lynching?

@Today - I have no reason to check the thread, I read the rules before, I understand what's taboo and what isn't in this game. Until Macman opened it, I had no reason to post and no reason to relook at this thread.

On top of this, i never go into decisive games, i literally subscribe to threads and never look into the sub forum
Same as Brockin. Did you decide to check it when you received your role PM? By rules do you mean the rules on the front page or the setup?

Pierre the Scarecrow

Grasping at Straws
Jun 23, 2009
I thought it was Swords since he referred to Dancer as "Dancer". Still, does this make a difference to you in any way?
Making fun of Rockin's grammar is an important pastime!

unvote vote Pierre
Summoner and Omis, please join me.

tl;dr: Heatstroke, Pierre, and Brockin are the scum. Good game.
I don't know how to respond to this, so I won't... Oh, gosh.


Mar 15, 2010
Castle Greyskull
cell said:
Pretend we're down to the last 2 days in a Day, and it will feel normal (including the total lack of hunting and information [I'm just being bitter]). I already did by requesting an extension.
Make believe is different.

cell said:
Really now...? How many times did you visit the thread before you noticed it?
Once, I read through the rules like a good player should, and noticed that rule23 was actually wrong. I also corrected rule 16 which was still referencing to Twilight Mafia.

Ryker has something to say about the popcorn idea lol, he sounds angry. Scizor disapproves :mad:


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Same as Brockin. Did you decide to check it when you received your role PM? By rules do you mean the rules on the front page or the setup?

I will say after conversation started that i rechecked it for safe measure, however that was all.

@cello - why does it seem like you're pulling at scraps, tell me why i'm scum please.


Mar 15, 2010
Castle Greyskull
Why ask when you're gonna get a bull**** answer like
See? I told you bussing doesn't take place on the first page. Pierre waited until post #41 (i.e. page 2) to bus Heatstroke.

That is a very compelling case.

Pierre the Scarecrow

Grasping at Straws
Jun 23, 2009
I need to think about turning the game into a Popcorn game before I can decide if its something I want to do or not. I'm not comfortable deciding until I mull over the pros/cons.

That is a very compelling case. We'll kill Heatstroke last, though. Since it's a sure thing. Pierre first.
I'm having a hard time pinning what you actually think and what is sarcasm with you. Do you seriously think me->HeatStroke is a compelling case? Do you seriously think I'm scum?

Or @everyone, Anyone else played Stump? If so, what worked vs what didn't. Thoughts and ideas on how we should go about suicides and lynching?
Play with a hastened sense of urgency until we are comfortable with a lynch, get them to L-1, have them self-stump for the benefit of the forest. Repeat. If someone is inactive, request replacement, if no replacing occurs and they reach L-1, announce your hammer in advance per Cello Rules. I've played Treestump before but in person and stumping ended the day, and those stumps just sat down - a big enough difference to make this a new experience.

Pierre the Scarecrow

Grasping at Straws
Jun 23, 2009


Are you just going to say nothing about this? Not even question why?
@ pierre - i will say that this is quite an odd reaction. At least ask what has made you scummy.
Nothing has made me scummy, I thought he was just being hyperbolic to fish for reactions, but I'm having a hard time telling what is what he really thinks and what is what he just says, so I said that after he said I have a good case on HeatStroke being mafia (which I don't, I just have an incongruity).

Deleted member

What's the logic behind that?

Wow, this couldn't have worked out as perfectly if I had planned it. It's not really filler unless it's the only thing you're paying attention to when I'm posting. In which case, you (plural) are admitting to skimming. Not good if you're trying to levy an argument against someone.
This is a post of you:

Oh, also @Heatstroke, how many times did you visit this thread when it was still closed? An approximate is fine.
How is that not filler?

Yes, it is necessary. What would we do if two people "accidentally" voted at the same time? Lynch them both? What if they truly did do it as an accident? We'd lose 4 people (1 to lynch, 1 to NK, and 2 to self-stump) compared to 1 (asking the first person to self-stump). This being in place with remove any potential for waste.

See Cello-Rule 1.
Both noted

Both. The second implies the first.
You mean the first (lynching) implies the second (voting) and I asked lynching or just voting (and therby not lynching).
you going by both implies you meant lynch. correct me if wrong.

It's not necessary that you do. I'm fishing for reactions from...ah. I guess just Xonar and Summoner (as far as I am aware). I should have chosen a different repeat performance.
You direct something at me and I'm not really supposed that I understand it? another illogical thing

Which implies you'd get into a trench war over something significant, too. Let's end this then. Say no to time waste. Vote for Heatstroke. Or Pierre.
Yes ofcourse. but more people do that but don't do it over trivial matter.
and no. I'm keeping my vote on you for now.
@today, I never played stump. I did play light's out once which is close to this.
In that case we were mostly given the tools to lynch inactives (SmashNL mafias are usually not so active), which doesn't work now since they would need to stump themselves when they're gone.
It is however a good way to pressure people since they can be like "but he is a better candidate" since we can "lynch" both.

sigh, already feel like rereading.

Deleted member

What is this Popcorn game(type) I saw about twice so far?
link to old setup or the like is enough).

And I too, like cello, would like a further explanation of rule 28.

(**** 502 error)


Mar 15, 2010
Castle Greyskull
Alright, I'm gonna start with Cello. I feel addressing the waves of BS is important. I'll move on to Brockin and Pierre when I get home from the university. Possibly more to follow after another reread from that point.

To begin, there are a few things you all should know.

Honestly, I don't have much of a problem with these if it weren't for one glaring problem. You keep promoting putting someone at L-1. Why? If you're putting a scum at L-1, he's not gonna stump for us. He's gonna off himself in order for scum to get a kill. There is no doctor, so that means they can kill off whoever they want and said person will be completely unable to communicate which is bad. I don't think scum will pick someone unhelpful. They'll kill someone vocal because there's no reason not to.

@the-man: @Ryker portion: I can't think of anything to say now that I have to interact with you. Obviously, this is intended less for your benefit and more for people that are reading it. I'll let you start.
@hydras: Aren't you glad there's no rule 23? Do you think what I'm fishing for here is a tell? (for you, it's not a tell about me, maybe, and if it is, it's a wrong one, probably)
I really don't get the second part because I don't know what that rule would be.

Alright, I'll start. I'm a very, very aggressive player. You played with me on a scum team where I abused my newbie status to lurk. I hate lurking. I hate lurkers. I don't like your playstyle. Playing in a hydra with Xonar affects me. He tends to make me slow down and consider what I'm doing. I hold cards more to trump people later. I like that. However, I don't always do that. I think the beginning of the game calls for a much more direct approach. We don't generally post without reaching a consensus when we're both awake (time zones are fairly different). When we act on our own (such as now) we generally sign posts. I don't like people telling me what to do. I like telling people what to do. I get angry when people are ******** after something has been spelled out in front of them. Any other questions?

I'm all for forcing you to stump first so I don't have to deal with the fact that your playstyle reeks of scum and I've been assured it's how you play as town. I don't like that at all. Why the hell would you do that?

Vote: Cello

@Mod: Request Deadline Extension
vote sworddancer.

Move, move, move, move.

Do NOT use our deadline extension. Especially if you're intent on giving scum the ability to quickhammer themselves. What are you thinking? Why not use our deadline extension later when we have more information. Stalling to get more lynches later sounds like a much better plan.

@Heatstroke: So far, I've always been very forthcoming with information that would be in town's best interests, yes. However, the only time I've ever actually gone after scum (in such a way to get that person killed) was when that person actually admitted that he was scum. My indy play is irrelevant here.

No it isn't. Anti-town play is completely relevant. So long as you act in a way that is Anti-town you should be lynched for it.

Also, keep talking to Summoner. You'll be my go-to guy for reads on him. tHe-Man too. As in two. Lol.
Are you doing what Tom did for KevinM in Batma(n)fia?

@SSBF: You don't like being told what to do? Hmm.

We'll consider it a suggestion for now.

Wait, I just thought of something. If you meant the numbered list, then I'll do my utmost to enforce them. Do you have a problem with any of those?

If it's my command to you, then consider it a suggestion. This is what I thought you meant since that's what you quoted, but I want to be sure.
No one likes being told what to do. It's people like you and I who enjoy watching people's reactions when they're told what to do. I can respect that. As much as I dislike the way you play, I think I understand it.

Only when I'm town, so far, I think.
Doesn't stop it from being WIFOM and irrelevant.

Also, "Summoner, you're extremely joyous in this game", "...so you do what's best for town even if you're scum?", and "...do you always lead like this?". You've gotten answers to all of these questions. What information have you gleaned from them? Don't relate the specifics if you wish, but a generalization is fine.
Don't force people's hands. Even in this game, giving scum a guide on who to kill when night phase eventually rolls around isn't cool.

@Sworddancer: And just what do you hope to accomplish by voting for me? Have an answer to that question soon. Also, subtle? I pretty much said that I only act this way as town.

Don't feel like commenting on anything else? Thoughts on Heatstroke?

Omis, vote for Sworddancer. Let's get him to L-1.

Heatstroke's good too. To "lynch".
WIFOM. Go get yourself run over by a bus if you're gonna try that ****.

No, don't put him at L-1. I've already explained that that is a HORRIBLE idea.

@Sworddancer: "Add pressure to your question?" You didn't seem to care that I didn't actually answer it/them. Assuming that I had continued to not answer it/them, would you have taken that as a sign of scumminess? In my experience, that is seldom the case. If it would not have been, why was pressure necessary?

Also, you've claimed that Heatstroke hasn't done anything, but you acknowledge that the time I supposedly "gave an answer to cover my tracks" was in response to a question by Heatstroke. On that note, what "tracks" are you referring to, specifically? Surely, no matter what my alignment is, I would have had to have expected some sort of response from my opening statements (especially since there are people here that I've never played with before). How could I have expected that Heatstroke would have made such a comment? Are you suggesting that Heatstroke was trying to create a link to me? Do you think that his question was a ploy engineered by the two of us (i.e. do you think that we're scummates)? If so, why do you say that you have nothing on Heatstroke? If not, what would I have done (as scum) if Heatstroke hadn't made that comment?
Has nothing to do with me, so I'm going to ignore it. Just didn't want you to think I'm cherry picking posts.

@Mod: Can hydras still post their convo logs?

Edit Post #6 By Way of Post: @Brockin: If the answer to my question to Macman is "yes", then replace "Rule #" with "Hydras' ability to post their logs". Otherwise, just ignore my question.
I would like an answer to that question.

This was supposed to be post #35, but down time sucks. So I added a little more.

@All: Show of hands please. Who wants to make this game into Popcorn (with Nightkills)? I'll count tHe-Man and myself as "yes"s.

tl;dr: Heatstroke, Pierre, and Brockin are the scum. Good game.
Okay, first off. I see what you did there and I'm not commenting in your scum list.

Second, **** YOU! GO KILL YOURSELF!!!!!!!

Why the hell would you want to make this Popcorn Mafia? You don't get the clear without sacrificing the player. Are you trying to whittle down our numbers faster? This would be closer to KingMaker and still a bad idea. I have no intention of giving anyone control over what we do in a phase. There's a lot more town than scum and majority rule is one of our greatest strengths. Give me a good reason why I would EVER agree to give up majority rule?

See? I told you bussing doesn't take place on the first page. Pierre waited until post #41 (i.e. page 2) to bus Heatstroke.

That is a very compelling case. We'll kill Heatstroke last, though. Since it's a sure thing. Pierre first.
It does take place on page one. I believe I was doing my ****edest to bus you on page one of Batma(n)fia.

If don't like Pierre either. However, I think you're bussing him.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
@Heatstroke: Pierre caught you in a trap of your own words. There's a world of difference between "I never checked" and "I checked once". It's something you would have remembered. Stump yourself.

I will say after conversation started that i rechecked it for safe measure, however that was all.
You claim that you checked it once when the thread opened, and once more after the game started. You also claimed that you confirmed. In other words, you want us to believe that you memorized all the rules and quoted them back to Macman without looking at the thread. That's unreasonable.

Stump yourself, or be lynched.


I see your reasoning. Although, with suicides we still lose town players. Do you think this is risky? Have you played a Stump game before?
This reminds me of the hard time I was having convincing people that we should let Mentos die in Miller's. Basically, a suicide means only one death, whereas a lynch means two deaths if we were wrong. Forcing suicides means we get about a 50% increase in lynches, unless we lynch correctly, in which case their shouldn't be any complaint anyway.

Today said:
@Cello, I would still like it if you answered my questions. I would like to have a better understanding on your post. More so, the initiative question. Are you trying to seem like a leader?
Oh, whoops. Ok. My questions are equally designed to show intent and gather information. I plan to lead until I am dead, and leave a plan of action for Days 2 and 3. I plan to get Pierre, Heatstroke and Brockin lynched.

Explaining the numerical list.

1) This has happened in Miller's (versus too many to count), Nothing Special (against Marc and Kat), Grammy's (also Marc), and Popcorn (against Frozen). I'd rather it not happen again.
2) This is mostly a lie.
3) Making sure the game pace is fast, so we can get as many lynches in a Day as possible.
4) Dissenters to this opinion are obvscum/mislynch bait. There's no reason I wouldn't make this statement. As town, it's in our best interest. As scum, it's worth great town cred.
5) Prevent end quicklynches on MyLo and gets town another lynch. Much like 4) in reason.
6) I thought people would comment on this more...oh well. Don't do it now, it's unimportant.
7) At this point I begin ranting. Inspired by (but not directed at) Summoner (and Vult Redux).
8) Just believe it. Believe.
9) When I'm town, I lie, when I'm scum, I tell the truth. This was just preparing for that contingency (if my role was scum).
10) Inspired by (but not directed at) Frozenflame (which would have been odd, him not being in the game and all).
11) Rant.
12) Bait.

tHe-Man said:
Once, I read through the rules like a good player should, and noticed that rule23 was actually wrong. I also corrected rule 16 which was still referencing to Twilight Mafia.

tHe-Man said:
Ryker has something to say about the popcorn idea lol, he sounds angry. Scizor disapproves
I'll count you as half a vote then.

@Paprika: Stop acting like Omis. He can explain what I mean by that. Heck, I even used a direct quote in my repeat performance. Actually, I'm looking forward to his comments on that.

What's the logic behind that?
There isn't any. I said that it can't be proven in the first place.

How is that not filler?
Read why I think Heatstroke is scum and you'll see why it matters.

You mean the first (lynching) implies the second (voting) and I asked lynching or just voting (and therby not lynching).
you going by both implies you meant lynch. correct me if wrong.

You direct something at me and I'm not really supposed that I understand it? another illogical thing
That's right. Do you only read lines directed at you? That's no good.

And I too, like cello, would like a further explanation of rule 28.
What's rule 28?

What is this Popcorn game(type) I saw about twice so far?
Popcorn games are when one person has the full authority of the lynch, and unlike King games, if they are right, they keep their power, and if they are wrong, they die and their target gets that power. In this case, they wouldn't die, but you get the idea.


Smash Rookie
Mar 25, 2010
@Brockin: why stop at 1 stumping and 1 lynch per day, or why is 1 and 1 more effective than trying to comfortably stump as much as possible?
Guess I'm just afraid of overstumping or w/e. Like I said, it's just an opinion I rather go then just stumping one person after another before losing like...3 or 4 townies in a row. Really, I'm just using traditional mafia tactics here (so as to see the lynch result, see what happens after N1, then start D2 with possible new leads).

@All: Show of hands please. Who wants to make this game into Popcorn (with Nightkills)? I'll count tHe-Man and myself as "yes"s.
Meh, I'll have to talk to my better half to see what he thinks, but I don't think I'd be interested. Can you explain how it'd be of some benefit in this game?

Oh, well, I suppose you didn't ignore my #25, somewhat. Regardless, rule #24 says:

As far as I am aware, your ability to communicate with other players is derived from your hydra-nature, not from your role PM. As such, this rule does not apply to you in this case. You should be able to post your hydra logs. Comment on your ability to post your logs. Assuming that you can, do you think that is fair or unfair? Why?
Totally not in agreement with it. I like to conversate with my better half, as he's the only one I can trust. It...wouldn't be much communication if we posted our logs in the thread, where we could just share our thoughts to you as we are now. I don't see the logic or benefit in this ability, and would much rather keep all logs to ourselves.

You're unsure how to go about this, but you have an opinion on what we should do? Why does 1 lynch/1 suicide seem like a good idea? Do you not see the merit of "suicide until we hit scum"?
Right, cause it's my opinion, and you can choose to either follow it or not. (I should've just said 'suggestion,' but both sound similar to me. *shrugs* )

I already explained this issue to Pierre, but like I said, I'm following traditional Mafia tactics here.

tl;dr: Heatstroke, Pierre, and Brockin are the scum. Good game.
That's a bit of a big assumption so early in the game. o.o Is there any reason besides the fact that I'm totally not agreeing with you?

also, you havn't replied to that issue I said about Omis. >>

When you received your PM role did you not decide to check the thread then?
I got the reminder from swords, then checked the PM, THEN looked at the game (as well as caught up)

I see your reasoning. Although, with suicides we still lose town players. Do you think this is risky? Have you played a Stump game before?
It's not as risky as mislyncing a townie. If they suicide, we get to look at another target and possibly lynch them (or go for another suicide).

and yes, this is my first time playing 'Stump.' Not sure if this is for my other half.

Making fun of Rockin's grammar is an important pastime!


Deleted member

That's right. Do you only read lines directed at you? That's no good.
no. don't twist what I said. I read almost all stuff that passes by in this topic. However, if you specifically direct a question or FoS at someone else and I believe you don't perfectly make sense I don't have to think weird of that, but if you direct something at ME and somehow it is fine for me not understanding it, you're being illogical.
I thought this was clear from my first reply.

rule 28 is the quicktopic thing for dead ppl.

this is the trench war I mentioned earlier or at least the beginning of it. that said you DO stick out like a pole in a field.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Hmm, lying about a role, or generally about something that would put town in the right direction is something that should be lynch-worthy. However some things i find are generally not lies but **** ups. Not even scumslips mind you, but **** ups. Where someone says something wrong and has to backtrack. Things like this need to be further assessed before acted on.


Mar 15, 2010
Castle Greyskull
Why are we still bothering with pussyfooting around when there are real cases afoot?

FoS: Omis

Asking questions about game mechanics and other miscellaneous stuff is not nearly as useful as furthering the current discussion. You're only giving people an out to not taking stances by providing a distraction. Go die if you're gonna keep that **** up.

Omis, who should we lynch and why?


my friends were skinny
May 22, 2008
including myself in your posts
He lied, purposelly or not, about checking the thread. Hence, I asked him a question about lying.

Game has just started and most people havent posted more than three or so times. It would be silly for me cement myself down to a person that I think should be lynched.

Why have you specifically asked me to vote for people?
And what does being an Omis mean?


Mar 15, 2010
Castle Greyskull
No. It would be making a stance. It would be letting us know who you think is scum. It would be not waiting on the sidelines until the safe option appears. I'm not saying you can't change your mind, so pick someone and say why we should lynch them.


Mar 15, 2010
Castle Greyskull

I'm fairly certain Cello is telling you to vote for the same reason I'm asking you who the play is. I don't like lurkers, but coasters are only a step better. Get in the game.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
tHe-Man said:
You keep promoting putting someone at L-1. Why? If you're putting a scum at L-1, he's not gonna stump for us.
What's it matter? I don't expect scum to stump for us. Their role is revealed, so it wouldn't give them any benefit, and asking someone to stump when they have no pressure on them isn't going to do much.

However, I did just think of something else. We could all just...not vote at all. Just make declarations of intent to vote. Then, if someone refuses to stump, we can add them to the lynch queue.

Xonar, please take Ryker's vote off of me. We both agree on Pierre, so let's get him.
Are you doing what Tom did for KevinM in Batma(n)fia?
I don't get what you mean by this.
Doesn't stop it from being WIFOM and irrelevant.
I was answering a question directed at me. That is relevant.

Brockin said:
Totally not in agreement with it. I like to conversate with my better half, as he's the only one I can trust. It...wouldn't be much communication if we posted our logs in the thread, where we could just share our thoughts to you as we are now. I don't see the logic or benefit in this ability, and would much rather keep all logs to ourselves.
Scum. SCUM. SCUM SCUM SCUM. You are scum.

Post all of your conversation logs within 4 hours and I might believe you aren't. Otherwise, I'll never let go.

Brockin said:
also, you havn't replied to that issue I said about Omis. >>
Omis doesn't like to make a presence for himself. That was a way to drag him into the game (ineffective, at that). Or he just wasn't on.

Paprika said:
rule 28 is the quicktopic thing for dead ppl.
I totally forgot about that, somehow. Probably because there's no way it'll happen since it would mean there's no reason to kill stumps. Since any stump could act as a Speaker for the Dead.
Paprika said:
this is the trench war I mentioned earlier or at least the beginning of it. that said you DO stick out like a pole in a field.
So stop.

Omis said:
Why have you specifically asked me to vote for people?
And what does being an Omis mean?
1) It's an action you've seen me take before. It should force you to make an opinion on me.
2) The way you and I interacted in Miller's on Day 1. Don't you think Paprika is acting the same way that you did? What do you think that indicates about his alignment?
Heatstroke said:
So should i sui or something?
Yes, you should.

tHe-Man said:
Don't force people's hands. Even in this game, giving scum a guide on who to kill when night phase eventually rolls around isn't cool.
1. today - dunno, probably town
2. super smash bros. fan - dunno, probably town
3. brockin (rockin/swordsrbroken hydra) - probably scum
4. the-man (ryker/xonar hydra) - very probably town
5. omis - dunno
6. heatstroke - very probably scum
7. sworddancer. - probably town
8. pierre the scarecrow - very probably scum
9. summonerau - probably town
10. *the jester* - 4thmost scum
11. the paprika killer - very probably town
12. cello_marl - there are three scum

Let's force:
The Jester
Sworddancer or Summoner

to stump themselves, in that order. We should win if we do that.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
That offer is open to Pierre and Brockin too.

Also, I encourage the town to "vote" on that proposition as well.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
That's idiotic. Me stumping doesn't seal a deal that you will stump, infact, if you're a lumberjack, your reluctancy to stump will only get you killed, which gives fellow lumberjacks a free kill.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Heatstroke said:
That's idiotic. Me stumping doesn't seal a deal that you will stump, infact, if you're a lumberjack, your reluctancy to stump will only get you killed, which gives fellow lumberjacks a free kill.

If I didn't immediately stump, town wouldn't have to lynch me. They'd just have to agree to lynch me later. If I was a lumberjack, I'd be a guaranteed kill.

Besides, killing lumberjacks is...how we win. If you thought I was a lumberjack, how would my dying be a bad thing?

You just know that I'm not a lumberjack. And stumping yourself gives you no benefit. Prove me wrong.


Smash Rookie
Mar 25, 2010
Scum. SCUM. SCUM SCUM SCUM. You are scum.

Post all of your conversation logs within 4 hours and I might believe you aren't. Otherwise, I'll never let go.

I'm scum for not in agreement for posting our logs. Right.

I'm just not in agreement with it, and you not even giving me a reason as to post them is just making me want to secure it. =/

Omis doesn't like to make a presence for himself. That was a way to drag him into the game (ineffective, at that). Or he just wasn't on.
A simple vote on him would be an acceptable way to make people post. Or get them to replace/get modkilled (I'm gunning for replacement). Either or, really. Trying to dictate his vote is not a way to drag a person into the game.

1. today - dunno, probably town
2. super smash bros. fan - dunno, probably town
3. brockin (rockin/swordsrbroken hydra) - probably scum
4. the-man (ryker/xonar hydra) - very probably town
5. omis - dunno
6. heatstroke - very probably scum
7. sworddancer. - probably town
8. pierre the scarecrow - very probably scum
9. summonerau - probably town
10. *the jester* - 4thmost scum
11. the paprika killer - very probably town
12. cello_marl - there are three scum

Let's force:
The Jester
Sworddancer or Summoner

to stump themselves, in that order. We should win if we do that.
For someone who seems real keen on us being scum, you don't seem too confident in that bold spot right there. *rolls eyes* If you really feel I'm scum, then I suggest you make a case about it. I don't think I've (or my other half) said anything scummy thus far.

Omis, it's been about a page or two. Don't you have something more to say besides cello dictating you?

vote: Omis

I'm interested to hear what The-man has to say about us.


Mar 15, 2010
Castle Greyskull
What's it matter? I don't expect scum to stump for us. Their role is revealed, so it wouldn't give them any benefit, and asking someone to stump when they have no pressure on them isn't going to do much.

However, I did just think of something else. We could all just...not vote at all. Just make declarations of intent to vote. Then, if someone refuses to stump, we can add them to the lynch queue.
I don't want to be forced to go into Night Phase before I've had a chance to say everything I want to in case of NKill. Are you saying you're okay with letting scum control when the day ends?

Your idea is a pretty good one. The only reason I say we use votes is for the convenience of vote counts.

Xonar, please take Ryker's vote off of me. We both agree on Pierre, so let's get him.
Btw, it's just me, atm. Xonar is asleep. I can easily swing Pierre and plan to go reread through for him and GSF. However, I want to make god**** certain no one takes you for granted.

I don't get what you mean by this.
In Batma(n)fia, Tom said he was simply going to assume Kevmo was town. He said it was up to everyone else to figure it out if he wasn't because second guessing himself about Kevmo only hurt his deductive skills.

I was answering a question directed at me. That is relevant.
I was talking about the question itself and it's answer. Neither matter.

Scum. SCUM. SCUM SCUM SCUM. You are scum.

Post all of your conversation logs within 4 hours and I might believe you aren't. Otherwise, I'll never let go.
1.) I want clarification on if that's legal before you make that declaration.
2.) I agree that that post reeked.

Omis doesn't like to make a presence for himself. That was a way to drag him into the game (ineffective, at that). Or he just wasn't on.

Yes, you should.
I don't support it atm because I don't know what's going on. Let me get to your list to explain.

1. today - dunno, probably town
2. super smash bros. fan - dunno, probably town
3. brockin (rockin/swordsrbroken hydra) - probably scum
4. the-man (ryker/xonar hydra) - very probably town
5. omis - dunno
6. heatstroke - very probably scum
7. sworddancer. - probably town
8. pierre the scarecrow - very probably scum
9. summonerau - probably town
10. *the jester* - 4thmost scum
11. the paprika killer - very probably town
12. cello_marl - there are three scum
Okay, as much as you're trying to annoy me with this, I don't have a problem with someone volunteering a scum list on D1. Opinions can change, especially D1 ones, so it's a good place to start. However, trying to force someone else to share a secret they obviously want to keep for later isn't cool. Note that that isn't the same thing from trying to get stances out of people.

Now, for your list.

Don't remember exactly why you're pushing HeatStroke.
Agree with GSF and Pierre.
Why is Summoner town?
Who the hell is *The Jester* and has anyone played with him prior to this.

Let's force:
The Jester
Sworddancer or Summoner

to stump themselves, in that order. We should win if we do that.
We should stump four people today, methinks, and use our extension tomorrow if it isn't over.
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