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Tree Stump Mafia - OVER! Who lived happily ever after in the forest?


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Alright, gotta read through all this. Expect something from me before the end of the weekend.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Pierre said:
I still don't understand why you insist that there must be three people lined up to be stumped "by the will of the town" (Majority?) before you will stump yourself. What does there being 3 lumberjacks have to do with that?
This is slightly wrong. I will stump myself when I feel my unrevealed alignment is no longer useful to me.

Pierre said:
Instead of weaseling your way out, why don't you ask HeatStroke right now what he wants you to do - because all of us were under the impression that if he stumped you would.
I don't really care what impression you were under. I can only stump once, and that's the worst that will happen to me. In the meantime, I'll be information gathering.

Pierre said:
The reason why I'm not willing to say "Omis stump yourself" is because he is conflicting and I don't know if he is scum piggybacking you. Especially considering that he agrees with you on every point but also wants you to stump yourself, I am hesitant. That is understandable.
That second point. What? How is that decisive at all? Assuming that I'm scum, then that sentiment could just be bussing. Since he's been inactive, that's a suitable line of attack against him later once I've flipped (remember, since this theoretical scenario assumes I'm scum, I'd be dead or lack all credibility to defend him). If I'm town, you can just use the "scum piggybacking me" point. Once again, even here, you're casting doubt and suspicion on Omis without claiming responsibility for it.

Heatstroke said:
Cello, i don't understand why someone's who's town would have to constantly remove bits about themselves.
I explained this. It was basically me just acting superior. So, I was going to take it out. Besides, you don't need to worry about whether or not I'm town, just whether or not my points make sense. I'm either going to be getting myself lynched, or I'll stump myself before it becomes an issue.

Paprika said:
What other half?
Of my points. If you knew I was town, would they be enough to convince you to support having Brockin stump himself? If not, I need to start looking for support elsewhere or find something else to convince you. What would convince, anyway?

Deleted member

actually stumping yourself and then building that case (not the same points) would help. then at least I would know you're purely doing it in the name of hanging scum instead of making sure people die.
I also still don't like the way you're ducking the deal you made about heat stumping.

Pierre the Scarecrow

Grasping at Straws
Jun 23, 2009
cello said:
"That second point. What? How is that decisive at all? Assuming that I'm scum, then that sentiment could just be bussing. Since he's been inactive, that's a suitable line of attack against him later once I've flipped (remember, since this theoretical scenario assumes I'm scum, I'd be dead or lack all credibility to defend him). If I'm town, you can just use the "scum piggybacking me" point. Once again, even here, you're casting doubt and suspicion on Omis without claiming responsibility for it."
can you rephrase this please?


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
actually stumping yourself and then building that case (not the same points) would help. then at least I would know you're purely doing it in the name of hanging scum instead of making sure people die.
I also still don't like the way you're ducking the deal you made about heat stumping.
This guy's sounding pretty legit right now.


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
Ok, my re-read is completed, here are my main thoughts:

Right now, I'm leaning toward trusting Cello. If he's town, he will go through with the stumping before the day is up. More importantly, he will not let himself be actually lynched most assuredly. Although I haven't agreed with all his points, he's one of my strongest town reads prior to the Heatstroke stumping. While his actions since do beg some question to the read, I'm still relatively confident in it. Overall I'm prepared to give him the grace period he is asking for, although I do want him to stump by the end of the day simply because the longer he doesn't, the less I'll be able to trust him.

As for strategy which has been discussed, we should use stumping to replace lynches entirely as much as possible. Scum's only power in this game(due to lack of PR's) is night kills. By replacing lynching with stumping, we take that power entirely away from them. This means that almost every death will be the decision of the town as a whole. While scum can still influence, they have no direct control, which helps towns loads. Not to mention for every stump we have someone whose thoughts we can take without even a hint of doubt.

I'm still debating who I would like to see stumped next. I do have a few questions to throw out.

@Brockin: If Mac hadn't stated the logs were not allowed to be posted and town wished you to post them, would you have gone through with it?

@SSBF: Cello already mentioned this but I want to reiterate it. You knew I was replacing Today, yet you immediately followed casting suspicion on this playerslot by pointing to Today. Why did you find this relevant at the time? Do you think it is truly a useful thing to point out?

@Pierre: Who are your top two stump candidates as of right now and why?

@Cello: If we pinned scum, and were going through with an actual lynch, would you stump yourself prior to completion of the lynch/day?

That's all I've got for now, I'm sure I'll have more to come.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
I FoS that Mentos guy for saying someone who said nothing about a grace period before me stumping is somehow being pro-town.

So cello i can lead you around right? Stump yourself now then continue your search for people who don't want to stump.


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
Actually, if you read the whole thing, the fact that he didn't immediately stump has hurt my view of him. I never said the fact that he hasn't is pro-town whatsoever. Please don't make accusations that don't add up to what people say as a clear, it doesn't end well. Also, to further explain, the reason I'm willing to not push for immediate stumping, is that I can see benefit behind Cello's role staying ambiguous for a while, just as he and Marshy have said. He NEEDS to stump for sure, but there are benefits to be had by delaying it a bit, and, assuming he's actually town, eventually clearing himself.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
@Pierre: How does Omis's "conflicting" viewpoints of agreeing with my suspect list and wanting me to be stumped make a difference when it comes to your suspicion of him? Every scenario makes sense. Both town: He agrees with my suspicions but shares tHe-Man's insistence that I not be unconditionally held as town. Cello scum, Omis town: Same as both town. Cello town, Omis scum: I'm wrong about at least one of you, and he's absolving himself of blame by shifting it on me (makes the least sense, since he's be scrutinized on my flip). Both scum: Same as Omis scum, except he'd gain credit from bussing me.

By making your piggybacking statement, you're suggesting Cello-town/Omis-scum or Cello-scum/Omis-scum, but not committing to a belief that it is accurate. You're putting the idea out there and hoping someone grabs onto it, like what happened with me and Heatstroke.

Actually, neither of the Omis scum scenarios make sense to me, given what people tend to look for, but there it is.

Paprika said:
actually stumping yourself and then building that case (not the same points) would help. then at least I would know you're purely doing it in the name of hanging scum instead of making sure people die.
This being the case, just pretend that you believe I'm doing this to hang scum. When I flip, you'll know I was being sincere. If you're worried I'm just doing this to waste time, that's all the more reason to hurry along.

Paprika said:
Cello, what is your current suspect list?
Brockin, Pierre, SSBF.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, Mentos is beyond reproach.

Mentos said:
...although I do want him to stump by the end of the day...
Did you mean the actual 24-hour day? If so, I'm sorry to say I will not, at least until Nick has caught up and we've chatted. On that note:

@Nicholas: Your player slot wanted to go No Lynch for this Day. Why would he want to do that? I think you're town, btw, in no small part due to your immediate predecessor, but I just wanted your opinion on this matter.

Mentos said:
@Cello: If we pinned scum, and were going through with an actual lynch, would you stump yourself prior to completion of the lynch/day?
Yes, although we should have at least 2 people other than myself lined up as well. We have close to two weeks left, thanks to Heat's noble sacrifice, so we should use it. When I stump myself, we'll have yet another week too.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Actually, if you read the whole thing, the fact that he didn't immediately stump has hurt my view of him. I never said the fact that he hasn't is pro-town whatsoever. Please don't make accusations that don't add up to what people say as a clear, it doesn't end well. Also, to further explain, the reason I'm willing to not push for immediate stumping, is that I can see benefit behind Cello's role staying ambiguous for a while, just as he and Marshy have said. He NEEDS to stump for sure, but there are benefits to be had by delaying it a bit, and, assuming he's actually town, eventually clearing himself.
No, you're leaning towards trusting him is what you said. Leaning towards trusting him when immediately after my stump he decided not to stump until he has three more people. That's sneaky as hell first off. Second, you shouldn't be trusting someone when they can't even keep a deal to their own town, he lied.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Heatstroke, a serious question. If you learn my alignment, will you have a serious impact on your views of who's scummy and townie, and in what way?


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
All i have is how people are reacting to your ideals, pressuing, etc.. Your alignment helps base their intentions.

But what does this have to do with you not stumping?


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
No, you're leaning towards trusting him is what you said. Leaning towards trusting him when immediately after my stump he decided not to stump until he has three more people. That's sneaky as hell first off. Second, you shouldn't be trusting someone when they can't even keep a deal to their own town, he lied.
Eh, I can see your point there. As I said, the not-immediate stumping has hurt my read of Cello a lot, but given the potential benefits of staying un-stumped, I'm willing to grant benefit of the doubt for one of my best reads. Obviously, if he refuses to do so today, I will have to assume he is scum, but I think a grace period is beneficial enough that I can trust him to do what he said he would by the end of the day.


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
Cello, first of all, no, I meant the game day not the IRL day, that would be ridiculous when not all players are up to par, some even on V/LA. As to your response to my question, thank you. Entirely the response I was looking for.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
@Heatstroke: Other than me, who else do you think is scummy for a reason other than being tied to me by one of my actions? For example, I've said that Mentos's player slot is definitely town in my eyes. But, he's since spoken with you and you've come to a conclusion based on his views of me. Is there anyone that's scummy to you for the second reason, or any other reason?

I ask because I'm sure I can get Mentos's support against Brockin given the nature of his question to him, and if you would be willing to join us or if you thought Brockin was scum if I wasn't, then I'd go ahead and flip now.

@Mentos: Cool.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
I'm looking at Mentos is potential scum actually. Being willing to call you town even after doing something that generally anti-town.


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
Firstly, to Heat, I've got enough experience playing with Cello to give some benefit of the doubt. As I have said, it did hurt my town read on him. However, I remember in Millers Hollow he, being the confirmed town seer, lied about his investigations to try to get something useful. Coupled with the fact that he was my absolute strongest read while reading up on the game, allowing things to play out seems reasonable to me. Why rush the fact when it's already been made quite clear, by several people, that if he DOESN'T stump, he'll be the first one we lynch. My read on him was arguably the strongest town read I've had in a long time when it comes to non-clears, with good reason behind it, and I'm not willing to throw that away without giving him time to make full use of the situation he's in right now.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
If my alignment is unknown, it forces scum to take stances on my opinions. The same logic can be applied to new arrivals (Mentos and Nick) to help me determine their alignments by judging how they view me, and why they do. All of that is lost if I am revealed.

Plus, if I am revealed, scum can just say, "What should I say? Being a clear doesn't make your judgment right." even if the point would stand if it was just brought up normally.


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
And secondly(yay hitting reply too early), Omis, think about the situation right now and you should be able to figure out why that's an advantage for the time being. I'm pretty sure I know what Marshy and Cello were talking about, but I don't think it should be spelled out. If you don't see it, that's not really anything to worry about.


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
So, metagaming = him being clear.

First of all, ninja'd by Cello, second of all, I have NEVER said Cello is clear. In fact, many times, I have said that if he doesn't stump by the end of the day, he will be very fair game to lynch. There's some scumminess around him, and if he turns out to have been straight up lying I WILL be voting him. That question I asked him? There so that if the situation I described arises and he DOESN'T self stump, he has no way to try to weasel out of it if he's scum. I now have a clear statement that he has guaranteed to stump by the end of the day, and he has said he will do it before the end of the day if his situation arises. Either way, if it doesn't happen in one of the two scenarios, he's scum and will be lynched. Why destroy potential(and imo likely) benefit when we have him clearly in position where if he is scum, he is caught?

On another note, Cello, make sure you remember numbers when it comes to when you plan to self stump. I thought about the numbers, and it's currently 8-3. If you wait for two others to be stumped first, and I'm right you're town, we're thrust into mylo when you do so. Just make sure to keep that in the back of your mind as things progress.


Smash Rookie
Mar 25, 2010
Will you stump yourself if Cello stumps himself?

I'll only stump if there's a legitimate case against me.

I think his entire play right now has been pretty pro town. I don't see scum doing what Cello is doing and making stump deals. I'm pretty sure Cello will be forced to stump himself if he continues and I don't think he cares too much. Unless Cello is going for "let's get town all confused and get as many townies to stomp themselves and then force them to lynch me" and then in that case, it's pretty **** ballsy and I like it(and at worse, right now it'll be 2 townies for 1 scum) so Brockin, are you saying you're both town? or that you're town and Cello's scum. because right now, I can't really see it being that bad if Cello stumps as it'll clear up all the 'bleh Cello could be scum' stuff flying around. Worst case is you're town and we have 3 stumped townies. We know we also have all these reactions to Cello and we can mad scum hunt from there :D
I know that I'm town, but as far as Cello, I have no idea. Like I've said constantly before, I don't see anything truly scummy, but I also havn't seen him done anything town either. He seems to just either want his way or no way (something that I remember seeing in one of his rules >>)

the point of posting logs was that WE could see it and judge for ourselves
Okay, fine. Understood.

also if your cautiousness led to you failing to help town then thats probably a sign that you should reconsider your approach. can you just admit youre wrong? yeesh
Yeah, could be a sign alright. >>;;

Assault against Brockin

1) They both ignored post #25, in which I corrected my typo in post #6 about "Rule #". While normally this would be inconsequential (maybe), they later claim that they spoke primarily about me in their private communications (by which point I had become a fairly focal point). If I was, in fact, the main subject in their private logs, then how did they both manage to miss my correction?

Oh, but wait. What did Rockin say in post #28? "Also, want to say that we can't post our logs". I was the only person that said anything about posting logs, in a question to Macman. This was in post #25, the same post in which I corrected myself. How did they miss my correction, which was clearly directed at them, yet see the question about log posting? Also, why was it so important to them that they wanted to try to strike it down, even at that early stage?
First of all, I want to clarify that my better half may have misread/passed the rule 25 thing (where I have just misread the '#,' to wich I thought of what I thought about ALL of the rules. Second, you wasn't the main subject of the topic (infact, no one was). All we did was spoke of you and your first post, swords asking me to catch up with the game and tell me my opinion (to which I said I don't have much of a read of anyone at the time), and I think he said something about Sworddancer (I can't remember for the life of me ><;; ).

2) Brockin has stated many times that he wants to play this game in a more traditional way. However, business as usual is a terrible idea. Why is he so worried about "overstumping"? The alternative is to allow the scum team to gain more Night Kills. While it is a bad idea to ignore such information, there is no reason to give the enemy control over our information gathering when we literally have full and perfect control. It's sort of like Tom's Popcorn scum play, citing traditional methods as tried and true, as well as trying to appear wise by being "cautious", but there is no benefit to this.
Right now, it's about the only thing I can play. If I had more of a feel of the game and see the benefits and non-benefits of said style of system, I would be more versitile, probably.

3) "SSBF is...meh. I'm seeing neutral, but slightly town (Only cause he seems to be trying)", yet you have no opinion on me? You've actually said that you aren't getting any scummy vibes from me. Yet you want me to stump myself? Why?
Simple, because of what you would do if either us/Brockin, Pierre, or Heatstroke, then that you would stump yourself. Seeing Heatstroke stump, but not fufilling your end is making you both scummy and me not trusting your words.

4) "I pick Omis cause he barely talked about how he feels with everyone as well as share some insight. All he's doing is just mainly grilling me about the logs." Yet, all you've done is try to defend your decision to not post your logs. Heck, you even said, "I would love to speak more if Cello wasn't mad at me for not posting the logs (same ones that Mod said we can't)." You declared your intent to essentially remain silent as long as I continued to berate you.
And what's the alternative? Night? Where a townie will die? That's a loss of a vote too. I'd rather lose a person's vote and find a scum in the resultant 7 days instead of losing that person's voice as well as their vote for 8 days (the next Day). Especially ironic that you chastise Summoner when later on in the same post you say

These sorts of sentiments are what makes me think that you are scummy, even beyond the point of not posting your logs.[/QUOTE]

Because that's ALL you've been talking about, not to mention I was trying to be reasonable as to why I didn't want the logs posted. Seeing as how you would focus on me and keep grilling me on the logs, I decided to just give up on it and begin looking elsewhere of where to scumhunt.

I rather see a person lynch then to see a townie carelessly stump themselves for the sake of extending the days (not that I'm encouraging a townie being lynch, mind you). If there's a person that seems scummy, then we stump them (and if they refuse, lynch). Remember, scum can win just by people stumping too. (if there's 6 stumps, 3 non stumps, and three lumberjacks).

It's funny. Before, early on, we/Brocken were the first on your list a few times over Heatstroke and Pierre, yet you kept grilling on Heatsroke instead of focusing your first target. The fact that your last list said that 'Brocken is scummy cause of the logs. That's more then enough,' so why are you NOW trying to provide more then just the logs? I'm just curious.

Your sense of tunneling is also hurting us as a whole. I feel most of the discussion we talked about thus has been just you targeting just the three of us (each one you focus on big time till they stump and you move down the list) while others like Omis gets to parrot and say their reason without hardly trying. As such, it's hard to gauge a feel from some of the less commenting players like Summoner.

I also want to remind everyone that 'The man' hasn't posted yet (I know Ryker is at a tourny today. I dunno where Xonar is at)

Mentos - Before, I wouldn't have liked to post my logs, but after listening to Cellos and Marshy (Mainly Marshy), I would have to speak to my other half about it (if I ever get the chance), but I'm a bit more willing to post the logs

Swords, start reading up! >:


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Mentos said:
On another note, Cello, make sure you remember numbers when it comes to when you plan to self stump. I thought about the numbers, and it's currently 8-3. If you wait for two others to be stumped first, and I'm right you're town, we're thrust into mylo when you do so. Just make sure to keep that in the back of your mind as things progress.
I considered that. That was one of the reasons I initially said 3 others, but I realize people will be eager for my flip, so two is good enough to start. That'll also be a good time to remind people of Cello-Rule #5 (summed up, don't vote on X+2/X, where X = number of alive lumberjacks).

@Brockin, why didn't you respond to Mentos earlier?

I was trying to be reasonable as to why I didn't want the logs posted
Wow. Generally, people have a reason as to why they do what they do, instead of trying to dig up a reason after the fact.

The fact that your last list said that 'Brocken is scummy cause of the logs. That's more then enough,' so why are you NOW trying to provide more then just the logs?
It's certainly enough for me. It's apparently not enough for everyone else, so I do what I must. Sidenote to Omis: If I had been revealed, this comment could not have been made.

I also want to remind everyone that 'The man' hasn't posted yet (I know Ryker is at a tourny today. I dunno where Xonar is at)
They are both V/LA for the weekend. It's posted back to back in the V/LA thread, or Social I don't remember.


Smash Rookie
Mar 25, 2010
@Brockin, why didn't you respond to Mentos earlier?

They are both V/LA for the weekend. It's posted back to back in the V/LA thread, or Social I don't remember.
Remember, I work in the midnight shift from 11PM to 7 AM, and this morning I came back at about 9/10 AM, to which I posted. After the post, I went back to sleep and woke up at 6 PM. Tired man was tired ><;;

and yeah, I knew they were V/LA. Just forgot it was for the weekend.

Deleted member

Mentos said:
@SSBF: Cello already mentioned this but I want to reiterate it. You knew I was replacing Today, yet you immediately followed casting suspicion on this playerslot by pointing to Today. Why did you find this relevant at the time? Do you think it is truly a useful thing to point out?
I thought Today was still in the game. To be honest, I was actually confused. I heard that he was getting a replacement, yet none of his posts detereminded that he did. It was mainly confusion and I will admit, it wasn't useful at all.

@Pierre The Scarecrow: Okay, thanks for clearing that up.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
@Heatstroke: Let me see if I can explain it with a sample.

KevinMorrissey12 (2:04:39 AM): I'd like to experiment a lot and thats something mafia has never done.
KevinMorrissey12 (2:04:43 AM): so it would be funny but I understand as well
CelloMarl (2:05:00 AM): hmm
CelloMarl (2:05:03 AM): if we did this
CelloMarl (2:05:09 AM): it would be Newbie 3 all over again
CelloMarl (2:05:16 AM): but with Ryker as Eric
CelloMarl (2:05:29 AM): if you want to chance our victory on his shoulders, I'll go for it
CelloMarl (2:05:46 AM): ugh, and I'm Delvro
CelloMarl (2:05:48 AM): ...
CelloMarl (2:05:49 AM): ...
CelloMarl (2:05:52 AM): ah well
KevinMorrissey12 (2:05:59 AM): Haha, Ryker's got itt
CelloMarl (2:06:03 AM): kewl
CelloMarl (2:08:44 AM): i know
CelloMarl (2:08:51 AM): i'll post Delvro's confession
CelloMarl (2:08:58 AM): but change the names
KevinMorrissey12 (2:09:07 AM): lol only problem is didn't Tom mod that game?
CelloMarl (2:09:13 AM): marshy did
KevinMorrissey12 (2:09:29 AM): hmm, idk how I feel about it but I'm starting to just think you ****ed with them enough, up to you though
CelloMarl (2:09:35 AM): hmm
CelloMarl (2:09:39 AM): cold feet~
CelloMarl (2:09:50 AM): i think i need to convince by though
KevinMorrissey12 (2:09:50 AM): You know why to
KevinMorrissey12 (2:10:07 AM): its sad, I just feel like I should try 100 percent since I love Marshy so much even though I really want to try it
CelloMarl (2:10:29 AM): how is something new not 100%?
CelloMarl (2:12:16 AM): i think i'll hold off
KevinMorrissey12 (2:13:52 AM): Idk.
KevinMorrissey12 (2:13:57 AM): oh btw
CelloMarl (2:14:01 AM): hai?
KevinMorrissey12 (2:14:05 AM): I just won the BRoom game as SK :p
KevinMorrissey12 (2:14:06 AM): haha
CelloMarl (2:14:10 AM): sweet
CelloMarl (2:14:32 AM): how often do those get brought out to DGames?
KevinMorrissey12 (2:14:37 AM): They usually always do.
This is a sample log from a previous game I played in. The total length of this segment is only ten minutes, and is only about 3~4% of the total log, and is spread over the course of 5 days (not counting days in which we did not speak) and two in game Days. Extrapolating that, Brockin would have to produce about 12~17 times the amount of text here to fake a log. On multiple occasions, various people have told Brockin that we would be more inclined to believe them if they just posted their logs, and explained why. They flat out refused, giving feeble excuses, when they deigned to at all. They didn't even say that they wanted to see if Macman would permit it.

Instead, they just said no. It's easy to see why. Could you imagine the stress of trying to produce that much material, all of which looks legitimate, while simultaneously discussing ways to frame other players, and keeping up with new developments? Compounded with their busy schedules, it would be impossible.

Of course, the same logic applies if they had been town. They could easily see that posting the logs was all they had to do.


Remember, I work in the midnight shift from 11PM to 7 AM, and this morning I came back at about 9/10 AM, to which I posted. After the post, I went back to sleep and woke up at 6 PM. Tired man was tired ><;;
Actually, I was talking about how you were replying to this thread about an hour ago, then signed off, then replied later.

Pierre the Scarecrow

Grasping at Straws
Jun 23, 2009
@Cello: If Cello is scum and Omis is town, then Omis is being lazy and piggybacking on you and he needs to be called out on it. (Correct me if I'm wrong, but he HAS NOT YET ADDRESSED this after I asked him about it.) If Cello is town and Omis is scum, he is agreeing with everything you do because you are wrong about Brockin as well. If you're both scum, then there's little communication between the two of you, he's piggybacking and you're bussing and I'm getting at least something right, and if you're both town then I'm just picking up on his bad play and you and I disagree on Brockin (and me and you).

The fact that he is following every word you say (agrees with you on every point) but also thinks that you should off yourself is strange because if he agrees with your actions then you aren't detrimental to his motives. I know you can see that.

@Omis: above CAPS please? ^^^

@Mentosman: Cello and Omis. I also feel like I have no grip on Summoner/Nicholas to a large extent, Sworddancer/The-Man to a smaller extent and they should speak up or get stumped.

I don't even know where my vote is right now, but its going on

unvote vote Omis


Smash Rookie
Mar 25, 2010
Actually, I was talking about how you were replying to this thread about an hour ago, then signed off, then replied later.
Probably because I used the tab that was on smashboards and replaced it with a different website. I do that sometimes on Firefox.


Smash Rookie
Mar 25, 2010
Pierre said:
If Cello is scum and Omis is town, then Omis is being lazy and piggybacking on you and he needs to be called out on it. (Correct me if I'm wrong, but he HAS NOT YET ADDRESSED this after I asked him about it.) If Cello is town and Omis is scum, he is agreeing with everything you do because you are wrong about Brockin as well. If you're both scum, then there's little communication between the two of you, he's piggybacking and you're bussing and I'm getting at least something right, and if you're both town then I'm just picking up on his bad play and you and I disagree on Brockin (and me and you).

The fact that he is following every word you say (agrees with you on every point) but also thinks that you should off yourself is strange because if he agrees with your actions then you aren't detrimental to his motives. I know you can see that.
^THIS! He took the words right out of our mouth. Anyways, sorry me, the better half of the hydra have been busy all this time.

I will make another, better post when i get the time, but i have to run now.


Smash Rookie
Mar 25, 2010
We have come to a conclusion that Omis is pretty **** scummy for parroting. Him down righting my/our play when he's not doing any better isn't helping us believe he's town. we feel he should be stumped/lynched.

My better half is not liking that sworddancer is lurking. Needs to step it up a bit.

That's about all for now
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