Throwing two pikmin toss in a short hop is good, but don't always do it when your opponent is nearby. It leave you too open for them to take advantage of. In that situation you might want to short hop and throw one pikmin, and then use an attack in place of where the other would be, or maybe air dodge, or perhaps do nothing at all.
Nair -> utilt isn't that great. Especially at low percents. You're better off going for the up smash unless you know the utilt is guaranteed for all of its hits, or if you're facing a character that nair -> usmash is difficult to land on.
When you were recovering after getting dsmashed by fox at about 1:15, you hesitated before tethering after your jump/whistle. If you hadn't hesitated, you probably would have lived.
One thing I like to do when edge guarding fox, is I'll hassle him a bit with pikmin and then grab the ledge, forcing him to go for the stage with illusion. I'll then jump from the ledge and nair to cover that option.
When you're tethering to the ledge, keep in mind that you aren't suppose to UpB in the direction that you are towards the ledge (such as tethering towars the right when the ledge is to the right of you), but you are suppose to tether in the direction dependant on what side of the stage the ledge is on. In the beginning of the delfino video, you fell off stage and were directly under the stage on the right side of it. The right ledge was to the right of you, so you tethered towards the right, when you should have tethered towards the left. Doing so would have caused you to latch onto the ledge.
This Delfino texture is ugly.
Remember that you don't always have to jump before you use your tether. In a lot of situations, it's better to just hit UpB and get to the ledge, instead of using your jump. It's faster and safer in some situations, as long as you keep it unpredictable, or do it when the opponent isn't close enough to grab it.
When you spawned on your last stock, you immediately started pulling pikmin. The thing is, is that the moving stage was about to take off, but you pulled pikmin from the road, right before it was beneath you. Instead you should have waited for those extra purples X:
Dthrow -> Dthrow -> Dash Grab/Dthrow -> Usmash or Fair is a combo as long as the second or third pikmin aren't a red.
This smashville texture is horrible.
Don't ever think that you have to approach Pikachu. He always has to come to you. And his approaching options are horrible against Olimar, so take advantage of it. Make him be the aggressor.
As long as you have the time and space (which you usually will have both of), when you have a purple up front, tossing it is generally a lot safer than air dodging, and gets the same **** done.
Never treat dtilt as if it combos into anything. It doesn't at all. Checked the frame data on it and it's not so hot.
When the opponent is getting from the ledge to the stage, you should try pivot grabbing their landings more. It would probably help you out a lot.
Near the end, you grabbed with a blue at the ledge at around 140%. A backthrow would have killed him right there, probably uthrow as well.
All in all your Olimar's solid, keep it up. If you have any other questions, feel free to shoot me a PM on AIM. I'm usually better giving critique on there, actually, haha. And I can help answer any questions you have.