top players to play against:
1. lucky
dude's just pure ****, all around. i've never seen him be a ***** in friendlies, like ever, and his link did an arrow reset > up b combo on me. he plays soo fast and he's soooo good omgg
2. lovage
805 love all day. the amount of time we've grinded fox dittos together is ridiculous. whenever there's a tech situation, here's how it goes: i love waiting, and he loves attacking. i upsmash him: i run, wd back, and wait for him to roll into me. he rolls away. oscar upsmashes me: he runs, i miss the tech cause i suck, he's expecting me to roll away, so he runs into my getup attack. LOL this guy is a beast though
3. HMW
i loooooove going over to the dorms, hearing brandon talk about rap battles, me not saying anything, and playing all his secondaries and still losing to them. rivals dunk's house for the most i've learned playing smash. he's got experience in every ****in matchup, he's a super solid player, and he's incredibly humble and awesome. plus we always watch the boondocks or nick at nite. the best sleep i ever have is at 4am with the AC on and fresh prince playing in the background. plus darrell and phil always come over too, and i love them too
4. mango
mango's a ***** champ, no 2 ways about it. it's so cool to have a consummate example of someone who does everything right. he's always chill, will always talk **** (constructive criticism!) or give me advice i figure out 6 months later. there was a golden period where i'd go to dunk's and play mango and hang out with him all night then fall asleep watching music videos. now he plays sc2 like a F@G and not melee with me but i no he's still got heart <3
5. johnny
my bro. the only reason that he isn't higher up is because we play SOOO GAY against each other!! but i actually really love practicing against his falco, plus he keeps me super motivated and grindssssssssssssss all day and all night until we both wanna kill yourselves. immensely talented guy, once he gets you in his clutches (with any character!) he'll keep you there until you die
6. hugo
i actually like playing samus because it gives me a chance to be a LOT more technical than playing super-aggressive fox/falco/falcons all day. against oscar and johnny i barely have a chance to move, but it's great to bust out the single lasers and WD downs and be on the other side of the coin. (i'm usually getting ***** and rolling around and shining out of shield vs these guys)
7. silent spectre
the one guy you play in tournament pretty often who brings out your best but still beats you. insanely smart. it feels like i have to cut away a lot of extraneous moves from my game when i play him, plus he always makes me play really well for some reason, and he lets me go to FoD (the best level in the game). whenever i lose to him it feels like i learned a ton
8. sheridan
sheridan's such a freakin awesome guy, he's been like a mentor to me and brought me up from a fresh norcal noob in fall 08. also, i love rock climbing with this guy, and i love his SWEATPANTS
9. silent wolf
otto's the man. he always pulls me over to the side during big tournaments so we can get warmed up, and it makes me feel like a cool fox gu

y. when he wants to win a friendly, he will start playing like a tornado, and move all around you at lightning speed and hit you 1000 times. ****
10. crimson shadow aka michael lantaca from salinas
nobody knows about this kid yet, but he is seriously good. sexy red falco, his pressure game is on point, his tech skill is miraculous, and he keeps smash notes. what's not to love!! plus, he's always super nice, always wants to play me and hear my advice, and stalks my facebook page like mad!! truman chan, you would be up on here too if you cared about smash more/ever went outside of the santa cruz thread! step ya game up kid!!
honorable mention:
you're the homie haha it's just because whenever we play it's mad serious cause we're like rivals!