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TNJ2! Somerset, England. June 16th. EDITS ON FIRST PAGE.

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Smash Master
Sep 14, 2006
Manchester, Great Britain
It's COEY im on Joes lappy as i aint got net atm. And i cant log out for some reason..... strange.

Have shoutouts but they can wait. All i really want to say is COEY came from absolutely nowhere, and that i hope to see every one else at AR 364.


Smash Ace
Jul 26, 2006
London, UK
no worries joee ill play yer in sweden

Oh for the person who asked about my hoodie i think it was ouch or one of R&F, search ebay for bape ;P
Yea that was me dude! Hoodie was ssssssssssssssssssssssick bro! I shall search........... RIGHT NOW!!!! :laugh:

Owna- I know you hate doubles but how bout team yoshi @ AR ? ;)
Oh how i HATE doubles but yea dude! I actually think that would be a lot of fun man! Haha!

:yoshi: :mario:


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2006
London, UK! its overrated, the weather is stupid,
Ouch is a cow

*spot the johns*

I had a fun day. Was a little bit tired cos i only had 3 hours sleep the night before, but i still had fun. i was dead dehydrated aswell so i cudnt actually focus on what i was doing - i woulda placed at least 2nd otherwise. also in the 3 hours sleep i did have that night, i dreamt about my auntie's retriever 'Scruff' who died about 2 years ago, so i was a little sad about that (i loved that dog.) also i dropped my control into a tub of honey and so the buttons were all sticky. also, the people i played were using colours that make me dizzy so i was just buzzed all day. but apart from that, it was a fun day......yeah

ouch is a cow

Ouch: ure a cow

Wave: i bloody told u didnt i?! ure combos are mad, u use both pink climber and blue climber (nunu and poopoo or whatever) really well. we'll play more in london P. Also you and nhat made the journey too funny. A big :bigthumbu to you lol

nhat: blame the KFC debacle on ouch because hes a cow.

ouch: ure a cow

ed: thanks for the tips man. great stuff helpin out with the tourney aswell and for the comdey during the finals lol. hope u guys didnt get home too late/early and if u did, blame it on ouch cos hes a cow.

gmc: wicked tournie guys. ggs in pools jake, someone was tellin me i coulda won against u but i assured them that that cudnt be further from the truth. there was no way of me winning cos ouch was there and hes a cow. where was Twigster?

STFU: i didnt do much in the way of helping but BLAM! RAF 2-1 STFU : D Good chillin with all u guys. Golf, u are too funny man keep it up lol, same with the techy smash skills which i do love. Joe, i cudnt even touch ure fox. he was seriously making my head hurt (ill get u back for that:p) BB, the low tier battle was way fun, u gotta gimme a chance to regain face okay?! Coeypops, AWESOME placing man. u really did deserve it. fun talking to u as always

Dan/DSD9: u pretty much destroyed anyone who was in ure way. lol too righteous. legend. ouch is a cow

Charles: geez. ure skill is starting to anger me lol. gj anyway man. hope u host a fest soon. london power son:D

jam: ure finals are always mad fun to watch. good seeing u and the sdb boys there. u guys always make tournies a riot.:p where's stevie:confused:

zeppo: :( i blame ure absence on ouch cos hes a cow

also amy and stacey, good seeing some girl smashes. all fun fun fun ouch is a cow.

everyone else, u're awesome ggs. VA, good seeing u there, aint it just fun-fun?

this is starting to lose focus now so im gonna go sleep. GGS dudes.

Ouch: u can 'bathe' ureself in 'ape' all u like but when all is said and done, ull just be a silly ape-cow. get it? ahahaha.....no? bathe? ape? bathing a....a forget it. ouch is a cow


Smash Apprentice
May 22, 2006
Burnham-On-Sea, Somerset
We've had about 5 people do shoutouts where's the love peops?
"Where is the love, the love, the" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Black Eyed Gimps!
Shoutins for the outs of congress...!

- Oh dear, about 7000 miles and no sleep makes ED still cool as "The Funk". Good to see you actually came down. Bad to see you not doing anywhere near as well as you shoulda. Lovin the Fox man well good, though your Peach is about as fast.Sweden my friend....Oh yeaaaaaaah. Loved our input to the final game too...Ha ha. Lets See KONE beast.
- 2nd....SECOND....YOU WHAT?..Nah man it's all gravy in bean land. Well done like. You know and i know your the top smasher man, but people are really stepping up now so we need to see THE JAMINATOR go into OVERDRIVE. Sick Sheik, seriously i love it. It's better than your Falco and you know it.Well looking forward to seeing you play in ROS4. Bye 4 now brown jangly love lock!
- I think the majority of my time was spent with you at TNJ2 and with good reason. Your a class bloke. I love you so much....Ha ha.Ewwwww...Your about as cool as your already LEGENDARY hoodie.Getting as many games in with you as i did i can tell your gonna step up real quick. I like your Falco man, it's coming along well good and every time we meet you've gotten better.NOIIIIIIIIIIIIICE. If i don't see you at Stansted your dead in seven different languages:-

- Man your a cow. I'm sorry Spam paid me to say it. And he doesn't even realise he's paying me yet. ;)...Great to see you boss. Have a lot of time for you man. Love the Falco-Falcon switchiness-all about the mind games. I want a fair few games at AR. Can you make Sweden. You better otherwise i'll be laying the Rage down on your Frustrated self. Nice 7th Spot though.GG<B>.
OwnA- First time we EVER play. First game out of pools...What happens. I start lobbing loads of needles on the ground and keep wondering what's happening. Pause."I think my controllers had it man"...Ha ha. It had as well. Bloody thing. Everyone loves their pad too.Ahhhh.Felt well bad though-like i was john'ing.Ha you were well cool about it though. Your also a legend dude. And i give your Yoshi loads of praise. It's clever as !!! I really want some more bloody games than we had pfft.7th though-good work captain planet.
- A-Lamb chops me old mucka.Haven't even seen you play. What a **** i feel. But all i've heard is praise man so i await a game with you or ten and three quarters at least. Not having seen your game i can't really give you much of a shoutout but i can as a bloke. Good crack my son hope RAF can come to Sweden.. ^__^...Ouch knows the consequences if he doesn't lol.

- 5th place FTW. Good job. I thought the tournament was all good boss man. Apart from the lack of tellys like but that's not just your problem. Crazy weird game on Kongo. Didn't see the stage coming.Cool beans. I really like the Venue as well. Can get my Bulmers in while i play...Mmmm. Thanks again dude.
Jake- Ha ha, i'm no longer an SD'ing scrub, i think i proved that. 4th place congrats man. I enjoyed our heated set and look forward to more double dodgy looks as we pass and a fair few friendlys. Whats your Sweden outlook atm then?
- I think i'm gonna unblock you soon, but not just yet. Ha ha. Unlucky with the pools like, it's just the way the "Cookie Crumbles" but good look for Sweden and AR.We'll get some shnizz in for sure.

- You stepped up and stepped up then it came crashing down in pools.
Maybe sleep, maybe not, maybe some John but your better than that. I know it, you know it. Lets get it down for Sweden. I can't believe we didn't have a single game. You've a good, quick fox. And we're all gonna be loving it when you win ROS4...;)..Can you stop being SUCH A LEGEND TOO, it's hard to compete. Oh and your mum said your trash talk sucks for someone so cocky.I love her <3
COEY>The Coe-ster>Mr Beast
- DESERVED...Well where did it all come from. Well done my friend, well done indeed.You've stopped missing techs as much and sped up your game and got what you deserved from it all. Repping STFU hardcore and i also look forward to seeing what your like in Sweden. You almost had me, maybe next time ;)
Not having really talked to you at TNJ2 or played you once i haven't got much of a shout-out i'm afraid but it is good to see you again man and DUDEY RUDEY for 9th posiSH...Ha ha

- I did it again, woop woop. Out of all the sets i played that day i enjoyed ours the most. We've got a little rivalry i think and our Link-Sheik battles are intense and highly balanced. It's a shame your positioning didn't reflect your skill this tourny but i have high hopes for you at the next one. And i've never seen you SD as much as you did. You were definitely off but i will happily take advantage of that... ^___^
Seriously Team UK needs you boss, step up! STEEEEEEEEEEP UPPPPPPPPP.
- We haven't exactly got on in the past like but pfft. That's irrelivant. Congratulations again. Your a real good player man. Title was deserved and watching PIKA beast was obviously horrible from an SDB POV but a delight from a normal spectator POV.We all expect good things from you at ROS4. Obviously not from me though as:- and i quote
"I think dan still hasnt got that touch and stock wouldnt be kept so well"
Signed - Charles...
Ha ha. No Johns Charlie Boy.
- Not a Noob as i had originally presumed you'd be. Yeah my friendly's were shocking. Sand-bagging. Nah man, i don't know, think i needed a warm up. I got it ;)...Ha ha. Take as much advice as you can and learn from everything. And remember losing is actually better for your game in the beginning. It's all a learning curve. I do like your Marth man, though you need to get your grabs down a lot more consistently. We are definitely gonna have to meet up soon.
- Tut tut, you stop me in the bloody stair corridor to say hi because we talked the tourny before and then you completely miss me out from a shout-out. I am kidding BTW.Not fussed like. I saw you playing a game actually and since last time your speed has increased so good work. Let's get some more female smashers going. Repping the Feminine side...I love it. Nice to see your all good too ^__^
- Hey man. Sorry about pools like. Had to be done. Good games, good games. Your a genuinely nice bloke too. And the English Helios with the music blaring, i love it. Keep up the game for AR and i'll see you there my friend.
- :p Hey, thought i'd be really nice and instead of getting you a drink, give you a shoutout cause thats the type of guy i am...Ha ha ha. Nice to see you again, and i'll have a Bulmers at AR...If their's no BAR, which is more than likely ya might have to buy some beforehand. Lol. You still playing smash or just there to watch JAM...ERRR i mean to watch...;)

Right guys and guys and guys and 2 x girls.
I'm sure i've gotten everyone i could. It's taken me a fair amount of time. My fingers are bleeding and my head hurts. Or maybe headbutting the Monitor has made my head bleed and my fingers hurt. Either way-thanks guys, appreciated the tourny and look forward to seeing you musty-crab-flavoured-JellyTots at AR and to the boys going to SWEDEN..
Let's get the UK scene the RECOGNITION it deserves.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 16, 2006
Shoutouts! I'll do them now or they'll never get done. Anyone forgotten/don't know name - sorry

Coey - um....wow! Before TNJ2 last I saw you play was in that crew match at TNJ1. You've obviously improved a lot. Our Falco ditto was even, so I knew pools would be tricky, but you completely mindgamed me with stage and character selection! GJ, and at taking out Ed and everyone else on the way to 5th.

L4dy - Both pool games were pretty close and you were going to win the 2nd if I didn't land that rest. Sorry about that, but you know it looked good really ;) And nice to see you at Paul's after.

Jam - Cheers for ****** me and everyone else in the pool, hard luck vs Charles, was a fun final to watch.

Jo3 - I enjoyed those friendlies on Sunday morning. If I'm not away when AR is on, then I'll be there and happy to give you a MM. You better get practising :lick:

Golfie/Gold - Go team type-of-medal. Those team matches were funny and the first games I played since arriving so thanks for that.

Owna - Still suprising people with your Yoshi! Same as last time, our one game was close. But Maro Kart was too funny, gotta learn to DI those blue shells :ohwell:

FWave - Haha, ICs still as 'n00bish' as ever then. Shiek can win with platforms though GGs. And on Mario Kart! Will have to play some GuiltyGear sometime then.

Nhat - Thanks for the many friendlies. G&W can do ok against Fox with chainthrow and comboing. But dies very easy upwards and grabbing fox is never easiest thing ever!

Mont - Well done for the housing, you should play more often now :p

Charles - **** your a bit of a beast now, and not just talking about that hair ;) Well done on winning, London FTW. Have to get some more games in soon, will help me improve a lot.

BulletBill - Cool Dr.Mario. Nice random matchup games round Monty's.

Caleb - Cheers for hosting it.


Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2006
Reading, UK
dan i just wana be sick all over you and absolutely love it <33

definately getting down to yours more often man especially for that bud! ^_^

wheres jam? hmm for when he reads WASSUP FOO'


Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2006
Good old Blighty
Yaaaaas good tournament guys, was nice to see some people really stepping it up and busting out some surprise victorys.

Ed: Good job on 9th son, far exceeded my expectations :laugh::laugh::laugh: and thanks for the support when I was playing Owna aswell you bellend :laugh: Seriously though we need to man up for the next tourney, show people what we're capable of :laugh:

Jake: Good times in teams, you pretty much carried me through to second place lol, and well done on getting 4th, you play much better when you keep your cool.

Charlie Boy: Too bad I didn't get to play you in singles, would almost definately have put you out :laugh::laugh::laugh: And no Johns in teams, running away is a legitimate tactic :laugh: Congratulations on 1st though, the finals were a good shout.

Caleb: Well done running the tournament mate, very close set in teams, shame I didn't get to play you in singles, but you can blame Owna for that one.

Sabo: You've really improved since Edster, you just didn't get the breaks this tournament, you really should get out of pools next time.

Dan A: As if you banned FD :laugh: Good games though, you've definately got potential.

Ste: If only you could play like you did on Mute City all the time eh? Seriously there's no reason why you can't step it up and start getting results like Coey, you just need to be patient and it'll come toether.

DSD9: Gah I hate you :laugh:, I was gutted when I got you in my pool. Yeah we've definately got a bit of a rivalry at the moment, our sets are always well good, and I'll be gunning for you next time :laugh: Also good stuff on 3rd mate, and good job beating Jake aswell, I knew that one'd be close, you'll definately be an asset to the UK in Sweden.

Carlton: Haha as if we had to play our set right after our money match lol, every game was well close mind. Was good times seeing you again, and obviously I banned bloody mute city, I've got nout on that stage :laugh:

Jam: Ah you were just too good for me, you had my life in teams then again really badly in singles, at least now that I've played you I know what I'm up against though. Next tournament I'd like to sit down and play a lot of friendlies with you, maybe I'll be able to take a game when you're not really trying :laugh:

Owna: Oh my goodness, that sodding dinosaur :laugh: Our set was really good, you're a monster on Dreamland, and imho I'd say you deserved to finished higher than 7th. We'll have to get some proper friendlies in next time.

JO3 and Coey: Didn't get to play either of you this time but it's good to see you manning up. Good job on 5th Will, really didn't see that one coming, and unlucky Joe for not getting out of pools, next time you should be a certainty.

Frozenwave: We only got to play one friendly but you're IC's are pretty good, keep it up.

VanityAngel: We had a couple of pretty good Link vs Y.link friendlies if I remember correctly, you need to run away and spam more with Y.link, even if it is gay :laugh:

Bullet Bill: We had a couple of good friendlies, shame we couldn't play more but me and ed needed to leave as early as possible. Your doc is good, reminds me a lot of Neil, you should play some dittos with him next time, would be interesting.

Amy: Thanks for leaving me halfway through Fern Gully, really appreciated that :laugh: We'll actualy get those friendlies in next time.

Monty: Cheers for housing me on friday night mate, was a good shout, until you also left me during that blasted film, which was a very, very poor shout.

Stacey: Good Job on knowing all the words to Fern Gully, and also not letting us watch Robocop. Bad times tbh :laugh:


Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2006
London Hackney
Next tourney ill bring mario kart, that will be fun xP

Hey does anyone actually have broadband adapters so we can link 2 cubes for 2 mario karts for 8 player!! WE CAN HAVE A CUP!

Anyways the next one where and when?

Ill try to come



Need lift from RaF so its that much cheaper, it gonna be SO FUN! xD

Bullet Bill

Smash Master
Feb 9, 2007
UK - Southampton
DSD9- you missed me.

But I think I missed you as well.

DSD9- thanks for playing some friendlies with me. Just from watching your sheik I learned a lot. Still, something must have been up if I came that close to beating you. Or did I beat you. nice mewtwo as well. Congrats on getting 3rd.

umpa- I'm sorry! This is so late. Thanks for the games against your gay blue-party-hat pikachu :chuckle:. Sorry about the cheesy capes of which there were many and showing me all of those glitches and stuff. Thanks for walking me to the train station too. Getting lost in Yeovil wouldn't have been fun.

Sabo- didn't get to play you but from what I hear you've been improving and SDing less :chuckle:. Subway is too good.


Smash Master
Sep 14, 2006
Manchester, Great Britain
bullet bill: cape more, bair more, shffl more in general and learn to chain throw. your timing is good but you inexperience is your blatant downfall. also work on your tech a bit as i noticed you missed a few vital techs that cost you the stock.

other then that your basics are good and ive noticed quite a bit of advanced stuff that i didnt see at edster, so i can safely say your improving at a nice rate. no johns about tnj2 though, ill give you some proper matches at AR364 and im gonna be taking up doc to learn more about what he can/cant do

J03 out!


Smash Ace
Feb 8, 2006
Loughborough, England
This tournaments over dude, the next one's in august. SSB64 will be an option, however it will be purely for after the tournament and friendlies only. I'm not going to lose TV's that will be vital to tournament running and if too many want more Melee than SSB64 later on then so be it. Melee wins.


Smash Hero
May 18, 2006
Brighton, UK
Next tourney ill bring mario kart, that will be fun xP

Hey does anyone actually have broadband adapters so we can link 2 cubes for 2 mario karts for 8 player!! WE CAN HAVE A CUP!

Anyways the next one where and when?

Ill try to come



Need lift from RaF so its that much cheaper, it gonna be SO FUN! xD
I have a broadband adapter, I used to play both GC PSO games actually online so :psycho:

I'll bring my adapter but not my cube because thats busted up. I'll also bring MKDD **** I love that game. Well up for it :laugh:


Smash Ace
May 19, 2006
im up for mario kart that game is awesome but bb is right though it will be after the tournament though. baby park ftw


Smash Apprentice
May 22, 2006
Burnham-On-Sea, Somerset
Cheers Zeppo, much appreciated.Look forward to repping it big stylee with all you crazy lads at Sweden man...
Bullet Bill
No you didn't beat me boss, but yeah you did come sorta close.My friendly's were appaling though and that's no John. Ask Robby(Vanity Angel) i was playing piss poor till in the tourney where i got my game head on ;)...
I well want some games soon man seriously, that links so effin cool man!


Smash Apprentice
May 22, 2006
Burnham-On-Sea, Somerset
Captain Smashie, yeah u do suck lol. You don't Snake...All about the snake. I'm not bad and can hold my own as can the rest of the SDB....But GEOFF is a MONSTER...Sick at Kart on a whole new ISAI kind of level ;)...


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2003
wtf hell no, south sdb suck at mario kart

its the northern newcastle pros that cant be touched ala tony , ed, stevie, addy n richyboi


Smash Ace
May 19, 2006
jay mario kart ds is awesome but theres nothin wrong with double dash i own at both though but a cup on wither game sounds good to me.


Smash Apprentice
May 22, 2006
Burnham-On-Sea, Somerset
Uhhh Geoff's South ya big goat cheese Eddon!
And smashie - you didn't pull even, i know, i got ****ed being on ur team...
It's on now, internal mario kart DD SDB rivalry....
Bring on the pain moooooooooohaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Bullet Bill

Smash Master
Feb 9, 2007
UK - Southampton
Agreed. Mario kart DS is better.

DSD9- I know you werent playing well but can't you at least give me some credit :(.

I will take anyone on at fzero GX


Smash Ace
May 19, 2006
hey bb you should put up ar364 thread up so joe can start spamming the thread early enough lol
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