This is odd. It's like a game I play. Religiously. I have a watch that I carry around in my pocket. If I look at it, and the seconds digits say "00", I must tap the watch once for every concecutive "0." Examples:
11:45:00-2 taps
20:30:00-3 taps
10:00:00-5 taps
Yes, I use military time. Since at midnight, my watch only displays "0:00:00," and it's only worth five, I use "11:11:11" and "22:22:22" as bonus six pointers.
I also have this odd......feature. Whenever I clench my teeth, I shift the top and bottom rows slightly. Somehow I managed to turn it into talent, even though only I can hear it. I can actually make beats using only my teeth. I can do numerous drum patterns and copy multiple songs. If only there was a way to share it with the world....