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The Winning Steak Cinemas: Video Archive & Criticism Thread Updated


Smash Lord
Sep 20, 2007
West Lafayette, IN Downers Grove,
In regards to the game and watch videos above:
Think of Sonic's spin dash attack as the pass in American football.... you need the running game to open up your passing game. If you just pass all day you're going to get intercepted.... wow I kind of like that.

So yeah, stop ASC approaching or AT LEAST shield cancel once in a while if you ASC. Try just running and and launching an early u smash or try to shield and roll behind him. Whatever you do, don't try and shield grab his aerials and learn to space Sonic's ftilt and fair appropriately. Sonic's fair has more priority than you may realize, you just need to start it up early.

I also encourage you to go to the G&W boards here and read through a lot of the info in whatever guide(s) they have. Make sure you understand that his aerial attacks (fair and bair I believe) remain out when he lands a little extra longer.

As for Olimar... I haven't watched them yet, but my guess is that you're getting grabbed left and right if your play style is similar to the GW matches.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQ34M-Bdo6k <---learn about Sonic

It is obvious to me now that you are new to Sonic as the youtube info says. You may not even understand what an ASC is and what an ASC is not so... watch this video and your sonic game should improve. Just remember that spamming sonic's spin specials is never going to win you a match against the average competative player.

This didn't really need to be stickyed. It's constantly on the first page, how can people not see it?
LOL, pretty soon we're only going to have a first page. I thought I'd never say it, but the traffic on the Sonic boards is calming down a lot.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
In regards to the game and watch videos above:
Think of Sonic's spin dash attack as the pass in American football.... you need the running game to open up your passing game. If you just pass all day you're going to get intercepted.... wow I kind of like that.


LOL, pretty soon we're only going to have a first page. I thought I'd never say it, but the traffic on the Sonic boards is calming down a lot.
lol cute ASC analogy.

we've only had a first page for a while now.

there was like, a noobfest for a bit but that didn't last very long


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Don't shieldgrab his aerials, DNES?

I happen to do that a majority of the time, seriously.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV

I honestly don't see the big deal in G&W...

But then that might be because none of the G&W's I get play him right, but I swear to God just shielding > G&W, and if you happen to get low just run like all Hell broke loose.

Either that, or you all are doing it wrong.


Smash Lord
Sep 20, 2007
West Lafayette, IN Downers Grove,
Alright, here's one to criticize...

seagullman (Wolf) vs BionicSonic (Sonic)
That last SD was because my mom wouldn't shut up <_>

And also another one
seagullman (Bowser) vs BionicSonic (Sonic)
Aw give your Mom a break, lol. Anyways...
-I was impressed with your minimal dependence on abusing wifi specific strategies
-You probably follow up spin dash rolls with jump>HA too much. This is something that if a player knows is coming will punish you and offline it's even easier to punish (without having to guess)
-Don't become so dependent on Sonic's grab game, when you couldn't get a grab in you kept trying and became a little wreckless in the process.
-Mix up your throws more, I saw what you were trying to do... maybe cause it's wifi it was hard to get the usmash down... but either way change up your throw or change up what you do afterwards: stand in place, go for a uair... just usmash standing in place... shield and wait for your opponent to land. At least you were using Sonic's throw that deals 12% instead of his more popular dthrow that uses only 8%.
-I liked your use of fair when you weren't trying to get a grab in.
-Your recovery was a little too predictable, if your opponent read you better he could setup all sorts of trouble for you as you landed.... try not using the spin-shot as an instant recovery so much. You lose your second jump when you do that means you lose the option of bailing out. Stick with spin dash or spin charge while saving your jump to either get to the ledge or to adjust for your opponent.
-More ASC, especially against a character like Bowser who has a limited projectile.

Otherwise, nice Sonic. Please stick around and post in other threads :)


If specified, this will repl[0x00000000]ce the
Dec 18, 2008
San Francisco, CA
Few more to add on..

seagullman (Luigi) vs BionicSonic (Sonic)

seagullman (DK) vs BionicSonic (Sonic)

seagullman (Wolf) vs BionicSonic (Sonic) 2
^ There's actually a weird spring momentum cancel that caught me offguard in that one lol

Aw give your Mom a break, lol. Anyways...
-I was impressed with your minimal dependence on abusing wifi specific strategies
-You probably follow up spin dash rolls with jump>HA too much. This is something that if a player knows is coming will punish you and offline it's even easier to punish (without having to guess)
-Don't become so dependent on Sonic's grab game, when you couldn't get a grab in you kept trying and became a little wreckless in the process.
-Mix up your throws more, I saw what you were trying to do... maybe cause it's wifi it was hard to get the usmash down... but either way change up your throw or change up what you do afterwards: stand in place, go for a uair... just usmash standing in place... shield and wait for your opponent to land. At least you were using Sonic's throw that deals 12% instead of his more popular dthrow that uses only 8%.
-I liked your use of fair when you weren't trying to get a grab in.
-Your recovery was a little too predictable, if your opponent read you better he could setup all sorts of trouble for you as you landed.... try not using the spin-shot as an instant recovery so much. You lose your second jump when you do that means you lose the option of bailing out. Stick with spin dash or spin charge while saving your jump to either get to the ledge or to adjust for your opponent.
-More ASC, especially against a character like Bowser who has a limited projectile.

Otherwise, nice Sonic. Please stick around and post in other threads :)
Thanks! It's kinda WiFi, most of the spindashes or aerials usually have a hard time for me unless I start spamming grabs. :ohwell: I'll try to grab less though.


Smash Lord
Sep 20, 2007
West Lafayette, IN Downers Grove,
Few more to add on..

seagullman (Luigi) vs BionicSonic (Sonic)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuO5r1gdfDA#t=1m10s <that was very nicely done.
Nice edgeguard on his second stock. Just remember that you have plenty of room with that spring so no need to rush and use it right away because you might end up saving your opponent.
That dash attack on the left side of the stage was begging for punishment, be aware that Sonic will spin in place like a sitting duck if you start it too close to the edge.
Mix up your throw selection... especially against Luigi, notice how he was able to come off the ground on that last throw and he was pretty much ready for anything.

A falco/luigi player spanked me pretty hard with Luigi at the last tournament I went to and also playing Super Angry Luigi from AIB was rather frustrating. Once I discovered a jab was all it took to stop his down B approach it became a little easier to deal with him. Luigi's slipperyness in general makes it difficult to follow up your attacks/throws because it's so difficult to know where he's going.

For a while I thought Joe washed his mouth out with soap... guess not.

seagullman (DK) vs BionicSonic (Sonic)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zRdcdFRPaY#t=m0t34s nice combo and usmash follow up... that was a hyphen smash right? Not a DAC(smash-boosting). Anyways, you may have been able to get a second dtilt on him before grabbing, but it' wifi so it's hard to always know how things are going to work out.

Very nice spacing/movement around 1 minute. It's nice to see the patience/spacing.

I haven't played a DK in a while but I'm pretty sure that you're better of attempting a dair offstage when he's recovering instead of dropping springs. Unless it lands right above him I'm pretty sure his upB will fizzle your spring (it technically doesn't get destroyed, lol).

You lost your second stock because you got over aggressive: fair with landing lag = please release your punch.

Your recovery at 2:30ish was very nice. Notice how the jump canceled from the side B was an option where as a homing attack OR a spin shot would have probably been hit by the bair.

His DK ran hot cold. Sometimes he did really good stuff other times he was overaggressive. I still have to say I like your style... you're not falling into too many obvious patterns. I knew you were going to usmash at the end there... maybe next time hold the charge a little bit if you think he's going to spot dodge.

seagullman (Wolf) vs BionicSonic (Sonic) 2
^ There's actually a weird spring momentum cancel that caught me offguard in that one lol
I'll watch it later.

Thanks! It's kinda WiFi, most of the spindashes or aerials usually have a hard time for me unless I start spamming grabs. :ohwell: I'll try to grab less though.
LoL, grab as much as you can. That's the rule I try to live by. I'll get away with it as much as I can, but sometimes you have to know when to say no.


Mar 20, 2008
Wichita Falls, TX
Tourney today

2nd in doubles, and 2nd in singles

Epic looser's finals, Grand finals vids (went to R5 with D3, found my own method for him, xD)

And my doubles matches weren't too bad, i beat a good falco and D3 by myself, low % for each of us starting the last stock

Will post when up. Likley, as with last time, Tuesday-ish... :p


Mar 20, 2008
Wichita Falls, TX

JMan (Sonic) + L' (Marth) vs TRC (Falco) + LOVE (D3) R1 (Last stock Steak, ;) lol)
JMan (Sonic) +L' (Marth) vs TRC (Snake) + LOVE (IC) R2
Looser's Finals
JMan (Sonic) + L' (Marth) vs Azzy (G&W) + Troy (Lucas) R1

JMan (Sonic) + L' (Marth) vs Azzy (G&W) + Troy (Lucas) R2

Grand Finals
JMan (Sonic) + L' (Marth) vs Dev (D3) + Bo (Lucario) R1
JMan (Sonic) + L' (Marth) vs Dev (D3) + Bo (Lucario) R2
JMan (Sonic) + L' (Marth) vs Dev (D3) + Bo (Lucario) R3
Jman (Sonic) + L' (Marth) vs Dev (D3) + Bo (Lucario) R4

And Singles:
Looser's Finals-
JMan (Sonic) vs Azzy (G&W) R1
(1:47- Fin = Fail-sauce on my part, seriously, phail, xD)
JMan (Sonic) vs Azzy (G&W) R2
JMan (Sonic) vs Azzy (G&W) R3
JMan (Sonic) vs Azzy (G&W) R4

Grand Finals:

JMan (Sonic) vs Dev (D3) R1
JMan (Sonic) vs Dev (D3) R2
Jman (Sonic) vs Dev (D3) R3
Jman (Sonic) vs Dev (D3) R4
JMan (Sonic) vs Dev (D3) R5

Comment, rate, laugh, love, and enjoy



May 12, 2008
Switch FC
Congrats on your recent placings JMan :D

EDIT: lol, look what I found.

Camalange (Sonic) vs ChiboSempai (ROB) MM

KIDgoggles/da K.I.D. (Sonic/Lucario) vs ChiboSempai (ROB) MM

And the most lulz.

Malcolm (Sonic/Wario) vs ChiboSempai (ROB) MM
^gotta give Malcolm some ROB help with Sonic :p Just needs so much more ASC Malcolm! YOu def could've won if you used more ASC. It's so good against ROB.
Absolute **** with Wario though, LMAO



Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
I am LONG overdue for this, but I figure if I'm gonna spread my new avi/theme around, I might as well be constructive about it.

Comments in Bolded Orange.

Here's some vids you can add/critique. I'd like to know what the more skilled Sonics think of mine.

LOL @ me being skilled. I still touch people in a place or in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable with Sonic in sets though, so yeah. :p

Anyway... I'll only bother with the match that was offline, Lag-Fi is hard to judge. :/

relaxedexorcist (Sonic) vs SGRD (Diddy)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1c0TiyKaEwI - Offline

:11 You probably coulda Naired, which would not only allow you to catch the Banana but also hit Diddy. Either that or a retreating Fair/AD and if you were still in the vicinity of diddy Fair/Uair.

1:24 Woah careful, you don't want to make a habit out of Dairing right after a Spring, or you might've not gotten so lucky with that landing.

...Well this is kind of pathedic, I can't see much else that you could've done right other than some more glide tossing...Hmm...

Now you've caught my interest, do you have anymore offline videos I could watch to see your playstyle?

Hope you guys enjoy.

It's interesting to watch other people, I'll tell you that much.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
I THINK the set between MalcomM and myself got recorded. There was a lot of epic stuff in those so I hope Kojin gets them online XD


Smash Ace
Sep 9, 2007
...Well this is kind of pathedic, I can't see much else that you could've done right other than some more glide tossing...Hmm...

Now you've caught my interest, do you have anymore offline videos I could watch to see your playstyle?
Yay, finally got my critique. I've got a few vids of offline Sonic I haven't put up yet but that's the only offline Sonic I uploaded on youtube at the moment. I'll try uploading them sometime this week.
Kojin has some other videos of me though . They've already been added to the list but here they are again.

BionicSonic (Sonic) vs RelaxExorcist (Sonic)

Kojin (Sonic) vs RelaxExorcist (Sonic)

Kojin (Sonic) vs RelaxExorcist (Sonic) 2

Kojin (Sonic) vs RelaxExorcist (Sonic) 3


The Original Deadpool Fan
Dec 29, 2008
I THINK the set between MalcomM and myself got recorded. There was a lot of epic stuff in those so I hope Kojin gets them online XD
that set was so ridiculous! i've never seen a Sonic play that well.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 23, 2007


Smash Champion
Aug 13, 2002
Green Hill Zone, MD/VA
Hey fellas, recorded some vids. Please critique. And mute the volume as there is a large amount of clicking, heh heh. Thanks. The quality isn't the best.


Btw, if anyone knows how do to reduce the black line on the TV, please let me know.
first match:
1: your use of down smash isn't good. if youre gonna do it, at least set it up properly, wait for wakeup near the edge for example, or when hes trying to land.
2: you should be more mobile than you are right now. Captain falcoln can't run circles around sonic. i think your recvovery is too predictable in this match.
3: after two dtilts at low percents, go for the grab, instead of another d tilt.
4. i dont think hes' falling for any of your cancels at all. you need to learn to play faster. then he'll have less time to analyze your next move. with sonic, this is not hard to do.
5. his mindgames seem to be better than yours. work on your mixups.
6. practice being more aggressive offstage, against CF you should be actively attempting gimps. your edge game is light at best, even though you picked it up at the end.
7. its clear as the matches went on you adjusted and move better, so im not worried about your ability to pick up on things. but then you go ant kill yourself.... :(

match 2:
1: you moved better at the start of the match. one thing i notice though. you dont dash attack. at early percents, you dont have to, but i dunno if you did it at all in the first one either... and this one you didn't do it at all. its a solid midrange punisher, and sets them up for the cancels too.
2: @ 3:20-22: this would be an example of a good time to try a Dsmash.
3: you like upairs too much. lol. sometimes he's not even near you and you upair. think about it think about it...
3: so far most spin dashes that were not cancelled were jump cancelled. :( predicability. dons has dem.
4: nice Dsmash at the end. he so didn't see it coming.

match 3:
1: IN the second and third match, you start off with an upsmash. you got lucky it worked the last match, but why do it there? was it a mistake?
2: in this one im starting to see more aerials leading into a falling SD cancel. good.
3. nice stage spike first kill. your becoming more brave with the edge game as you play, so I'm gonna say that you were warming up before...
4. boo. as soon as you kill him, he gets a hyphen smash. thats because you were too busy being sonic. had you blocked, you had a free upthrow combo/mindgame and kept your stock a bit longer...
5. nice mindgames late second stock. that's sonic in a nutshell.
6. 2:12, are you ****ing serious? you did it again? predicability... please dons has dems.
7. overall your tilt game and edge game was much better. that kind of play makes it hard for captain to keep momentum. try to pretend that you dont have f smash for awhile. i have issues with you trying to mindgame one at 30%...

i barely saw any upthrows. this is bad. if he ever learns to tech you d throw your grab game is shot to hell. lrn 2 upthrow.

I'll comment on the others later. if that's okay...


Smash Champion
Aug 13, 2002
Green Hill Zone, MD/VA
lol at terios below me. *******.

match 1:
1: use more throws. up throw against D3 should be used. exposes ther overrelyance on AD and dair, both are easy to bait and punish, especially in the early stocks.

2. if the dudes gonna spam sidestep, punish with a longer lasting move like upsmash or downsmash.

3. all ddd's wanna uptilt you at high percents, they have no reliable setup for it however, so if you dont get hit by that, you can live a good while longer.

4. 2:27, first match : nice cancels, but then you Overdid it. dont show the same thing over and over again, then they get brave, and you die.

5. if you pop DDD in the air, stay close to his landing spot, dont run to the othe side of FD. for what? that's making it easier for him to land. even if you are not gonna attack him, you just being there means he's gonna do something. bait, punish, reset the situaion. at least empty jump at him to bait dairs.

4. you gets sucked up too much. its a good move though, one ddd's should use more.

5. i would pick FD against DDD anymore. you were taken from 9% to over 80 by basically one chain grab into edgegaurd. no goods. if you are gonna go FD. dont get grabbed, its too gay. hoe many stages are you comfortbale playing, you should have counterpicks ready if you need to. and by o****erpick stage i dont mean smashville or battlefield.

6. 3:03. that's a decent time to use a dsmash against a sidestep happy opponent.

7: practice upthrow mindgames on ddd. they love to AD when someone is below them at early percents, just position yourself, watch the airdodge, then regrab and repeat. they will get it and jump away after the seond time usually, so get ready for it.

* had you never been chaingrabbed last stock, you'd be in mid percents, not over 100%. even though you were ahead at 3:30, with over half the match remaining in time, and you being one uptilt death and a chaingrab away, there was plenty of time for DDD to win.

8. this DDD isn't that good IMO. he ate fairs all day. good for you, but most DDD's can smack you out of it with fair, beware this.

9. your recovery around 4:00 was horrible. then you go and spin dash into an uptilt. i fyou need to, use that ledge a bit more. he was clearly setting you up for uptilt, and you still ran into it. Up B was the better choice in that situation.

10: @4:19, you had the right idea, but once again, you gave him too much time to think about it. had you waited until he had to fall back to the floor, then you would have scored a hit. but now, you eat a dair. not only that, you gave him a chain grab becaue you were too busy racking up damage. next time, unless you are positive he will get hit, retreat to prevent the chaingrab, or if you will get grabbed anyway, i'd land on the side where he cant chain me so long.

11: 4:38. now you're at 78% all you did was let him grab you twice. at one stock apiece, you have a decision to make, you play safer to make him approach, or you dont pick this stage, because that's the reason this match was close. three chain grabs, even though you looked like you were killing him, makes the match look equal. that's stupid right?

12. 5:00 this is the most obvious time in the match that a DDD would want to hit you with uptilt. he telegraphs it when he throws one out hoping you'd run into it...

12: 5:10 i'd like it if you were a bit closer, he most likely would have tried the airdodge>uptilt AT lol. but then you could bait and punish, or even if you jumped towards him, he'd have to make a choice to attack or AD, in which case you can bait and punish if you are used to them.

13: 5:18. saw that? he tried to noob you wit AD>uptilt? alas, his love of blocking and his fear of spin noises give you victory. you got fortunate he didn't bair your face in. its quick and you wouldn't be able to counter it since you commited to dsmash.

jesus. i wrote too much. ill post again later about the others. unless someone else wants to give them a go.


Mar 20, 2008
Wichita Falls, TX

TBH, i ban FDevery time. I randomef, it came up, and i had the feeling i had this match, xD

But good points. Essentially.... i've been DDP away to immediate towards my opponent SD cancelling. You saw he ate Fair a lot? Due to that, xD.

He is an infinatley better Marth, but he is a technical player. And his weight, CG, killing power make him go D3, as im all Sonic. I have to mindgame the hell out of him, i get some pretty good shiz going throughout this set btw. Post at ur liesure, im killing time/looking for improvement by next weekends tourney


Smash Apprentice
Oct 23, 2007
I'll comment on the others later. if that's okay...
Thanks for the critique. I will set to work on those issues.

And funny things about the SD's. Played the same player in a small local tourney today and woulda gone to his last stock, but I go and kill myself...
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