So yesterday, somehow my doorknob fell to the ground. Needless to say, it's busted. So this morning, my girlfriend and I went to the home improvement store to buy a door knob but I didn't know what size my original door knob was so, we went back home to measure it. We then relaxed and then planned to go watch a movie at around 8:50 pm. So before we left, we stopped at the same home improvement store and I bought the door knob I thought fit it the best.
So we watched the movie and in we drove back in pouring rain (the closest movie theater is a hour away). We got home around 12:30 am. So while my girlfriend got ready for bed, I was trying to replace the door knob in pouring rain. Apparently, the knob I bought was way to big and couldn't git into the door knob holes. I was trying really hard to fit it in their. Well, it all happened pretty fast but I slipped and crashed into the window on my back door. It shattered with glasses falling onto me outside and inside.
I crashed into the glass with my elbow so the glass cut up all up my elbow. As well, it's monsoon season so my indoors is flooded with bugs now. So I have a huge gaping hole with shattered glass still attached to the door, a bloodied elbow, and a scared girlfriend. Thankfully, I didn't get any in my eye and I suffered some cuts and scratches on my left arm, neck, and back. I am alright but I now have a broken window.
And tomorrow is Sunday and the Board of Education is closed so I can't get a hold of my supervisor. Plus there is glass everywhere outside my door and my students tend to play behind my apartment or wait for me to leave so they can talk to me/follow me. My girlfriend wrote "Beware of glass on the ground. Please don't come near" in a big red marker and we taped it to another unbroken window.
So, I have to replace a window and a door knob now (the door knob itself was the cheapest and was around $30). And I just fixed my bike after someone hit it with a car.