As I was leaving work yesterday, it started to ****ing pour. Like a torrent. It's monsoon season after all. So I left to go home on my bike and I came to the big intersection. The light turned green so, naturally, I couldn't cross. So I decided to just turn right and cross further down the road.
I start riding and not even a yard away, I almost get hit by this jerk pulling out of a gas station. I had to Salam on the breaks and almost flipped over. The ******* didn't even acknowledge me. All while it down poured.
So I went around him and, then I got stuck. I had forgotten that gas stations here have a small bike tire sized trench around the entire station. I have no ideas why but, of course, my bike got stuck. I was yanking it by the handle bars to get it up when the unthinkable happened. My bike suddenly lurched and fell over. I look up and some ***** hit my bike. She hawas decked out in make up, fake eyelashes, orange hair, and a black and pink shirt. Her car had more dashboard ornaments that should be legally allowed. For those who don't live in Japan, this is the Japanese version of ghetto or white trash. They are usually high school drop outs, three or four accidental kids, and drag thier kids to bars until 6 am.
Anyways, she bent the wheel of my back tire. I was yelling at her "You just hit my bike!!". So she yelled something back at me but it was raining too hard to get it but her tone was just as mad as mine.
So she backed out and sped off past me. I was too much in shock to get her license plate number. My bike was still rideable but it wobbled a lot and felt unsafe.
I took it to a bike repair shop but they said "we cant fix it. Sorry.". I took it to another place and said it would be $200 and take a month. So I have a bent up bike that wobbles eveywhere.
So I can either: 1) pay $200 to get fixed, 2) buy a new bike for less than that or 3) since I just got my Japanese drivers license, just buy a car. The only problem is that it's a month long process so I'll have to hoof it to my school and that's a hour one way :/. ****......