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The UK Brawl Thread. News Flash: Hurricane Rev's session - Feb -19/02/09

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Bullet Bill

Smash Master
Feb 9, 2007
UK - Southampton
This is so true. IMO MK is nowhere near broken. Hes good yes, and will probably always be top tier, but theres so many ways to beat him. People aren't focussing on his weaknesses enough.
Also beacause MK is easy to play, his metagame has been advanced much more than harder characters, eg olimar, diddy etc. Its only recently because of the success of some players, that diddy is being played and advancing his metagame.

MK is not the best character in the game. Just because M2K wins every tournament with MK doesn't mean he is. It means M2K is the best player. We all know he would win or come very high, regardless of which character he used (assuming the character is tournament viable).

Brawl is like melee minus the technical side. Thats why so many top melee players are still top brawl players. Its still about the mindgames. Melee has a technical barrier, where it is impossible for anybody to compete if you dont have the technical skill, regardless of if you have the mindgames or not. With that barrier removed, all those players who lacked technical skill but had mindgames will do well. Those that were winning in melee down to technical skill, but lacked mindgames will suck at brawl.

Kieran: Brawl is actually decent to play now. Don't worry about MK being dominating. He isn't. I played Blinky over the weekend and won a lot of my games wario vs his MK. And I know he is one of the best, if not best, MK mainers in the UK.
I very much agree. Metaknight's not broken, he's just rly rly good


Smash Lord
May 18, 2006
Scotland, United Kingdom
Kieran: Brawl is actually decent to play now. Don't worry about MK being dominating. He isn't. I played Blinky over the weekend and won a lot of my games wario vs his MK. And I know he is one of the best, if not best, MK mainers in the UK.
Ah, I know he's not beatable or it'd be perfectly logical to ban him, I was meaning more of a "For god sake why are people complaining?" thing with my previous post. He obviously is beatable or he would be banned, even then, he shouldn't be banned at this stage in the game as he isn't broken, just more advanced in his metagame than others. Once the other characters advance in their metagame, it'll even out, hopefully. But even if he stays better than everyone else, theres no reason to ban him, it's not like he can revive his stocks or anything unlike other games character bans, e.g: SF Third Strike with Gill being banned due to recovering his life bar. Theres nothing broken about MetaKnight at all, I was using that previous example as an example of how silly the scrubby brawlers can be.

Hopefully the circuit really encourages UK brawlers and livens up there seen, because from what I've seen besides a few ranbat threads, there isn't a lot happening in the uk for there scene.

Props though to the Londoners, Ben, Yeniths and Z for trying to liven up the Brawl scene around the country though. Every little helps.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2003
IMO there arent many if any brawl players moaning about the lack of brawl tournaments. That in itself is the brawl problem :/

Bullet Bill

Smash Master
Feb 9, 2007
UK - Southampton
Alan- it's all very well saying brawl players aren't hosting tournaments but hosting's not exactly easy and a LOT of players (melee or brawl) would be unable to host anything even if they wanted to


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2003
alan where are they doing that? seriously it took alot of effort for me to get the turnout i got at tki and that was when brawl was released. In the months afterwards till present its been bumusing the complete lack of brawl players posting looking for others to play in person or for tournaments. Yes, this is partially due to online play, other than that its :/. There arent floods of threads reading...."Im from leeds and looking for brawl tournaments" etc.

Ben - its all good and fine stating that hositng tournaments is difficult for melee players or brawl players. Your right, its a huge effort and a variety of circumstances/checklist has to be met for someone to be able to host a successful tournament. However, melee HAS induced various members of the melee community to do so, more than once and in a variety of localities and forms. Myself and ant are a huge example. Why isnt brawl attracting new players to do so? heck, your obviously aware that the uk melee community started somewhere?


Smash Ace
Jan 21, 2007
Basically when something tournament related comes up about Brawl all I ever hear is there isn't enough tournaments or the Melee players are the reason why there isn't any. I mean I don't like Brawl but I don't hate it.
Also I want Brawl to coincide with Melee tournaments that was one of the reasons why I disagreed with Ants Smashgrandprix.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2003
BUT!!! the people that say that there isnt enough brawl tournaments or that the reason there arent any is cos of melee players is usually posted by a melee player that has a liking for brawl aswell eg z, me, inertia,ben,some of the london guys. Its just all the same people lol. No new brawl players posting saying that there arent enuff tourneys etc

Anyway, i think there should be tourneys for both at the same tourney. I agree that smash grandpix shud separate them. I generally disagree with the smash grandprix in alot of other ways :./


Smash Ace
Jan 21, 2007
Fair enough, well there is a problem there so why don't people do something about it? If it's lack of players being the problem well Melee in the UK does have lack of players compared to the rest of the countries so I don't see why that happens to be a problem.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 11, 2007
Epsom - South of London
Fair enough, well there is a problem there so why don't people do something about it? If it's lack of players being the problem well Melee in the UK does have lack of players compared to the rest of the countries so I don't see why that happens to be a problem.
Not sure thats really a fair comment tbh. Granted melee still has a lack of players in comparison to other countries. But melee here has an established community with a reasonable number of players (at least certainly enough to keep it going albeit in spasms so I've heard). You know whos gonna host tourneys, whos going to host fests, whos going to flake every single event e.t.c.

Brawl has brought in some new players but they don't know anyone in this community. Would you really want to say ok I'll host a tournament with my mate and have a bunch of strangers you don't know turn up on your doorstep, a lot of people wouldn't even know where to start. Its a pretty galling prospect for most people, especially those who are 18 and under. Which is why a new player won't host a tourney; unless their very inspired or until they've been to a couple. But these are the kind of players (16-18 or younger) that need to be reached and get interested in new tournaments.

[highlight]MK is not the best character in the game.[/highlight] Just because M2K wins every tournament with MK doesn't mean he is. It means M2K is the best player. We all know he would win or come very high, regardless of which character he used (assuming the character is tournament viable).
Gonna have to disagree with MK not being the best in the game. Hes the easiest (well maybe with Snake) to pick up. Hes also got a lot of advantages with very few disadvantages. But this doesn't mean hes auto-win. There are a lot of characters who can play fine against him and as you say not everyone in this world is as good as M2K.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2003
Ok ..

alan - My point was that people are evidently not posting that they want brawl tournaments OR that no brawl player is posting saying that they are willing to host brawl tournaments. Its been decided int he community that smash events from now on will hold both events eg edster and grandprix (tho not at sametime caters for it). But this is done by melee players. The point i was making is that maybe brawl just isnt a tournament competitive game like melee? theres got to be a reason why since its release we havent seen one new person attempt a tourney? or is it simply a mixture of new players preferring online and being intimidated with what they read here?

inertia - your last paragraph makes little sense. The melee community started that way. There wasnt any tournaments for us to attend to feel welcomed enough to then warrant hosting a tournament. I ran my first tournament at 17 in my parents house when they were on holiday and invited loads of strangers lol. Thats how alot of the melee scene started.

inertia + alan - Uhm, the UK melee scene is not smaller than other european scenes :/ whered u get that from?


Smash Journeyman
Nov 11, 2007
Epsom - South of London
But thats kinda what I was driving at Kone. Your the one inspired person who started this whole thing off. I'm sure back then pretty much everyone who came wouldn't be particularly happy about hosting a tournament. I know at 17 I could never have done that, and not just through not wanting too. There are other issues preventing people from hosting be it organisational skill laziness. In my case my dad is disabled so it wouldn't really work to wait for them to go out lol.

Brawl just needs someone like you to start, that one (or hopefully more) person to get the ball rollling. And this has definitely started in my opinion with HURRICANE REV. Simply starting a thread like that he has put up times and dates of fests to try and get people interested. I think by the summer there will be more interest due to the fact that we will have had Edster 2 and a lot of other sessions and tournaments with brawl involved.

I just stole the UK other countries comparison from AmcD's post where I assume hes refering mainly to the US. Where people like Chu can name a time and a place and get 30 people pitch up for something thats not even a tournament.


Smash Champion
Jan 12, 2007
Manchester, UK
The thing is, relying on one person to run tournaments for everyone is impossible. Everyone has a life outside of smash. Also, if theres only 1 person who's dedicated to national tournaments, then its impossible to keep the scene going. 1 person cant run a tournament every 2-3 months, but 2-3 people alternating the responsibility makes it possible.

Ed already hosted TKI and there was no one to pick up after him, hence the downfall of brawl. Now with Ed hosting Edster 2 and myself getting involved with regionals and the SGP, brawl will have a chance to pick up and keep the momentum going.

Whilst making a thread is good, and no discredit to Hurrican Rev, it seems more like a london brawl thread and a place for people to bash brawl. Just having a thread isn't enough. The key thing is to get events started and maintained.

So really, Momentum is the key to smash. We had GGT and now we're riding the wave. Brawl will have its time soon.

Bullet Bill

Smash Master
Feb 9, 2007
UK - Southampton
it's just annoying to hear some people implying that brawl players moan and are too lazy to start a tournament. What will be good to see is a brawl only tournament instead of both games as people will be more interested in melee and it'll be nmore like a side event which won't do anything for brawl and certainly won't get people interested in it.


Smash Ace
Jan 21, 2007
Erm no it won't.
If anything there will be more Brawl players and having both games would help both communities.


Smash Master
Jun 13, 2008
Toot Toot thrills in Green Hills (England, UK)
I'm not sure how old any of you are and how you organized Melee tourneys or anything but certainly in my view, the idea of hosting/going to a tournament sounds pretty scary. I'd love to host one or at least go to one but the idea of playing a video game with a bunch of people you've never even met (or rather, met over the internet) at somewhere you might never have been to before can sound kind of worrying and it doesn't help that in this day and age, parents are worried that there's someone round the corner waiting to get you (or is that just mine? :ohwell:)

My first introduction to the idea of Smash tourneys was from all the talk of American tourneys. My first impressions were that they happened all the time - people were always on the go, attending tourneys and the like. It's silly of me but I kind of assumed it was the same in England and immediatly thought "There's no way I can do that!"

Call me a baby and a scardey cat and a fool because you'd probably be right but it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of Brawl players are new to Smash, have heard about Smash tourneys from the likes of Melee and thought "Hmmm that sounds like hard work and quite stressful. I think I'll wait until someone else hosts a Brawl tourney and go to that". And if everyone has that mindset, no one will host tourneys and...well, no one will go...because there aren't any to go to

Meh :dizzy:

I saw the word Leeds somewhere in this thread... *hunts*


Smash Champion
Jan 12, 2007
Manchester, UK
Rick: Theres a first for everything, but I assure you we're not all a bunch of strangers. After the first time, you will begin seeing the same people again. There aren't THAT many new players at each tournament, its usually the same 30 or so people who turn up. Hosting a tournament isn't for everyone, and it takes a lot of planning and organisation. You just have to be prepared to take the inital dive of meeting someone for the first itme.

most of us are in the range of 16-25, although there are very few over 21 players.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2003
Not sure about 21 but there is alot of our community now terring around and over the 20 mark surely? lol, i dont want to feel old >_<

Inertia - my response to your response is to read aiko's response heh. Summed everything up for me.

Ben - Your posts are well annoying man. You dont take in anything anyones saying. Brawl CANT atm survive on its own. Hunt about on smahsboards and find me more than 10 brawl only UK players that will turn up to a tournament. Then find me one willing brawl hoster that isnt a melee player. You cant....thats why brawl needs melee and vice versa. Having both at tournaments is,atm,helpful for both games. Maybe in the future you'll see brawl only tourneys then larger event tournaments having both. But, as ive stated, your imaging this huge demand for brawl tournaments which isnt there.

Me and ant will help get things going, hopefully it wont fall flat on its face like after tki ...


Smash Journeyman
Nov 11, 2007
Epsom - South of London
Harah for being different!
HARAH? What does that have to do with anything? :ohwell::dizzy::confused::psycho::urg:

Bens post most of the time never relate to the current discussion going on. Thats why they're so good.

I'm 21 Kone. Dunno if that makes you feel any better, I guess it wouldn't if you were like 40....which I'm assuming your not (but secretly hoping you are).

Bullet Bill

Smash Master
Feb 9, 2007
UK - Southampton
How am I annoying you Ed?? I'm taking things in but you're as always agreeing on your own opinion only. Btw there are more brawl players than you think. Here in southampton there'd be a fair few players that would be interested plus a lot of London brawlers who are serious players and quite a few melee players who play brawl but hey what do I know I'm not Ed :laugh:


I'm sharpening my knife, kupo.
Aug 9, 2006
but how many out of them would be reliable and consistently turn up? it's not good to host a tourney if the people who all turn up commonly flake.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 11, 2007
Epsom - South of London


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2003
How am I annoying you Ed?? I'm taking things in but you're as always agreeing on your own opinion only. Btw there are more brawl players than you think. Here in southampton there'd be a fair few players that would be interested plus a lot of London brawlers who are serious players and quite a few melee players who play brawl but hey what do I know I'm not Ed :laugh:

Except my second last post agreed entirely with what ant had posted AND your post shows that you havent listened to anything. Ive noted their are brawl players just not enough buzzing about like your saying to demand their own tournaments nor are they actually doing that!

Your not me...maybe thats the problem :/ sorry ben it aint ur fault ;_;
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