I'm going to post this again, because I have a feeling (especially with the pace of the thread) that people will ignore it, and because IT IS REALLY IMPORTANT.
To everyone saying "let him play!" :
I don't think you all realize how serious of an offense match fixing is in the competitive sports world. This is a big deal.
When you enter a competition, you are expected to play at the top of your game, because the end result of a bracket (in this case) is supposed to be a listing of players ranked in order of skill level. Money is being distributed, and in the case of our tournament system, all entrants to a tournament agree that money collected will be distributed to the top players, in order of ranking... with the assumption that the ranking will accurately reflect who legitimately earned that money. By attempting to fix a match, 2 or more players are essentially stealing money from other players, distributing the prize pot to players without consideration of the ranking. All players who enter the tournament are, then, having their money stolen. Swindled. They did not agree to a false distribution.
In this case, M2K has stated that he was feeling a bit "emo" and didn't want to play. What if this had happened in the match that would have decided 3rd and 4th place (or, who would fight ADHD)? M2K could have just split 3rd place prize and not played the match... but then, he wouldn't have played to the best of his ability, would have messed up the player ranking, would have contaminated the competition, AND would have taken prize money that all of the other entrants paid for, money that he didn't actually earn.
This is the problem with "splitting the pot". Splitting prize money, no matter WHAT the circumstances, is match fixing, plain and simple. Even if you say you're trying your hardest, on a subconscious level you KNOW you are getting money either way it goes, so you WILL NOT actually play your hardest. You will contaminate the player rankings.
And this affects much more than just the tournament rankings. It will affect Power Rankings. It will affect tournament points for your character. It could affect tier lists. It might make the Smash Lab's job harder if they want to use tournament results as data for something. It makes poster's jobs harder because they have to second guess tournament results when using them as arguments in discussions.
Splitting the pot / match fixing messes up a LOT of things, for the ENTIRE community. It's not harmless, and it's not innocent. It's dishonest, anti-competitive, and wrong. Flat out wrong.
This is why M2K can't play at Dallas. AND this is why ADHD can't, either. His partial agreement to even CONSIDER giving M2K part of the pot might have (and probably did) influenced M2K into not playing at the top of his game, skewing the rankings and earning ADHD more money than he might have otherwise. He's just as much at fault for even CONSIDERING splitting a pot.
I hope we, as a community, realize how serious of an offense this is. We should not allow our players to split pots. At all. Players who do so should not be allowed to compete. Period. This is a serious offense.