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The Top 5 Brawl [ US | CAN | MEX]

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Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Aside from Larry and Shugo being first and second, respectively...Bloodcross is clearly better than the other Falcos (when he's calm anyway...). Also, though this is irrelevant, did you SEE his disgusting MK vs Nairo at Uprise 8? Holy ****! Lmao

That Diddy list is extremely hard to judge. If I had to give a definite not to anyone on it though...it'd be Player-1.


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
I did a lot of new stuff to the OP of this thread, regarding updates and statistics to show how a character has progressed with time for each player.

I plan on making collapse box inside of collapse boxes for those characters to really get into detail of former mains as time has progressed and how long they held their title. This can help solve previous problems, such as like Boss being the best Mario FOREVER but eventually moving down due to inactivity or being outplaced. Same goes for Junebug with Lucario, Lain with ICs, Chu with Kirby, etc. In a way, it will be like a hall of fame thing - but much more neat and organized. Plus, we can document everyone who ever was noteworthy of using said character.

I hope you guys like what I'm trying to do with this thread, if anyone has any suggestions or ideas in an attempt to make it better please feel free to share.


Smash Hero
Nov 14, 2010
In the rain.
So Shlike gets a mention even though he (iirc) quit and I don't even get a mention?

ya know we canadians are good too eh

:( It's okay, I'll just have to do something at IMPULSE/SKTAR


Smash Hero
May 15, 2006
NickRiddle is probably a better Bowser than Seagull, if we're going to count people who don't use Bowser in tournament.

Seagull, what wins do you have are better than Ed/ScaryLB59?

EDIT: Who did Tearbear beat with Bowser? Guys stop posting this "dude is a better X than dude2" without backing any of it up -_-


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
ICs list should be

1) Vinnie
3) DeLux
4) Dojo
5) Darkflame

Pretty sure all Smoom's wins you noted were from last year. His win on Trela was definitely 2011. He's only entered one tourney in 2012, and that was a local in January.

Darkflame has been putting in work lately.

I haven't done anything notable since coming back to NJ in April. Also, I've barely been playing. Been getting in shape instead. Bitty slaying is more important over le summer. I'll be back full force in the fall.


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2008
Providence RI
Bloodcross when he is on his game is easily a top 3 Falco. (Only DEHF and Shugo can scrap this bird)

Bizkit should get back on the list as he has been doing fairly well recently in and out of region.

Fatal is still really good just hasn't been as consistent as usual.

Next tourney for NE will be Dissention where most of this will be more clear.

As for Zelda:

Ven has best singles results as of late.
Riot still does great for doubles and alright for singles losing to only the top players within NE.
ScaryLB is still consistent with legit placings in FL (he beat Hrnut with Zelda).
Fuujin unable to defend himself has a few wins under his belt like FAE being most recent. Still active/fairly consistent.
Linkz hasn't entered a tourney in over 6 months brawl scene died in his area and has been over run with Melee so he shouldn't be on.
Mocha should be up there as her region is the hardest and she does fairly decent for Zelda.

Link list is still not accurate anymore.


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
NickRiddle is probably a better Bowser than Seagull, if we're going to count people who don't use Bowser in tournament.

Seagull, what wins do you have are better than Ed/ScaryLB59?

EDIT: Who did Tearbear beat with Bowser? Guys stop posting this "dude is a better X than dude2" without backing any of it up -_-
Yeah, I totally wasn't thinking straight when I put seagull on this list.
You need to go a character COMPLETELY in a single tournament set for your name to be on this list.

None of the 'only Low Tier' kind of stuff. I want head to head wins in real tournament.
Seagull will be removed, sorry about the inconvenience.

who said raziek was a top five marth?
Zano and a few others.
We're trying to work this out.

You honestly can't expect majority of this list(the people you namesearch baited) to come and list their wins... There are people that really don't give a **** about this list.
If you're going to be this pessimistic, just shut the **** up and leave the thread.

ICs list should be

1) Vinnie
3) DeLux
4) Dojo
5) Darkflame

Pretty sure all Smoom's wins you noted were from last year. His win on Trela was definitely 2011. He's only entered one tourney in 2012, and that was a local in January.

Darkflame has been putting in work lately.

I haven't done anything notable since coming back to NJ in April. Also, I've barely been playing. Been getting in shape instead. Bitty slaying is more important over le summer. I'll be back full force in the fall.
Don't care about your bitty slaying, but that's cool that you're planning on coming back.

2011 wins can still count, I don't see how beating Trela + tons of other notable players in 2011 is any less harder than beating him in 2012. Could Darkflame do that?

Can you give me Darkflame's wins and results? I've heard of the guy, but I want his wins to at least be of a bit of worth to take someone's spot who was such a large contributor to IC's metagame.


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
If we're bringing up ICs for top 5, BigD out of Canada has been putting up some very consistent results that might merit looking at.


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
Bloodcross when he is on his game is easily a top 3 Falco. (Only DEHF and Shugo can scrap this bird)

Bizkit should get back on the list as he has been doing fairly recently in and out of region.
Fatal is still really good just hasn't been as consistent as usual.
Next tourney for NE will be Dissention where most of this will be more clear.
Bunch of this is theory crafting, so I'll say cool and not really take it for face value.
Going to wait for posts of results/wins regarding Snake.

As for Zelda:

Ven has best singles results as of late.
Riot still does great for doubles and alright for singles losing to only the top players within NE.
ScaryLB is still consistent with legit placings in FL (he beat Hrnut with Zelda).
Fuujin unable to defend himself has a few wins under his belt like FAE being most recent. Still active/fairly consistent.
Linkz hasn't entered a tourney in over 6 months brawl scene died in his area and has been over run with Melee so he shouldn't be on.
Mocha should be up there as her region is the hardest and she does fairly decent for Zelda.
Thanks for clearing up the Linkz thing.
Everything else is exactly what I already knew.

Since Vinnie has recently done so well in tournament in Zelda, he can take Mocha's spot.

If we're bringing up ICs for top 5, BigD out of Canada has been putting up some very consistent results that might merit looking at.
Sure, can you bring up any of his wins/results? Canadian scene is something I don't follow too well. Do they outclass Dojo, Smoom, or your's?


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2008
Providence RI
Tutu uses :link2:?

Vinnie only really beat Cheese with Zelda... at a 15 man tourney.

You would think the best IC in NA would know his character that well xD

but yes if anything that could qualify him for 5th (I'd argue Mocha has better/more consistent resume). Since Vinnie only pulled out Zelda once while rest have been doing well multiple tourneys.


Disney Film Director
Oct 4, 2008
Burbank, CA
T-block's absolutely deserving of the number 2 PT spot. I've played all the PTs but Aposl, but I've seen him play in person. T-block is a much smarter player--he just doesn't get as much hype because he lives in Canada.



The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
lol, still got dla for first place on the ganondorf list?
so when was the last time he was ever even a ganondorf main? :glare:
DLA has done so much with Ganondorf over the past two years, that it will take either a outright declaration of, "I QUIT" to remove him from the thread or someone will have to achieve at least half of his success. I'm not going to remove someone from a list simply because they rarely play the character in tournament any longer. This list is for people to learn from others through videos/advice. I've still seen DLA pull out Ganondorf various times (especially Apex) in single sets and do very well.

He will stay on.


Other news: Bowser List has been updated!


"Their anguish was my nourishment."
Jun 28, 2008
Chicago, IL
Verm, Breezy, and Fonz are all pretty much inactive. Verm just entered his first tournament in like a year, but it had like 9 entrants with no notable players IIRC.

If you ask me, Fonz is still number two. He's still the only Ganon that has won a notable tournament, beating Y.b.M, AZ, and Blue Rogue (x2), and it's been less than a year. If Verm was more active then I'd put him as number 2...but the fact is that over the past year, Verm has barely been any more active than Fonz. He went to APEX but thats about it.

And unless I'm mistaken, Breezy's been more active than both of them. The Ganon list was updated fairly recently--its not exactly fair that you'd change it without even looking at the results, just because one person made a suggestion about what they think it should be. Breezy was 5th on the list...I'm sure they moved him to 3rd for a reason (though I don't personally remember what the reason was).

Anyways this is just my opinion, nothing personal or anything. If Verm wants to post some tourney results I'm not aware of then I'd be glad to change my mind. The only reason I'm posting right now is because I'm opposed to changing the Ganon list because of a suggestion from a single non-Ganon player lol. You gotta respect the process.

Edit: lol wow I had good timing. Anyways I've always been a Ganon main, and I use him for more than 2/3rds of the matchups in the game. Look at my tourney results and the majority of the time you'll see :ganondorf: first in front of my name, because I still use him more than any of my secondaries.


Disney Film Director
Oct 4, 2008
Burbank, CA
Nick Riddle's definitely deserving of the 5 spot for Bowser. I'm unsure of his win/loss records or his usage, but from the videos I've seen (I watch ALL Bowser videos), his Bowser impresses me more than others up for the 5 spot.

You should also drop Polt. He's quit for Mahvel.


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010

Vinnie only really beat Cheese with Zelda... at a 15 man tourney.
You would think the best IC in NA would know his character that well xD

but yes if anything that could qualify him for 5th (I'd argue Mocha has better/more consistent resume). Since Vinnie only pulled out Zelda once while rest have been doing well multiple tourneys
First of all, he won a tournament with Zelda.

On top of that, he beat a high level player in one of her WORST matchups - plus a lot of other stuff (beat a few other notable players, iirc) that the other Zeldas currently couldn't even dream of achieving. He's staying where he's at, if they want to be above him - place better.

I'm not picking favorites for everyone just because the person uses a character as a secondary.

T-block's absolutely deserving of the number 2 PT spot. I've played all the PTs but Aposl, but I've seen him play in person. T-block is a much smarter player--he just doesn't get as much hype because he lives in Canada.
Waiting for his results/wins.
I can't go off of just word of mouth.

Seagull has already stated Aposl's wins and they make quite the case for 2nd, tbh.


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2008
Providence RI
First of all, he won a tournament with Zelda.

On top of that, he beat a high level player in one of her WORST matchups - plus a lot of other stuff (beat a few other notable players, iirc) that the other Zeldas currently couldn't even dream of achieving. He's staying where he's at, if they want to be above him - place better.

I'm not picking favorites for everyone just because the person uses a character as a secondary.

Waiting for his results/wins.
I can't go off of just word of mouth.

Seagull has already stated Aposl's wins and they make quite the case for 2nd, tbh.
That one tourney was easier then any of the other Zelda's have entered tho -_- no notable players in NY went besides like Cheese (who hardly has been even considered here as a top IC).


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
Verm, Breezy, and Fonz are all pretty much inactive. Verm just entered his first tournament in like a year, but it had like 9 entrants with no notable players IIRC.

If you ask me, Fonz is still number two. He's still the only Ganon that has won a notable tournament, beating Y.b.M, AZ, and Blue Rogue (x2), and it's been less than a year. If Verm was more active then I'd put him as number 2...but the fact is that over the past year, Verm has barely been any more active than Fonz. He went to APEX but thats about it.

And unless I'm mistaken, Breezy's been more active than both of them. The Ganon list was updated fairly recently--its not exactly fair that you'd change it without even looking at the results, just because one person made a suggestion about what they think it should be. Breezy was 5th on the list...I'm sure they moved him to 3rd for a reason (though I don't personally remember what the reason was).

Anyways this is just my opinion, nothing personal or anything. If Verm wants to post some tourney results I'm not aware of then I'd be glad to change my mind. The only reason I'm posting right now is because I'm opposed to changing the Ganon list because of a suggestion from a single non-Ganon player lol. You gotta respect the process.
Thanks for the clarification.

The reasoning behind me changing the Ganon spot was for people to 'care enough' to post why a certain player should be higher than the other. I knew at least you or Vermanubis would come in her and inform me on what is going on and you did, so cool.


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
Nick Riddle's definitely deserving of the 5 spot for Bowser. I'm unsure of his win/loss records or his usage, but from the videos I've seen (I watch ALL Bowser videos), his Bowser impresses me more than others up for the 5 spot.

You should also drop Polt. He's quit for Mahvel.
I'll look into NR's Bowser, that is - if he's actually used him in a real tournament set.
For now, he'll just be a placeholder on 5th. I want to compare his wins with the other four Bowsers.

I'm considering removing Polt from the list due to inactivity since he has quit.

Lol why is Smoom still above me? When's the last he's even played?
I'm considering removing Smoom completely off the list in a second.

That one tourney was easier then any of the other Zelda's have entered tho -_- no notable players in NY went besides like Cheese.
Sucks they didn't enter that specific tournament.
Not my fault that their location is hard, they get 0-2'd, and place dead last half the time.


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2008
Providence RI
None of them got last or 0-2'd I don't even think Mocha does (I'd have to check). Hence why they been on in first place.

Vinnie's results only compares to like Fuujin's and Mocha's.

ScaryLB, Riot and Ven have been to multiple in state and out of state tourneys and have better wins and a few around same level. ED has placed top 2 a 50+ Game stop tourney with more stacked competition. Only problem with ED is he mains two characters so one or other tends to get over looked.

As for Fuujin and Mocha they have some wins but also loses where vinnie a one time performer could argue to be above.


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
Updated :ganondorf:, :bowser2:, :yoshi2:, and :popo:.
Please give feedback.

@LordXav1er, I'm going to wait and see until ScaryL, Mocha, Vinnie, and Fuujin post in here before altering the Zelda list any further.


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2008
Providence RI
For Mocha:


For Fuujin:

For ScaryLB:
Come to Papa 2*Meta Knight Banned
4/14/2012 Orlando, FL
2nd out of 15 Singles
Used: (Zelda/Sheik)

Come to Papa*Meta Knight Banned
2/11/12 Orlando, FL
4th out of 28 Singles
Used: (Zelda/Sheik)

Sore Thumbs: Brawlentine's Day*Meta Knight Banned
2/4/12 Tampa, FL
5th out of 14 Singles
Used: (Zelda in all matches except vs Chozo /Sheik )

Brawl Play N Trade Tampa (cannot find the link for this one)
Tampa, FL (08/14/11)
1st out of 61 entrants
Used: (Zelda/Sheik)


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
A bit premature on removing Smoom at the moment.

Should probably compare DarkFlame and BigD.

DarkFlames notable tournament achievement is beating Logic recently. However, he hasn't had a track record of placing well consistently.

Big D has slaughtered literally anyone and everyone he's played in Canada. But there might be a "Big Fish, little pond" complex to consider. However, his track record is solid in terms of placing.

Both should talk about their recent achievements since I know that both have sights on getting on the list.

Unbiased opinions aside, I still think Smoom should be on the list. However, if I had to decide between the two, I think Big D is slightly better than DarkFlame from what I've seen and my IC knowledge. That might be skewed though because IC players tend to all look very talented against lesser opponents. Both of them are solid choices assuming a list without Smoom, but should all honestly be a moot point since Smoom should be on the list.


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
I'll put Smoom as a placeholder back on the list until the two can work out their win/losses.
Thank you, DeLux.

@LordXav1er, thanks.. but I already knew about that stuff considering Mocha lives in the same state as me and we're friends.


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
Thanks for the compliment.

No rush, I just need to see wins/losses because you're the only player who has wins I don't really know about when it comes to Zelda, and I also know you switch to Sheik at times. If your stuff trumps Vinnie's (which I'm betting it will), then by all means you will take his spot.


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2008
Providence RI
Sucks to suck.
lol all I know is he made a case for himself multiple times and got top 2 on Zelda list. He has some wins and some loses and worst part is he can't talk here now.

For Mocha:


For Fuujin:

For ScaryLB:
Come to Papa 2*Meta Knight Banned
4/14/2012 Orlando, FL
2nd out of 15 Singles
Used: (Zelda/Sheik)

Come to Papa*Meta Knight Banned
2/11/12 Orlando, FL
4th out of 28 Singles
Used: (Zelda/Sheik)

Sore Thumbs: Brawlentine's Day*Meta Knight Banned
2/4/12 Tampa, FL
5th out of 14 Singles
Used: (Zelda in all matches except vs Chozo /Sheik )

Brawl Play N Trade Tampa (cannot find the link for this one)
Tampa, FL (08/14/11)
1st out of 61 entrants
Used: (Zelda/Sheik)
That's about all I can dig up for them personally they need to do the rest.

Good Ol' Tree

Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2009
I'd tell you, but no.
Well, he really does. I haven't entered a Brawl tourney in a while, and our placings are pretty much the same except he lives in Houston which has higher ranked players.


Smash Hero
Sep 18, 2006
SA-Town, Texas
Congrats on the thread ownership, Ill.
Since there's new ownership, I'll mention this in the Marth boards, see if we can come up with a list to relay back to you.

Most likely, the obvious/major change I see is removing Neo, order of the rest is definitely debate worthy.


Smash Master
Apr 8, 2009
College Park, MD
Yeah at least Ill is making changes to stuff instead of just taking all the information and doing pretty much nothing with it. New lists look a lot more recent and accurate.

What about Kingtoon recently doing work with :toonlinkbrawl: and what has Jerm done to secure a 2nd spot recently?


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
Thank you, Luckay. Jerm recently beat Dojo and placed well at the last HOBO.
Can someone update me on KingToon's wins? I know he's been active.
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