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The Top 5 Brawl [ US | CAN | MEX]

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Smash Ace
May 5, 2008
Unlike weak GA, we(MD/VA) haven't banned MK at anything, we aren't scrubs, Coney is just better then you lol.

daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn your sticking up of Zak, you must have a man crush!


Smash Legend
Feb 17, 2008
4god and Coney are very comparable. Coney knows more MUs, but in MUs that they are both comfortable in I would say 4god has the advantage. His tech skill is ******** and he is just....good. Coney is obviously godlike too, idk who is better. I would still give it to Coney, but 4god is getting HELLA close.


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
he lives in f'ing mexico when do you see mexican results on smashboards


Smash Master
Mar 29, 2009
Miami, FL
Coney is deff better than 4god, but as ESAM said they are close, I've beaten them both but they both good



Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
oh go on .
guys guys guys
calm down we can all get along
and 4god da bess
Player-1 has an amazing Diddy!
daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn your sticking up of Zak, you must have a man crush!
Please no spam, kay? I'll warn you this time. Next will be physical warning. After that ... Don't make me do anything else. Please?

Who's the next character on our agenda btw. I am gunna move Pitbull up to 4th due to his accomplishments. After that who's next?
I think Pelca :falco: needs to be addressed. Should he be on instead of Kismet?

Anything else


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
I think Pitbull should be third.
Game and Watch list is really messed up, in my opinion.

1. Vinnie
2. UTDZac
3. Leepuff
4. Penta
5. Alphicans


Smash Lord
Jan 20, 2009
Utica, NY
Who's the next character on our agenda btw. I am gunna move Pitbull up to 4th due to his accomplishments. After that who's next?
I didn't see the top 5 group being required in the OP, let me know if I still need to join that to really discuss.

I kinda feel like JamesG might end up being qualified for a top 5 Lucario spot soon, if not now.

http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=318246 <--- OP results went missing but if you check later posts you can see details (http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=318246&highlight=JamesG&page=2)

Keep an eye on this guy, minding my regional bias.
He's an active player with consistent high results. Only problem so far is that he hasn't traveled OoS but he's got experience with other people on the current top 5 list. He's just a really solid Lucario.


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
X's 2nd round pool was absolutely free. Like if he were in the pool Espy was in, he would've gotten lit up.

Seagull, Nicole, Dabuz and Hylian. I could see him beating Nicole because she's godawful at fighting Sonic but the other 3 would have SLAYED X.
I'm not entirely certain about ALL of those "SLAYING" X.

Pound V. All I'm gonna say.


Am I the only one that thinks counting a Lucario's win over a Sonic is not that amazing of an accomplishment?
I mean, that match up is so incredibly free for Lucario. :applejack:
I mean, Player-1 has listed sheik as a legitimate win for ICs.


I guess we count that type of stuff?
For pelcas falco I don't see why not what are the placings of DEHF and Shugo since APEX?
idk about dehf, Shugo has been putting in work though. Top 3 at Smashachusetts, including wins over dabuz, malcolm, etc. Only placing below Vinnie and Ally.

I have watched a number of recent Pelca vids, and he has a lot of interesting mixups and reads very well. He's definitely better than a LOT of the people in the OP, but Falco is a highly contested character right now, not sure exactly where he should be.

He certainly has the recent results which could get him considered as high as third though.


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
im still gonna fight this fox thing

mega fox's win on dojo and espy(may have a more recent one) are from august. my oldest win is on raz from august everything else is some what recent as in from end of September till December

edit: i dont like how inconsistent u r when it comes to updating
you say you look at results and stuff but yet you dont even know how old megafox's wins are. there should be no difference from a "farmed win" and a old win its like the same thing in this situation
you guys have to bare with socal since we dont really post results on smashboards and sometimes we dont even upload them on aib. but if i were lying someone would have called me out. I even had tkd vouch for my fox cause hes seen it before at that tj tourny(where i got 2nd at going all fox except against tkd where i went olimar one match or something)

I think you should explain more of why people get bumped up like the fonz, wtf has he ever done to get the 3rd spot and stay there for a good amount of time(mw bias imo)

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
The last time Megafox beat me was in November, not August.
Though in the grand scheme of things that doesn't really make much of a difference. It's still somewhat outdated. :applejack:


Smash Master
Oct 26, 2007
Montebello, California
tearbear uses mostly fox and olimar when it comes to bracket stuff. in pools he uses random characters(because thats the only place he can ;) ) everything he's said is true so far but a lot of socal results are not uploaded because mikeHAZE doesn't upload every tournament


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
im still gonna fight this fox thing
You know I'll just redirect you to the rules to see what and how I rate things. If you can't even be clear on what wins you have and what wins he has and how old the two are, then how do you expect me to perfect in my ranking?

I'd almost say you two are even, but since MegaFox has what looked to me as being better wins from the TOP 5 in general, I figured he was a better candidate. For fourth. Which you're fighting vehemently for because you're worried somehow someone is better than you for some absurd non-existant reason like regional bias or something. The truth is, you're not better than him and he's not better than you. This is just a ranking that goes by what I can get out of results and matches. So far all I've been given is word of mouth.

It's a matter of how clear you're going to be. To me, I feel like I could just flip flop you two back and fourth and would it mean a damn thing? No, because it's fourth and fifth. They're damn near exchangeable at any rate, and you both don't have wins this year for the character, and you both have no results to speak of for me to look at.

I don't see why you're fighting so hard for it, and trying to call me out silly stuff. You know me better than that.

So, I'll let everyone else decide, kay?

Fox: Who should be 4th :fox: ? Mega, or Tear?

EDIT: Btw, if you have something to say about a character and why so and so is whatever position, and what it should be, SAY it. (tell me who to list 1-5 and why) Like, you've just kept pumping up Pitbull. I've put him back on the list. Then I put him at fourth. NOW you're calling me out on regional bias because I haven't put him on third like, instantly?!

He's an active player with consistent high results. Only problem so far is that he hasn't traveled OoS but he's got experience with other people on the current top 5 list. He's just a really solid Lucario.
Alright I'll keep him in mind. I'd like to see some more out of him concerning OoS, but if he continues doing well and we have a drop off in activity truly for someone like Fonz or D.D, I can put him on. I don't know how much Fonz travels OoS himself, and as for D.D, I don't know how active he is currently.

Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
All I'll say is if someone mains more then one character and fights for some higher placing against someone who fully mains that charcter.
Should stop trying so hard.

Not even region bias, Vato flat out said that Tearbear uses other characters in bracket compared to Megafox using full fox.

While this thread doesn't matter, The Red names and my logic is kinda like this The only reason they were able to go that far in the tournament was cause they beat this random Snake player they most likely would've lost too cause of using Meta Knight instead of using their main Jigglypuff.

So basically, for example, Tearbear used Olimar to win against someone who's bad at the MU and continued using Fox afterwards and got further with him in losers. If he would've used Fox against Olimar he most likely would've lost and obtained 17th instead of 5th and never would've been able to prove himself by beating those people in Losers quarters/finals.

Bad logic or not, it's how I see things. Even if it's stubborn to stay your main for impossible match ups like D3 vs Donkey Kong, or Marth Vs Ness. Still either fight with your full main and then argue for a placing, or use two or more characters and keep 5th or don't be on the list at all.


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
Even I realize this, but I havent added it to the rules yet (because of the amount of outcry I'd get from players that main more than one character :c)

See, I main Wario AND Pit. I wanted my Pit to get known, and there are no more good Pits lately, so I figured it was a perfect opportunity to practice and get him better. Now he's almost 1st, while my Wario is fifth (and should probably be lower)...

what I suggest for all multi-character mainers; go all one character in tournament, then all the other character in another tournament. Get the results, Keep the results. Bring them here.

I've even gone as far as saying what percent I've used Pit in tournament vs Wario, and detailed matches where I've used Wario instead. I should have gotten 2nd, for example, at the tourney I got first in with Pit, but I used wario in grand finals. HOWEVER, I still beat Kain with Pit in bracket, so that's why I didn't become stubborn. On top of that, Pit physically hurts my fingers to play due to arrow looping.

If Tear uses Fox in a tournament this year (all Fox) and wins it, I'll be more than happy to give him the nod over Mega if Mega doesn't already do the same.


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
Tear's mk is amazing I saw it with my own two eyes at Genesis 2 in crews.

I actually want to know ANY results from non-mk banned tourneys this year too, they DO matter, even if they aren't unity :3

Deleted member

this isnt about placings, its about wins.

so who cares if terry or anyone uses more than one character and places high because of their usage of more than one.
because all that matters is who they beat with that character.

Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
this isnt about placings, its about wins.

so who cares if terry or anyone uses more than one character and places high because of their usage of more than one.
because all that matters is who they beat with that character.

So basically, for example, Tearbear used Olimar to win against someone who's bad at the MU and continued using Fox afterwards and got further with him in losers. If he would've used Fox against Olimar he most likely would've lost and obtained 17th instead of 5th and never would've been able to prove himself by beating those people in Losers quarters/finals.
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