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The Top 5 Brawl [ US | CAN | MEX]

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#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
Sheik is honestly pretty set. I've been more active than judo as of recent but no really big wins to put me over. Billy and Tutu are fine as is. Maybe Tutu has been making a case for 3 with wins over Zinoto and others. For #5 tree is fine; no one can really move up to #5.


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
Yo, PJ beat me a year ago too. Then I beat KT at apex. Indisputable evidence of PJ being one of the top toon links imo.
I also beat KT at pound 5. I think he might have a problem against IC's cause I'm certainly not good against tl lol.


sugoi ~ sugoi ~
Dec 8, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
Sheik is honestly pretty set. I've been more active than judo as of recent but no really big wins to put me over. Billy and Tutu are fine as is. Maybe Tutu has been making a case for 3 with wins over Zinoto and others. For #5 tree is fine; no one can really move up to #5.
Pretty much. Until either (a more good Sheik mains step it up or (b the Sheik mains that are on the list do something crazy good, there's not too much to change here.

All five of the Sheiks on the T-5 are pretty dangerous and have solid to great wins on their respective resumes.


Smash Cadet
Jul 29, 2011
riverside california
i havent done much, but i plan on doing some what good at the next tournament i attend.
but if those 2 other ness' are up there just because of how they place in locals,then i guess i can say that awell


Smash Hero
Nov 14, 2010
In the rain.
iirc the order of the current top 5 Ness list was decided by the Ness boards themselves.
Red X is from my region and he's active (attends tournaments frequently) and does alright-well. I'm surprised he isn't doing better considering my experience with him.

If you want to contest, you'll have to bring up specific results, not just say that you also do well at locals.

I was bored, so I looked up Red X's results.
SiD 3 - 9th/26
SiD 4 - 9th/27
No BS 2 - 17th/37
SiD 5 - 13th/44
WD 1 - 5th/16
WD 2 - 9th/24

SiD = Showdown in Downtown
No BS 2 = NO BULL****! 2
WD = Warlocks' Domain


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2009
Land of the party
Im not discrediting RedX, but i think for WD 1 + 2, you should look at who he beat rather than placing, considering there werent many people at those.


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
Like I've said before about results and head to head wins; its all a matter if any of the people attending that participated are PR'd or on this thread. (or well known at least, for farmed wins)

Criteria for Movement

Tournament Wins:
You placed top 20/10/8/5 (in order respectively to each tier) in a tournament. These are more often than not the most useful means of gauging just how good you are. However, attendance and quality of attendance are important. That is why I've ranked them as tiers:
  • Tier 1 - ~200+ people and/or at least 30+ people in the top 5 or PRs attended. Usually Nationals.
  • Tier 2 - 80+ people and/or at least 15+ people in the top 5 or PRs attended. Usually Regionals.
  • Tier 3 - 40+ people and/or at least 5+ people in the top 5 or PRs attended. Usually Regs/Locs.
  • Tier 4 - Anything else.
Head-to-Head Wins
The criteria for a HtH win to be rated: Must be in bracket, money match exceeding 10 dollars, or Legit Wins from Pools.
  • Headhunter Wins:
    You beat a person in the top 5. These count a lot toward your overall skill rating.
  • Power-Up Wins:
    You took down someone ranked on a PR. These count quite a bit on your rating.
  • Farmer Wins:
    Beat up someone known in your region or another region but are not on the list or PR. They count more than randoms, and are actually people with the same goal as you; to get to the top / are close to it!
  • Randoms:
    People that could or could not be good. Don't know. They aren't ranked anywhere OR known. Go to a tournament with 80+ of these guys and... well it might amount to one headhunter win? lol.
Regarding Pools
  • Legit Wins: Wins in Pools help you more if they are elimination pools or at a large tournament (Tier 1 or 2).
  • Seeding Wins: Wins in Pools that are just for seeding purposes don't do as much for you.
These and the rest of the rules are listed in the 2nd post below the OP.


Head Hunter Wins in Tiers 1/2 including Legit Pool Wins>
Tournament Wins in Tiers 1/2>
Head Hunter Wins in Tier 3>
Power-Up Wins in any Tier>
Head Hunter Wins in Tier 4>
Tournament Wins in Tiers 3/4>
Farmed Wins in any Tier>
Money Matches ($10+) against PR'd or Top 5>
Money Matches ($10+) against known players (farmed, as in no longer ranked)>
Random Wins in any Tier

If you want me to explain why a certain element is in one place or another, I'll tell you why. Power Up Wins don't count as much due to their regional bias (as in, PR'd players in Texas locals vs PR'd players in Florida)...

NOTE: This is not the end-all be-all listing either, I can easily change how I rate wins and such. This is just so you have a clearer idea of how I rate wins and try to avoid regional bias. If you want me to rate wins in a different way, you can submit suggestions either through here (but don't go off topic) or to the Top 5 Thread Group.

If you want a skill point system/rating to these wins, you're outta luck, I'm not a data guy, and this is strictly for fun and getting the community to know the good players, not to be super strict and number-esque.

R e d X

Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2011
Toronto, Ontario
Really don't know enough about Twinx's results to fairly comment on this yet tbh, what recent wins/placings does he have?

Personally, I have a good deal of small MM wins/seriouslies sets with PR/notable players in region (can generate a list if it actually really matters :p), but only good OoR players I've ever played have been Croi (#1 in Nova Scotia) and Logic, both of whom I took to game 3 but ended up losing the set against. Then there's just some people I haven't recently just got the chance to come up against in bracket/significant MMs, I go very even with Zhao's Luigi and Meek's Sonic when we play (Meek and I have actually been to game 3 four times in a row in bracket lol), and without wanting to be presumptuous I would say they themselves (and anyone who's watched our sets) would probably vouch for that, if anyone's seen those sets feel free to speak up and correct me if I'm wrong

If Twinx's results/wins are more impressive and his vids show a greater level of skill then no johns, put him as #4, but let's get all the data out there first and see lol


Smash Cadet
Jul 29, 2011
riverside california
against fow's ness,i dont do to bad. i do pretty well against vice grip aswell,having have beaten him in a few money matches. and ive beaten YAZ from utah,if that counts as anything.
Singles (29 entrants)
1. FOW
2. SK92
3. Z
4. Xero
5. Lycan
5. ven
7. Hino
7. BoA7
9. Jose (Twinx)
9. LotM
9. Grek
9. Kinzer
13. Bacon
13. Joey
13. hei (aisight)
13. Ivan209
17. Zombe
17. Clario
17. Tails
17. Edger
17. Jake
17. Kyro
17. Taiga
17. Skunk
25. Brandon
25. Ozzy
25. David
25. Trog
25. Abraham

Amateur Brackets
1. Zombe
2. Trog
3. Twinx
4. Kinzer
5. Skunk
5. Tails
5. LotM
5. hei (aisight)
9. Jake
9. Abraham
9. Kitamerby
9. Ozzy
Doubles (10 teams)
1. FOW & SK92
2. Twinx & Zombe
3. ATK & Xero
4. Hino & LotM
5. BoA7 & aisight
5. Tails & Kinzer
7. smash royals
7. Trog & Ozzy
9. Beauty and the BEAST
9. Dr. Robotnik and a bunch of bunnies

Monthly #2 - 3/19/2011
Singles (19 entrants)
1. FOW
2. SK92
3. Z
4. Lycan
5. Marz
5. Jose (Twinx)
7. Skunk
7. Yaz
9. Hino
9. Kinzer
9. Xero
9. ven
13. Tails
13. Trog
13. deathbysuarez
13. Kitamerby
17. Anthony
17. Gangstakirby
17. TR (aisight)

Doubles (10 teams)
1. FOW & SK92
2. Threatlevel: Meta Knight
3. Yaz & Marz
4. skunkyness (Skunk & Twinx)
5. Hino & Kitamerby
5. Zombe & Lycan
7. Kinzer & Tails
7. Trog & Ozzy
9. deathbytrolling (deathbysuarez & Gangstakirby)

Monthly #3 - 4/10/2011
Singles (25 entrants)
1. FOW
2. SK92
3. Xero
4. Hino
5. Kokaloo
5. Twinx
7. TR (aisight)
7. ven
9. Zombe
9. Skunk
9. Ozzy
9. Trog
13. LotM
13. Lycan
13. Joey
13. Kinzer
17. Anthony
17. Tails
17. Eric
17. Ivan209
17. Taiga
17. Brandon
17. Jake
25. Kitamerby
25. Abraham

Amateur Brackets
1. Kinzer
2. Zombe
3. Kitamerby
4. Skunk
5. LotM
5. Tails
5. Brandon
5. Trog
9. Anthony
9. Oprmr
9. Ozzy
9. Joey

Doubles (8 teams)
1. FOW & SK92
2. Xero & Kokaloo
3. Zombe & Lycan
4. Fruit Bowl (Twinx & Skunk)
5. Kinzer & Tails
5. Ozzy & Trog
7. Kitamerby & Hino
7. Taiga & Oprmr

Vince Tournament Fundraiser - 5/15/2011
Singles (18 entrants)
1. SK92
2. FOW
3. Z
4. Kinzer
5. ven
5. Twinx
7. TR (aisight)
7. Wynn
9. Skunk
9. Hino
9. Zaz
9. LotM
13. Tails
13. Xero
13. Rey
13. Ricardo
17. Ivan209
17. Anthony

Doubles (6 teams)
1. FOW & SK92
2. ven & Twinx
3. Xero & Z
4. Team Kings
5. Kinzer & Hino
5. Ivan209 & Skunk

Monthly #4 - 6/25/2011
Singles (25 entrants)
1. FOW
2. Z
3. Kinzer
4. Kokaloo
5. ven
5. Xero
7. Zombe
7. Twinx
9. Skunk
9. Trog
9. Tails
9. Hino
13. ATK
13. Skootle
13. Peapo
13. Kyro
17. Zero
17. Scar
17. Jack
17. Victor
25. Afro

Smash in Nevada 3 - 8/23/2011
Singles (22 entrants)
1. FOW
2. SK92
3. Rich Brown
4. Swift (Brick)
5. Twinx
5. Asa
7. Kinzer/OmegaXF
7. Z
9. Lycan
9. Adrostos
9. Xero
9. Zombe
13. James (Hydra)
13. Southpaw
13. Hino
13. ven
17. deathbysuarez
17. Ivan209
17. Ozzy
17. Tails
17. Clario
17. Trog

Doubles (10 teams)
1. FOW & Rich Brown
2. Z & Brick
3. SK92 & LeoFTW
4. Twinx & Xero
5. Adrostos & Asa
5. Lycan & Zombe
7. Hino & Ven
7. Trog & Ozzy
9. deathbysuarez & Southpaw
9. Kinzer & aisight

Monthly #6 - 9/17/2011
Singles (12 entrants)
1. FOW
2. SK92
3. Z
4. ven
5. Hino
5. Xero
7. Kinzer
7. Twinx
9. Tails
9. Ivan209
9. Trog
9. EXO

Doubles (5 teams)
1. Z & Trog
2. FOW & SK92
3. Twinx & ven
4. Hino & LotM
5. Haydent Xoli

Monthly #7 - 10/15/2011
Singles (14 entrants)
A Brackets
1. FOW
2. Z
3. SK92
4. Twinx
B Brackets
1. BoA7
2. Hino
3. aisight
4. EXO
5. Kinzer
5. Clario
7. Nul
7. Rey
9. Xero
9. Ivan209

Doubles (6 teams)
1. FOW & aisight
2. SK92 & Xero
3. Twinx & BoA7
4. Kinzer & Hino
5. EXO & Nul
5. Z & Ivan209

Monthly #8 - 11/20/2011
Singles (20 entrants)
A Brackets
1. FOW
2. SK92
3. Xero
4. Twinx
5. Lycan
5. Z
7. ven
7. Kinzer
B Brackets
1. Hino
2. aisight
3. Clario
4. BoA7
5. Nul
5. Trog
7. EXO
7. Arvin
9. Adam
9. Ivan209
9. Jorge
9. OmegaXF

Doubles (8 teams)
1. Hino & FOW
2. Kinzer & Z
3. SK92 & Peapo
4. ven & BoA7
5. aisight & Twinx
5. Xero & Lycan
7. EXO & Nul
7. Trog & Ivan209

Monthly #9 - 12/26/2011
Singles (15 entrants)
A Brackets
1. SK92
2. Z
3. Lycan
4. hadesblade
B Brackets
1. FOW
2. Twinx
3. Xero
4. ven
5. Ozzy
5. Clario
7. ATK
7. Kinzer
9. Ivan
9. Hino
11. EXO

Doubles (6 teams)
1. FOW & hadesblade
2. Z & Lycan
3. SK92 & Hino
4. Xero & Kinzer
5. Ivan209 & Clario
5. ven & Twinx

Monthly #10 - 1/21/2012
Singles (25 entrants)
A Brackets
1. SK92
2. Lycan
3. ven
4. Z
5. BoA7
5. Twinx
7. Hino
7. Xero
B Brackets
1. Zombe
2. Clario
3. Trogdor
4. Hydra
5. Pogi
5. Ozzy
7. Pork (Bacon)
7. TIFF (JPeG)
9. Richie
9. Josh
9. Silvergunner09
9. Ivan209
13. Herp
13. Kinzer
13. Paul
13. Sam
17. Derp

Doubles (8 teams)
1. SK92 & Lycan
2. Xero & Twinx
3. Z & Hydra
4. Trog & Kinzer
5. Zombe & Pogi
5. BoA7 & ven
7. Sam & Paul
7. JPeG & Bacon

Monthly #11 - 2/18/2012
Brawl Singles:
A Bracket:
1: FOW (Meta Knight, Marth, Ness)
2: SK92 (Falco, Meta Knight, Wario)
3: Z (Pikachu)
4: Lycan (Wolf)
5: Kinzer (Sonic)
5: Twinx (Ness, Olimar, Ice Climbers)
7: Ven (Zelda)
7: Zombe (Donkey Kong)
B Bracket:
1: Hino (Falco, Marth)
2: Xero (Olimar)
3: Clario (Marth)
4: Trog (Luigi, Mario)
5: BoA7 (Peach)
5: Nul (Yoshi)
7: Sever (Marth, Link)
7: Oz (Snake)
9: Dusk (Meta Knight)
9: EXO (Lucario)
9: Sam (Marth, Ike)
9: Josh
13: Ivan209 (Yoshi, ROB)
13: Angel (Falco)
13: Secret (Sheik, Fox)
13: trahh (Marth)

Brawl Doubles:
1: Z + Fow
2: Lycan + Zombe
3: Hino + Trog
4: Ven + Boa
5: Clario + Ivan
5: Twinx + Xero
7: Sever + Sam

thats how i am in terms of placing. ive come close to beating zekey in a mm, didnt get ***** by mike haze in mm's. if that doesnt really get me in the top 5 ness spot,then i understand. ill just have to do well in E4U: Remix - N's Revenge

R e d X

Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2011
Toronto, Ontario
Not too shabby at all. But were all of these (with the exception of the one where you used Ness, Oli and ICs) strictly Ness or did you switch around chars at all?

And you beat vato in an MM with Ness? Also pretty impressive lol. Any other notable set wins (other than the ones you/others have listed)?


Smash Cadet
Jul 29, 2011
riverside california
that i remember of, no i dont remember having any other good ones against anybody else. and during that tournament in which i went olimar and ic's, they were just to mess around. i cp'd sk92 with ic's though. but when i usually play ness with him,i can get him down to his last stock last hit. but then again,i dont recall any other "good" wins


Banned via Warnings
Oct 23, 2011
My old account was hacked. Thus using this new one
I hella got twinx's back in that he is a very talented Ness (Wish I knew more about Other Ness's results besides FOW, shaky and myself) but I gotta say MM's against me are pretty much worthless lol. I play worse in MM's than I do in even friendlies. Anyone else have this problem? Good thing I'm not a MM addict like our beloved Nexus :p. Twinx you should put up any recent vids you have.


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
Quite frankly, him placing top 5 pretty often in a solid state on the whole and beating players like Z is grounds for immediate admission into the 3-4 slot imo.

Could anyone in here seriously name a Ness other than FOW and Shaky who places top 5-7 with solid wins? Could anyone even name another half decent ness player without looking at the list in the OP?

The current 3rd-5th ness players require more justification than twinx right now.


Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2008
san diego, California
vicegrip is pretty solid where he is

e4ur he beat vato
e4hc he beat x and took first seed in his pool and placed top 8. at that same tournament twinx drowned in pools

he also beat havok game 1 e4ur but lost the set
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