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The Top 5 Brawl [ US | CAN | MEX]

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Smash Master
Apr 29, 2010
Don't worry 'bout that son. I know who you are and that's all that matters.
The only reason I mentioned myself is because for some reason, i'm considered a decent win. Maybe because I was once ranked in Socal

Sage JoWii

Smash Champion
Nov 20, 2008
Austin, TX
It helps to have everyone's opinions, instead of just each character boards', because regions differ in strength of its' players, the diversity of characters played, and the activity and rate at which tournaments are held.

If I vouch for RRR, who has to deal with:
Snakes, ICs, Olimars, and a range of mid-tiers,
and a large expansive number of states holding tournaments regularly but less often than some other regions,

and someone from SoCal vouches for Falln who has to face:
MKs, Marths, and a good number of mid-tiers,
and a tight night collection of states with frequent tournaments,

people accept the vouches differently. Some give more weight to high activity volume, regardless of who is played. Some give more weight to a player doing well despite playing a lot of bad MUs.

The point is, this thread is here instead of on other character boards' because a collective of different view points is better than specialization by single group devoted to one character (and the stock they have in themselves).


Smash Master
Apr 29, 2010
Didn't you lose to Tearbear's pocket Lucas or something?
In a money match. I've beaten him in tournament before. The fact that you know that I lost to Tearbear's lucas must mean that I'm not as random as you think I am. He beats players with is low tiers all the time and no one ever mentions them


Smash Champion
Nov 12, 2009
Atlanta, GA
But fyre beat seibrik and riddle in a 2v1 with less stocks :(


I agree with ill though.

Also, as far as fyre goes she doesn't have as good as a showing(read:OoS) as luckay buuuut

She does really well in Fl so it's hard to say.

@Gadiel bro you know quite a bit about ed. How active is he?
He does good, he's gotten 1st/16 and 2nd/16 in recent tournaments. His competition is good though even though they're small tournaments. He's beaten AC(Wolf) and Ice-Dx(Lucario) recently.


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
Why do you finalize the list and create the rules?
If anything, your opinion should hold just as much weight as all of ours.
I never created the rules, that's the way the thread's always been , far as results and activity go (or at least how Miles seem to put it)

Unless you're talking about the doubles thing which I've already said doubles don't count near as much as singles do. I'm only using it for the fifth spot for Pit's listing because I've yet to see the next contender Luckay's results in recent past. He's also not spoken up as much. If he has so much as a few singles wins I think that's more than what Fyre can account for, even if her 2 v 1 was against superb opponents.

do you suggest doubles take place in a top 5 doubles thread ? ? ? Like who's the best of their character in Doubles? Because atm doubles make a slight impact, but don't account for close to what singles does. (Pit is the only case so far to slightly use doubles... people keep suggesting Chu's doubles placement at Apex so it's not like MANY PEOPLE agree with you ILL.)

And I don't finalize this. I make updates.. So my word isn't final or anything of the sort, I like to keep this fresh, even if it's like once or twice every other week...

He does good, he's gotten 1st/16 and 2nd/16 in recent tournaments. His competition is good though even though they're small tournaments. He's beaten AC(Wolf) and Ice-Dx(Lucario) recently.
I'd like to make some discussion on this then because while I think doubles do merit some skill level, they are not indicative of clear singles activity... If Luckay only has a few locals on his belt while Fyre still places decent in singles in FL, and on top of solo maining Pit along with having the (not-so important but still slightly relevant for now doubles results)...

man my sentance structure is balls. (fixes)

While I think doubles are important somewhat... They do not matter as much as singles, because singles indicates you're skill level with players on a level field. Doubles can sway back and forth based on the multiple matchups and instances of advantage or disadvantage. In the case of Fyre being 1 v 2, I'd think that would be more significant, but at the same time it's friendly fire on so it's not like she has to face both opponents head on if she's smart and spaces herself away from them to force them to fight her one at a time. Still, that's an achievement all in itself and should not be ignored because of stock count.


Smash Master
Oct 26, 2007
Montebello, California
jebus has beaten tearbear, richbrown, and larry before. just throwing that out there. also excel, you can't talk down to someone if you are way below them, you're just making a fool of yourself.


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
still waiting on that fox spot

and ive been throwing fallns name for a while he shoulda been on the list months ago the fact that its taking so long to update characters is kinda annoying

also my falco has been doing pretty well along with my fox and pretty much has the same results placing wise.

wins wise: i have two wins on anuar, mata, half win on havok since I only used him one game, half win on fiction, zekey, half win raz, and a few others from MMs

i woulda argue my olimar but yeah


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2008
Long Island, NY!

I'm still deciding on who to bump and who to keep in order to throw ESAM somewhere and you on there too DeLux.

Some help would be nice. How did all of these players fair if at all at Apex? And is Hylian done or still playing?

EDIT: btw we cool sorry for not responding.

Hylian/DeLux if Hylian isn't active any more.

ESAM should get 1st but I don't want to knock Vinnie off unless people are like "yea vinnie does more work with GW and/or ESAM is doing better with ICs than all of their mains" or something.
ESAM uses Pika more than ICs, I use ICs way more than any other character at this point (in singles). I'm pretty sure him outperforming me at APEX (even if it's by a lot) isn't enough to knock out all of my accomplishments, like beating HIM twice (recently, I beat him a long time ago with MK/ICs as well), Mew2king 3 times, Ally twice (once at Concentrate 2, once in the $100 mm at APEX), ADHD, Dabuz many times, etc (and the fact that before APEX, I got either 1st or 2nd at 12 tournaments in a row).

his accomplishments alone are enough to lock him into #2 though.


top 5 ICs imo:

1. 9B
2. Vinnie
4. Kakera
5. ??


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
We don't include Japan in Top 5. Thanks for your input. I probably said "should get first" prematurely according to what has been said in the topic.

I'd rather put ESAM at second or third actually, because no new player (minus some exceptions) should immediately be first, and no first player should be moved completely off immediately. It should be gradual moves, especially if you use ICs more. My bad.

I think we can put it down to:


I don't really know what to do with 3-5 in other words.


Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2008
san diego, California
I'd rather put ESAM at second or third actually, because no new player (minus some exceptions) should immediately be first, and no first player should be moved completely off immediately. It should be gradual moves,

this would only work if each character was constantly updated but considering how long the gaps are this is a silly thing to impose


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
It works because it happens to be based on the fact that a first place player on this list happened to get there in some form, so it wouldn't be fair to remove M2K from top 5 MKs completely when he was first if he stopped using MK for six months, it would be first a move down to third at most, and then a move to 5th, and then a move completely off. (this is given there are actual contenders)

If there are players in 1st place that don't play anymore than yes they will be moved off completely. I don't see how that's silly. Quit paying attention to how often I update, it's not like 35 characters are easy to manage by any means, and when I tried to do a weekly discussion thing it just didn't work.


Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2008
san diego, California
kryz you completely missed my point. i wasn't criticizing your lack of updates. i'm saying that for any of this to be "gradual" then the updates would have to be in intervals of 3 months or so (like a PR season) and not what it's currently been. It doesn't have to be gradual though you could just have this list be a snapshot of the best players at a given point in time


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2008
I wanna play tear bear in random dittos, I think I could give him a good run for his money.

I was under the impression the general consensus for Sheik was

1. Judo (due to more recent results and more recent notable wins)
2. Ed (still **** but hasn't been as active or doing as hot lately)
3. Tutu/Billy
4. Billy/Tutu
5. Tree?


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
kryz you completely missed my point. i wasn't criticizing your lack of updates. i'm saying that for any of this to be "gradual" then the updates would have to be in intervals of 3 months or so (like a PR season) and not what it's currently been. It doesn't have to be gradual though you could just have this list be a snapshot of the best players at a given point in time
That's fine I guess. Sorry I am a little on edge lately.

I'll look at Sheik along with the Kirby update.

Breezy is screaming for attention quite literally. I don't want to be biased so whatever happens happens if he should be moved up or not.

Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
I weigh results equally as much as activity. If you don't have one, you only have about 50 percent of the criteria. Activity is very hard to keep up with I realize so some exceptions can be made. If Ed has only been doing work in Mexico and no other region, that's fine, long as it's recent and top 10 in regionals, top 5 in locals, and top 20 at nationals in his own country. Those are my criteria for top 5.


Krys (Ill move up when I take one more tourney solo pit or do well at a regional)
Ed/Koolaid (to keep Kool would only be right if Ed has the same level activity as Ed)
Fyre/Luckay, I want to see Luckay do some work like I been doing locally and then he can take fifth for sure, right now Fyre is holding it due to her accomplishments in doubles with MVD and her overall skills as a solo Pit main.


YES DOUBLES COUNT FOR SOMETHING (though not a whole lot)... If I had to say, Doubles are only 25 percent of criteria meant for results threads like these, and I only count them if there are no other contenders in singles like for Pit.
Who is Ed? I've never heard of this entity. Also...No offense to Fyre, but Luckay>her. He always places top 5 in our region. He's beaten Lie and some other notables. Though, I think Luckay>Pitzer as well.
I wanna play tear bear in random dittos, I think I could give him a good run for his money.

I was under the impression the general consensus for Sheik was

1. Judo (due to more recent results and more recent notable wins)
2. Ed (still **** but hasn't been as active or doing as hot lately)
3. Tutu/Billy
4. Billy/Tutu
5. Tree?
My :sheik: should be 5th. I got 2nd in a Mid tier tourney awhile ago with :sheik:. Vids on youtube.

ALSO@Falln: Tourney Chu was also at.



Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
We don't include Japan in Top 5. Thanks for your input. I probably said "should get first" prematurely according to what has been said in the topic.

I'd rather put ESAM at second or third actually, because no new player (minus some exceptions) should immediately be first, and no first player should be moved completely off immediately. It should be gradual moves, especially if you use ICs more. My bad.

I think we can put it down to:


I don't really know what to do with 3-5 in other words.
1. Vinnie
2. vVv ESAM
3. lain
4. Smoom77
5. Hylian


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
Despite everyone saying otherwise, I honestly think Hylian is better than I am (given most of my stuff is emulating what he does only with fancier 2011/2012 technology)

I think based on average scores I was slightly ahead of Smoom for all the people saying things post Apex, but I'm not buying into the hype and still consider myself a mid level player. If I had beaten Ocean or Shugo in bracket, I would probably say otherwise, but I kinda just choked out when it counted most, which is something a top 5 IC shouldn't do

I won't advocate myself on the list until I feel like my accomplishments over time are better than the people on the list. I feel like it was just a couple months ago people were calling me a URC random that clearly doesn't know enough about the game to be in charge of anything. I use that feeling and attribute a lot of it to how well I've done as of late. But if I get an accolade like this, I feel like I will be tempted to not work as hard (already seriously seriously considering soloing ZSS with the MK Ban) and leaving me off the list will push me as a player.

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
I wanna play tear bear in random dittos, I think I could give him a good run for his money.

I was under the impression the general consensus for Sheik was

1. Judo (due to more recent results and more recent notable wins)
2. Ed (still **** but hasn't been as active or doing as hot lately)
3. Tutu/Billy
4. Billy/Tutu
5. Tree?
Consigning this, though I have been active but do not have as many notables wins as you. I'll get ya though good sir. Billy and Tutu are certainly interchangeable. Yes Tree tree at 5. Sheik list done!

Krys, for the sake of asking, how did Fuujin pass me in the Zelda rank? Just honest curiosity.
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