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| The Tempest | A QLD Major Tournament | See latest post for a Montage :3

I am interested in attending 'The Tempest'

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Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia

First of all, thanks to everyone for coming. I hope you all had a fun time. It's been a blast, and I caught a whole bunch of footage so hopefully I'll be able to do some kind of lol-montage or something. :p

Sorry about the quality of the livestream, but I had no control over the quality of the internet. Making sure adequate streaming is available will be on the agenda for next time. A big thank you to JB and the rest of the LanSmash crew for untold amounts of equipment and support.

Thanks for all the equipment and for the co-operation and support I got from you guys. From here on in, barring LanSmash, I think I need to focus on helping Kaion and Hotdogs more. We need to have much more regular small scale tournaments. If we can build on that, hopefully we can grow our base of players.

I will still go to Animania/Gencon/Supanova/etc, but I need to focus where it counts first. Because if the current base of players aren't doing anything, if there's nothing going on, I can't expect people to want to enter the scene.

Congratulations to the winners, and thanks to the Out of State players that showed up. I hope it was well worth your time, and that we'll see you in Queensland again soon.

Good job on 2nd in Brawl Chris. We all know you're studying harder than all of us combined, heck, any time you weren't in tournament, you were studying at your PC. We all want to see you succeed, so at the very least I'll try to hold things more regularly and see about organising meets on the coast.

Always good to see you Michael. I heard about your Car, lame~~~ -_- Though I think Kaion had it worse than you :p You and Bob were on fire in Melee lol. Syke's lucky Lachlan carried him. I keep telling Nat the infatuation will wear off, but she doesn't seem to think so.

Hey Callum! Familiar faces are always welcome. I didn't get to play or speak much with you, though I suppose running tournaments makes it like that. It'll be good to see you living in Brissie with Bob/Yokai. lol. I can train you in my image.

Stephen, even though you may disagree, your skills in both smash games continue to increase. Whether you're actively trying to get better, I don't know, but either way I hope you keep at it. Good luck back in Tassie and I hope you get better :)

NATHANIEL I BEAT YOUR ICE CLIMBERS YEAHZZ. I guess I decided I didn't want to be grabbed this time though. Curse you and your ICs. So good. Scary good. Keep practicing, keep going for that consistency. It was good to see you and the other NSW guys again.

Gordon! You've gotten pretty good since I last saw you. That Diddy Mirror we had was INTENSE, and fun. GG's man, and good luck with your new job. I'll let you know when our next slew of tournaments are coming so you can come up again.

Scott reppin' dat Kirby. Good work all-round and thanks for helping me with Melee Singles Signups. I had to leave to quickly get money out to pay for setup refunds. Lets talk about the next HotCats soon okay?

James you massive Gentleman, nice Duds :p. You and Chris really are the face of QLD Brawl. Good job on your place in Brawl and keep practicing Melee. We didn't play all weekend which is too bad.

It was epic to see you and the gang get your **** together and come up for the lolz. Good to see you still have the Melee spark, although I don't believe it ever goes away anyway.

Was so fun hanging out with you over the course of the weekend. Eating Sushi, playing Tetris in the car, all of that. **** PANCAKES **** THEM TO HELLL. NOT EATING THEM AGAIN. Dude seriously. I was sitting there for like a half-hour trying to eat that thing. Also sorry for making you guys almost run out in front of a cop car. Rofl.

Massive props to you for your Brawl and Melee results. Good to see you get back at Chris after Thriller. As for the 'Nobody was in attendance thing' for Melee, It is as CAOTIC has said before -- If people can't organise themselves with 3 months advance notice, then there's not much excuse.

If anybody should be thanks for how well the weekend went, it would be yourself Dean. I don't think anybody realises, but you yourself were probably the biggest help to me, and to the NSW guys. Dean single-handedly picked up and hosted all of the NSW guys (And me on Friday), transported us to the venue, transported us to lunch/dinner/etc. Not to mention helping with equipment, etc.

I got no bull**** from you. Nothing was too hard and everything was easy. You and I just did what we had to do and put everyone else ahead of us. You may not have done too flash in the tournament, but you deserve more praise than everybody else for the effort you put in this weekend. So thank you.

Get better.

Hey man. Good to see you make it. How'd you go with Uni? lol.

Sup man, good to see you make it as well. Keep practicing with Lucario and make it to the next tournament!

Ethan mate, always good to see you round. Shame we didn't play, but I didn't get to play many people at all.

Nat's friend right? Glad you came. Hope to see more of you both at tournaments and Uni.

Dude, tough luck in the Brawl pools. I'm sorry about that, but those are the brakes. You got screwed over by a single loss. I'm sure you would have done awesome in the bracket, but that's the way it goes. Hope to see you next time!

Jesmo & JesFamily
Jesse! It's always great seeing you and your family at LanSmash. It really is a talking point for everyone how you always come and tear it up. Congratulations on placing 4th! I'll beat you someday :p

Was it Coreyna that won the Dingoo? Congratulations anyhow, that's amazing! I won it last time, but I was too busy to try again lol. The JesFamily made a real clean sweep!

It was good to finally put a face to the name. I realise you've been to tournaments before, but I could never place you, and usually with Smash I can put faces with names. Good job making it to the tournament and I hope you come to the next one.

Good effing job making it to the top 8. Rep that Luigi! In fact, good job making it to the tournament. I managed to twist your arm? Haha. I hope you keep playing and keep coming to tournaments. Also bring more people!

Nasche mate. Wicked Diddy you have going, better than mine. I'm not sure what impression I was able to make on you in regards to our tournaments, but good job on how well you did. I wish you had of been more clairvoyant in what your plans were, we could've hung out more! I ended up being too busy to do anything yesterday/today anyway, so I guess it wouldn't have mattered.

I'm sorry if I didn't cater to you guys enough. Usually I try to be as hospitable as possible to OoSers, but I didn't even know you guys were coming in til a week prior, so it was too late to plan anything. I've been busy myself both with work and at home so oh well. I hope you guys thought the tournament was worth coming to.

I hope you had fun at your first proper tournament with us. Although I already know the answer. The whole LAN knows the answer :p It was good to have you come along and help me out when I needed you. Thanks for remembering the money box for me Sunday morning. I would have been absolutely screwed If I'd forgotten that >.>

Hopefully you'll come with me to more of these things. They're fun, and I'll help you get better at smash as well <3

Adam! Sorry for mistaking you for Ranga, I have no idea why I did. I guess the image of your long hair was so ingrained that I couldn't see you otherwise. Good work making it out of pools! Organise another Dorf Off!

Ah, Now I remember. You're the other Perthite to make it. It's a shame that we didn't get to play, but I'll be hitting you up soon to help you launch into smash here in QLD. I hope you enjoyed Tempest.

**** Chris! Sucks about your car man. I hope you're able to sort that crap out soon aye. I'd imagine you've got a lot to do to get things back on track. Amaterasu has your stuff, I don't know if you've got it back yet, but it's all safe at least.

You win some you lose some I guess. Lets get in contact soon and start talking about GC smash again soon.

Hey Ricky, good to see you again. Keep at it with MK and get those results! Hope to see you come to more tournaments.

Dan! Bad luck in pools, what happened? I realise it's always tough, but you can get equally screwed by the Double Elimination bracket so that's just how it goes. I want to host more smaller tournaments so you can work on getting Gannondorf onto the map with some points in Australia's character ranks.

Good to see a returning face. I hope you and your friends keep up with the scene and turn up to more tournaments!

Been a while man, but like so many others we didn't get to play which is a shame. Keep an eye on your Email and lets see you next time.

Sup dude. From the Manabar right? I hope you enjoyed your time playing Brawl at Tempest and consider tuning up to the next tournaments we have. It's always good to see new faces :)

Bad luck on just missing out on the money. I would have really looked forward to watching you and Nasche play. Oh well, see you next time!

Ryan it was good to see you. Good to see you keep QLD results looking consistent as ever. Wasn't much of a Melee tournament, but hopefully it was worth your while to come out to. I'll hold a Melee tournament much closer to us in future, lol.

Tigerrrrrr, always a champ. Thanks so much for all the setups. They all got maximum usage. Funny commentary as always, and just good times in general. Gratz on 2nd in Melee doubles lol.

Caaaaaadman, you and Hugh are always equal proportions of epic and awesome. Thanks to the two of you for recording so much! And for the setups etc. It's for guys like you that I stick to smash and try my best to keep the scene going.

Ditto above. You guys are too epic. BL on the Melee placing, but that's just how it goes mate. I'll keep hosting tournament as long as you keep coming, so hopefully we'll see each other again soon.

Been a while since we saw you, lol. Good work placing 5th

Also with stage bans, if the opponent elects not to ban something by saying something like 'Oh, it doesn't matter/I don't care' etc, ask them clearly and firmly one more time, "So you do not wish to ban anything". If they change their mind after you select your stage, if they object, tell them too bad.

Despite being the most laid back, I'm glad you still manage to find yourself turning up to these tournaments, in spite of the lack of attendance from other top QLD players. So thank you for that.

Good work placing 1st!

Hey Lachlan, lack of friendlies makes me sad, but we did get one in I think? Anyway, good to see you come in and play, lol.

Also, I couldn't give a rats *** if you don't like my commentary <3

Zomg, couldn't defeat you with Faux :(
Glad to see you come to the tournament though.

You Falcon was beasting as usual. Good stuff placing in the money. Lucky Gords put out Chris aye? lol. I promise next time I'll try to do something on the coast. lol.

Thanks for coming and for the equipment. Teaming was hella fun too. Hopefully we'll get to see more of your Link around, haha.


Smash Ace
Oct 29, 2009
Brisbane, AUS
good summary vyse and gj on running tempest. I wasn't there for very long (6hrs on sat), but from what I saw it was a success. Good seeing lots of familiar faces and some new ones too.

Lowlight - sea and I both getting knocked out of brawl singles purely by an ice climber chain grab.. LLLAAAAAMMEEE. Might consider a secondary character that can do SOMETHING in the air to prevent it, snake and ganondorf didn't provide much help.
Highlight - getting smashed with kas (and bob and moose) in the valley saturday night then seeing that he'd won melee the next day LOLZ I can barely play melee when I'm hungover, I don't know how he won after consuming that much alcohol.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
good summary vyse and gj on running tempest. I wasn't there for very long, but from what I saw it was a success. Good seeing lots of familiar faces and some new ones too.
Thanks mate.

Lowlight - sea and I both getting knocked out purely by an ice climber chain grab.. LLLAAAAAMMEEE. Might consider a secondary that can do anything in the air, snake and ganondorf didn't provide much help.
Highlight - getting smashed with kas (and bob and moose) in the valley saturday night then seeing that he'd won melee the next day LOLZ
No johns. Snake can win the matchup. It is doable. Just use lots of projectiles and don't get grabbed. IC's have the tiniest grab range. Close to the smallest. Tilts + Grenades + Don't get grabbed.


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
lol, snake doesnt need to be in the air to beat ic's, when I come down for our ganon ditto drinkoffs I show'll you what to do against ic's with snake and then you'll lol at them all day long

edit- in response to what vyse said, its not that snake can win the match up, its that snake ***** ice climbers sooo hard, easily ic's worst matchup


Smash Ace
Oct 29, 2009
Brisbane, AUS
thanks for the pro tips gaiz! I've only been using snake for a few months and I don't know the ICs matchup.. at all. All my training has come from seaDORF who uses wario and mk.. and ganon, and he's horrible with snake lol just knows all his bs.. guess I can get better if I keep practicing.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005
****, didn't even mention me.

Even though I barely played anything and wasn't even around the Smash area half the time.



Smash Journeyman
Jul 21, 2009
Gold Coast, Australia
Congrats on 2nd in Brawl Chris. Shame we didn't get to do much think the first time we shared words was like as you were leaving

Ah my Crews nemisis, 5 crew battles, 5 times against you, 0 stock taken, although in my defense you took the banana ike colours to which all other Ike's cannot compete with. Mad Props on you and Bob with mad Poke Floats knowledge to place 2nd

Unlimited Supreme Maximum Uncontainable Infallible Rat Killing Lighting-Inconducive POWAH!!!! Cal my meal making friend, we almost lost to women, would not of been able to let that down. Again we have manage to have Ganon Punch deaths. Always fun to play with you man we need to do it more often though maybe we should stop teaming we are so horrible for each other, so many team kills

Stuff what Ted thinks best commentary team hands down, so many laughs

Your ICs are so pro. Was a pleasure to house you and many fun times were had anytime you guys are up here my door will be open. You and Gords so many good lines. **** you That's my blanket now

Gordo as my Mum puts it, lets try for some sane Airport times next time eh, sorry about the gayness Friday night, we got lost then Traffic Jew'd. It's always fun to play with you.

60 Hertz, sorry we almost blew your revenge match against Jezmo, was very happy to see you take revenge from Summersmash

Another member of the Commentary, always fun to be around you even though no one else knows what we are talking about we still have a good laugh

You are pretty bad at smash. No seriously I happy to see Chris get beaten sometimes, congratulations on the placings even know you didn't give me any of the money. Thanks for the Teachings on Friday night and the friendlys throughout the weekend. I hope I haven't turned you off the Qld too much after hearing all the hate you have for us. The same for EA goes for you.

Get better. Thanks for putting on what I would call a successful tournament. In the future no more Pancake Manor even through I didn't get to go. Without you the scene wouldn't be what it is, but seriously hurry up and get your Ps so you can drive me around for a change.

Always good to see that mad Luigi you have, in a weird way I'm happy to not have been destroyed by it for once

Nasche mate. Wicked Diddy you have going, better than that fail Vyse's. I do apologise for ripping on your tiny stature, hope I didn't turn you off QLD too much.

Nat and Tiahn
Your Pikachus is horrible, a massive thunderstorm warning in the Final Destination area

Didn't even get to Ganon-off you so disappointed, also weird to see you with such sort hair

Kaion always hate playing that Samus, I know not what to do. Always a cool cat to hang out with even though we don't see each other outside of tourneys I always have fun with friendlys against you. Sorry to hear about about the car man.

Didn't even get to Ganon-off you so disappointed, also weird to see you with such sort hair

Bob you massive wizard, another member of the amazing commentary team. Congrats on the pro Poke Floats knowledge for the second in Melee. Also big thanks for all the setups although we didn't you the N64 much poor effort on our part. GOLDEEEN!!!!!

I let you win in SF :)


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
****, didn't even mention me.

Even though I barely played anything and wasn't even around the Smash area half the time.

Some say his combo's are inescapable
And that he is capable of igniting a flame to make a recovery
All I know is, he's called 'The Sieg'.

Sorry dude. Can't believe I missed you! :p
I literally copy-pasted the list of people I had signed up total over the four events, so yeah lol.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005
Dw lol.

God I had to play so gay in tournament for SF4 lol.

Wish I could play someone whose style didn't revolve around turtle pressure.


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2008
Good Blokes.

I might write some small shouts later.

Yo Nashe the ones of me verse you are under jesmo vs vyse, i guess they forgot to rename them.

Oh i didnt use MK at all and i didn't win any with IC's, straight Snake.... so much for not pulling him out.


Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2008
HAHA sif I came 7th in Melee loooooooooooool, that's it, I'm gonna practice Melee now!

Good job on the tourney Vyse, very good turn out =)

And good work to the Perth fella's for flying over to attend this tourney, at least you spend the big bucks, unlike some states.... *stares at Melbourne*

Gotta pick up my Brawl game, getting absolutely horrible at it now haha >_>

Shout outs:
Yay for everyone!


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2003
Silent Hill
Hotdog, you have the potential to get better. It's just whether you want to put in the effort. Your jiggs is scary D:.

Good to hear that the tourney went well. Grats to all who won. Shame that noone from Vic went lol.

Not an attempt of an attack, but why isnt syke on singles? Just didn't feel like it? =|


Smash Champion
Apr 13, 2008
Gold Coast - Australia
antho did all those recordings get saved seperately or were they recorded and saved onto ustream? cuz ustream's vids area ll messed up, none of the matches correspond to the titles they are given.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
They correspond exactly to the titles they were given.

I kept telling people to name them correctly but people kept saying "Don't worry we'll fix it later" >.>

But yes, they're also captured in high quality, so granted that I'll be able to meet up with JB, it should fine.


Smash Champion
Apr 13, 2008
Gold Coast - Australia
Winners finals, losers finals, the last video, Ted vs gords and Ted vs rob, rob vs Kami are all titled videos but none of those videos contain any of those matches, I don't think the other ones do either although I don't know what char other people used. :S. Just sayin, it worked out weird is all.

Was wondering if the videos were saved anywhere else.


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Sydney, Australia
No special shout outs, wub youz allz. <3

Only to Ryan for getting 2nd and being funniez to playyy.
And Rob for 3rd, though he should've beaten Ryan, nob.
And to Adam and Dan and Peterrr for fun night ooouuuttt...~ <3
Can't make it to go see Cutie, got my brother up here from Melbourne, and bday dinner/drinking/clubbing outing this weekend, too.
Also to the Lansmash guys for not charging me entry fee; you guys suck at getting people to pay lululu. c:


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Just keep in mind that LanSmash runs this thing with no intention of making a profit and if they finish in the positive (They don't) it just goes back into the LAN for more equipment. (For example, all of the equipment they provided to us).

Still <3 though.


Smash Journeyman
May 27, 2006
i think you know
uhmm i guess some shoutouts would be good

Vyse: Thanks for the tourney man, i have been playing melee alot since i got to qld but not brawl, how strange i did better in brawl :p still i'll try and get better at both game in.....tassie, alot of boring nights there

Arrow: Straight dudes, flat tyre, na good fun, good fun playing doubles man, straight abandoned ftw

Cal: uhmm *insert 1 joke about meals and cooking here* and enjoy living with bob and james

Dean: yeah the commentating was awesome, i think we had more fun doing it than others listening to us but who cares, and don't pick on jezmo alright?! lol

Kaion: Nice seeing you again man, sorry to hear about your car

60 HERTZ i mean Jbirds: you was pretty good dude, backward facing forward smash ftw

Gords: Man you was playing good, still great to see you again man

Rob: it was nice playing you again, your alot better now though, makes me feel bad about my skills, jk

Amaterasu: Great hanging you again chris, good fun

EA: it was good hanging out with you again, btw which would you shoot, the local or the bear? ah drunks on a train, can't beat em

Bob: yeah i don't have to say anything to you, you know it

drawing a blank now so thanks for the great days everyone, and i'm sorry that i didn't remember to mention you, i would but i'm sick of typing.
Well i guess its time for me to disappear back into that horrible little island but i will return better and hopefully more healthier, byes
btw pokefloats for neutral stage, at least for doubles


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
We only hang him when he doesn't win a QLD tournament. Which doesn't happen often.

(Just kidding <3)


Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2008
Australia, QLD, Tokitopia
Crashboard has been annoying me so ill make this quick.


Vyse: Thanks for organizing a great tourney as always and for some reason i always have to vs you in a bracket match, pro diddy <3

R4VEN: Really sorry about your car, i hope you were ok afterwards. We still had alot of fun at the first day though :p hope everything gets better for you.

Emery: lolemery

Jezmo: Always nice to play offline with you, i stand no chance against you lol grats on your placing and hope we get to meet again soon.

Arrow: Your snake haunts me, i have to go MK or it wont work against you.

Seadorf: Nice to see you again, bad luck in the pools, heard you had to vs an IC :p hopefully i can attend the dorf offs someday, ive been busy with school stuff >.>

errrrr i have a headache and i just woke up so i cant think properly, say something like "wheres my name in that shoutout" and ill edit it <3


Smash Journeyman
Aug 24, 2008
Coffs Harbour, NSW, AU

First I’d just like to say thanks for Vyse for running the tourney. I had a lot of fun and hopefully I can go to the next one as well

Vyse: Thanks for running the tourney and well done about placing so well in Brawl Singles. I seriously thought you were going to beat me in the third match. I hope we can have more friendlies next time.

J-Birds: Well done in Singles man. I didn’t expect your Snake to R4PE my Wolf that much. I swear, I will never go MK against your Snake again  Good **** in Teams but it’s a pity we didn’t get to play more friendlies.

R4VEN: Sorry to hear about your car Kaion  That really sucks. I think you and Toki would have done really well in Doubles. Still friendlies one the first day was good  you shouldn’t play Falco against Wolf though. Don’t you know that Matchup is unwinnable? Lol

Toki: Good **** in Singles Toki! I would really have liked to see you play Nasch  You are so much better then how you played against me in the Bracket though. You’ll totally take me next time if you play at the level I know you can.

Tedeth: Well done in pretty much every event man lol. How much did you end up winning anyway? All those Wolf dittos were fun. I felt I could have won one if we had played a few more. Thanks for teaching a heap more stuff about Wolf and rightfully telling me I shouldn’t have gone Mk against J-Birds after the match.

Gords: Hey man, you did quite well in Singles, that Diddy of yours is pretty R4PE. I really enjoyed watching your set against Vyse. Man, I really expected you and Vyse to do really well in Teams. I was very shocked. When I was watching you guys, you were quite amazing. Also thanks for the friendlies, they were fun 

Hotdogs: Man, I’m so glad I didn’t play you in the Bracket. You’re incredible at grabbing. It’s so annoying. I swear his grab range is broken. Thanks for the friendlies. I honestly enjoyed playing the little pink marshmallow.

Nasch: What even? I didn’t know anyone in my Pool and yet this Diddy shows up and R4PES me. Good stuff in singles man  You did great. It goes to show that the bracket can sometimes screw you over. Like Kaion getting 13’th when he’s much better than that and you getting under me even after you beat me. Thanks for the Friendlies and I hope i can play you again sometime. You have the fastest Diddy I’ve ever played.

Proxy: Thanks for the friendlies man. I really enjoyed playing with you and Nasch. Hopefully we can have some 1 vs 1’s some time.

Jaice/Matt: I’ll give you both the same shoutout since I didn’t play either of you in anything but Doubles. Still, you guys were incredible in that. If it wasn’t for Olimar’s lame recovery you guys would have had that second match. I really think you guys would have taken us if we had lost the second match. I think the both of you played better.

Jezmum: Thanks for taking me to Tempest and watching all of my matches even though it must be boring as hell.  <3 you


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
yeah, learn the wolf snake matchup jesmo and you'll be lol'ing all over snakes.


Smash Master
Jul 11, 2008
Ok, try to do shoutouts again:

Vyse: Dude, great tourney. Except for a few dumb ****s screaming it was ****ing awesome man. Loved chilling with you talking about our beloved carne' asada fries and stuff and had lotsa fun playing you in Tetris. :)
Again, great tourney. This and SQUAT are two of the most memorable tourneys I've been to. Good **** bro.

EA: lol how about that ride in? **** that train licked the peen. Esp the one there hey.
Dude you played really good all wknd. Bad luck getting meta-***** in brawl. Heard you played really well against Gords in melee too, bl on that one I guess. Had some good times with you man keep up the good work.

Gords: Dude, best melee I've seen from you in AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGES. You played really well against Amaterasu. You were calm and used your fundamentals well. Glad to see that **** bro. Good luck with your new job too dude.

Amaterasu: Man, our doubles team is fair good. When we got serious not even a charged D3 fsmash could stop us lol. ggs in finals. I had a good time all around. Need to see you down this way sometime. :)

J-Birds: Good **** against Nash man. I was worried in that first game buy you really pulled through nicely and played really well in the second game. WTF you doin going ICs against Jezmo? :p
Would have liked to have had some friendlies with you. next time maybe.

Hotdog: My man. Didn't see much of your play. But did see alot of the old HOTDOG COMBO!!!!!!!!!! Love that ****. :p
Always good to see you man. I love your relaxed attitude towards the game.

Dean: Thanks for housing us. Your mum is awesome. You're not too bad. :p
Brock Lesnar is a douchebag.

Toki: Didn't get our matches recorded for Scabe... prolly for the best. :p
Nah man your Marth is actually really good. You played beautifully against Nash I was really impressed.

Jesmo: Dude, our Wolf dittos were so fun. I agree if we'd had a few more you might have started winning a bit you were getting closer everytime. Always good to talk to you man and I'm glad to see your wolf is still progressing.
I'll beat Corpse with Wolf for you. YES I JUST WENT THERE!!!! :p

Jes-family: I love it how you guys support Jesmo so much. So good how Jes-sister (one of them) told Dean off. :p
'Grats on winning scissors-paper-rock aswell. :)

Kas: Too good at melee man. G&W is **** tho. :p
2 of my highlights were you falling off your chair and you getting scared by the projector. Classic stuff. :p

Rob: Duuuuuuuuuuude ggs. I hope I can keep improving and give you a real run for your money next time. :)

Fat-guy-in-Link-hat: You're pretty ****en weird hey.

If I forgot anyone I'll make some more later maybe... maybe...


Smash Champion
Jul 5, 2008
thanks to the guys who did shout out to me. i have been really busy with dealer training, it been really full on i havent had much time to read smashboards let alone post. hopefully i will get some time this weekend to do my shout outs.


Smash Master
Mar 4, 2008
In approximate order of appearance...

Main guys:

- I can't believe I survived a whole week straight with you. That train was the worst, next time we must be sure to hold a train-meet, it'll be the ****. And I better know the MK matchup at least as well as you do by next Boost, or else.

- Man what up bro. Good ****, I'm really happy with the way everything turned out and it was nice to actually see a tourney run on time for once (lolshaya), nevermind a major. Hit me up with those wallpapers sometime. And how good were the pancakes? :)

Testikills - Thanks for the housing bro, it was a massive help financially. You have like the best mum ever, nice to meet one I can somewhat relate to and have a conversation with. If you're ever in Sydney then hit me up if you need a place to stay. Keep working on that Marth man, you'll get there eventually. And sorry if I was a bit rude at times, I don't hate the QLD scene that much, promise. :p


Matt - Get meta-gayed, you're the worst. Although I'm pretty **** for not knowing how to deal with MK. Anyway, NAir is the **** but if it's all you do then you'll be the one feeling the ****, get less predictable.

Rocko - Your G&W is legit, I was heaps interested in playing you some more but didn't really see you around after pools. :(

seaDORF - Man I feel so bad, but I wanted to go as 100% ICs as I could, so sorry. You're a pretty cool guy, though. Just remember, as Ganon be very careful about your stage picks against ICs, it's your main strength in the matchup; we hate anything that moves or changes constantly. And try to be quick on your feet and disorient the ICs if you can. It won't work against experienced ICs players but against anyone else you should be able to stop them starting up any real defence this way, just be as fast and as confusing as possible. Sorry I can't be much help though, there's really not much I can say about the bad side of an unwinnable matchup...

Leeroy - No, that's not how YOU fight, scrub. Learn a bit more about this game before you *****, and keep your obnoxious man-cheersquad away next time. And buy a cube controller.

Linkin (I think) - Good effort, sorry about that loud guy cheering behind me. Your friend's a ***, though.

J-Birds - You're the king, I'm happy I did as much as I could against you, and equally happy I didn't waste another $5 trying to take Luke up on his offer. I'd like to MM you next time though after I've had a bit of a chance to improve. :)

oldmanDORF - You really need to learn the ICs matchup, it's piss easy for Snake.

Hotdog - Sorry about the matchup gaying, I've heard it's bad. But since last time I played Summoner in tournament, I've had enough of dealing with Kirby.

GC Crew - Get slammed by my amazing crews performance. Especially you, Gords.


Kas - I call BS, we weren't even supposed to play! Haha but really, brief/lols as it was, it was good fun playing you, and the compliment on my DI made me happy. :3

Link Kid (Ultima?) - Get better, also those guys you were with made me awkward.

Gords - Get rolled by my several unnecessary spikes and other assorted tippers on livestream, son. I'll beat you next time in Melee, your PR spot is mine.


Dino & Bob - Mad seeing you again bro. And the bear, definitely. ;)

Arrow - Da *** sif you didn't remember me, anyway nice Melee friendlies.

Jezmo - I really wanted to play you more, but somehow I got distracted. :S Next time, man.

Fat guy who's arrogant about pokemon - Be less of a jerkface to Gords, ****.

Fat guy wearing Link hat - I agree with Ted, you're pretty weird.

Sieg - Saving you for last cause you're a ***, but a sexy ***. Get better at bringing hard drives loser. And I can't believe I had to ask you for an opinion on my glasses after all that talk on IRC about them. D: Anyway it was awesome seeing you again, I'll make a point of sitting down with you at a SF setup next time, and assuming my housing plans go to **** (really not sure what's going on with them atm) I'll definitely take you up on that hotel plan for Robocop. :)

Oh and Vyse, Matt won with MK against me in the bracket, as if I hadn't made that clear enough to everyone and their mother yet. But yeah, you might want to put that down under his character usage.
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