The New PR
The peaceful times of the Sauga free PR have now come to an end. That being said, we welcome the diversity of skill across Southern Ontario, yet it seems to be at the expense of the Durham region. I'd also like to take this opportunity to congratulate the players that made the power rankings. Our PR is finally solid. Skillful from top to bottom, and this is where it begins. Making it on this thing is going to require a lot of work from here on in. This was bound to happen and i don't mean to discourage anyone, but infact do the exact opposite because when your on the PR, u truly deserve it. Things just got real guys.
The PR was created using the last 3 tournaments (SSS, OPC, Pharaoh's)
So without further ado, here are the new Southern Ontario Brawl Power Rankings!
Collapsed for suspense
[collapse=1.]Toronto Joe: He has held a commanding lead on this position for beating Holy Nightmare and Swordgard. However, the gap between 1st and 2nd has lessened once more due to his absence at the OPC and below expected performance in singles at the SSS, losing to Sauc3 twice, giving Sauc3 the winning record. Performing at the next tourney is critical.[/collapse]
[collapse=2.]Tin Man: Remained consistent over the last 3 tournaments in singles and doubles. Didn't do enough to trump Joe but did enough to trump Hype with a winning record over him.[/collapse]
[collapse=3.]Hype: Placed consistently at the last 2 tournaments. Defeated many exceptional players like Cruxis, King Ace, Me. Not enough to be ranked higher than those above him, but enough to surpass the rest.[/collapse]
[collapse=4.]Raidos: Placed below expected at the SSS, however he did beat me at Pharaoh's, and his overall record is better than those below him.[/collapse]
[collapse=5.]Culex: Lost to Meekspeedy at the SSS. A loss more severe than the players Raidos lost to. Otherwise, his placings keep him ranked above the others.[/collapse]
[collapse=6.]Ambrose: Lost to JMo & Iliad at the SSS and Inle at the OPC. Poor placement at the SSS has cause Ambrose to drop below Culex who is more consistent placings wise.[/collapse]
[collapse=7.]JMo: Beating Ambrose & Gichan, and placing consistantly between the OPC and the SSS. Strong performances in doubles. Placing 4th at the OPC with cMeDu, an unranked player, then placing 2nd and 3rd at Pharaoh's and the SSS respectively.[/collapse]
[collapse=8.]Gichan: Lost to JMo and Ryan FW, but beat Raidos, a win more rewarding than beating Ambrose which Iliad did. However his performances at the last 2 tourneys haven't been enough to keep him higher up on the PR.[/collapse]
[collapse=9.]Iliad: Defeated Ambrose, however he lost to Peachy & Sauc3 and his results are simply out shined by those above him.[/collapse]
[collapse=10.]Sauc3: He would have been an Honorable Mention since Pharaoh's but there was a debate over his dedication to the game. When asked this time around at the SSS, he dodged the question and made it our decision. Whether or not he chooses to make fun of this title. Results are results, and thats what a PR is made of, not emotions. He has shown up to 2 of the 3 qualifying tournaments, has a winning record over Toronto Joe, and beat Iliad & Phiddlesticks. Sauc3 deserves this position, and good job to him.[/collapse]
Honorable Mentions:
[collapse=HM]Inle: Beating Ambrose & Fool. Only showing to 1 tournament but beating extremely notable players. Notable enough to have him remain has an HM this round.[/collapse]
[collapse=HM]Meekspeedy: Only showed up to one of the qualifying tournaments, however beat far too many people to name. excellent performance in both events.[/collapse]
[collapse=HM]Patches: This is one person who has deserved this position due to dedication. He's always been somewhat borderline to the HM's, but this time he did something that pushed him over the edge. He beat Phiddlesticks, and this improvement couldn't go unnoticed. Attendance is rewarded for sure. This should be encouragement to other players. If you keep coming and u don't drop in placings, you will eventually get recognized. Patches needed to show a little push and he did.[/collapse]
[collapse=HM]Phiddlesticks: Lost to Patches, and got out classed by several others at the SSS. Consistency has still proven am to be a HM.[/collapse]
[collapse=HM]RyanFw: Beat Gichan and placed well at the OPC. Didn't lose to anyone that isn't notable. Getting 1st seed in his pool is especially impressive.[/collapse]
[collapse=Drop-out]Rhyme: His performance has been abysmal in the last 3 tournaments. The others that made the list have outshine him, and without showing up to the SSS to defend himself, there was no other choice.[/collapse]
[collapse=Drop-out]Jasuke: He was also out shined by others. Failed to keep it together, while others stepped it up.[/collapse]
[collapse=Drop-out]Mr.L: Didn't show up in order to defend his placing, therefore being outclassed by those above him.[/collapse]
[collapse=Drop-out]HrcPoke: Also didn't manage to keep it together this time around. Others have shown more potential[/collapse]
Congratulations to everyone that made the list. the common trend in the drop outs is that they have all been out shined, simply put. I said it before, and I'll say it again. Things just got real. It won't be as easy from here on in.