Hey I got a question about Sonic what happens when he gets all of the chaos emeralds, Super emeralds, master emeralds, SOL emeralds, and world rings? I've been wondering that for a long time... and also can someone help me unlock mii outfit b it's hard.
According to Sega Sonic canon...
The Chaos Emeralds cannot co-exist with the Super Emeralds, as the Super Emeralds ARE the Chaos Emeralds, but with their power magnified by a redonculous exponential value.
There is no proof in the Sega Sonic universe that Sonic knows how to harness the Master Emerald. As a matter of fact, the only biological beings that can directly use it's abilities are Knuckles (he can command it to nullify the Chaos [and assuming the Super as well] Emeralds, and can sustain Super/Hyper Knuckles using the Master Emerald), and Robotnik. However, ONLY Robotnik's machines have been seen to be able to use the power directly, this includes Mecha Sonic from S&K (becoming Super Mecha Sonic), and his final robot in S&K (which harnessed the power into a concentrated beam of energy).
Sonic cannot use the Sol Emeralds. Only Blaze is able to do so.
Darkspine Sonic is powerful, but doesn't come with as many strengths as Super Sonic/Hyper Sonic.
If anything, Darkspine is either on, or right below the level of Super Sonic. The reason I say below is because we only see Darkspine Sonic once, and in this one appearance, he is still vulnerable to attacks, and has no significant new abilities. He just moves faster.
Super Sonic gets invincibility from most attacks, and can only be defeated by being crushed or drowning. Pits would defeat him too in the earlier games, but the fact that he can fly just nulls this out (at least, in my opinion). Super Sonic does lose to Robotnik ONCE however, proving that he is, indeed, vulnerable, but not to the degree that Darkspine Sonic is.
Hyper Sonic only gets one appearance, and in this one appearance, the only thing that can stop him is if he gets crushed.
What this all means is that Darkspine would be absolutely useless, as it's just at most, a weakened form of Super Sonic (or, possibly at the same level), should Sonic go Hyper Sonic.
So, if Sonic had gathered all of the Emeralds/Rings, it'd be the same as just getting the Super Emeralds.
Unless, of course, you combine the Seven Rings with the Super Emeralds, then all of this gets blown out of the water.
Of an interesting note though, Darkspine Sonic doesn't absorb all seven World Rings though. IIRC, he only absorbs Five of them, so there really is no true way to judge how powerful he'd be if he had gotten all seven.
And as said earlier, Darkspine doesn't add anything to the table that Hyper can do, but better.
Hyper Darkspine Sonic? The only thing I'd imagine Sonic would get from something like that would be a small speed boost, and racecar stripes up his head.
As for the Mii outfit...bleh. Just go to GameFaqs.