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Jul 14, 2014
The Land of Oz
Switch FC
Funimation is sunsetting April 2.

Any digital copies (DVD or Blu Rays with code for digital copies) of content on Funimation will be lost when this happens.

Edit: Crunchyroll yearly premium going from $55 a year to $100 a year starting next January
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Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
View attachment 384357
“smash ultimate will be finished after this right?

It is finished after this right….?”
There hasn't been an Engage spirit event, nor was it featured with that grab bag of new Nintendo games

FP3 confirmed. It consists entirely of Male Alear and Female Alear.
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Reactions: Z25


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
There hasn't been an Engage spirit event, nor was it featured with that grab bag of new Nintendo games

FP3 confirmed. It consists entirely of Male Alear and Female Alear.

Nah we are getting the giga chad Alfonse, Alear didn’t even stand a chance

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I never wanna see Mad Space ever again in my life, **** the timed mission A rank. Halfway through all emblems and mostly cleared out Rouge's bull**** and while I've grown quite fond of Security Hall these past few years, I really don't like her shtick lmao


Jul 14, 2014
The Land of Oz
Switch FC
Because you adore ball pushing puzzles
I assume that’s a thing in this game.

My experience has mostly been loading screens. And more loading screens.

How does the fastest thing alive get the slowest loading screens?


Smash Hero
Aug 7, 2021
your mom
This is going to be the first valentine's day where I won't be on my own.

After all I have a crippling gender crisis I can celebrate it with


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
FF7 Rebirth was one of mt most anticipated titles but now that AI voice samples have been found for the game while sounding awful enough to the point a rando from the street could do better, I'm cancelling my preorder, **** Square Enix
And people get mad at me for “ruining their excitement” when I say I don’t like how a pokemon looks.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Funimation is sunsetting April 2.

Any digital copies (DVD or Blu Rays with code for digital copies) of content on Funimation will be lost when this happens.

Edit: Crunchyroll yearly premium going from $55 a year to $100 a year starting next January
Hold up hold up, sunsetting...as in..shutting down???


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
This is probably a nitpick, here, but I kinda dislike the terminology of "sunsetting" that companies use because it just kinda sugarcoats the whole fact that a product or service is permanently shutting down.

It isn't even that fitting of a term or analogy, either, because even though the sun sets and goes away for several hours, it still comes back to shine again the next day unlike the permanent shutdown that usually applies to whatever a company says is going to "sunset".
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Star Platinum
Nov 15, 2013
Switch FC
What exactly is Gravemind?
A collective intelligence and shared consciousness of the flood built from the biomass of sentient beings. It makes the flood much more coordinated and ready to seek interstellar travel.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Im buying a new bed, I'm sleeping good on Valentines Day. :jojo:
Can I join? Im brining my pikachu squishmallow, non-negotiable
Yes, Funimation is shutting down and effectively being replaced by Crunchyroll.
Damn. Never thought Id see the day that would happen


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
New ad from Gamestop

That says Microsoft Game Pass.

**** may be going down and it can arguably be blamed on 2 things

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Jul 14, 2014
The Land of Oz
Switch FC
New ad from Gamestop

That says Microsoft Game Pass.

**** may be going down and it can arguably be blamed on 2 things

While it is possible this is legitimate, it isn’t an immediate cause for panic since EA referred to Xbox Game Pass as Microsoft Game Pass in the past.

Pink Yoshi

Smash Champion
Jul 17, 2022
The kitchen, raiding the fridge
This is probably a nitpick, here, but I kinda disliked the terminology of "sunsetting" that companies use because it just kinda sugarcoats the whole fact that a product or service is permanently shutting down.

It isn't even that fitting of a term or analogy, either, because even though the sun sets and goes away for several hours, it still comes back to shine again the next day unlike the permanent shutdown that usually applies to whatever a company says is going to "sunset".
I remember the word "sunsetting" being used in the Club Penguin blog post that announced the end of Island, and thus the end of the Club Penguin brand as a whole.

And now I remember playing Club Penguin all the time as a kid.

And now I'm sad.


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
Heya, Smashboards. I won't be back for long but there was something small that went down in the Discord server I mod in and I don't really have anywhere else to vent about it.

So there's this girl there and she's been a really active member of the server. I wouldn't call her popular perse, but she was responsible for a lot of the server's activity in the recent months. And let's just say I found her to be extremely annoying for a large number of reasons.

But there was a huge problem. She has a really bad tendency to post crummy, often misogynistic facebook memes in the meme channel. A lot of these memes were in really poor tastes and whenever I'd see one, I'd ask the other mods to handle it because I didn't think I could be impartial with this girl who annoyed me so much. Normally the image would just be deleted and she'd be let off with a slap on the wrist, mainly because the admins don't really want any drama.

Well this time she went and posted a racist meme. I'm not sure if she even understood the racist connotations of it but uh, yikes. She's posted some edgy stuff before but this time I brought it up to the (all white) mod team that we have to do something about her. So they took away her image posting writes for two months (going soft on her honestly) and almost immediately after she posted that she was going to take a long break from the server. I'm quietly hoping she doesn't come back.

But like, I can't help that feel I was just using racism as an excuse to bully someone I didn't like out of the server. Like, she's an adult and she should be responsible not to bring anything hateful into the server. But based off what I know about her upbringing, I also know she was really neglected at a young age and exposed to stuff she shouldn't have been as a child and I think there's a very real chance she didn't actually understand the racist implications of the meme she posted. Especially since she just copies + pastes whatever garbage shows up in her Facebook feed without giving it any real thought.

So I feel like I should of tried to educate talk to her about it directly, instead of just hiding behind the other mods. I don't feel bad about restricting her image posting privileges because that's something she's shown she can't do responsibly, but I feel like as a more mature member of the community compared to her I should have also tried to teach her how to not make that mistake again. Especially when I myself am someone who had a sheltered childhood and used to really struggle with spotting blatant racism myself.

Ugh who am I kidding, she probably wouldn't have listened anyway. She'd often complain about things in her life (poor health, disability, misogyny) and then carelessly brush it off when other women in the server tried to give her advice. Could I really expect her to try to care about racism when she treats the misogyny she faces on the daily as something she's just supposed to take and laugh along with?

I dunno, it feels like it'd be a lot less difficult if it was clear she was coming from a place of actual malice and hate. But as much as I dislike her she's someone who clearly suffers from some bad internalized misogyny and so I also genuinely feel a lot of pity for her. Heck even that racist meme she posted was also very misogynistic itself. So I guess I'm struggling with some guilt over how I handled the situation.

But idk, maybe it's my own racial bias here that's making me want to coddle this girl instead of putting my foot down more harshly.

Anyway uh, I'm sorry that I came back just to make a post this depressing. The truth is I really love that server but it also a predominately white space so I feel like there's a lot of extra pressure to try to make it more welcoming to racial minorities.


That said, there's one more thing I meant to post that I didn't last time. If anyone wants to contact me for any reason you can find me on discord as zephyr7932.

Isolating myself to just the a-spec community has been kind of liberating in some ways but I'm already kind of missing some of the people here. I think I might come back when my mental health improves a bit and I finally have some irl friends to hang out with. I'm looking at some LGBTQ+ events in my area and am considering attending some of them, so here's to hoping I can meet some cool people there.

Alphine Agnitio

Certified Nerd™
Apr 10, 2022
Owensboro KY
Heya, Smashboards. I won't be back for long but there was something small that went down in the Discord server I mod in and I don't really have anywhere else to vent about it.

So there's this girl there and she's been a really active member of the server. I wouldn't call her popular perse, but she was responsible for a lot of the server's activity in the recent months. And let's just say I found her to be extremely annoying for a large number of reasons.

But there was a huge problem. She has a really bad tendency to post crummy, often misogynistic facebook memes in the meme channel. A lot of these memes were in really poor tastes and whenever I'd see one, I'd ask the other mods to handle it because I didn't think I could be impartial with this girl who annoyed me so much. Normally the image would just be deleted and she'd be let off with a slap on the wrist, mainly because the admins don't really want any drama.

Well this time she went and posted a racist meme. I'm not sure if she even understood the racist connotations of it but uh, yikes. She's posted some edgy stuff before but this time I brought it up to the (all white) mod team that we have to do something about her. So they took away her image posting writes for two months (going soft on her honestly) and almost immediately after she posted that she was going to take a long break from the server. I'm quietly hoping she doesn't come back.

But like, I can't help that feel I was just using racism as an excuse to bully someone I didn't like out of the server. Like, she's an adult and she should be responsible not to bring anything hateful into the server. But based off what I know about her upbringing, I also know she was really neglected at a young age and exposed to stuff she shouldn't have been as a child and I think there's a very real chance she didn't actually understand the racist implications of the meme she posted. Especially since she just copies + pastes whatever garbage shows up in her Facebook feed without giving it any real thought.

So I feel like I should of tried to educate talk to her about it directly, instead of just hiding behind the other mods. I don't feel bad about restricting her image posting privileges because that's something she's shown she can't do responsibly, but I feel like as a more mature member of the community compared to her I should have also tried to teach her how to not make that mistake again. Especially when I myself am someone who had a sheltered childhood and used to really struggle with spotting blatant racism myself.

Ugh who am I kidding, she probably wouldn't have listened anyway. She'd often complain about things in her life (poor health, disability, misogyny) and then carelessly brush it off when other women in the server tried to give her advice. Could I really expect her to try to care about racism when she treats the misogyny she faces on the daily as something she's just supposed to take and laugh along with?

I dunno, it feels like it'd be a lot less difficult if it was clear she was coming from a place of actual malice and hate. But as much as I dislike her she's someone who clearly suffers from some bad internalized misogyny and so I also genuinely feel a lot of pity for her. Heck even that racist meme she posted was also very misogynistic itself. So I guess I'm struggling with some guilt over how I handled the situation.

But idk, maybe it's my own racial bias here that's making me want to coddle this girl instead of putting my foot down more harshly.

Anyway uh, I'm sorry that I came back just to make a post this depressing. The truth is I really love that server but it also a predominately white space so I feel like there's a lot of extra pressure to try to make it more welcoming to racial minorities.


That said, there's one more thing I meant to post that I didn't last time. If anyone wants to contact me for any reason you can find me on discord as zephyr7932.

Isolating myself to just the a-spec community has been kind of liberating in some ways but I'm already kind of missing some of the people here. I think I might come back when my mental health improves a bit and I finally have some irl friends to hang out with. I'm looking at some LGBTQ+ events in my area and am considering attending some of them, so here's to hoping I can meet some cool people there.
I had a couple users like that when I used to staff a large Yugioh server

I think you did everything right imo, I don't think you should feel bad if you went out of your way to try to address more deep rooted issues in a healthy way instead of jumping to the banhammer: a lot of the times the only way people genuinly improve is when they look at themselves and realize why what they are doing is garnering the reactions they are. (Me for example back in 2019-2020 here lol)


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
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Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC

Dwayne…go **** off and focus on this instead

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
So I recently (and intentionally) purchased a bootleg product online.

I won't reveal to you what it is until it arrives in about a couple of weeks but I'll give you hints that probably doesn't describe it well:

Product's name given by the seller: The new Super Mario Wonder Elephant Apple Princess Mario plush toy can be a great choice as a holiday birthday gift
Given brand name: undertale

You ain't going to figure it out. :smirk:


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
Moana 2

Hope it turns out good, but I haven’t had a lot of faith in Disney recently.

I’ve only really liked one movie they’ve made in the last 6 years :drshrug:
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