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Which was your favorite new Pokémon revealed from the Scarlet and Violet trailer?

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Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC
I remember how as a kid I would sometimes take my 3ds and literally hide under my bed because my mom didn’t like me watching youtube.

One time I even managed to break my IOS phone and get onto a web browser from a news article(in the news app no less) even though she had disabled it. Good times.
Yeah, I was a rebel too. I hacked Club Penguin and they never caught me. :4pacman:

Deleted member

Yeah, I was a rebel too. I hacked Club Penguin and they never caught me. :4pacman:
I may have been young, but I was that one kid in school who was too resourceful for his own good.

I brought flash drives with vpns and other useful **** on them to school just so I could play Roblox lol(although that didn’t work on the chromebooks)

Cached pages were my best friend. makes a page look like **** and most elements unusable but for reading long threads without setting off alarms, it works just swell because it’s a google link and gets around any and all filters
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Smash Legend
Dec 5, 2018
My brother talked me into importing him a copy of some game called Dokapon Up! on the Switch, he payed me up front for the games online price of course.

Is it just me, or does it feel like people are just looking for excuses to **** on Sw/Sh and GF at this point?
I dont need an excuse, it's just more fun than actually playing the game.
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Deleted member

Is it just me, or does it feel like people are just looking for excuses to **** on Sw/Sh and GF at this point?
I don’t think it’s unfair to say that SW/SH and GF could do much better overall. Are they the worst abomination of a game out there? No, but that doesn’t mean it’s necessarily a good game either.

Dutch Raikuna

Life's a sweet bitter beauty song.......
Dec 7, 2019
My Generation
Is it just me, or does it feel like people are just looking for excuses to **** on Sw/Sh and GF at this point?
You try getting your hopes up for your country to be in a Pokemon game and it hasn't happened when it is right next to it. starts crying

Joking dude, mostly.

I may have been young, but I was that one kid in school who was too resourceful for his own good.

I brought flash drives with vpns and other useful **** on them to school just so I could play Roblox lol(although that didn’t work on the chromebooks)
Cached pages were my best friend.
Really wished I was a lot more of that front but man was my school too strict on everything when it came to stuff like that and there was always a high chance some kid would tell on you mostly so they can have attention.

Still to make up for it I had my Vita in a way during the last months. The screenshotting the internet browser before I came in was my best friend.

Deleted member

There's genuine valid critisism, but at this point people are dragging the dirt for new excuses.
Really the biggest issue I have is that from the gameplay I’ve seen the game is pretty much a cutscene simulator with little enjoyment to be had unless you like slogging through all the slow beats.

The graphics aren’t that bad per say(it’s mosty battle animations that need the most work, they look so stiff) and while it sucks that a bunch of pokemon were removed from the game I think that was more of a time issue. We’re only missing like what, 100-150 pokemon in Sword/Shield at this point? Certainly doable to get them all back.
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Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
Is it just me, or does it feel like people are just looking for excuses to **** on Sw/Sh and GF at this point?
Gamefreak burned our crops, poisoned our water supply and spread a plague onto our houses!
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Smash Master
Apr 29, 2018
The island of Svölbard
Is it just me, or does it feel like people are just looking for excuses to **** on Sw/Sh and GF at this point?
Same principle as Byleth in Smash, really, only to a more extreme degree for most people. I’ve been daydreaming about GF potentially canceling the Sinnoh remakes to put all their focus on Gen 9 for a few years, only for people to still dunk on them for doing exactly what they were asking them to do during the Gen 8 dev cycle. I wouldn’t be surprised if that would happen in reality, really.


Smash Obsessed
Jan 25, 2019
Really the biggest issue I have is that from the gameplay I’ve seen the game is pretty much a cutscene simulator with little enjoyment to be had unless you like slogging through all the slow beats.

The graphics aren’t that bad per say(it’s mosty battle animations that need the most work, they look so stiff) and while it sucks that a bunch of pokemon were removed from the game I think that was more of a time issue. We’re only missing like what, 100-150 pokemon in Sword/Shield at this point? Certainly doable to get them all back.
The game's fun, the biggest issue is that its best ideas are half baked. Dynamax, Wild Area, a robust world, etc, I can see the blueprints, but they didn't do enough with it.

Granted, majority were fixed with the DLC, but Dynamax is still a lost cause.


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
SwSh was really good, Not the Greatest game of all time, or even the best Pokemon game, but The gameplay didn't bore me and I liked seeing all the environments and pokemon walking around, I like Dynamaxing/Gigantamaxing (I don't know why people hate it so much) The Human characters are probably the best they've been, I couldn't care less about the NatDex or Animations. The foundations built with this game are more important than the game itself arguably, the 2 DLC's were already fantastic and what they can do with the same 3 year dev time with the same engine could be spectacular.

Dutch Raikuna

Life's a sweet bitter beauty song.......
Dec 7, 2019
My Generation
There's genuine valid critisism, but at this point people are dragging the dirt for new excuses.
Dude I'm just gonna pass on what I've said for like the 100th time about my thoughts on the game and this is of today.

Nintendo practically did a massive rebirth of a few of their biggest franchises on the Switch.

Breath of the Wild is now considered one of the greatest games ever made in general.
Mario Odyssey flipped the series on it's head again and is considered one of the best games from Mr Nintendo himself.
Smash Bros Ultimate included every character in the series and all that.
FE Three Houses gave it a bit of a Dynasty Warriors and Persona touch to the series to really modernise it.

We were all so eager to see how Pokémon's turn going was to go and being the final of the three big pillars of Nintendo in comparison Sword and Shield fell on its face flat. I haven't played but that's my opinion still to this day and why I was turned off by it.

Make it of that.
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Smash Master
Apr 29, 2018
The island of Svölbard
SwSh was really good, Not the Greatest game of all time, or even the best Pokemon game, but The gameplay didn't bore me and I liked seeing all the environments and pokemon walking around, I like Dynamaxing/Gigantamaxing (I don't know why people hate it so much) The Human characters are probably the best they've been, I couldn't care less about the NatDex or Animations. The foundations built with this game are more important than the game itself arguably, the 2 DLC's were already fantastic and what they can do with the same 3 year dev time with the same engine could be spectacular.
I still need to pony up the cash for the DLC. Other than that, yeah, I can see why so many complaints are justified, but I still had an absolute whale of a time with the game. I also discovered that Arcanine is one of my favorite Pokémon after all the time I’ve lived, so yeah, there’s that, too.


Smash Obsessed
Jan 25, 2019
Dude I'm just gonna pass on what I've said for like the 100th time about my thoughts on the game and this is of today.

Nintendo practically did a massive rebirth of a few of their biggest franchises on the Switch.

Breath of the Wild is now considered one of the greatest games ever made in general.
Mario Odyssey flipped the series on it's head again and is consider one of the best games from Mr Nintendo himself.
Smash Bros Ultimate included every character in the series and all that.

We were all so eager to see how Pokémon's turn going was to go and being final of the three pillars of Nintendo in comparison Sword and Shield fell on its face flat. I haven't played but that's my opinion still to this day and why I was turned off by it.
SwSh, or at least base SwSh is fine.

And that's the issue, it's just fine when everything else (except Kirby lol) took off to new heights. Pokemon... just stayed still.

That's why the Open World/Wild Area needs to be the new standard for Pokemon. It was something new, fresh, and exciting for the franchise, and everyone loved it. Natural progression, you know.

Deleted member

The game's fun, the biggest issue is that its best ideas are half baked. Dynamax, Wild Area, a robust world, etc, I can see the blueprints, but they didn't do enough with it.

Granted, majority were fixed with the DLC, but Dynamax is still a lost cause.
I dunno, the amount of handholding Sword/Shield does is a huge turnoff for me. The wild area and camp and all that jazz is cool but I’m not particularity convinced that that’s worth the $60 alone.

The $30 for the dlc is really good though. Give me a full game with an area designed like the dlc and I’ll fork over the cash immediately :035:
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Smash Obsessed
Jan 25, 2019
I dunno, the amount of handholding Sword/Shield does is a huge turnoff for me. The wild area and camp and all that jazz is cool but I’m not particularity convinced that that’s worth the $60 alone.

The $30 for the dlc is really good though. Give me a full game with an area designed like the dlc and I’ll fork over the cash immediately
The Crown Tundra is legit the best Pokemon we got since SuMo, because it felt like a whole new direction for the franchise all packed in what feels like a mini Pokemon game. You got fun stuff with legendaries, some structures and dungeons to explore, side quests and a whole story all packed into one open world adventure.

More of that please.


Drifting Soul
Sep 4, 2018
I don't care about Swoshi's "terrible" graphics (I personally think they're fine) or the missing Pokemon; I just thought the game was dreadfully boring and a bit insulting to my intelligence. Like, I know that I'm not the target demographic for these games anymore but I don't want to steam roll through everything.

The Wild Area was a cool idea and I'd love to see them expand upon it in the future, though.

Dutch Raikuna

Life's a sweet bitter beauty song.......
Dec 7, 2019
My Generation
SwSh, or at least base SwSh is fine.

And that's the issue, it's just fine when everything else (except Kirby lol) took off to new heights. Pokemon... just stayed still.

That's why the Open World/Wild Area needs to be the new standard for Pokemon. It was something new, fresh, and exciting for the franchise, and everyone loved it. Natural progression, you know.
The series needs a much, much bigger jump. And let's face it more and more kids these days first game is something like Fortnite, COD or even GTA than Pokémon. Talking about parents who weren't educated properly/have spoilt them to hell but I digress.

Nintendo/TPC needs to realise that it wouldn't hurt to make Pokémon grow up a small bit and in a way Black/White was a great step. A slower generation gap and more time to really, really read and predict the market should have been better IMO.
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Smash Obsessed
Jan 25, 2019
The series needs a much, much bigger jump. And let's face it more and more kids these days first game is something like Fortnite, COD or even GTA than Pokémon. Talking about parents who weren't educated properly/have spoilt them to hell but I digress.

Nintendo/TPC needs to realise that it wouldn't hurt to make Pokémon grow up a small bit and in a way Black/White was a great step. A slower generation gap and more time to really, really read and predict the market should have been better IMO.
I agree, but last time they made a major leap, the fans ******* and moaned.

Be careful for what you wish for, I guess
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Smash Obsessed
Jan 25, 2019
Which one was that? I’m still relatively new to the games.
Pretty sure he’s talking about Black and White?

I definitely remember people saying that they hated it for how innovative it was a few years back but now it’s done a 180 in the eyes of the fans
Yeah, Gen 5. They did a ballsy move, and fans hated it because it wasn't the same old.


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
Weird question. They invent a special injection you can take that will put you in peak physical shape, increase your intelligence, and cure any physical malady you might possess.

BUT.... it works like the Ooze from TMNT, so you turn into a hybrid of the last animal/plant/fungus/etc. you touched

BUT.... you know it does this ahead of time so you can pick the animal.

Do you take the injection? And if yes, what do you become?

Dutch Raikuna

Life's a sweet bitter beauty song.......
Dec 7, 2019
My Generation
All this Pokémon talk reminds of the fact that there is a reason why I have "safe wading into waters" route for anime and games. Former I have done correctly for a few people. Latter I've used once before. No one here would find it interesting as it's kinda what you expect if you know me.

Irepans Story today:
However looking at it reminds me every time about when some millie (Irish Chav to my good American friends) mother ****** decides to buy wee four year old Timmy GTA 5 thinking "ack it's just a Nintendo." so she can go back to get her nails done or read her tabloid news headlines thinking she'll become the next Britney Spears.
And they are probably the most condensing, unintelligent people I have ever encountered but I digress before I start losing my intelligence.

However I do have a list of 10 games I'd always recommend so there's that if anyone is interested.
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Smash Hero
Mar 23, 2019
Agartha, Hollow Earth
Weird question. They invent a special injection you can take that will put you in peak physical shape, increase your intelligence, and cure any physical malady you might possess.

BUT.... it works like the Ooze from TMNT, so you turn into a hybrid of the last animal/plant/fungus/etc. you touched

BUT.... you know it does this ahead of time so you can pick the animal.

Do you take the injection? And if yes, what do you become?
A computer-human hybrid mishmash thing.
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