So, first of all, after beated some enemies, I fought the King Crawler.....which went much more easily than expected. Simply 'cuz I had this stragegy of making it happy with Aubrey, flex with Kel, make Hero sad with Omori and then have Hero charm the enemy so it only attack him. Thanks to the Sad statue, he didn't get damaged that much, and on the next few turns, I basically debuffed it the **** out of it with Aubrey Power Hit (lower defense), Omori Trick (reduce speed) and HERO's Smile (reduce attack). With my boy Kel dealing big damages with hit-and-run. The rest of the battle went easy peasy thanks to all the debuff and me putting some of the gang on sad statue. Overall, the bear (you know which one i'm talking) was harder. (though being lower levels against said bear probably didn't help)
Now I entered the Sprout Mole Village, before I explore much of it, I decided to do the sidequest where you got to give a package to a sprout mole in Otherworld.
I forgot that there was a almost empty sprout village in it, so I kinda went everywhere until I found it again. Which I say was worth it, if only because more Life Jam is good in every cases.
Afterward, I explored more of the village and did the best thing in the world: ruining someone else Christmas by cutting their tree.
: )
After that totally necessary act of kindness. I got to the sprout who are all seasons themed and you can only get 1 item & achievement per playthrough....atleast for the former. As you can get all 4 achievements by just reloading your save before you made a chance. You won't get all the items, but it save you playing the game 4 times if you want to 100% Omori. (none of the items I got were that useful to me anyway)
Brief, I explore some more before going to watch Sweetheart show...and accidentaly kill a bonus boss by dropping a weight on it....
But don't worry! I had saved beforehand, so I reloaded and fought the other king, King Carnivore in fact!
This battle, oooooh, this battle, I knew there would be something fishy since it's a bonus boss, but still, it took me by surprise after how easy the previous king was.
First of all, fighing 3 powerful enemies at once is no good-good.
Inflicting Happy on everyone kinda throw off my plan at the start, and in general I didn't know anything about this dude, so that's also not good.
But on top of it all, this big distant cousin of PP can heal it's roots and itself? Twice in a row even??
That's no good, and so I had to found way to make sure to keep my team alive AND deal lots of damages to the roots before it healed. (I tried to take down the head itself at first but after the healing, I quickly realized it wouldn't be possible lol)
I can't remember quite all the details from that fight. But I remember that either Kel or Hero died at one point so that wasn't good.
Second is that I still inflicted alot of debuff on each enemies to make sure I could live longer & deal more damages, which I think is one of the main reasons why I survived.
And finally.....ahem, at one point, I failed at pulling the All-Out Attack, instead inflicting Trip on a root, and that's the reason I think one party member died and that the fight laster much longer than it should have. (since I had to heal & get back the points I needed to pull another all out attack)
Mistakes happen what i'm sayin', but in the end. I beated it and got a crap ton of exps, which is just

Once this big ass fight was done. Outside of story moments, nothing too big happened (shout-out to my man HERO tho for first facing his fear of spiders then a crazy pink *****), but I learned alot of skills in the process!...some of which I don't think I will use much due to how costy they are juice wise, and how they don't work too well with the stragegy I have.
Still, Omori has now all 3 skills that inflict various debuff depending at the enemy emotions, which make him quite versatile if you know what you're doing. WIND-UP THROW on Aubrey is really ****ing powerful from what I tested, so you bet i'm going to keep that for now.
Hero is still having his idendity crisis of being both a healer & a tank that can debuff on occassion. Hopefully he can figure out his idendity soon.
and finally, Kel is like the BIG glass canon who can deal big damages if done right, but you have to do everything in your power to make sure he doesn't get targeted while you buff him with FLEX. Also he is good at giving ANGER & using items due to his speed. (not sure when to use Megaphone tho...)
Back on the story for a bit, Sweetheart is a *****, but a fun kind of *****. By that I mean it will be very fun to beat her up once the time come.
Will say tho that her castle is very fancy & cool looking, she got a good eye for that, and the soundtrack from what I heard is still great as always.
The jokes are still on point btw and give me a good chuckle. Can we have a F in the chat for mah boi Snaley?
Annnd yeah, think that's all for now. Hopefully all of this is fun reading, will let you know as always when I play the game again, and before I go. How did you deal with those two bosses I mentionned? If you have nothing too crazy to say, then what kind of party do you use? Like what skills do you use on each members and how do you deal with most enemies?
I be quite interested to hear your opinion on this topic, as it could perhaps help me in the future. til then tho, have a great day!