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The Old Diddy Social/General/Q&A Thread

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Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
no one will ever let u play on fd unless they are hardcore o-o. otherwise smashville/ps/bf


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2009
Montreal, QC
i still dont get how to do the weird momentum switches with the peanut cancel :ohwell:
Drift in one direction while in the air. Then input a B-Reversal in the opposite direction (hit the opposite direction AFTER inputting B). Then cancel the peanut gun immediately with L or R.
Also, in regard to P-1s post on using Over B to momentum cancel, I asked Swordgard and he said that it works. Using B moves only returns VERTICAL momentum that was canceled. So if a B move fights against horizontal momentum, then it will help in surviving bigger hits thought I still prefer jumping cause Im used to it :)


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
Drift in one direction while in the air. Then input a B-Reversal in the opposite direction (hit the opposite direction AFTER inputting B). Then cancel the peanut gun immediately with L or R.
Also, in regard to P-1s post on using Over B to momentum cancel, I asked Swordgard and he said that it works. Using B moves only returns VERTICAL momentum that was canceled. So if a B move fights against horizontal momentum, then it will help in surviving bigger hits thought I still prefer jumping cause Im used to it :)
jumping is still better, but I'm saying it's the best thing to do if you got hit before yo touched the ground after you used your midair jump


Smash Journeyman
Mar 30, 2008
northern CA
I would think Delfino would be good with the sections that are have walls, walkoffs, or short horizontal boundaries. Any thoughts on that?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 7, 2008
delfino isn't bad imo, i wouldn't cp it unless your comfortable on the stage. Its a pretty good stage though...

i usually just cp neutrals lol, especially sv =)


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana
SV, FD (usually only if it's MK), PS1, Castle Siege, Distant Planet.

....I'm weird.

(but honestly Distant Planet, as far as I can tell with the matches I've played on it, is a really good Diddy stage and should be a legal CP anyway, I don't see what's keeping it banned),


Smash Journeyman
Jul 7, 2008
(but honestly Distant Planet, as far as I can tell with the matches I've played on it, is a really good Diddy stage and should be a legal CP anyway, I don't see what's keeping it banned),
im guessing the caterpillar, the water, and those token things...


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2009
Montreal, QC
Thats not true of all stages. Delfino and Castle Siege both have walk off transformations but arent banned.
And isnt Onette a CP stage (Im not up to date on the new tounry rules so I could be wrong)
Also, Im pretty sure Yoshis Island Pipes isnt banned and its just like Distant Planet in that it has a sloped walk off part. Id say its more because of the numerous ledges and the fact that you die when eaten by the monster thingy.


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana
Distant Planet has a sloped walk-off on which camping for chaingrabs and such is not effective. Only real problems are D3 and Yoshi chaingrabs and I'm almost certain Yoshi's didn't work. And AmazingAmarphos tested in the stage discussion that a lot of characters originally being able to be running CGd can't be up the slope.

The rain is NOT A HAZARD. It makes it a little harder to recover, but you can still snap the ledge. It also prevents from being CGd from the slope, although that really isn't a problem anyway.

If you run into the Bulborb (caterpillar) you're just stupid. There is no possible way from the main green platform that you can be attacked or thrown into the thing, unless you DI hoooorrrrriiibbbllllyyyyy. Same thing for if you're getting hit/thrown from the ledge. Basically, that thing shouldn't kill you unless you're just not paying attention.

The bottle caps are why I love this stage and why it should be CP worthy. It's different. The bottle caps aren't imbalanced yet they help a little, like snuffing camping and pseudo-making people approach. When you're controlling 2 bananas and a bottle cap...it's just lol.

The numerous ledges aren't really a problem either. I think, honestly, that people only played on that stage once or twice, and from foggy memory thought it was bad. I've played on that stage multiple times, and the hazards are NOT extreme as you think. IMO it's much better than Norfair or Mansion.

But anyway, I love this stage for Diddy because he already has a good glide toss length, and the bottle caps give you this if you don't feel like pulling out a banana or just want more mobility. Your recovery is pretty versatile on this stage while it can potential screw other people's up (Snake, Marth). The layout of the stage makes bottle cap/bananas can be thrown basically anywhere, depending on your location. The bending leaves on the main platform work well with your short hopped bananas or against tall people, where throwing a banana on the ledge there still makes them trip. This stage works VERY well with Diddy while not so much with other people, like Snake, Marth, etc.

Also, how does MK get a better plank here? Any character can now quasi deal with it (bottle caps). Granted his under-the-stage game and general mobility here isn't always fun, but...


Smash Rookie
Apr 14, 2009
Short Hop?!

i can short hop just fine when i chain an aerial in with it, but i CAN NOT for the life of me figure it out when i JUST wanna short hop to grab a banana off a platform. it doesnt work. and ive played smash for too long using Up on the movement stick to switch to the x/y format. anyone know an easy way that they can explain without showing or maybe a youtube video that can show me how to do this?? ive got everything else about diddy on lock except for this... if im consciously thinking about short hopping, i can do it 50% of the time, i need 100. thanks in advance everyone who responds


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2008
Wilmington, NC
i can short hop just fine when i chain an aerial in with it, but i CAN NOT for the life of me figure it out when i JUST wanna short hop to grab a banana off a platform. it doesnt work. and ive played smash for too long using Up on the movement stick to switch to the x/y format. anyone know an easy way that they can explain without showing or maybe a youtube video that can show me how to do this?? ive got everything else about diddy on lock except for this... if im consciously thinking about short hopping, i can do it 50% of the time, i need 100. thanks in advance everyone who responds
I use to use tap jump for everything. You NEED to switch to X or Y ASAP. The aerial control you gain from having the control stick free to move you is much better. It took my about 2 weeks to relearn it and like a total of 14 hours of smash. Practice it at home, apply it in friendlies, it will come in no time.

This is how I switched so feel free to try it but you don't have to in order to learn X and Y buttons at all.

Play Melee. Jump horizontally with Falcon using tap jump. Now do it again after using X or Y:dizzy:. If you can short hop in Melee you can definitely do it in Brawl.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Camping just under the green vines on the slope is OP on Distant Planet (so is planking).
Though I've never had a problem with the stage it's a collection of those things which make it banable.


Is "that guy"
Aug 27, 2008
i can short hop just fine when i chain an aerial in with it, but i CAN NOT for the life of me figure it out when i JUST wanna short hop to grab a banana off a platform. it doesnt work. and ive played smash for too long using Up on the movement stick to switch to the x/y format. anyone know an easy way that they can explain without showing or maybe a youtube video that can show me how to do this?? ive got everything else about diddy on lock except for this... if im consciously thinking about short hopping, i can do it 50% of the time, i need 100. thanks in advance everyone who responds
i stickjump too. To do empty SHs, just hit up and then down asap. Works for SH uair instead of usmash, too. Took me 20 mn to learn lulz


Smash Rookie
Apr 14, 2009
I use to use tap jump for everything. You NEED to switch to X or Y ASAP. The aerial control you gain from having the control stick free to move you is much better. It took my about 2 weeks to relearn it and like a total of 14 hours of smash. Practice it at home, apply it in friendlies, it will come in no time.

This is how I switched so feel free to try it but you don't have to in order to learn X and Y buttons at all.

Play Melee. Jump horizontally with Falcon using tap jump. Now do it again after using X or Y:dizzy:. If you can short hop in Melee you can definitely do it in Brawl.
thanks for the reply man, but i think im gonna try what the other guy said. i just dont think i can switch my hands that easily

i stickjump too. To do empty SHs, just hit up and then down asap. Works for SH uair instead of usmash, too. Took me 20 mn to learn lulz
thanks bud, ill give it a shot


Smash Champion
May 10, 2007
Parsippany, North NJ
@ above post

sounds cool i guess but its honestly just wishful thinking lol

and i thought delphino and CS were legal because they don't always have walk-off.. unlike distant planet

and yoshi island melee is recommended banned i believe


Smash Champion
Mar 11, 2008
St. Louis, Missouri
Falco is really hard once you pick up diddy, the more you play the easier that matchup gets in my opinion.

As far as using bananas? Almost certainly luigi.

Hardest matchup overall? Marth.


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
luigi>falco>marth in that order :\

how do i outspace marths fairs besides peanuts :\?


Smash Champion
May 10, 2007
Parsippany, North NJ
Well now that we've come to the conclusion that luigi is one of Diddy's tougher opponents. How do you get around it? Why excactly is he so hard? I'm assuming Luigi's odd traction has something to do with using bananas well. I never played a good luigi so please enlighten me


Is "that guy"
Aug 27, 2008
Yup. I main both Diddy and Luigi and there's 3 Diddys and 4 Luigis in my crew xP

Fair>luigi (except his bair)
Don't become predictable with it tho, its lag time is long enough to eat a shoryuken.
Your bair is a good bet too.
Do NOT spotdodge. At all. An immobile opponent is what luigis love the most.
If you manage to hit him with a nana, you can't smash him, but if you're near enough you can grab him. Don't forget to pummel and enjoy.
Beware while edgeguarding/being edgeguarded ; his tornado>diddy. Basically if you get hit once by it you're screwed lol
It's good on the floor too, but if there's a banana between you and the luigi he won't attempt it. Floored italianado is shield grabable, btw (just done it 20mn ago lol), and if you have a banana in your hand, you can punish its end lag anyway.
Peanuts are somewhat useless against luigi's broken prios, but it can stop his side B while recovering ; or at least put some pressure on him while edgeguarded. What i often do is to turn around on the ledge and pull out a banana. If he misses his recovery, free KO.
Don't mindlessly throw naners at him, especially because he can do 3 fairs un a SH to max his chances.
if he does a floored fireball at about 2 glide tosses lenght, you can punish him with a side B kick.
Your ftilt outranges him if he's on the floor.
Just like Fox, his approaches are all punishable, but whenever you miss you'll get 60% so keep concentrated and let him approach instead of approaching him.
If he tries to camp with his fireballs to force you to approach, just flee, pull out a banana, and walk back PSing everything he does to you till you can hit him.
Getting the kill is the hardest part imo.
Oh, and our usmash>his nair. Nice to know if he gets predictable with it, but it's not likely to happen cus if a luigi's predictable you will win the match anyway.

I guess that's it, if you still have troubles, ask american luigis which are better than me lol
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