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The Old Diddy Social/General/Q&A Thread

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Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
I think you can do tilts with a nana in hand if you're crouching no?

I can't remember and my Wii isn't hooked up lol.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2007
Parsippany, North NJ
is it possible to perform a tilt or aerial with a banana in hand?
You can D-tilt with a banana by having the control stick pointed downwards towards the corner you want to face.. so to d-tilt facing left, you would have the control stick pointed southwest, (to do it facing right, southeast. simple)

Aerials are a little trickier but still easy.. as you already know you can grab a banana out of the air or off of a platform with an aerial. but if you already have a a banana when you're in the air and want to do an aerial. Z-drop it first then quickly do the desired aerial. I recommend using the C-stick for the aerial. you will drop the banana and almost instantly grab it again while doing the move you want. :)


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2009
Hinesville, Georgia
You can D-tilt with a banana by having the control stick pointed downwards towards the corner you want to face.. so to d-tilt facing left, you would have the control stick pointed southwest, (to do it facing right, southeast. simple)

Aerials are a little trickier but still easy.. as you already know you can grab a banana out of the air or off of a platform with an aerial. but if you already have a a banana when you're in the air and want to do an aerial. Z-drop it first then quickly do the desired aerial. I recommend using the C-stick for the aerial. you will drop the banana and almost instantly grab it again while doing the move you want. :)
Wow didnt knw that you do it with D-tilt well might as well practice this 15 mins, BDACUS for 15 mins, fsmash holding a banana without charging for 15 mins, immediate monkey flip kick so I want be in lag for 15 mins, and probably double naner lock for 15 mins for a grand total of 1hr and 15 mins probably less if I can do these easily.:) Then ill atempt wifi.


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2008
Ontario, Canada
ugh so I got 9th out of 40 something people at a tourney yesterday.
I have a really hard time not choking when i'm about to win.

Had to do diddy dittos in winners bracket. Won the first, he chose meta on rainbow second, and third (dittos again), we were both at around 120% on sv, He had the stage controlled. and he won. WTF. Then in losers, I choked against a falco and couldn't get back onstage.

I'm tired of this crap. I can't focus or do anything.

Kaptain Kong

Smash Lord
Jul 7, 2008
To the SE of Port Town.. ..send - Seattle, WA
Wow didnt knw that you do it with D-tilt well might as well practice this 15 mins, BDACUS for 15 mins, fsmash holding a banana without charging for 15 mins, immediate monkey flip kick so I want be in lag for 15 mins, and probably double naner lock for 15 mins for a grand total of 1hr and 15 mins probably less if I can do these easily.:) Then ill atempt wifi.
dtilt with naner and fsmash with naner don't take 15 mins to practice, more like 5 mins
if i were you i would practice bdacus more, its the hardest of the 5

Luigi player

Smash Master
Jul 29, 2004
dtilt with naner and fsmash with naner don't take 15 mins to practice, more like 5 mins
if i were you i would practice bdacus more, its the hardest of the 5
They also don't take 5 mins they take like 1 min you just have to know what you're doing (/how it's done) lol


Feb 29, 2008
Huntsville/Tuscaloosa, AL

We should really look into this. there are some characters that are guaranteed to trip again if they happen to roll back making it a tech chase. If the roll forward then its a free smash or grab
I think the general consensus from discussing this is that because you have nothing that is truly guarenteed out of a "Banana Choke," you can put yourself in a better position by F- or B-Throwing them and following up with the nearby Banana. It IS a tech chase, yes, but it's one that many characters can outright avoid or react to before we can truly chase them, sometimes putting us in a worse position than we needed to be. Also note that several characters CAN in fact roll backwards and not get tripped (and end up in a position to immediately pick up your Banana).

In the end, only Ganondorf has the true Banana Choke :laugh:

:191: >.>



Smash Master
Apr 29, 2010
yes but on the characters that it is guaranteed on, we could just follow them as they trip. If they keep rolling back then eventually will reach the edge of the stage in which there is no place to roll back anymore. If they roll forward then we have enough time to punish.


Feb 29, 2008
Huntsville/Tuscaloosa, AL
yes but on the characters that it is guaranteed on, we could just follow them as they trip. If they keep rolling back then eventually will reach the edge of the stage in which there is no place to roll back anymore. If they roll forward then we have enough time to punish.
Yes, I do agree with you there... But again, I think it was decided that simply throwing the opponent and chasing them using the nearby Banana is more advantageous than trying to tech chase them in most (all?) situations.

I'm not against being proved wrong, though.

:192: :041:

EDIT: lol, this is my 250th post in here :D


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
:190: x 2

yea when an opponent trips, depending on the distance of the trip and the length of the trip, one should always consider 'grabbing' as a priority over dash attack before killing %'s. think about it like this, do u know ur dash attack well enough where u can guarantee a follow up such as uptilt/bair/upair/dair/fair/reverse grab/etc? if so, do u know ur opponent's sdi well enough to determine what to do 100% of the time?its easier/more profitable to ADAPT to someone in the air than TECHCHASE/GUESS on the ground in my opinion. if they land towards u, they WILL either airdodge or attack (or nothing), limited to two options instead of the MANY possible ground options that could happen otherwise. by throwing ur opponent u create easier opportunities for u to limit an opponents option down to ONE...which is basically a free attack/reset/w.e.. just be smart....KEKEKEKEKE


Smash Master
Apr 29, 2010
Yes, I do agree with you there... But again, I think it was decided that simply throwing the opponent and chasing them using the nearby Banana is more advantageous than trying to tech chase them in most (all?) situations.

I'm not against being proved wrong, though.


EDIT: lol, this is my 250th post in here :D
well one example that it can really help us in is the MU vs wario. If the wario gets caught near the edge and rolls back, then he is in a situation where he can get grab released to spike. if he rolls forward then he gets put in a situation in which he can get dsmashed. both really bad positions to put wario in.

edit: to DFEAR we basically only have to predict when they are going to roll forward. If they roll back most characters will trip again and all we have to do is move forward with them and predict again. If they get up, just wait and dash grab


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
anybody good doesnt have a roll pattern or roll at all anyway. why WAIT for something that "could" happen when you have a FO SHO damage setup NOW. makes more sense. PLUS its more safe and will not cost u an invincible upb from off the ground mk style :\


Smash Master
Apr 29, 2010
anybody good doesnt have a roll pattern or roll at all anyway. why wait for something that "could" happen when you have a FO SHO damage setup. makes more sense. PLUS its more safe and will not cost u an invincible upb from off the ground mk style :\
I think that it is worth it especially when you take into account the 3+ pummels and banana trip that can help you when your moves get stale.


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
And thats where i come in..to say nothin at all lol.
I've called it banana choke chaingrab but ok.

Btw i believe i found a way to land and block in one frame like snake......not sure diddy can do it but i've done it with lucario. I'll check now

Nope nvm.....but i did realize to do mulitple b reverses u never have to let go of the shield/grab button the entire time. Just did like 5 peanut cancels without lettin go.

Was this already known? I never bothered to try before.


Smash Master
Apr 29, 2010
And thats where i come in..to say nothin at all lol.
I've called it banana choke chaingrab but ok.

Btw i believe i found a way to land and block in one frame like snake......not sure diddy can do it but i've done it with lucario. I'll check now

Nope nvm.....but i did realize to do mulitple b reverses u never have to let go of the shield/grab button the entire time. Just did like 5 peanut cancels without lettin go.

Was this already known? I never bothered to try before.
well whether it was known or not, you are the first person to mention it that I know of


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
diddy's pummels dont refresh moves search around for proof or test urself in NON training mode against lv1 cpu or w.e. : [

but it isnt about refreshing ur moves or getting to use this certain move. its all about the end result, how u achieve it, and how cool u were doing it.

if fair keeps working against ur opponent and he always gets hit by it, and hes already at 170% are u gonna stop fair'n just cuz ur fair isnt killing?

no, you will keep doing it cuz
1. its working against him
2. your not getting punished for it
3. it will kill EVENTUALLY

:p be smart. but hell gotta be cool doing it tho :p

edit: just did wut u mentioned NL and i lol'd its nifty im applying it to boosted reverse b cancels tho :3 thanks it made them easier.


Smash Master
Apr 29, 2010
DFEAR you're forgetting that this has more kill potential than a throw which I think is more important at higher percents
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