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The Official Yoshi FAQ/Q&A Thread -- [Please look here before posting!]


Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
Thanks so much Beast, Ive always wondered what frame the cute sound comes out on <3


Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
You almost always want to try and recover with eggs first and save DJ. Usually, try to recover without using DJ as eggs will usually get the job done. You only need DJ if you need vertical height as well, but you should always be cautious with it as losing DJ can easily result in death. Watch vids of Polt, Delta, Slush, hades, hell, even me and watch how we use it. Im pretty sure most every active yoshi on this board with vids could give you a decent example on how to use it, it's not really difficult at all once you figure it out.

The hard part is trying to recover against good planking MKs, but Yoshi still usually has the options.


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
Only the first egg gives you a decent boost in aerial height. The next four really only stall you in the air, letting you move horizontally or wait around offstage to avoid any edgeguarding attempts. Typically, you want to egg stall once or twice to get a good look at the edgeguard attempt, then recover accordingly. Naturally you want to mix everything up though.
Mar 15, 2008
What's up Yoshis?

I have a couple of questions I want to ask and I'd like you guys to help me answer them. They're all related to Norfair by the way.

1) How does your character fare with just the stage? Does your character benefit from the layout and the numerous hazards or do they normally hinder you?
2) How does your character generally fare on this stage against certain matchups? Does he excel in a lot of them and only has a few bad MUs, or is he generally bad on this stage against a large portion of the cast?
3) What are some general strategies for your character on this stage? Controlling the center? Stalling? Staying mobile?
4) Overall, would you say that this stage is mostly good for your character, mostly bad, or depends?

Thanks in advance!

This mass survey across most of the character boards is admin approved.


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2009
Going all-in with the grime
What's up Yoshis?

I have a couple of questions I want to ask and I'd like you guys to help me answer them. They're all related to Norfair by the way.

1) How does your character fare with just the stage? Does your character benefit from the layout and the numerous hazards or do they normally hinder you?
2) How does your character generally fare on this stage against certain matchups? Does he excel in a lot of them and only has a few bad MUs, or is he generally bad on this stage against a large portion of the cast?
3) What are some general strategies for your character on this stage? Controlling the center? Stalling? Staying mobile?
4) Overall, would you say that this stage is mostly good for your character, mostly bad, or depends?

Thanks in advance!

This mass survey across most of the character boards is admin approved.
1) Yoshi looooves the layout. His mobility makes it really easy to navigate, and he can run away from pretty much anybody here. Naturally, this means avoiding lava is really easy for us as well; Yoshi should never be getting hit by the lava unless he isn't paying attention or gets knocked into it/zoned out by his opponent.
2) There are very few characters I wouldn't want to play here; aside from MK, and characters who can camp in the middle of the stage really effectively (i.e. Olimar), I would consider this stage for use as a CP most of the time.
3) Our eggs are probably one of the most versatile projectiles in terms of coverage from the center of Norfair; between that, our Usmash, and our pivot grab, we have very good tools for controlling center stage. We do also have our mobility, as I mentioned before, which makes it really easy for us to play keep-away.
4) Norfair would be a go-to CP for us if a) it was legal and b) it wasn't for the abundance of pocket MKs. Speaking from personal experience, every time I've used played on Norfair in a singles tournament, I've either won comfortably, or my opponent switched to MK. XD



Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
Utah used to have Norfair legal until we switched to Unity, and I could consistently beat #2 in my state there. That goes to show its pretty good haha.

Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
The few times I've played on norfair, I either won every match or played pretty well but lost on it due to the ECE shenanigans we can do all day.
I was close to beating SA's 2nd best on the stage.
As Firefly already typed, If it wasn't for Pocket MK's/Being illegal I'd CP this stage all the time... Maybe to even time people out!

The lava really wasn't a problem for me and it is really easy to avoid it, even letting the enemy have the capsule gives me a chance to go towards them and get free F&Dtilts/Uairs on them (Depending on platform).


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
What's up Yoshis?

I have a couple of questions I want to ask and I'd like you guys to help me answer them. They're all related to Norfair by the way.

1) How does your character fare with just the stage? Does your character benefit from the layout and the numerous hazards or do they normally hinder you?
2) How does your character generally fare on this stage against certain matchups? Does he excel in a lot of them and only has a few bad MUs, or is he generally bad on this stage against a large portion of the cast?
3) What are some general strategies for your character on this stage? Controlling the center? Stalling? Staying mobile?
4) Overall, would you say that this stage is mostly good for your character, mostly bad, or depends?

Thanks in advance!

This mass survey across most of the character boards is admin approved.
1. Yoshi does extremely well with the stage. The layout provides him with many strong locations to hold, since he can Usmash through the bottom of platforms, and the arc of eggs is extremely well suited to the platform layout. He also has amazing mobility to take use of the stage, and he likes the ledges.

2. Yoshi would be really good on this stage if pocket MK didn't exist. Yoshi can fight well here, run away well here, camp well here, etc. I would imagine he wouldn't do too well against maybe GnW or Wario here, but for the rest of the cast, I would definitely consider this a good CP.

3. Since Yoshi's a flexible character, he can do a lot of different things with this stage. Camping the center is very effective, as eggs cover a ridiculous portion of the stage, and combined with Usmash and Pivot Grab, people have trouble getting down to us. We can also run away extremely well with the number 1 air speed in the game. Depending on the stock/percent situation and the MU, a combination of holding the center and running away would be a strong way to play the stage.

4. This stage is GODLIKE for us and if it were legal and MK didn't exist I'd CP it all the time.


Smash Master
Oct 31, 2007
Syracuse, NY
1. Yoshi does extremely well with the stage. The layout provides him with many strong locations to hold, since he can Usmash through the bottom of platforms, and the arc of eggs is extremely well suited to the platform layout. He also has amazing mobility to take use of the stage, and he likes the ledges.

2. Yoshi would be really good on this stage if pocket MK didn't exist. Yoshi can fight well here, run away well here, camp well here, etc. I would imagine he wouldn't do too well against maybe GnW or Wario here, but for the rest of the cast, I would definitely consider this a good CP.

3. Since Yoshi's a flexible character, he can do a lot of different things with this stage. Camping the center is very effective, as eggs cover a ridiculous portion of the stage, and combined with Usmash and Pivot Grab, people have trouble getting down to us. We can also run away extremely well with the number 1 air speed in the game. Depending on the stock/percent situation and the MU, a combination of holding the center and running away would be a strong way to play the stage.

4. This stage is GODLIKE for us and if it were legal and MK didn't exist I'd CP it all the time.


Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
1. Yoshi does extremely well with the stage. The layout provides him with many strong locations to hold, since he can Usmash through the bottom of platforms, and the arc of eggs is extremely well suited to the platform layout. He also has amazing mobility to take use of the stage, and he likes the ledges.

2. Yoshi would be really good on this stage if pocket MK didn't exist. Yoshi can fight well here, run away well here, camp well here, etc. I would imagine he wouldn't do too well against maybe GnW or Wario here, but for the rest of the cast, I would definitely consider this a good CP.

3. Since Yoshi's a flexible character, he can do a lot of different things with this stage. Camping the center is very effective, as eggs cover a ridiculous portion of the stage, and combined with Usmash and Pivot Grab, people have trouble getting down to us. We can also run away extremely well with the number 1 air speed in the game. Depending on the stock/percent situation and the MU, a combination of holding the center and running away would be a strong way to play the stage.

4. This stage is GODLIKE for us and if it were legal and MK didn't exist I'd CP it all the time.

Mr. game and watch

Smash Master
Sep 10, 2010
Tyler, Texas
>.> why isn't polt infracting?

yoshi guide said:
The ground pound can remedy both of these options' faults, used correctly. If you need to get down quickly, and the opponent isn't right below you (or isn't expecting it), try a down-b. You can also use it to get to the ledge from such a position. If you use a ground pound from just below the ledge, you'll grab it. If you down-b just as Yoshi's head reaches the ledge (very hard to do), you'll grab the ledge instantly without the ground pound animation. These methods eliminate Yoshi sticking his head above ground level, making him vulnerable to attack from the stage.
why don't I see this move being used that much?



Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
1. There is nothing to infract for.
2. He's busy lately I believe moving back to Texas.

And I use down b. I occasionally use the insta-snap thing, just not a ton as a mistake = death.

Mr. game and watch

Smash Master
Sep 10, 2010
Tyler, Texas
Wow already movin back?

And yeah, I believe that would be called flooding, which would be no big deal in the GD.

I use vB alot, and usually it has priority.
But I have been smashed out of it.


edit: my sucking with yoshi is making me want to learn everything about him.
I'm sure it's just a simple move alone, but what does DR stand for?
Can't find a single thread to explain that.

Silent Beast

Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2008
Kk, my YouTube isn't working, but I know what it looks like.
Just not sure how to perform it at all in any way.

From the Yoshi guide:

6. Dragonic Reverse (By Scatz/Bigman40)

Bigman40's Guide on Dragonic Reverse

The technique that most Yoshi players have been evading lately. When we think of this move, most Yoshi players have the idea that this is Double Jump Canceling (DJC). Others think that it's Wavedashing. This move is a mix of both; enabling Yoshi to use some of the same properties that Wavedashing gave in melee, but also limiting it's movement compared to its former look-a-like.

First off, Dragonic Reverse is NOT an easy technique that you'll have down within one day. This will actually take some amount of work to solidify the consistency needed to utilize this move. To actually make this move work, these are the only buttons that you need to press (in order):

1. Jump
2. Double Jump
3. Attack/C-stick (this does not matter on whether you do a B-air, N-air, F-air, or a U-air)

You're probably laughing at how easy it's asking you right now, aren't you? Well, you have a certain amount of frames to input these three buttons. AT MOST, you need to push those 3 buttons within 9 frames (I'll expand on that soon). Some of the people that loved Melee's tech skill will probably say that this move is nothing close to hard. Unfortunately, Dragonic Reverse has even more requirements that will choose whether this technique is a success or failure.

NOTE: All of this is starts on frame 2 AFTER pushing jump (jump on frame 1).

1a. 4 frames = (3 - jump, 4 - attack) This is the earliest you can input the buttons
1b. 6 frames = (3 - jump, 6 - attack) This is the latest you can input the buttons
2. **9 frames = (8 - jump, 9 - attack) This is a special one compared to the rest. Explanation later.

The restrictions that will not allow this technique to register correctly are listed here:
1. Pushing two jump buttons at the same time will NOT register DJ
3. Cannot push jump within 2 frames (will register as one jump)
4. On frame 7, if you input the jump then, you will not get a DJ.
5. Cannot register attack on frame 7- 9 if jump is on frame 6
6. As long as attack is done on frame 6, the jump can be inputted anywhere from frame 3-5

To get the just of what I said above, as soon as you input your initial jump, you only have 5 frames to input the last two buttons. But now, you're wondering why it can be done within 9 frames. Well, it's because Yoshi's cancel has two different looks. The first cancel keeps Yoshi completely planted onto the ground where it only happens when you input the buttons before frame 7. The second cancel actually shows the DJ rings just before he touches the ground. This can only be achieved by inputting it from what was said above (following the **).

The second cancel is quite useful if you are someone who would like to take a dare at things. Since yoshi IS in the air before he lands back onto the ground, you will have only 1 frame where you will get Heavy Armor to absorb the damage and knockback from almost any attack while you counterattack freely. This is what most of you Yoshi mainers are probably getting if you use a method such as X, X, A or Y, Y, A. The thumb is normally not fast enough to tap these buttons quickly enough, and get the DJ and attack to come 1 frame after the other without exerting some amount of energy.

Note: The differences with the first and second cancels are small, but I will still list them so you can figure out what you want to try to get.

1st cancel: You will get a slightly smaller slide compared to the 2nd cancel. You also won't get the heavy armor frame, but this method is easier to pull off given the window (at max, a 4 frame difference between pushing for a DJ and an Attack).

2nd cancel: The slide is longer than the first cancel, and you'll have 1 frame to counter your opponents if you hit the move correctly. While given these small benefits, you are given a 1 frame difference to input the DJ and Attack (DJ on frame 8 and Attack on frame 9).

If you choose to use the first cancel rather than the second cancel, understand that you WON'T get the 1 frame of heavy armor. You'll be vunerable from the start to the moment you touch the ground (that's a total of about 9 - 11 frames). So when using the first cancel, make sure that you pay attention to when you need to use it. Don't want to be getting hit by a Fsmash that you DR'ed into. :(

When you practice this technique, MAKE SURE that you take breaks inbetween every 5 - 10 mins of practicing. Since the inputs are soo quick, the technique will demand alot of energy. Continuing to practice without taking any breaks will not make you get any more consistent, nor will it make your thumb move any faster. A rested arm (yes, your arm can get tired from using up alot of energy to make you thumb tap that quickly) will always allow you to use this maneuver much more efficiently than an arm that's tired from attempting to force the technique for a good while.

As for incorporating the move, play with it in friendlies and find out what works best for you. Only use this tech when you have a fair amount of confidence that you'll get it when you want it to. Using it recklessly will help you learn quickly when and where the right/wrong places are when attempting to use this technique. Don't get frustrated, as it's not something that you can get down consistently within mere hours. Give it time, and you'll slowly (maybe quickly) see improvements in your Yoshi overall! :)

That's all for you to know! Go out there and start messing with it! Happy :yoshi: ing! ^_^

Mr. game and watch

Smash Master
Sep 10, 2010
Tyler, Texas
Thanks dude.

Also I was consistantly able to, I guess you could call it CG, with egg lay on ganon.
Till 54% and he was a CPU set to attack. Why isn't this used? Easily DI'able?



Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2008
Way late twinkie, but yoshi at norfair will go over the ledge grab limit just because of the way he is best played on the stage most games. It's a great yoshi stage without the lgl. One tournament a metaknight took me there and I had like 167 ledge grabs and he had 50something with a mk only lgl and I lost because he killed me with 20 seconds left.

Yoshi moves around on the edges a lot, using eggs to drop from top ledges to lower ledges. Once he gets to the middle platform it's really hard for a lot of characters to get in on him with his many anti air options. If he gets hit out, he just uses to ledges to climb back down. It's also a LOT easier to get off the ledge (one of my biggest problems with yoshi), with being able to double jump to a ledge further away or drop down to a lower ledge, depending on where you start.

@ Mr. G&W: Aerial down b is used when an opponent chases you into the air as a random suprise if they don't expect it. It is also usable if you have no eggs, lost your jump, and are willing to take damage just to refresh those by getting to the stage. (however usually at this point you won't be in a good position to use it, but it happens sometimes.)

Mr. game and watch

Smash Master
Sep 10, 2010
Tyler, Texas
^i take it that was about my vB question.

Thanks though, but I have been using it a good bit at FD when the opponet is below me and not expecting it.

I'm lucky to share a room with my brother who is also a competitive smasher and better than me at the game.



Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2008
I just spent like 10 minutes staring blankly at my screen trying to figure out how vb stood for down b before I realized the v is an arrow.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2010
I KNEW THAT! You can do it with a forward crawl and a reverse egg toss too.

Is it known that you can immediately cancel a ledge hop with a double jump aerial and possibly do a partially invincible jab? It's similar to Pit's WoI cancel or Peach's float cancel off the edge. And with a slope you can ledge hop and just double jump and DI forward and you'll land on the ground.
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