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The Official "Should/Will Metaknight be banned?" Thread (LISTEN TO THE SBR PODCAST!)

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Doctor X

Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2004
Cincinnati, OH
ok your just calling TOs in texas scrubs then.
Not all of them, but some of them, yes. The ones that ban things whenever somebody does well with them, specifically.

If the SBR bans MK will they be scrubs?
If they don't present a much better case for banning him than has been seen so far-- which I don't think is possible right now since tournament results have not been entirely conclusive-- then yes, they would be scrubs. Nobody said the SBR was perfect. In fact, there are lots of silly people back there and I sometimes worry for the future of this community because of it.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2008
Suffolk, Long Island, NY
^its been said. The don't ban MK side says it doesn't count for some reason because of something azen said.

edit: incase your wondering if its true or not http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=ArturitoBurrito

EL hardly goes to tournaments would you laugh at him for being a heated discussion involving them?
why would i.? i was just saying that if he participated this much in this arguement, and doesnt even have the game, it would be rather pointless


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
Not all of them, but some of them, yes. The ones that ban things whenever somebody does well with them, specifically.

If they don't present a much better case for banning him than has been seen so far-- which I don't think is possible right now since tournament results have not been entirely conclusive-- then yes, they would be scrubs. Nobody said the SBR was perfect. In fact, there are lots of silly people back there and I sometimes worry for the future of this community because of it.
No TO bans things because they do well with them. They ban things to have better tournaments and at hobo 11 a lot of people where angry about MK. In order to run successful tournaments you have to please people and make them fun.

What would this much better argument be? The only reason MK doesn't seem to dominate as much as he does is because the ranking goes all the way back to April back when MK had counters.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
why would i.? i was just saying that if he participated this much in this arguement, and doesnt even have the game, it would be rather pointless
no you said you would laugh at him. I'm asking because if you laugh at someone for argueing for a game they don't play anymore it seems like you would laugh at someone who talks about tournaments with out going to them recently.

Doctor X

Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2004
Cincinnati, OH
No TO bans things because they do well with them. They ban things to have better tournaments and at hobo 11 a lot of people where angry about MK. In order to run successful tournaments you have to please people and make them fun.
Yeah, and you know who complains a lot when they lose? Scrubs. We saw the same thing when it came to Sheik when her chaingrab was discovered, and Fox when people started shine-spiking. This is not new. You can't give in to every whiny ****, because whiny ****'s will whine no matter what by definition.

What would this much better argument be? The only reason MK doesn't seem to dominate as much as he does is because the ranking goes all the way back to April back when MK had counters.
What the hell? Even the most recent tournament results, he's nowhere near as dominant as people keep saying. Sure, he wins, but taking up the entire top 10? That's ludicrous. If that happened, then surely he should be banned. If the top 5 of every tournament was also Meta? Then he should be banned. Right now, though? Other characters are competing. Maybe this will change in the future, but until it does, serious talks of banning are in the realm of the scrub, plain and simple.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
Yeah, and you know who complains a lot when they lose? Scrubs. We saw the same thing when it came to Sheik when her chaingrab was discovered, and Fox when people started shine-spiking. This is not new. You can't give in to every whiny ****, because whiny ****'s will whine no matter what by definition.

What the hell? Even the most recent tournament results, he's nowhere near as dominant as people keep saying. Sure, he wins, but taking up the entire top 10? That's ludicrous. If that happened, then surely he should be banned. If the top 5 of every tournament was also Meta? Then he should be banned. Right now, though? Other characters are competing. Maybe this will change in the future, but until it does, serious talks of banning are in the realm of the scrub, plain and simple.
Hobo 11 wasn't full of 7th graders complaining about CG though. half of the people here where out of state do you think scrubs travel out of state? No one cares when scrubs complain if they did Fox and Sheik would have been banned. This time its more than scrubs though.

he is making 8 out of the 10 idk who is saying anything higher than that. 4 of the top 5 have been MKs even closer now.

edit: put stage instead of state fixed it though


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
It's quite possible people are just plain bored of going through all the motions they'd have to in order to compete with MK with anyone except MK, so they'll switch to him or just quit instead. So even if he's not ban worthy by the standards of other games, the boredom effect may make it necessary to ban him in this one.
Hummmmm....... well, that's an interesting angle. So I guess you're saying that MK should be banned because he's so easy to pick up and bring to a level of play competitive with other characters that require months of hard work and still end in a disadvantageous matchup. :urg:
It's a tempting line of reasoning, really, given the circumstances.

I think it's wrong to ban a character because he's "too easy".... but maybe there's a limit to this?

so youre honestly telling me that you would be ok with it if Mk took 5 of teh top 8 spots and all the top 3 spots at EVERY SINGLE TOURNEY.
I'm saying that 3 of the top 8 spots being non-MK may indicate that non-MK characters have a reasonable chance of beating MKs at tournaments. If MK is always getting the top 3 spots, that seems a little broken, but less so if it's generally the same three people who are always getting those top three spots :)

In particular, the 3 non-MKs who made it so high up... obviously they should have had to fight a lot of MKs to get there, and they won. So somehow they're able to achieve something that is claimed to be unreasonably hard. Maybe you're right, they're just exceptionally smart so they're playing at a higher level than their competitors. I could become convinced of this, and agree with a ban. But if many different people are able to beat enough MKs to get so high up, while the same old MK mains are consistently at the top.... that could indicate a ban is not necessary. It's quite iffy, and will require solid ban criteria and the SBR's careful discretion.

i never asked any question stop being gay toward me
but brinboy..... you are........ so attractive.......
lol k I dunno why but the way you worded that made me lol


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2008
Suffolk, Long Island, NY
no you said you would laugh at him. I'm asking because if you laugh at someone for argueing for a game they don't play anymore it seems like you would laugh at someone who talks about tournaments with out going to them recently.
its an entirely different matter. if they actually went to tourneys, that means they play the game. if they dont play it, well, then they dont play it. and if he spends his time argueing on a game that he doesnt even play, then all of his time and posts would rather be pointless. AKA i laff at him because he wasted his time. not as in insult.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2008
Suffolk, Long Island, NY
Hummmmm....... well, that's an interesting angle. So I guess you're saying that MK should be banned because he's so easy to pick up and bring to a level of play competitive with other characters that require months of hard work and still end in a disadvantageous matchup. :urg:
It's a tempting line of reasoning, really, given the circumstances.

I think it's wrong to ban a character because he's "too easy".... but maybe there's a limit to this?

I'm saying that 3 of the top 8 spots being non-MK may indicate that non-MK characters have a reasonable chance of beating MKs at tournaments. If MK is always getting the top 3 spots, that seems a little broken, but less so if it's generally the same three people who are always getting those top three spots :)

In particular, the 3 non-MKs who made it so high up... obviously they should have had to fight a lot of MKs to get there, and they won. So somehow they're able to achieve something that is claimed to be unreasonably hard. Maybe you're right, they're just exceptionally smart so they're playing at a higher level than their competitors. I could become convinced of this, and agree with a ban. But if many different people are able to beat enough MKs to get so high up, while the same old MK mains are consistently at the top.... that could indicate a ban is not necessary. It's quite iffy, and will require solid ban criteria and the SBR's careful discretion.

but brinboy..... you are........ so attractive.......
lol k I dunno why but the way you worded that made me lol
umm....why thank you?

soz for double post

Doctor X

Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2004
Cincinnati, OH
Hobo 11 wasn't full of 7th graders complaining about CG though. half of the people here where out of state do you think scrubs travel out of state?
Actually, yes, they do. Traveling doesn't make you immune to scrub-dom.

No one cares when scrubs complain if they did Fox and Sheik would have been banned. This time its more than scrubs though.
I think you're confused. Scrubbery is not a state of necessarily being bad at the game, though it often is the case that scrubs are bad. Being a scrub means you try to alter the game as a reaction to losing, basically forcing other people to play in a way where maybe you won't lose so bad.

Hardly anything really warrants a ban. Maybe MK does, but that has yet to be proven, and until it is, people calling for a ban are scrubs, most likely butt-hurt over getting beat by a MK. Top players and influential posters are not exempt from being butt-hurt. They do it all the time.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
Hummmmm....... well, that's an interesting angle. So I guess you're saying that MK should be banned because he's so easy to pick up and bring to a level of play competitive with other characters that require months of hard work and still end in a disadvantageous matchup. :urg:
It's a tempting line of reasoning, really, given the circumstances.

I think it's wrong to ban a character because he's "too easy".... but maybe there's a limit to this?
Its not because hes to easy its because hes to strong like you said.

I'm saying that 3 of the top 8 spots being non-MK may indicate that non-MK characters have a reasonable chance of beating MKs at tournaments. If MK is always getting the top 3 spots, that seems a little broken, but less so if it's generally the same three people who are always getting those top three spots :)

In particular, the 3 non-MKs who made it so high up... obviously they should have had to fight a lot of MKs to get there, and they won. So somehow they're able to achieve something that is claimed to be unreasonably hard. Maybe you're right, they're just exceptionally smart so they're playing at a higher level than their competitors. I could become convinced of this, and agree with a ban. But if many different people are able to beat enough MKs to get so high up, while the same old MK mains are consistently at the top.... that could indicate a ban is not necessary. It's quite iffy, and will require solid ban criteria and the SBR's careful discretion.
They did fight a lot of MKS but IMO the top 8 are at a level of there own. Fighting MKs at the level of there own stopped them from going higher. I don't think its always the same 3 MKs as well.


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
soz for double post
Dude, stop double-posting. There's an Edit button on all your posts; instead of double-posting, just add to the bottom of your most recent post.
post post post

They did fight a lot of MKS but IMO the top 8 are at a level of there own. Fighting MKs at the level of there own stopped them from going higher. I don't think its always the same 3 MKs as well.
Good points, that's quite possible. But I'm not sure what to do about them, then. If you're saying we can't reliably look at the top 8 national tournament rankings because these people are anomalous...... but wait, we're only supposed to be considering the highest level of play when considering a ban. If the very best two or three people use MK, and a handful of others achieve just below them with non-MK characters, it's hard to know if they're all playing at the highest level and held back by the characters, or if they're just not quite as good as the top players, but still above everyone else. I mean, suddenly we're trying to draw conclusions about ban-worthiness from the performance of only a handful of people that can soar above all competition regardless of character.

Maybe this should just suggest that it's too early to do a ban, since the high-level metagame hasn't been adequately explored to the point where more than a dozen people can even compete in that setting? Just throwing this out there.....


Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2002
Hummmmm....... well, that's an interesting angle. So I guess you're saying that MK should be banned because he's so easy to pick up and bring to a level of play competitive with other characters that require months of hard work and still end in a disadvantageous matchup. :urg:
It's a tempting line of reasoning, really, given the circumstances.

I think it's wrong to ban a character because he's "too easy".... but maybe there's a limit to this?
I hadn't put it quite that well, but I think I'll be saying that now >.>

Not that it's enough on its own that he be too easy to raise to "winning tournaments" level, but that it's a contributing factor to the general problem.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2008
Suffolk, Long Island, NY
He just wants to up his post count, that is all.
...no screw you man

Dude, stop double-posting. There's an Edit button on all your posts; instead of double-posting, just add to the bottom of your most recent post.
post post post
i keep on double posting because after i post i see another message that i didnt see before >.< i know how to multiquote. duh im using it.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
^he said edit not multi quote are you blind?

Actually, yes, they do. Traveling doesn't make you immune to scrub-dom.

I think you're confused. Scrubbery is not a state of necessarily being bad at the game, though it often is the case that scrubs are bad. Being a scrub means you try to alter the game as a reaction to losing, basically forcing other people to play in a way where maybe you won't lose so bad.

Hardly anything really warrants a ban. Maybe MK does, but that has yet to be proven, and until it is, people calling for a ban are scrubs, most likely butt-hurt over getting beat by a MK. Top players and influential posters are not exempt from being butt-hurt. They do it all the time.
Kind of funny how the conditions you listed before are very close to being met though.

Top players and influential posters don't get there by being butt-hurt your excuse of them being scrubs doesn't hold water I could easily just say your scrub.


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
i keep on double posting because after i post i see another message that i didnt see before >.< i know how to multiquote. duh im using it.
The Multiquote button and the Edit button are different.

..... and funny how it backfired on me this time LOL.... Arturito, I edited my post above to add to it, but I spent too long and the thread moved on.... lol.......
but at least I didn't double-post

Lord Exor

Smash Apprentice
Sep 8, 2008
Hey, I want MK banned and I love MK to death.

MK getting banned just means more lulz.

Doctor X

Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2004
Cincinnati, OH
Kind of funny how the conditions you listed before are very close to being met though.
And if they are, then consider a ban. But they are not met.

Top players and influential posters don't get there by being butt-hurt
I didnt' say they got there by being butt-hurt, but their position does not mean they're somehow immune to the emotions surrounding defeat. Have you ever seen the ****-talk and johns that goes on among some of these top players? Have you read an argument between regions before? It gets pretty ridiculous.

your excuse of them being scrubs doesn't hold water I could easily just say your scrub.
But I'm not the one calling for the ban, am I? Keep in mind I'm using the "Playing to Win" definition of the scrub, not the one that people use for ****-talk.


Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2002
But I'm not the one calling for the ban, am I? Keep in mind I'm using the "Playing to Win" definition of the scrub, not the one that people use for ****-talk.
You mean you're using the redefined, Sirlin-only meaning rather than the term's actual meaning.

In any case, calling people scrubs for discussing whether something needs banning is wrong. How do you think any rule gets decided? People have to talk about it, decide if it's to the point where it needs to happen or not, and then decide if a rule needs to be put in place.

Yes, this means discussions may happen where it's not time yet. That doesn't make people scrubs.

You believing it's not time yet also doesn't make people who are discussing whether it's needed scrubs, either.
Lower his range and priority

Also nerf Up B/Glide attack knockback
I believe I saw it suggested to just add a few frames of lag after most of his attacks. That seems reasonable to me.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
Dude, stop double-posting. There's an Edit button on all your posts; instead of double-posting, just add to the bottom of your most recent post.
post post post


Good points, that's quite possible. But I'm not sure what to do about them, then. If you're saying we can't reliably look at the top 8 national tournament rankings because these people are anomalous...... but wait, we're only supposed to be considering the highest level of play when considering a ban. If the very best two or three people use MK, and a handful of others achieve just below them with non-MK characters, it's hard to know if they're all playing at the highest level and held back by the characters, or if they're just not quite as good as the top players, but still above everyone else. I mean, suddenly we're trying to draw conclusions about ban-worthiness from the performance of only a handful of people that can soar above all competition regardless of character.

Maybe this should just suggest that it's too early to do a ban, since the high-level metagame hasn't been adequately explored to the point where more than a dozen people can even compete in that setting? Just throwing this out there.....
We can still look at the top 8 I'm just telling you why 1 or 2 aren't MKs. If you don't want to look at the top 8 though we can just look at the top 3. they are now all MKs at this point.

The metagame will never be complete to the point of where everyone ties for 1st...

And if they are, then consider a ban. But they are not met.

I didnt' say they got there by being butt-hurt, but their position does not mean they're somehow immune to the emotions surrounding defeat. Have you ever seen the ****-talk and johns that goes on among some of these top players? Have you read an argument between regions before? It gets pretty ridiculous.

But I'm not the one calling for the ban, am I? Keep in mind I'm using the "Playing to Win" definition of the scrub, not the one that people use for ****-talk.
Why isn't MK only winning money not a condition though? all of the top 3 have been MKs now. Why isn't 4/5 good enough as well? 100-0 matches should not be the only things that call for bans.

That definition is about people with made up rules. This discussion isn't about made up rules its about changing the rules there for your definition of scrubs describes no one in in this thread who has posted or ever will.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 1, 2005
Melbourne, Australia
We got a "No Tripping" code. We figured out how to remove tripping from the game. We can mod characters eventually.
Tripping is easy to fix but has other issues that come with using hacked wiis.

We're not qualified to balance the characters.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2008
Tripping is easy to fix but has other issues that come with using hacked wiis.

We're not qualified to balance the characters.
it's not such a hard thing to do, imo. tone down mk's recovery and give him more lag, fix snake's f tilt so it's not so broken in every way, adjust chain-grab/grab-release infinites, etc etc etc.

regardless, modding EVERYONE'S wii so that we can all have "the most recent patch of brawl" is beyond ridiculous.


Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2002
I'm uncertain why nobody posted it here and I had to find a comment about it in the Wario chain grab thread, but this combo of DKs -- http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=197102 -- looks like it could shift the matchup against MK to at least remove some of MK's options, if it works out.

Yes, I would prefer it to work out and MK to have a disadvantage against DK rather than have to be banned. Get some of those top players that don't want MK gone on it to find out if this works for it, maybe?

I like this one where I didn't like the Wario CG because this looks like it's far more adaptable -- it can shut down MK in more of his approaches and punish him hard for a mistake, which are both things he needed to really oppose him rather than Wario's which would only work if MK got grabbed. This one also looks more likely to be successful at what it's supposed to do, since the Wario one has mostly fizzled against MK (If it does work there may be an AT there as well, but nobody seems to have identified whether it's actually working or not.)

...I hope I don't shock anyone too badly by not actually *wanting* a character banned.

(Unfortunately for the whole thing though, Dedede and Snake seem to resist this technique so Dk will still get mauled badly and easily counterpicked if someone brings him out for MK. But I'm surprised nobody's mentioned this given the huge focus on advantages/disadvantages the thread has had, that post about it was not new by any means. It's also not just Dk that can do it, he just has one of the more vicious unavoidable combos if he pulls it off.)


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
Just ban mk's b moves.
He clearly does not need them.
He has 6 jumps and can glide. It is still easy to recover with him.
To ensure that mk b moves are not used, you can switch the b button for attack or any other button.
He will never accidentally do it, so he can not be falsely charged.

A lot of people can not fight mk cuz of his b moves. You eliminate that problem and you have a less potent character.

This is much simpler. It allows mk players to still use him.
Why dont we use this system. This hampers his recovery, removes his nado and gimping move. He is now a fast char with high tier scale powers with lack of killing. Dsmash will only bring you so far if its your only killing move.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
Why dont we use this system. This hampers his recovery, removes his nado and gimping move. He is now a fast char with high tier scale powers with lack of killing. Dsmash will only bring you so far if its your only killing move.
I just don't see TOs going for that


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
I just don't see TOs going for that
Well i just dont see people doing that is not a valid argument, it is perfectly feasable with little to no input required. Mk without his bmoves suddenly becomes a balanced character without being banned >.> Best solution? To me unless someone can proves zaf's idea wrong, then yes.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 1, 2005
Melbourne, Australia
@swordgard: If we take his B moves, not only does he lose a lot of mobility but he'll also become very stale as B moves serve an important part of any characters gameplay. If he doesn't have B moves he'll probably turn into a non viable character that no one plays and was better off banning as opposed to the months of testing.

@salaboB: That technique is somewhat situational and it doesn't seem to have any more range than warios grab. The MK's could probably just avoid the situation or space better. Though it's things like these that could bring the demise of MKs reign so yeah we definately need a time frame before any banning takes place.

If MK is banned and then, after many months, all the characters have been reshaped that they play drastically different from how they were now then reintroducing Metaknight could become a possibility again.

Hmm... if we have metaknight only accessible through the "random" character slot then that would still keep metaknight in the game even if it's at low levels. Learning Metaknight would still be worth it for the players skilled enough to learn all other 38 characters. Just a passing thought. The reality though is that the SBR will probably not regard "random" as a character choice and will ask you to repick your character again if you randomly get metaknight.


Smash Lord
Sep 20, 2007
West Lafayette, IN Downers Grove,
If MK is banned and then, after many months, all the characters have been reshaped that they play drastically different from how they were now then reintroducing Metaknight could become a possibility again.
Everyone won't be better against MK after reintroducing him. The only result will possibly be that MK mains have to bring their game back up to where it currently was at the time of the ban. A ban on MK should imply the following:

1. The competitive scene is better-off without him involved
-It's irrelevant if some other character rises to the top. The goal would be to minimize the spread and pull the top character down from this "God" tier that many people feel MK is in.

2. Bringing him back really won't fix the original problem of MK being "broken" or "too easy to win with."
-If the community moves forward without MK then I can't see it turning back. If we ever did unban him then I would ask "Well why did we put the ban on in the first place?"

Older post:
heres the thing,
if there is anyone below the upper half of high tier that gets top 8 we will know that the game is better without MK,

if puffball shows up and top 3s we will know that the game is better without him
For clarification puffball is espy


what? MK counterpicking with Game and Watch?: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0jFeI5tm_k

I'm just trying to show that these are two very skilled smashers having a brawl with MK and I see no need for a ban. The sonic even had a SD for crying out loud.

oh... the ignore button = win

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
^^Hylian probably doesn't know that Sonic has only two moves that can break through tornado, both of which are hard to time and hard to space.

Puffball did well most likely because Hylian doesn't know the Sonic matchup that well. He was messing up his spacing al lot which is a clear indicator that he's just not used to Sonic's speed.

That doesn't mean that MK is suddenly not Sonic's worst matchup.


Smash Lord
Sep 20, 2007
West Lafayette, IN Downers Grove,
^^Hylian probably doesn't know that Sonic has only two moves that can break through tornado, both of which are hard to time and hard to space.
The fact remains that a skilled player needed outside knowledge. So people shouldn't complain that MK is "too easy" to win with. The player is still very much a factor in MK's ability to win matches.

Random question: Does anyone have a tier list against-MK?

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
The fact remains that a skilled player needed outside knowledge. So people shouldn't complain that MK is "too easy" to win with. The player is still very much a factor in MK's ability to win matches.
Marth could lose to Mewtwo in melee if the Marth player didn't know how to fight Mewtwo.

Had Hylian actually knew how to use MK (against Sonic), he could've won quite easily. I mean come on, he used side B! Against the fastest character in the game. What, did he expect to not get punished when Sonic can litterally cross half the stage in the time it takes for his lag to be over?

When people say players of equal skill, they also assume that both players are experienced with the matchup.
Random question: Does anyone have a tier list against-MK?
Why yes, the current tier list.


Metro Knight

Smash Ace
Mar 27, 2008
meh 37 wins and more if Ankoku updates the thing, versus 12? I mean MK has more wins than the next 5 combined. That is a bit much. At this rate it will be MK vs. the entire SSBB cast, and you guys might still be debating this.

Even if that was a competitive match with Sonic, I would much rather see Hylian playing the Ice Climbers, than having to resort to MK due to his EZ mode playing style. Once you see how bad *** Hylian's ICs are, his MK seems pretty mundane. I do not mean to bash his MK, but it seems like he put way more time/effort into the ICs, and naturally that should be who he competes with, rather than his MK.

I guess I should just start playing MK, like other people in my area are, because oh guess what a MK won the last tournament. ( I would probably lose to his MK, but instead of getting 8th, I would have probably gotten 3rd)
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