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The Official "Should/Will Metaknight be banned?" Thread (LISTEN TO THE SBR PODCAST!)

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Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
OMGOMG, I love this due to how this parallels with Olimar.

MK is broken.

1. He has "no" weaknesses.
Before you harp on me for this, MK has no de facto weaknesses against the majority of the cast. As an example, a character could be made that dies in one hit, but has an instant kill move that is garunteed to hit. Sure, he dies in one hit, but that doesn't matter because he'll kill you first. His weakness does not exist, for all intents and purposes.
MK is like this, though to a lesser extent. He does have weaknesses on paper, but for whatever reason, they don't seem to make that much of a difference. It should be noted that the characters that can put up a fight are the ones who can exploit his weaknesses consistantly and effectively.
This is exactly how Olimar is with a player who is at the top of the metagame; you cannot gimp him if you cannot ever hit him.

2. He has an answer to everything.
MK has too many options that are all above average. Whatever you do, he has an answer to it. The characters that do well against him are those that have better answers. But even that isn't enough. You need have to a fair amount of "better answers," or the right combination. The last option is to flatout have a strategy that can and will work against anyone, assuming the opponent makes a mistake. Take Diddy, for example. If you make a mistake, he will get you with a bannana, which usually leads to a free hit. Everyone has to deal with this. If you manage to beat Diddy, you still didn't beat his bannanas. You can never truly beat the bannanas, just the Diddy who uses them. This is called a brick wall.

This is why MK has 60:40's across the board, and the reason why previously questionable/bad matchups are now shifting. Snake, GaW, and Falco are examples. Once they found a tactic that worked, the matchup changed.
Oliamr's "perfect camping" outranges all with grabs and smashes. A lot of character can't do anything about it. Except Peach and ROB.

3. He is fundamentally different from every other character in the game.
How can a character have NO disadvantaged matchups? They either have to be perfectly designed and have absolutly no weaknesses, or they have to have something so incredibly powerful it essentially breaks the game. MK falls into the latter. His certain "something" is that his sword has wacky priority. MK's sword will never actually clank. The only way to actually hit MK is to attack before his hitbox comes out, or outrange him utterly and completely.

MK's sword is like a mobile projectile. Now, it's accepted that projectiles are brick walls. You must get past their projectile before you can actually fight your opponent. Whenever MK does a move, it's a brick wall. Brick walls mean that any weaknesses the character has do not matter, as you are not fighting the character. Once a brick wall is broken down-if possible-or gotten around, you can start actually fighting the character. The problem with MK is that you're hardly ever fighting MK. You're fighting his brick walls. Which-as I said earlier-cannot be beaten.
Did you know Olimar's Pikmin has funky priority? Olimar's Pikmin during aerials will always clank, even against other aerials. The only way to hit Olimar's attacks like uair is to attack before he does or to completely outrange him.

Now, the minor details which probably make MK broken are different, but its funny noting that the main points parallel Olimar's.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Actually the game only forces you to have 2 players choose a character. You never have to change it to stock or turn items off, not even choose a stage you can just hit start and go random.
No not specifically choosing is making a decision, it's accepting the default option when you choose not to change the default settings on a game.

This part actually supports some of the ban MK argument.
Not at all, MK is not a competitive standard, he requires a specific ban, therefore the criteria is far more stringent.

praxis the problem is you are winning 2nd place in a ****ty region with no good players

same with overswarm

we could send one of 30 players from our region to yours and they would beat your god awful metaknight and win your god awful tournaments
Lack of an independent measure, you say that they're not good players because they come from a region with no good players.

But if they themselves are good players then their region has good players which allows other players to be good, etc.

Without actually fighting them, you can't be sure that they're not good players, because your measure depends on pre-existing good players. So... without acknowledge good players, nobody can be in a region with good players, therefore cannot be good themselves. Because this requires a good player before there can be any other good players, there can never be any good players...

Yeah, doesn't work.

Anyway, you don't need outside acknowledged good players to be good. Though this rarely happens, a small group of friends dedicated to playing to win can become top-leveled players without ever attending a tournament, it's just more difficult (the internet helps though).

i just want to tell ppl who dont know, what ARENT the reasons items were banned.

go to SRK, from what i know the majority of them defended item play to the death.

they said, "hey if its random, than you just have to get good enough to deal with things that much faster."
and "If you are in control of the stage to begin with, you deserve to get those powerups anyway. And if you are good enough as a player, you can counteract and avoid the powerups that your opponent gets."
items are NOT auto win, yes they give random advantages, but the items have been proven to distribute themselves evenly to both players, giving them the exact same chances of getting those items..

as a matter of fact the game was suspected to have a self evening system that is made to help the losing player which just makes teh game that much even, and in that case item play is AN EVEN BETTER display of skill because if the game is subconsciously helping your opponent. and if you can defeat your opponent under those circumstances, there should be absolutely no debate on who the better player is.

man up get better and start playing with items. if you are skilled enough and have enough stage control, items play should be the ultimate test of skill

if you can play with metaknight, you can play with items.

you cant have your cake an eat it too.
pick one or the other
Items are a better DISPLAY of skill, but that's not what we're looking for. We're looking for the more skilled player to win as often as possible, and items run counter to that.

Granted, amortized (basically over the REALLY long term, think lim x->infinity tests), they DO even out, but we're not concerned about amortized games. We're concerned about each individual game.

Basically, if it take more skill to win consistently in one standard then in another, then pick then pick the one that requires less. We're looking for any skill difference to shine as much as possible.

I personally think the #1 reason we do not use high/low gravity and that kind of stuff is defninitely...

We're just too lazy. Or perhaps the right word is practical?

There are hundreds of possibilities, of which our current system is only one of them. There's a VERY GREAT chance our current settings do not create the best atmosphere that is possible with Brawl. However, who's going to look through the hundred or so special combinations of special rules? Add in damage ratio, and it becomes thousands, add in custom stages and we're looking at billions.

If you'd prefer to go through all of them, be our guest. Except to gain an accurate survey, we need a commitee to look at this and then have them vote. If the SWF actively tried even the special brawl possiblities, the sheer time it would take is detrimental, and much of the current progress would be lost.

But alas, I have gone off-topic and no one was even really arguing this.

Anyway, does anyone know how to stop a negative positive feedback loop?

wait a minute, how can something be both positive and...
That is of course a valid point, but they might be worth looking into. Not every single one of course, but ones that look like they might accomplish specific things that are useful to us.

Furthermore, inherent difficulties with the entire class make it easy to disqualify the entire class (items of any sort for example).


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
hahahah sonics up b is god awful with heavy grav, same with alot of other chars recovery
soooo true. lol.

XienZo, I liked your example.

Texas is an area that is like you describe. There's so many MK's that you almost have to pick him up as a secondary to deal with him.
ohemgeee the community is ruining the metagame. we should ban it from barlw.


Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2002
How is it complete bull?

Also, I changed it. It no longer talks about how MK's matchups are "fundamentally different." Read it again.
Except for being slightly odd grammatically it does seem to cover why MK causes problems through his sheer existance.
Oliamr's "perfect camping" outranges all with grabs and smashes. A lot of character can't do anything about it. Except Peach and ROB.
Except, you know, MK. Who still goes even to him with it.


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
Eh, in theory, MK's sword is still a bit too short of Olimar's Pikmin. Peach can float in from a specific angle and attack while retreating without bobbing up and down at all, and Rob gets pikmin penetrating laser + pikmin annihilating gyro.

Actually, there are two possiblities:
Those traits are broken and Olimar should be banned with MK.
Those traits are not broken and neither should be banned.

Just because they're in the same boat doesn't mean you can assume Olimar jumped into MK's, its possible MK is part of Olimar's should-not-be-banned boat.

And besides, Olimar is fun and comes in excitng colors with Pikmin and his whistle. MK is drab and purple and depresses people, putting them in a mood to ban stuff.


Smash Ace
Jul 27, 2005
San Diego, CA
OMGOMG, I love this due to how this parallels with Olimar.

This is exactly how Olimar is with a player who is at the top of the metagame; you cannot gimp him if you cannot ever hit him.
Oliamr's "perfect camping" outranges all with grabs and smashes. A lot of character can't do anything about it. Except Peach and ROB.
Did you know Olimar's Pikmin has funky priority? Olimar's Pikmin during aerials will always clank, even against other aerials. The only way to hit Olimar's attacks like uair is to attack before he does or to completely outrange him.

Now, the minor details which probably make MK broken are different, but its funny noting that the main points parallel Olimar's.
Olimar has bad matchups. He's not of the same calibur as MK.
Oops, there goes your argument.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Items do actually invoke a skillset, a very different skillset than that of Smash without items. It does promote a certain kind of skill.
Using items do promote skill, how they appear randomly doesn't.

MK's advantage is based on the fact that even players who aren't that good can do much, much better using MK with minimal effort in learning him. This is almost entirely hinged on the fact that he has no disadvantages in match-ups.
So could new players with Sheik who had very good match-ups with a small learning curve, though not as good as MK's.

I still don't see why no bad match-ups is bad when other games who have had much worse balance than Brawl could keep those characters legal. If they could handle it, why can't we?

And as for the "taking out core elements" thing, trading card games do them all the time. I don't know much about M:tG, but with Yu-Gi-Oh!, extremely powerful all-purpose cards that many players hinged on to bolster their decks were banned from the game to promote more satisfying gameplay (by that time, everything had eroded in OTK Chaos decks). And in terms of competitiveness, good trading card games are waaaaaaaaay more competitive than Brawl, probably even Melee. It takes months just to figure out what exactly is going on in the upper echelons of the metagame, and then it takes way longer than that just to assemble a proper deck, and then a lot of time invested in using that deck so you can actually get used to how it plays in real situations.
Chaos decks never used OTK'd mechanics outside of Emperor Dragon who did that rarely. There wasn't enough RFP to warrent Dimension Fusion or Return from a Different Dimension to be used.

If you want to reference OTKs/FTKs, try Magical Scientist, Exchange of the Spirits, Butterfly Dagger and Last Turn. Each one could kill you before you got your first turn.

But to the main point, cards are not core mechanics. Core mechanics would be game play, not play style or card choices.


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
oh, minor, minor details.

The thing just ruins the argument that Olimar is bannable. Which I don't know why I would argue for that.

But then you should have the lack of bad matchups as your argument, since the traits you listed don't lead to a broken character, since Olimar has those traits and is not broken.


Smash Ace
Jul 27, 2005
San Diego, CA
oh, minor, minor details.

The thing just ruins the argument that Olimar is bannable. Which I don't know why I would argue for that.

But then you should have the lack of bad matchups as your argument, since the traits you listed don't lead to a broken character, since Olimar has those traits and is not broken.
M'kay. Thanks for the tip.


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
Olimar has easily exploitable weaknesses. MK does not. Even here, it falls apart.
Ignore all that stuff, the main point is:

you said:

MK has A, B, and C, thus he is broken and bannable

I said Olimar also has A, B, and C, and he is not known to be broken.

Thus, A, B, and C do not guarantee brokeness, so you should point out D, E, and F which MK has and Olimar does not which seperates them and add D, E, and F to your argument so people will listen to you.

I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just saying you're missing something.

Master Raven

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
Yeah, and if that one person you sent switched to MK, they'd **** them a lot harder.
No duh. He's the best character. That's like saying if someone switched to Fox in Melee they'd be ****** a lot harder (learning curve aside). We're talking about whether he's broken or not.


Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2002
But then you should have the lack of bad matchups as your argument, since the traits you listed don't lead to a broken character, since Olimar has those traits and is not broken.
Speed of the moves matters significantly.


Smash Champion
Jun 7, 2008
Olimar+4 jumps, 2 glides, tornadoes, -lag, -a little range, +Shuttle loop, +ability to gimp, - d-smash lag(before or after), -amazing grab range/pikmin, -risk=MK.


Smash Champion
Jan 5, 2008
San Diego, CA
Chaos decks never used OTK'd mechanics outside of Emperor Dragon who did that rarely. There wasn't enough RFP to warrent Dimension Fusion or Return from a Different Dimension to be used.

If you want to reference OTKs/FTKs, try Magical Scientist, Exchange of the Spirits, Butterfly Dagger and Last Turn. Each one could kill you before you got your first turn.

But to the main point, cards are not core mechanics. Core mechanics would be game play, not play style or card choices.
What are you talking about? CED OTK decks were EVERYWHERE until CED was banned. I should know, DM7FGD and I were the first people to use it (I also started OTK deck-out decks and OTK Final Countdown decks before Fiber Pod was banned).

And if core mechanics are gameplay, then Meta Knight is not a core mechanic, and you sort of just agreed with me.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
No not specifically choosing is making a decision, it's accepting the default option when you choose not to change the default settings on a game.
turning on the wii is a decision but I'm not sure what this has to do with anything.

Not at all, MK is not a competitive standard, he requires a specific ban, therefore the criteria is far more stringent.
I don't think MK not being a competitive standard changes if what you said supports the MK ban argument or not. People say MK doesn't require much skill to play or at least not as much as other characters. "So what happens when certain formats have actually disadvantages (like "make the game less skill-based")? We pick a format that doesn't do that or does it less."

Keeping MK is one of those formats you've been describing, same with banning him.


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
Don't forget Olimar has great range on foward and up smashes with little lag and you know, one of the best projectiles... and super armor, but thats less significant...

Its like, the only reason he can "perfect camp"...

Dsmash is meh but it has great knockback and angle if it actually hits.


Smash Champion
Jan 5, 2008
San Diego, CA
adumbrodeus is just using rigid definitions to try to explain away something. This is the exact same reason why prescriptivist linguists fail and descriptivist linguists actually get results.


Smash Master
Aug 11, 2005
Ignore all that stuff, the main point is:

you said:

MK has A, B, and C, thus he is broken and bannable

I said Olimar also has A, B, and C, and he is not known to be broken.

Thus, A, B, and C do not guarantee brokeness, so you should point out D, E, and F which MK has and Olimar does not which seperates them and add D, E, and F to your argument so people will listen to you.

I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just saying you're missing something.
You're just repeating what Inui brought up as "perfect camping" being supposedly impenetrable, and yet, Olimars aren't really doing that well. Theorycraft isn't leading you anywhere if you're just going to be a tool.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
So could new players with Sheik who had very good match-ups with a small learning curve, though not as good as MK's.

I still don't see why no bad match-ups is bad when other games who have had much worse balance than Brawl could keep those characters legal. If they could handle it, why can't we?
This has been answered many times already. In other fighters you could punish mistakes with 0-death combos but in brawl you punish a mistake with 1 hit if the mistake was big enough.

Also a lot of other games doesn't actually use counter picks. EL said SC does but I'm not sure how those tournaments work since when I play it its a best 2/3 in the same stage.

Don't forget Olimar has great range on foward and up smashes with little lag and you know, one of the best projectiles... and super armor, but thats less significant...

Its like, the only reason he can "perfect camp"...

Dsmash is meh but it has great knockback and angle if it actually hits.
Do you mind explaining this perfect camp to me? I honestly see the answer for this being don't approach since olimar's projectiles don't actually have across the stage range.

What would olimar's perfect camping do against falco or fox's lasers.


Smash Champion
Jan 5, 2008
San Diego, CA

I'm tired of people basing anti-ban statements on tourny results but then back up other points through theorycraft.

Stick to non-conflicting methodologies for your arguments, people.


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
Heh, well, Olimar's perfect camping only works at the "highest" levels of the metagame, which only Atomsk is near, and for Fox and Falco, we ditch perfect camping for 50% combos.

Wolf on the other hand, is a pain.... Only character that consistantly makes us approach and then can defend well against our approaches...

Perfect camping isn't actually your standard camping. Its abusing his long range smashes and grabs so you'll always get a hit in before they do since they'll ALWAY be in your range before they enter yours, using smashes for aerial cahracters and grabbing for those high priority guys or the powershielding side-steppers.

Side-B is just to make sure they approach. Only spacies can force Olimar to approach and they normally eat massive attack strings cause Olimar <3 fast fallers.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
Hmm... this perfect camping actually sounds like it makes the match up easier on Ike. After all against him oli gains an advantage by just standing.

Side b doesn't actually have long reach so I don't see why that will make people approach. If your jumping that leaves you open for a bit.

Do this 50% combos work above 50%? because if not then its the same thing as falcos chain grab. Plus I'm pretty sure that the lasers will be dealing a good 30% per stock.

Even if you have ways around this your perfect camping still has counter picks like say peach and who ever else you said.


Smash Champion
Jan 5, 2008
San Diego, CA
Hmm... this perfect camping actually sounds like it makes the match up easier on Ike. After all against him oli gains an advantage by just standing.

Side b doesn't actually have long reach so I don't see why that will make people approach. If your jumping that leaves you open for a bit.

Do this 50% combos work above 50%? because if not then its the same thing as falcos chain grab. Plus I'm pretty sure that the lasers will be dealing a good 30% per stock.

Even if you have ways around this your perfect camping still has counter picks like say peach and who ever else you said.
And R.O.B. Olimar's not a problem for R.O.B. in the least since his jet bursts and projectiles destroy everything in his way. R.O.B. angry.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
I think maybe inui was talking about Oli having perfect camping against MK not the whole cast and you just took it way out of proportion Xien. If he wasn't then that was just dumb.


Smash Champion
Jan 5, 2008
San Diego, CA
I think maybe inui was talking about Oli having perfect camping against MK not the whole cast and you just took it way out of proportion Xien. If he wasn't then that was just dumb.
Inui was embellishing things through theorycraft to make his point while reinterpreting tournament results to fit his theories. Hooray for terrible argument strategies.


Smash Champion
Feb 26, 2008
Orlando (UCF)
Perfect camping doesn't really bother yoshi either, he just destroy's pikmin once and before they latch on. "I've never heard so many pikmin die so fast" favorite quote from an olimar user =P

However I know some oli's will wait for you to attack to get pikmin off and punish it with an Usmash when you're done...


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
praxis the problem is you are winning 2nd place in a ****ty region with no good players

same with overswarm

we could send one of 30 players from our region to yours and they would beat your god awful metaknight and win your god awful tournaments
Wow, no need to be rude.

The Marth I am referring to, Bladewise, placed 17th at Axis out of 300. Hardly top of SoCal, but definitely not "****ty".

I'm sure your best players would trounce us though. But it really sounds like you skipped the entire first half of my post and focused on the example regarding the ease of use, which was a side point I addressed and not even part of my argument because I feel MK's ease of use has nothing/little to do with bannability.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
Since we're discussing Olimar again, may I remind people about Peach?
Seriously, we eat Olimars for warm-ups.


Smash Champion
Jul 6, 2005
Raleigh, NC
Since we are discussing frame-perfect playing, may I remind people about wolf?
His shine makes him invincible.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
What are you talking about? CED OTK decks were EVERYWHERE until CED was banned. I should know, DM7FGD and I were the first people to use it (I also started OTK deck-out decks and OTK Final Countdown decks before Fiber Pod was banned).

And if core mechanics are gameplay, then Meta Knight is not a core mechanic, and you sort of just agreed with me.
CED didn't OTK people on a regular basis. It burned them for 1500-3000 while fetching for Yata if Witch or Sangan were used in the equation.

It wasn't an OTK deck, it was a horribly overpowered cookie cutter deck.

The card types are game mechanics, not the individual cards themselves. Land in Magic is a core mechanic, since you can't use anything without mana.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
turning on the wii is a decision but I'm not sure what this has to do with anything.
Yes it is. So?

If everyone just stuck with the defaults, the defaults would be the competative standard, simple. The point is by doing so, we eliminate all the variations that could be used.

I don't think MK not being a competitive standard changes if what you said supports the MK ban argument or not. People say MK doesn't require much skill to play or at least not as much as other characters. "So what happens when certain formats have actually disadvantages (like "make the game less skill-based")? We pick a format that doesn't do that or does it less."

Keeping MK is one of those formats you've been describing, same with banning him.
The point is we are not inherently forced to make that choice via the game. Thus we can leave the choice up to the players.

When the choice can be left up to the players, it becomes a ban with a far more stringent critieria.

It's not fundamentally pro or anti ban, all it does is point at different decisions get different levels of scrutiny, and character bans get strict strutiny.

adumbrodeus is just using rigid definitions to try to explain away something. This is the exact same reason why prescriptivist linguists fail and descriptivist linguists actually get results.

I'm pointing to practical differences which give certain results, therefore creating a different standard. Hence the whole point about "being forced to make a decision". If anything, I am suggesting something more equivilent to descriptivist linguists.


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
Wow, no need to be rude.

The Marth I am referring to, Bladewise, placed 17th at Axis out of 300. Hardly top of SoCal, but definitely not "****ty".

I'm sure your best players would trounce us though. But it really sounds like you skipped the entire first half of my post and focused on the example regarding the ease of use, which was a side point I addressed and not even part of my argument because I feel MK's ease of use has nothing/little to do with bannability.
**** that Praxis you might as well pull a Hylian and say

"Are you ****ing kidding me? I will ****ing **** you in your ****ing *** so **** badly that my name will haunt you even through death."
Then after making that claim you go and you do it!


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