In my mind any potential candidates have already failed at this point. I was waiting for someone to compile an apt comparison to argue that one player should be above another, but I have yet to see a non-PR member take the time to review the records of anyone besides themselves, which seems like the point that we PR members are being accused of in the first place.
We have the data to show who belonged where, I just don't feel like compiling it in a format that fits this situation. IMO no one has brought up any points that should change the ranking.
To shed some light on our decision making, OoR/OoS wins really was the deciding factor on where I was placed, and I voted KB to be behind me because there was no reason for MX/Carls to be ahead of him. They all share very simliar wins, KB is ahead because he beat BR. MX was close but he has a losing record to Carls. Carls best wins are myself and SK, both players that KB has beaten.
How the tournaments were counted isn't even clear, but I did make a post about why MX (at the least) should be above both of you and why the ranbats not counting was a bad decision. In any case, I did it in 40 mins:
Since all the Ranbats weren't counted (effectively killing all of Carls well-earned results and a number of MX's as well):
Season Period: 6/25/12 - 11/25/12
OS Monthly (No solid way to determine who beat who):
Wins: Krystedez, Kel, MX, Tako, Carls, Xisin
Losses: Krystedez, Kel
Wins: Beat Everyone in his pool (Don't know what that consist of), Bulletsquall
Losses: Carls, Blue Rogue
Return of the Mack:
Wins: Squid, Sorasin, Sneakytako, Hadesblade, Count
Losses: Count (x2)
Wins: Beat everyone in his pool (except Player-1).
Losses: Croi, Zeton
OS Monthly (No solid way to determine who beat who):
Unclear, but he ended up placing 5th
Wins: Beat Everyone in his pool except Sparta Kick I believe, Tech Chase, MX, Thugz
Losses: AlphaZealot, Zinoto
Wins: Gifts, Zyth, Pzo, Sparta Kick
Losses: Ally, Lain
Wins: No idea of his pool, but he got 3rd seed.
Losses: DLA, Judo
Rolling with the Punches 2:
No results thread, but he beat KB in a $10 MM.
OS Monthly (No solid way to determine who beat who):
Unclear, but he ended up placing 4th
Wins: Beat Everyone in his pool except Ally I believe, Bulletsquall
Losses: Blue Rogue, King Beef
Wins: Bubblegum, James, Megarobman
Losses: Ralph Cecil, Masquerain
Wins: Delux (pools)
Losses: Everyone else in his pool
Return of the Mack:
Wins: Sovereign, Braxton
Losses: MX, Hadesblade
Even without the Ranbats, you fall below Carls and MX. Why reasoning can be said to justifiably put you above Carls and MX?