You need to work on zoning. A lot of the time when falco was at blaster range and SHed you just sat in your shield, waiting. You should approach! once your inside he's cake
Also you need better 0% grab combos like almostlegendary said.
You will spotdodge less automatically if you space well and zone well.
And yes you had too many random grabs, and the thing is, they don't reward you enough.
Too much sitting in your shield in general, it got better later in the match though.
Use DB for punishing only unless you go for DB1 grab or SB or something. You use it at times where a Dtilt would have been perfect. Lets take for example 1:35. You stand away from Falco, and then just start a DB. He rolls around you and KO's you with an Fsmash. If you would have walked up to him and Dtilted, you would have pressured him, outzone him and at the same time you would have been safe. Seriously Dtilt is good. Just punish with DB lol. (This is the most important advice i'm giving you btw, the others are just lil things)
btw i saw you get messed up by wifi a lot man it sucks eh lol.