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The Official Kentucky Brawl Power Rankings: PR is officially up

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Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Lol of course, you want them legal because you're a MK player. That's definitely not a good reason to not go, so I'm glad that you are at least. Don't forget, you still have Delfino and Frigate to work with; he still rocks those stages just fine. I think it was put in place so that our players don't gay the **** out of the Japanese/European heavyweights with our wacky *** stagelist lol. It'll be a true test of 1vs1 skill on less intrusive stage layouts. This community is finally starting to wake up, especially the East Coast.



The Old Lapras and the Sea
Mar 20, 2008
The stage list is for pansies. Man up and realize you suck, not the stages. Wimps.

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
I'd like my best two stages to be on but nobody lets Pipes or Japes be legal anymore :urg:. And now they took out Picto and some are taking out PS2...

Why am I donkey kong and having a difficult time counterpicking a lot of characters now. That's supposed to be my strong point.

Exceladon City

Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2008
The Lonesome Crowded Midwest
Infern, why are you in this thread? Shouldn't you be busy looking at Y.b.M.'s back?

Eh, I don't know. It really depends. I mean if I'm going to travel to a tournament, I'd like for my two best stages to be on. There are some people who I'd like to see though. :X
Also the tournament is in January. O_o So like a car trip would be pretty dangerous because I know there will be snow.
Oh S2 you need to find a way here, so we can play Mario Party and you can see my chinchilla! :D

Kass, you still have Frigate, Delfino and Halberd. Personally, I'm more of a Frigate guy with MK. Just get **** on Frigate on the DL while practicing on Halberd and Delfino. So when they see you like them and ban them, you get a free Frigs.

I'd like my best two stages to be on but nobody lets Pipes or Japes be legal anymore :urg:. And now they took out Picto and some are taking out PS2...

Why am I donkey kong and having a difficult time counterpicking a lot of characters now. That's supposed to be my strong point.
I'm glad Picto is gone and I'm a :sonic:. That stage sucks. It does WAY more harm than good.


Smash Master
May 24, 2009
Cincinnati, Ohio
You guys are always so rude to me...
I'm not going to speak to said individuals ever again until they start treating me like a human being.
:/ kthnx BAI

I know I still have other stages, but those are my favorite. I really don't think Apex is going to be that big to be honest. I can understand maybe banning either RC or Brinstar, but BOTH? I guess I learned the timing for RC for nothing and all of that music trainning on Brinstar is worthless now too. Picto was a great stage too, there was NO reason to ban picto. It's like everyone is banning all of the stages that are fun. Oh well.

Composer is right. Plus if we take away all of the stages then we are taking away a part of the game, the part that makes smash what it is, DIFFERENT FROM OTHER FIGHTERS.

Infern Angelis

Smash Master
Feb 8, 2008
Dallas, TX
Technically we took away from the game from banning items, 75m stages and all that other evil stuff.

As for pictochat, I think OS has a replay showing why it should be banned, it had a wario on it, forgot who it was.


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
First of all. From what I remember, you were pretty free on RC.

Second. I don't see why MKs should get a free win stage, when pika doesn't get Distant planet, Norfair, or Pictochat; DDD ICs Falco and Diddy don't get Eldin; Falco and DK don't get Jungle Japes; the list goes on and on.

This is simply MK finally getting SOME restriction on his counterpicks. But goddamn you still have so many ridiculous options. There is no reason for you to be *****ing about this. Suck it the **** up. You main a broken character, you should be able to deal with 2 of your automatic win stages disappearing. The rest of us have been dealing with it for years.


DtJ XeroXen

The biggest fraud
Aug 22, 2008
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Because MK is the only good character on Brinstar and RC, totally.

The stages are completely legitimate, just learn to deal with it. Also, just because you're salty about MK doesn't mean you should be banning interesting stages because you're unable to win there against him. Chances are if you are losing to him at all then you aren't going to win with the stages banned, so who really cares? They are legitimate counterpicks, get over it.

And I ****ing hate MK.

Ralph Cecil

Smash Champion
Mar 9, 2010
Somewhere in KY QQQQQQQQQQ
To be fair this game is better the more stages are legal.

And anyone who thinks pictochat is a bad stage is literally bad at this game!

You were saying?
Technically we took away from the game from banning items, 75m stages and all that other evil stuff.

As for pictochat, I think OS has a replay showing why it should be banned, it had a wario on it, forgot who it was.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcZwc8g5KcU =D


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
I do not mind MK, I mind those stages. I should also point out that I win the majority of the times I play on RC, and just always ban Brinstar.

I 2 stocked number four on your PR on rc tho so... Guess I've got nothing to worry about either way. :yeahboi:

DtJ Composer

The Heroine Appears
May 9, 2009
Hail to the King, Baby
All because of Pictochat !!

The reason our region sucks is because we keep secrets from each other, we don't have regular smashfests, a lot of us just won't drive very far for practice anymore, and above all that, a lot of us are just content with going about our lives/jobs/this/thats/have moved on to other games, etc.

The stages we play on do not and have not ever had anything to do with it.

Arguing might have stuff to do with it, granted. But I touched on that!

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
And y'all wonder why your region sucks.
Completely agreed.

@Composer- I can already guarantee you that players in our region don't put in as much time and effort as the other regions, and that even includes time alone in the lab perfecting consistency and watching vids at the very least. People around here rotate out of practice sets too quickly at smashfests before getting the feel of a matchup, most don't money match to raise incentive on intentionally playing without bad habits, and people around here become too content...too fast. I will agree with you that not sharing info is certainly a problem here as well. When I went to Texas and both Pound 4/5, people in those places answered any questions I had about the game as best as they could. It's pretty scrubby to withhold information from people, especially if you're already better than them. Kind of says something about that person's faith in their own ability to maintain dominance.


DtJ XeroXen

The biggest fraud
Aug 22, 2008
Fort Wayne, Indiana
I do not mind MK, I mind those stages. I should also point out that I win the majority of the times I play on RC, and just always ban Brinstar.

I 2 stocked number four on your PR on rc tho so... Guess I've got nothing to worry about either way. :yeahboi:
But you haven't 2-stocked anybody on the Huntington tier list. So you're a scrub. Unless you have. Not really sure who is on there.

Max Ketchum

Collegiate Starleague Smash Director
Dec 9, 2007
New Jersey
How many of you kids are going to Apex? I'll be taking you all out in money matches, and I don't even play this game anymore. I don't want any flakes. ;)

Bad regions can't call other regions bad.

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
I can't believe people are actually trying to justify Pictochat of all things as a competitive stage. Either some of you really are that stubborn, or you truly are stuck in the dark ages for both gameplay and community news/progression.

I mean, have any of you ever wondered why players like Infern, Y.b.M., Blue Rogue, Shugo, and even myself at times manage to make you mentally crack and/or outclass you on neutrals? It's because we spend most of our time with this game practicing matchups, studying player habits, correcting our own as much as possible, and so on...NOT devoting a majority of it into something as silly as listening to stage music on Brinstar. You know how I win on Brinstar? I outplay my opponent who is too busy listening to the music instead of just using their peripheral vision for the acid. Stage dependency can only take you so far if you can't even adequately cover your own *** in a 1vs1 scenario.

Come on people.


Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
How many of you kids are going to Apex? I'll be taking you all out in money matches, and I don't even play this game anymore. I don't want any flakes. ;)

Bad regions can't call other regions bad.
I don't think we've ever had a chance to play each other Doom, now that I think about it. Pencil me in for a set at Apex bro. :)


DtJ Composer

The Heroine Appears
May 9, 2009
Hail to the King, Baby

Did someone say something about stage music on brinstar or did you just say that as an awkward example of a point? I haven't really been reading anyones posts before I said that thing about Pictochat.

DtJ Composer

The Heroine Appears
May 9, 2009
Hail to the King, Baby
Well I don't blame her. Though if there were a stage I'd play on all day because of music it would be Delfino.
Although I would play on Delfino all day anyway.

DtJ XeroXen

The biggest fraud
Aug 22, 2008
Fort Wayne, Indiana
And Composer is the best player in Indiana. So his opinion is 100% valid. He's also like SS tier on the HTL. Which is all that matters.


The Old Lapras and the Sea
Mar 20, 2008
And then said players come to Texas and get wrecked by our D-tiers. Lolololololol

You people hold yourselves back when you're blaming characters and stages for all your problems.


sugoi ~ sugoi ~
Dec 8, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
I dunno, KB. I think that you have it stuck in your head that people in our region aren't trying to do things that make both themselves and their region better. I think that it's an excellent idea to travel and see what works for other regions and to come back and try to implement that. However, things that are true for other regions aren't for here.

Like Composer mentioned, it's not like people don't want to go and do smashfests and learn and all that sort of thing. I mean, ****. Look at the Fizzles, Iskas, Joey's, Kero's and the L_Cancel's of our region. ****, look at MI as a state. There are plenty of talented, skillful players around that legitimately CAN'T GET PLACES for variety of reasons. Sure there are problems in lack of communication and probably even inherent distrust between top competitors that hinder our state in particular.

All I hear about are problems and complaints about how we're the worst and we don't do anything, but there aren't mentions of what's done. People don't mention how Composer, Hilt, Crash and pretty much all of INKY organize to get their states players out to things they normally can't or how Day and Sai organized get togethers in Cincinnati, or how Clowsui tried and is trying. Or how Keister, Frenchman, Quivo, and Big_R have set up opportunities for Columbus to organize and do things for our state. How Greenup travels hours to go to anywhere. ****, IL and WI freely travel between the two states to get places. MO and KS almost literally came up out of ****ing nowhere. All of them travel.

People do practice, a lot of people want to get better and do train when they can. Some stuff just isn't logistically possible right now. But people are trying. What have you been doing, KB? Save for apparently playing Monday Morning Quarterback.

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Just ask yourself: "is there anything more that need be done?". Getting my **** wet works wonders for concentration.

What do you want me to do? The only reason I haven't started hosting yet is because I already feel like the turnout wouldn't be worth it, and rightfully so, since NEOH has a history of getting shafted on attendance/support. So for now, I'm simply focusing on getting my new main tournament-ready by any means necessary.

And I still believe there's this vibe of "settling for less" around here. If Shugo, Lain, Kain, and maybe the upper echelon of the MW:E God Kais (if they decide to travel OoS) are the only ones among us who can most likely go out of state/region without getting utterly embarrassed...there's something wrong. I mean come on, if Doom and Omni (two great EC players but not among their best, no disrespect to them) can come into our tournament and power ranking threads having to ask who would even pose a threat to them, or who they can take free money from (excluding our cream of the crop players of course), that is downright ****ing embarrassing.

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