Keep in mind that this is a discription of the simplest cell in existance (it has 1,000,000,000,000 atoms). There are 100s of different theorys about how this cell might have evovled. However, in the lab, scientist have been unable to show how even a single amino acid could be produced naturally (an amino acid has only 9-12 atoms).
Even if you believe in evolution, it's still very plausible that there is intelligence behind it. In addition, our whole universe exploded out of a single point. No one knows what caused this explosion, but we can look at what that explosion created. It created an extremely complex and orderly universe capable of support human life (trillions of specificly arraged complex cells).
Atheist believe the universe was created solely from physical laws that have no intelligence (though, they do not know where all these physcial laws came from). They further boast that their opinion is based on science and reason. The problem is that for everyone 1 thing they can find that appears to be the product of random physical laws, there are 1000s of things that show signs of vast complexity.
Based on everything you have learned in science (biology, astronomy, chemistry...), does it seem more likely that the universe was created by random physical laws? Or does it show signs of complexity and design?
Keep in mind that this is a discription of the simplest cell in existance (it has 1,000,000,000,000 atoms). There are 100s of different theorys about how this cell might have evovled. However, in the lab, scientist have been unable to show how even a single amino acid could be produced naturally (an amino acid has only 9-12 atoms).
Even if you believe in evolution, it's still very plausible that there is intelligence behind it. In addition, our whole universe exploded out of a single point. No one knows what caused this explosion, but we can look at what that explosion created. It created an extremely complex and orderly universe capable of support human life (trillions of specificly arraged complex cells).
Atheist believe the universe was created solely from physical laws that have no intelligence (though, they do not know where all these physcial laws came from). They further boast that their opinion is based on science and reason. The problem is that for everyone 1 thing they can find that appears to be the product of random physical laws, there are 1000s of things that show signs of vast complexity.
Based on everything you have learned in science (biology, astronomy, chemistry...), does it seem more likely that the universe was created by random physical laws? Or does it show signs of complexity and design?