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The Official Illinois / Wisconsin Brawl Power Rankings Thread! *NEW UPDATE (1-22-12)*


Smash Lord
Jul 6, 2005
Melee CPUs are s*** practice. The only kind of practice you can perform alone is tech skill practice.
lol. tech skill is 90% of melee. If you get tech with Falco, you no longer need a brain. Set the computers at level 1 and go at it.


Smash Hero
May 23, 2009
Geneva/Chicago, Illinois
That mentality is literally why you were never, and never will be amazing at Melee. Melee requires more mental focus than Brawl by a mile. I figured you playing Samus you might understand a little.



Smash Ace
Mar 17, 2008
Melee requires more mental focus than Brawl by a mile.
Depends. When facing people that are worse than you, that statement is completely false. I can pretty much close my eyes and still win against lesser players in Melee. But in Brawl you have to concentrate in almost every match cause upsets happen a lot.


Smash Hero
May 23, 2009
Geneva/Chicago, Illinois
I'm sorry that you have to concentrate hard against lesser opponents in Brawl. I give my opponents 0 credit in any game until they prove to me they need it. It means that if I can Ken combo you in Brawl, I will take it. If I can do some random **** that shouldn't work but does, I will take it. Even when I am playing a match where I have to focus really hard on in Brawl, there is less to focus on. I can focus for an entire tournament of games that nearly go to time. Some sets in Melee require so much concentration though that I can maybe focus 100% for 1 set.

You can close your eyes against lesser opponents in Melee, but it is no different than Brawl. You can probably get away with it more in Melee, because if they can't beat your space animal using muscle memory on their shield, and doing basic BnB combos, then there is no point in trying anything else. Equate it to picking MK and just using nado/dsmash the entire game because of either your opponents character selection or skill level to be able to handle it. Basically it is true in both games, but I agree it is more so true in Melee.


Smash Hero
May 23, 2009
Geneva/Chicago, Illinois
Future next time I see you I will gladly 5$ mm your *** so you can stfu. You aren't even good at Brawl, you can just profit from a 1 grab 1 stock gimmick. Lain places higher than you ever will, and drops 90% more of his chaingrabs.

Real talk.


Smash Hero
May 23, 2009
Geneva/Chicago, Illinois
I don't get mad over Brawl. It isn't worth my time. It is worth my time, however, to make cocky Brawl players feel bested by someone who laughs at their game. I hope you would use ICs, it might be your only chance. I know how you do against other players, and I know how well I do. It's quite funny to watch you post and cover it up as a troll. If I don't fear Lain's ICs, why would I fear some guy named Future.

Real talk.


Smash Lord
Jul 6, 2005
That mentality is literally why you were never, and never will be amazing at Melee. Melee requires more mental focus than Brawl by a mile. I figured you playing Samus you might understand a little.
I do understand it with Samus. But I also know I lose to Falcos who mindlessly spam aggressive tech skill at me. I can UpB OOS and do a few other tricks, but it's still rough.


Smash Hero
May 23, 2009
Geneva/Chicago, Illinois
Zoze, you aren't even a top 5 samus in the midwest anymore, and I seriously doubt you ever were. Plus we are talking about Samus, not many people even play her. No offense, but it isn't that Samus can't deal with it, it's that YOU can't either mentally, technically, or both. I am going to say mentally based off of your matches I have seen.


Smash Lord
Jul 6, 2005
Zoze, you aren't even a top 5 samus in the midwest anymore, and I seriously doubt you ever were. Plus we are talking about Samus, not many people even play her. No offense, but it isn't that Samus can't deal with it, it's that YOU can't either mentally, technically, or both.
And you arn't even a top 5 falcon.... whats your point?

The point I was making is that you can get extremely good at melee just by playing level 1 computers. I would even argue that I improve the most in melee by practicing against a level 1 computer instead of a human player.

An extremely tech Fox or Falco with very few mind games can be a very good player in melee.


Smash Hero
May 23, 2009
Geneva/Chicago, Illinois
1) Falcon is more popular, especially in the midwest
2) I would still make the debate that I am that good
3) you might have been able to get by on that in 2006, not now.


Smash Lord
Jul 7, 2008
Bourbonnais (hour S of Chicago)
So Don't Blink is around late November, right? I couldn't find the thread so I'll say right here: I'm willing to $MM anyone with my Marth or MK. I need practice in both, but I'm mainly refining my tech skill with the former char, and learning MUs with the latter. I'm so sad MK is banned though... I've been working so hard on honing my MK :\.

Ultimate goal is to have (in this order) Marth/MK/Snake/Ike tourney viable YESZ

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I'm sorry that you have to concentrate hard against lesser opponents in Brawl. I give my opponents 0 credit in any game until they prove to me they need it. It means that if I can Ken combo you in Brawl, I will take it. If I can do some random **** that shouldn't work but does, I will take it. Even when I am playing a match where I have to focus really hard on in Brawl, there is less to focus on. I can focus for an entire tournament of games that nearly go to time. Some sets in Melee require so much concentration though that I can maybe focus 100% for 1 set.

You can close your eyes against lesser opponents in Melee, but it is no different than Brawl. You can probably get away with it more in Melee, because if they can't beat your space animal using muscle memory on their shield, and doing basic BnB combos, then there is no point in trying anything else. Equate it to picking MK and just using nado/dsmash the entire game because of either your opponents character selection or skill level to be able to handle it. Basically it is true in both games, but I agree it is more so true in Melee.
I'm not quite sure I can equilate someone doing BnB stuff intelligently to someone not knowing that a Dsmash is a -17 on block and what moves that have that can beat out tornado, everyone's Fsmash in the game can beats out Tornado.

That seems like a much larger skill gap in which someone is doing BnB stuff that will work even at higher ends of play, where as spamming tornado and Dsmash is a bad idea most of the time and only works if someone doesn't know how to react to it right away.

Just my take on this.

MK is still dumb, even if people know how to punish stuff like that.

lol u mad.

i will glady take that mm win/out using ics
Why don't you tell people where you avatar is really from, friend of mine spoiled me and I laughed when he told me.

I'm not surprised seeing as your a famous troll from Missouri.

So Don't Blink is around late November, right? I couldn't find the thread so I'll say right here: I'm willing to $MM anyone with my Marth or MK. I need practice in both, but I'm mainly refining my tech skill with the former char, and learning MUs with the latter. I'm so sad MK is banned though... I've been working so hard on honing my MK :\.

Ultimate goal is to have (in this order) Marth/MK/Snake/Ike tourney viable YESZ
I will if I go, even if MK is banned I'll do a MM against him if you want.


Smash Lord
Jul 6, 2005
Why is MK banned? Does anyone even play MK in Chicago? You might as well ban Link too.
I would try to come if MK was allowed.

(I can't find the thread for don't blink. It's in Chicago right?)

1) Falcon is more popular, especially in the midwest
2) I would still make the debate that I am that good
3) you might have been able to get by on that in 2006, not now.
Have you been to a real melee tournament (MLG)? Or any tournament that actually has melee players instead of brawl players? I am trash bad at melee, and so are you lol. I would get JV 5 stocked by every "decent" melee player now. I think you would too.

I want some videos of you VS people in the top 10 PR from IL.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Red Ryu you are ALWAYS up for $MMs, I love that <3. Sure, I'll $1 MM you in both Marth and MK in succession. :)
If DB doesn't happen I'll so it next time I see you with Lucario.

Why is MK banned? Does anyone even play MK in Chicago? You might as well ban Link too.
I would try to come if MK was allowed.

(I can't find the thread for don't blink. It's in Chicago right?)
Arty, DLA, and Scythe have used MK in some form in the past. Also Sago lives in Chicago now so there is one more to the list.

Link banned? No one but me would care. Link sucks.


Smash Lord
Nov 8, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
Now Jared's dishin out the real talk!

But for reals, MK should not be banned at DB :(

On the other hand, If MK was banned at MAS, then maybe I would've beaten DLA :awesome:


"Their anguish was my nourishment."
Jun 28, 2008
Chicago, IL
On the other hand, If MK was banned at MAS, then maybe I would've beaten DLA :awesome:
I laughed because if most people read this then they'd interpret it as me beating you with MK, instead of you losing because you picked MK :cyclops:

Also, this thread fails, y everyone mad tho. Also, you guys use "real talk" way too often.


Smash Hero
May 23, 2009
Geneva/Chicago, Illinois
Been to plenty Zoze. I stand my ground against everyone except Kels.

In fact I beat 6-10 on that list quite handily. I also beat others like Quaz who beats good players.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 6, 2010
lol My Snake > Arty's but Arty's MK > my MK.

DLA can attest to that. 3 suicides (basically) in a tourney match.

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