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The Official Geno Thread


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
Of course they only represent those games. Those are the only real ones they have. It's the Mario series though. The characters represent the series as a whole. Because they span games though, they can represent more than one at any given time. And heck, Peach has her own representation of SMRPG with her frying pan, and if you want to stretch it, Bowser with his Koopa Klaw.

And just because I'm a fan of him, doesn't mean I'm blinded to some pretty obvious stuff in terms of this game. >_>


Smash Apprentice
Nov 13, 2007
America.. of course..
Of course they only represent those games. Those are the only real ones they have. It's the Mario series though. The characters represent the series as a whole. Because they span games though, they can represent more than one at any given time. And heck, Peach has her own representation of SMRPG with her frying pan, and if you want to stretch it, Bowser with his Koopa Klaw.

And just because I'm a fan of him, doesn't mean I'm blinded to some pretty obvious stuff in terms of this game. >_>

Well, all right, I could settle for just Geno. Mallow would be a nice bonus though and who knows? They might both be playable or neither will appear in the game.. we don't have that control. By the way, I'm actually surprised you're using the pro Geno tactic. Also, don't bring this "if you want to stretch it" crap here, not after the hell you put us through with your "Geno isn't in Brawl and your reasonings are all wrong but my factual opinions are correct". Just don't do it. I think the frying pan and koopa klaw are completely coincidental and barely hold any relevance to Super Mario RPG.

Prove me wrong Pieman, show me this obvious proof you have that Geno isn't in Brawl. I really, really want you to shut me down completely on this argument, so please, take your best shot and crush us all with your evidence. Stop beating around the bush and post it already.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 24, 2007
Prove me wrong Pieman, show me this obvious proof you have that Geno isn't in Brawl. I really, really want you to shut me down completely on this argument, so please, take your best shot and crush us all with your evidence. Stop beating around the bush and post it already.
Yeah! I'd like to know his ''undeniable proof'', too!

Face it, Pieman, Geno is confirmed! Get out of here and go troll somewhere else!


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2007
High chances is all fine and good, but I don't think he's GUARANTEED, as a few overzealous Geno fans like to say.

NOTHING is guaranteed. Period.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
Well, all right, I could settle for just Geno. Mallow would be a nice bonus though and who knows? They might both be playable or neither will appear in the game.. we don't have that control. By the way, I'm actually surprised you're using the pro Geno tactic. Also, don't bring this "if you want to stretch it" crap here, not after the hell you put us through with your "Geno isn't in Brawl and your reasonings are all wrong but my factual opinions are correct". Just don't do it. I think the frying pan and koopa klaw are completely coincidental and barely hold any relevance to Super Mario RPG.

Prove me wrong Pieman, show me this obvious proof you have that Geno isn't in Brawl. I really, really want you to shut me down completely on this argument, so please, take your best shot and crush us all with your evidence. Stop beating around the bush and post it already.
But they are from it. Along with the characters themselves. Mario is the star of Mario RPG. He's all the relivance you need. You've also got two other party members from it, and that just increases it. Geno would increase that even more, but why would there be any need for that? He doesn't boost anything else. Just that one game. Additionally, that game's pretty old at this point. Over 10 years, right? Unlike the other retro return characters though, he's not the star of his game, and he's also third party. I've posted this multiple times, but it doesn't seem to sink in. There are other characters who have the flaws that Geno has, but they don't have all the flaws all at once. That's what seperates him. The pros to his case don't nearly beat out all these problems. Popularity? That's a stretch. His apperent popularity hasn't done anything for him in the past. Unique moveset? That's not a reason to be included on its own, it's just something he needs to pass the bar. Musician? We all know that's pure speculation at best. Why exactly validates Geno? How does he push away the old character status who's shown up in one game, and had one cameo, while also not being the main character, already having three representatives from his old game, and lastly being third party. What possible reason beats that?


Smash Lord
Dec 3, 2007
High chances is all fine and good, but I don't think he's GUARANTEED, as a few overzealous Geno fans like to say.

NOTHING is guaranteed. Period.
Sonic was guaranteed, same with Dedede.

Also despite what you say Geno is the most likely 3rd party character at this time.
Oct 12, 2007
The one thing I hate about Geno fans' arguments is they constantly jump back and forth between third party and Mario character to suit their arguments.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 18, 2007
Sonic was guaranteed, same with Dedede.

Also despite what you say Geno is the most likely 3rd party character at this time.
Debateable, Megaman, some reckon Bomberman, Geno's cool and all, but he's not guaranteed. I still think however that he really wouldn't be as hard to get as people go on, I mean Square can't use him since Nintendo own him too, so really they'd have no reason to not allow him in the game other than simply stubborness, and the fact he had a cameo in M&LSS shows that he really wouldn't be hard to get, otherwise, why would they bother with all the hassle JUST for a cameo?


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2007
Geno would hardly stand a chance as a full-fledged third party. He is lucky Sakurai categorized him as a Mario character, and is going to give him a first party spot.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 13, 2007
America.. of course..
But they are from it. Along with the characters themselves. Mario is the star of Mario RPG. He's all the relivance you need. You've also got two other party members from it, and that just increases it. Geno would increase that even more, but why would there be any need for that? He doesn't boost anything else. Just that one game. Additionally, that game's pretty old at this point. Over 10 years, right? Unlike the other retro return characters though, he's not the star of his game, and he's also third party. I've posted this multiple times, but it doesn't seem to sink in. There are other characters who have the flaws that Geno has, but they don't have all the flaws all at once. That's what seperates him. The pros to his case don't nearly beat out all these problems. Popularity? That's a stretch. His apperent popularity hasn't done anything for him in the past. Unique moveset? That's not a reason to be included on its own, it's just something he needs to pass the bar. Musician? We all know that's pure speculation at best. Why exactly validates Geno? How does he push away the old character status who's shown up in one game, and had one cameo, while also not being the main character, already having three representatives from his old game, and lastly being third party. What possible reason beats that?
Eh, you're missing the point(s). Mario is a very broad character, is he not? He doesn't represent a specific game when he is in a Smash Bros game, this is true. However with his FLUDD attack, that is pure evidence that Sakurai has started to show deeper interest in the games rather than keeping Mario as a representative of all his games. When you see the FLUDD attack, it is strictly derived from Super Mario Sunshine. Now with that said, why not have a secondary character represent a game rather than an "easter egg" if you'd like to call the FLUDD that? As far as I'm concerned, there isn't any representation of Super Mario RPG AT ALL in Brawl. Ok, so the frying pan may be the closest thing to representation but its still not solid evidence and even if it was, that isn't a great way to show appreciation for Super Mario RPG. So I guess in your opinion, all franchises should have one generic stage correct? Because representation of specific games is too much according to you.

Pieman, the reason why your posts don't sink in is because you're using your reasoning as proof. Nothing that you say is even remotely close to disproving Geno. Sure he has a lot of legal issues hindering him and hasn't appeared in too many games lately, but that isn't the point.

Popularity - This is subjective, Pieman. Square Enix holds the complete rights to Geno, it isn't that he wasn't popular, sadly Geno just missed the boat. It was an unfortunate time in which he was created, otherwise he might have had his own game. Square broke away from Nintendoland and danced all the way over to Sony. Obviously there weren't really strong ties between the two companies, but Geno's popularity was never out of the question. At the time of Super Mario RPG he was ultra popular. Some of us still recognize this and thus people have requested him. What can I say? I mean, I didn't request him.. I would have though..

Unique Moveset - Again, subjective. It can be done, I don't see anything actually hindering it from being done..

Yoko Shimomura - As much as you'd like to discredit this, you cannot. It actually aids Geno more than hurts him at this point. Until her work has been cited as something other than a Super Mario RPG track, it is certainly logical to assume that she did create a Super Mario RPG track. Don't argue this point Pieman, no matter what sort of reasoning you throw at me, you can't beat this one.

What validates Geno is the facts that A) third party characters are in brawl, B) he is from a very popular Mario RPG that needs representation and C) people like Geno, got a problem with that? Look at Falco, he was never a star of a game and look at Pichu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo. None of them were ever actually "stars" but rather really popular characters in their franchises. Geno can be considered to be a popular character in the Mario franchise and certainly the most hardcore too.

As long as Sakurai likes Geno and Square Enix is all right with his inclusion (why wouldn't they be? Then again, they might not be) then what do you have to say about that? We want Geno, Pieman. We're the customers and we have a rather strong say in how this game is shaped. This isn't Miyamoto we're dealing with (he has said some pretty arrogant and stupid stuff in the past, I must say..). I have faith in Sakurai's decisions even though about 20% of them have failed in my opinion.

As a Geno fan, you should want Geno in Brawl even if he isn't logical in your eyes. So for your sake, you should hope he's in. But your posts contradict that..
Oct 12, 2007
Sigh... I don't want to get into this again... Geno is NOT owned by Nintendo. Their copyright over everything in M&L states that Geno is an exception to the copyright, that the rights to Geno are reserved to Square Enix, meaning they control the character.


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
High chances is all fine and good, but I don't think he's GUARANTEED, as a few overzealous Geno fans like to say.

NOTHING is guaranteed. Period.
This is the truth.

Not even Sonic's inclusion was guaranteed. I remember the Sonic fans really being worried he wouldn't be in.:ohwell:


Smash Apprentice
Nov 13, 2007
America.. of course..
Sigh... I don't want to get into this again... Geno is NOT owned by Nintendo. Their copyright over everything in M&L states that Geno is an exception to the copyright, that the rights to Geno are reserved to Square Enix, meaning they control the character.
Contracts > Copyrights.

You do realize that even though people own their work that there is a much bigger picture most of the time, right?


Smash Lord
May 20, 2006
Flip's Pad
Does anybody remember Super Mallow's article on http://www.smrpglegacy.com where he discovered Square-Enix is contracted for work with Super Smash Bros. Brawl? I'm sure this has been discussed, but I'd like to resurface the article. Because, if you buy it, it means one of two things:

1. Square-Enix is heavily involved like the other two third parties, contributing properties to the game.

2. Square-Enix is "loaning" important members of its team to Nintendo to work on the game.

The second is less likely because people like Shimomura, Oematsu, and the other Square-Enix composers are actually not part of Square. They're consistently put on Square-Enix games as musicians, but they actually are part of their own companies--NOT Square employees. So there would be no need to contract them through Square, as Super Mallow points out.

So if we believe that he has indeed found undeniable proof Square is involved (and we do have to take his word for it as the work he did to find such information cannot be posted since it's part of NDA to not share the exact information or documents), THEN there is SOMETHING from Square-Enix in the game. It could be Geno, it could be Cloud, it could even be a Slime. I don't know, he doesn't know. But if you're bored and looking for some interesting speculating, skim the article and the message boards that are linked from it. Definitely an interesting read.


Smash Lord
Dec 3, 2007
Debateable, Megaman, some reckon Bomberman, Geno's cool and all, but he's not guaranteed. I still think however that he really wouldn't be as hard to get as people go on, I mean Square can't use him since Nintendo own him too, so really they'd have no reason to not allow him in the game other than simply stubborness, and the fact he had a cameo in M&LSS shows that he really wouldn't be hard to get, otherwise, why would they bother with all the hassle JUST for a cameo?
...megaman? just give up on him he won't get in.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
Eh, you're missing the point(s). Mario is a very broad character, is he not? He doesn't represent a specific game when he is in a Smash Bros game, this is true. However with his FLUDD attack, that is pure evidence that Sakurai has started to show deeper interest in the games rather than keeping Mario as a representative of all his games. When you see the FLUDD attack, it is strictly derived from Super Mario Sunshine. Now with that said, why not have a secondary character represent a game rather than an "easter egg" if you'd like to call the FLUDD that? As far as I'm concerned, there isn't any representation of Super Mario RPG AT ALL in Brawl. Ok, so the frying pan may be the closest thing to representation but its still not solid evidence and even if it was, that isn't a great way to show appreciation for Super Mario RPG. So I guess in your opinion, all franchises should have one generic stage correct? Because representation of specific games is too much according to you.
It doesn't matter what you're concerned with in that, because he still does. It's still the same Mario. Heck, look at his Final Smash. The closest thing that comes to are his attacks in SMRPG. Heck, he has bouncing fireballs there, does he not? And with a generic stage, it kinda is better. Get's more represented y'know? Of course Sakurai doesn't always do that, which is clear here. (Though Mario Circuit is kinda like a generic Mario Kart stage). When picking stages though, it does seem a bit random, though they do need some significance. Still though, I don't see what the point of this specific point is.

Pieman, the reason why your posts don't sink in is because you're using your reasoning as proof. Nothing that you say is even remotely close to disproving Geno. Sure he has a lot of legal issues hindering him and hasn't appeared in too many games lately, but that isn't the point.
Now this doesn't make sense. You're disregarding facts and not taking them seriously. Heck, why are you going over his pros in full here while not talking about the cons? That's what you asked for. That's what you havn't given an explanation for. And the fact that he has all these legal issues, only had one real game of his own, the fact that he wasn't the star of that game, and also that it's been over 10 years since them are real pressing matters when dealing with Geno. These are facts.

Popularity - This is subjective, Pieman. Square Enix holds the complete rights to Geno, it isn't that he wasn't popular, sadly Geno just missed the boat. It was an unfortunate time in which he was created, otherwise he might have had his own game. Square broke away from Nintendoland and danced all the way over to Sony. Obviously there weren't really strong ties between the two companies, but Geno's popularity was never out of the question. At the time of Super Mario RPG he was ultra popular. Some of us still recognize this and thus people have requested him. What can I say? I mean, I didn't request him.. I would have though..
You're forgetting about Itadaki Street and that Mario basketball game. Both happened to be Mario and SE team ups featuring Mario. If Geno happened to be so popular, then why wasn't he there? Oh, I know that there was SMRPG music in ISDS, but no Geno. Heck, one problem you have in your argument is that you're making Geno and SMRPG one and the same. >_>

Yoko Shimomura - As much as you'd like to discredit this, you cannot. It actually aids Geno more than hurts him at this point. Until her work has been cited as something other than a Super Mario RPG track, it is certainly logical to assume that she did create a Super Mario RPG track. Don't argue this point Pieman, no matter what sort of reasoning you throw at me, you can't beat this one.
What? Now who's going on like their speculation is fact? There's a standard 50% chance that all musicians on the list are not going to be working on the soundtracks from their games. Outside of this, there's the possibility that they work on something original. Lastly it's impossible to tell what game Shimomura is representing, if she really is representing one of her own games. It could be SMRPG, but it could also be M&L (really the most likely is she works on her past projects) or KH, SF2, or many others. You can't logicially assume it will be any of these though, as it's over 50% likely that she's not working on any of her old stuff at all.

What validates Geno is the facts that A) third party characters are in brawl, B) he is from a very popular Mario RPG that needs representation and C) people like Geno, got a problem with that? Look at Falco, he was never a star of a game and look at Pichu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo. None of them were ever actually "stars" but rather really popular characters in their franchises. Geno can be considered to be a popular character in the Mario franchise and certainly the most hardcore too.
A) Third party characters so far have been superstars. Snake and Sonic are both well known, and bring in new fans to pull in the money that's given out for them. Geno is obscure, and only brings in Mario fans, most of who'd already get the game. B) It's got three characters already. You may want to cover your ears and shut your eyes, but it's still the fact of the matter. (And again you're making Geno and SMRPG one and the same, when they are not) C) Hardcore? Anyways, there's a difference between these characters and Geno. They are not third party, and they were not 10 years old at the time. You can't cite any precedense when concerning Geno, because none of the other characters have his other restrictions all at the same time.

As long as Sakurai likes Geno and Square Enix is all right with his inclusion (why wouldn't they be? Then again, they might not be) then what do you have to say about that? We want Geno, Pieman. We're the customers and we have a rather strong say in how this game is shaped. This isn't Miyamoto we're dealing with (he has said some pretty arrogant and stupid stuff in the past, I must say..). I have faith in Sakurai's decisions even though about 20% of them have failed in my opinion.
Sakurai may not like Geno. We don't know his stance on the guy. Like you said, SE's opinion is unknown. The consumer who would want Geno would want this game irregardless. Heck, when's the last time someone's bought a game just because Geno was in it? (Well I guess it would be possible to M&L, but that'd just be dumb) He's not worth it from a economic standpoint. He's not worth it from any real stand point. Only a fan's. This game caters to fans, but not on that level.

As a Geno fan, you should want Geno in Brawl even if he isn't logical in your eyes. So for your sake, you should hope he's in. But your posts contradict that..
You assume too much, and prescribe traits that aren't there. I'd love to see him in it, but for me it's clear he won't. So, I will go with what logic tells me, and if people make dumb or ignorant statements , I'll try to correct them. =/


Smash Champion
Jun 18, 2006
Philadelphia, PA
...megaman? just give up on him he won't get in.
Just out of spite for your blatant favoritism and jumping to conclusions, I hope Mega Man gets in over Geno. That's only for you, otherwise I support Geno.

In all fairness to Itadaki Street, that's an Enix thing and one of the Enix teams probably worked on that, and SMRPG music might belong to Nintendo, I dunno. I got nothing for Mario Hoops though.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 13, 2007
America.. of course..
Troll? You asked me to tell you what my reasons were. <_<
Implying that I am "dumb" and "ignorant" and also saying that my posts are in need of correction qualifies you as being a troll.

Whenever I give my reasons, you never credit me in the least bit. Then when I call you out, there is a "superiority" issue about how your "facts" hinder Geno's chances and influences Sakurai's decisions. We debate very differently, for you're more of a general debater and I'm debating off what can be speculated on from the content in the Dojo. It all comes down to Sakurai, not the factors that would normally shut Geno out. This isn't just ANY game, we're here for a common cause. We're here because we're Smash Bros fans and a lot of us just so happen to support Geno. If you don't think he'll be in, fine, just please stop trying to pick fights with your offensive comments. Coming to the Geno thread to "correct" us at the slightest hint of us being wrong is considered trolling too. :ohwell:

I'd like to just drop all of these senseless debates. I'll admit that I don't have a perfect position, but that doesn't mean you do.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I just have to wonder why some Nintendo purists are opposed to the idea of Geno - Him being a mario character and all...(As I said before, doesn't get much more nintendo-y than that but being Mario himself)

I know his character is technically owned by Square or some weird thing...But he still is a Mario character from only Mario games no matter who his ownership is...Also, he was created under the direction of Miyamoto and all that


Smash Champion
Jun 18, 2006
Philadelphia, PA
Well, I don't think Geno would be as strong as Bowser and Ike. I think Mario having running speed and being a fast faller (I mean, how aerodynamic can a hunk of wood be?) would fit Geno and his speed.
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