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The Official Geno Thread


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
*comes in notices that this thread has added 15 pages since last night*

I'd ask what I missed but really, after being in the game for so long, I really don't have to ask anymore. :laugh: Anyways, if Geno were to partner up with someone in the Subspace Emissary, I personally would like to see him team up with someone similar to Mallow when it comes to attacks. With that said, I think Lucas would make a great partner for him with his elemental attacks and short range weapons.


Smash Lord
May 20, 2006
Flip's Pad
I think Geno/Lucas and Geno/Pit are solid combinations.

As far as his entrance, I was thinking it starts as the doll on the floor. A beam of light surrounds it, a star rushes down, and the doll spins and grows into Geno ready to fight.

As for a stage, some of the Geno entries on the Toukoken mention Forest Maze to Sakurai so I figure that'd be the best option. Can't really see him anywhere else, except maybe some place like Fountain of Dreams or Skyworld :laugh:


Smash Journeyman
Nov 24, 2007
I think Geno/Lucas and Geno/Pit are solid combinations.

As far as his entrance, I was thinking it starts as the doll on the floor. A beam of light surrounds it, a star rushes down, and the doll spins and grows into Geno ready to fight.

As for a stage, some of the Geno entries on the Toukoken mention Forest Maze to Sakurai so I figure that'd be the best option. Can't really see him anywhere else, except maybe some place like Fountain of Dreams or Skyworld :laugh:
So true! Everything you said is so awesome!

I can't wait to duke it out as Geno!


Smash Cadet
Dec 24, 2007
oh beleive me i know it is sarcasm, well is better to have a sarcastic bug than having to fight all the time >_>

and dont go with that "thats what i get trying to be positive" thing, your posts tell us you are mocking us with "omg cant wait to unlock him"


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
Anyone want me to do a sprite comic of Geno; taking requests!

Have to do a Fox versus Geno and a dark Geno versus Geno 1

Shadow Star

Smash Apprentice
Nov 19, 2007
Lost, searching for a purpose...
I know Mathieu21 is being sarcastic, but I won't complain. Anything is better than arguments.

Anyway, here's the next SE Geno Cutscene. In my last cutscene Ridley sent Dedede flying out of the picture before being defeated by Geno, who manages to narrowly escape a volcanic eruption thanks to the unexpected arrival of Isaac.

Now, this next cutscene is pretty much based a lot on the ideas you guys came up with a while back, so I can't take much credit.

-Cutscene Begins-

The camera is hovering above a dense forest and then lowers down to Geno and Isaac who stand before it. Apparently, the Halberd was heading to somewhere on the other side. A troubled look appears on Isaac's face as he glares at the forest, seemingly worried that they could get lost in it. Geno only glaces for second before confidently moving forward and motioning Isaac to follow. Isaac, surprised, quickly goes after him. Huh? Does Geno know this forest maybe? As the two enter the forest, the camera will zoom to the side where a sign will come into view:

"Forest Maze
WARNING: Beware the Mushrooms."

The camera will return to the front of the 2 as they are walking forward.

Choose Character: Geno or Isaac.
-Level Start-
Level: Forest Maze
Music: Beware the Forest's Mushrooms
Enemies: Subspace Monsters, Mushroom-based enemies

-End of Level Cutscene-

As Isaac and Geno approach the center of the forest, an irritated grunting noise will be heard. Ah! It seems that someone has gotten lost in here! But who? The two peer through the trees to see the one and only Wario in a mad rage, swinging around his Trophy-izing gun like a madman (MAYBE there can be a funny easter egg here where Geno sees the image of Booster at first glance, but then sees that it's Wario). Geno and Isaac keep their distance at the sight of the large gun, but something changes their mind. As Wario decides which way to go, he'll sling the Trophy-ized Peach over his shoulder (This whole cutscene idea probably won't happen unless you saved Zelda at the beginning). At this sight, Geno will immediately jump into action and go after Wario with Isaac following him. Wario will notice them and swiftly whirl around and fire his gun at them. They will easily dodge it and Wario will prepare to fire again. But, as Wario lifts his gun, Geno will fire a bullet from his arm, knocking the gun away. Wario will be stunned for a moment, however, he will recover (HE MUST RECOVER!) ...Sorry, couldn't help myself) and just grin evily and laugh as they close in on him.

Choose Character: Geno or Isaac.
-Battle Starts-
Geno/Isaac Vs. Wario
Stage: Forest Maze
Music: Beware the Forest's Mushrooms or Wario's Theme (Does he have one?)

-Cutscene upon Victory-

Wario's defeat will send him flying until he lands on his butt, flips over a few times and slides to a stop, where he will seem knocked out. Geno will rush over to Peach and revive her. As Peach awakens, she instantly recognizes Geno and hugs him. Geno will turn red and flail around in embarrassment as Isaac gives an awkward smile. But the moment won't last. Isaac will hear a noise behind him and will spin around to see Wario getting back up, still grinning. Isaac will draw his sword, ready to defend against anymore attacks. However, Wario won't attack, but instead raise his hand to his mouth and let out a loud whistle. The whistle will echo throughout the forest and then die down. Suddenly, an army of Primid will begin to pour in from behind Wario! There's way too many! How can they escape!? Geno will step forward and will motion toward Isaac and Peach to escape. WHAT!? He's going to take them all on his own!? Isaac and Peach will hesitate for a moment, but Isaac will understand and will pull Peach to get her to run. As they escape, the Primid army descends upon Geno...

-Battle Starts-
Geno Vs. Primid Army (Not really an army, but multiple Primid, like in Melee where you fight a bunch of Kirbys that are easy to beat. You know what I mean, right?)
Stage: Forest Maze
Music: Beware the Forest's Mushrooms or Primd Theme? Subspace Army Theme? (Some kind of dramatic music.)

-Cutscene upon Victory-

Geno will have successfully reduced the army to plies of Shadow Bugs... but... the Shadow Bugs aren't disappearing!? Wario will give an evil grin that seems to say "Just as planned!". The Shadow Bugs will spring up and will being to swirl around Geno in a tornado! Geno will try his best to break through them, but to no avail. The Shadow Bugs will completely ingulf him as the screen grows black...

The camera will switch to Isaac and Peach who are finally out of the forest. The two will stop and look back for a moment, hoping that Geno will exit too. The doll will be nowhere in sight. Isaac will then motion to Peach to keep going, after all, the Halberd should be just up ahead!

As the two run off, the camera will return to the forest's exit, where a buzzing noise will grow louder. WOOSH! Out flies Wario on his motorcycle! Wario will look off in the direction Isaac and Peach were going and then will look back as another figure steps out of the forest. Geno will exit with his head held down. There seems to be a mysterious purple and black glow in his joints... and as he raises his head... his eyes will also a have dull, purple-black color...
Could this mean-? Oh no...

-End Cutscene-


Smash Journeyman
Nov 24, 2007
I know Mathieu21 is being sarcastic, but I won't complain. Anything is better than arguments.

Anyway, here's the next SE Geno Cutscene. In my last cutscene Ridley sent Dedede flying out of the picture before being defeated by Geno, who manages to narrowly escape a volcanic eruption thanks to the unexpected arrival of Isaac.

Now, this next cutscene is pretty much based a lot on the ideas you guys came up with a while back, so I can't take much credit.

-Cutscene Begins-

The camera is hovering above a dense forest and then lowers down to Geno and Isaac who stand before it. Apparently, the Halberd was heading to somewhere on the other side. A troubled look appears on Isaac's face as he glares at the forest, seemingly worried that they could get lost in it. Geno only glaces for second before confidently moving forward and motioning Isaac to follow. Isaac, surprised, quickly goes after him. Huh? Does Geno know this forest maybe? As the two enter the forest, the camera will zoom to the side where a sign will come into view:

"Forest Maze
WARNING: Beware the Mushrooms."

The camera will return to the front of the 2 as they are walking forward.

Choose Character: Geno or Isaac.
-Level Start-
Level: Forest Maze
Music: Beware the Forest's Mushrooms
Enemies: Subspace Monsters, Mushroom-based enemies

-End of Level Cutscene-

As Isaac and Geno approach the center of the forest, an irritated grunting noise will be heard. Ah! It seems that someone has gotten lost in here! But who? The two peer through the trees to see the one and only Wario in a mad rage, swinging around his Trophy-izing gun like a madman (MAYBE there can be a funny easter egg here where Geno sees the image of Booster at first glance, but then sees that it's Wario). Geno and Isaac keep their distance at the sight of the large gun, but something changes their mind. As Wario decides which way to go, he'll sling the Trophy-ized Peach over his shoulder (This whole cutscene idea probably won't happen unless you saved Zelda at the beginning). At this sight, Geno will immediately jump into action and go after Wario with Isaac following him. Wario will notice them and swiftly whirl around and fire his gun at them. They will easily dodge it and Wario will prepare to fire again. But, as Wario lifts his gun, Geno will fire a bullet from his arm, knocking the gun away. Wario will be stunned for a moment, however, he will recover (HE MUST RECOVER!) ...Sorry, couldn't help myself) and just grin evily and laugh as they close in on him.

Choose Character: Geno or Isaac.
-Battle Starts-
Geno/Isaac Vs. Wario
Stage: Forest Maze
Music: Beware the Forest's Mushrooms or Wario's Theme (Does he have one?)

-Cutscene upon Victory-

Wario's defeat will send him flying until he lands on his butt, flips over a few times and slides to a stop, where he will seem knocked out. Geno will rush over to Peach and revive her. As Peach awakens, she instantly recognizes Geno and hugs him. Geno will turn red and flail around in embarrassment as Isaac gives an awkward smile. But the moment won't last. Isaac will hear a noise behind him and will spin around to see Wario getting back up, still grinning. Isaac will draw his sword, ready to defend against anymore attacks. However, Wario won't attack, but instead raise his hand to his mouth and let out a loud whistle. The whistle will echo throughout the forest and then die down. Suddenly, an army of Primid will begin to pour in from behind Wario! There's way too many! How can they escape!? Geno will step forward and will motion toward Isaac and Peach to escape. WHAT!? He's going to take them all on his own!? Isaac and Peach will hesitate for a moment, but Isaac will understand and will pull Peach to get her to run. As they escape, the Primid army descends upon Geno...

-Battle Starts-
Geno Vs. Primid Army (Not really an army, but multiple Primid, like in Melee where you fight a bunch of Kirbys that are easy to beat. You know what I mean, right?)
Stage: Forest Maze
Music: Beware the Forest's Mushrooms or Primd Theme? Subspace Army Theme? (Some kind of dramatic music.)

-Cutscene upon Victory-

Geno will have successfully reduced the army to plies of Shadow Bugs... but... the Shadow Bugs aren't disappearing!? Wario will give an evil grin that seems to say "Just as planned!". The Shadow Bugs will spring up and will being to swirl around Geno in a tornado! Geno will try his best to break through them, but to no avail. The Shadow Bugs will completely ingulf him as the screen grows black...

The camera will switch to Isaac and Peach who are finally out of the forest. The two will stop and look back for a moment, hoping that Geno will exit too. The doll will be nowhere in sight. Isaac will then motion to Peach to keep going, after all, the Halberd should be just up ahead!

As the two run off, the camera will return to the forest's exit, where a buzzing noise will grow louder. WOOSH! Out flies Wario on his motorcycle! Wario will look off in the direction Isaac and Peach were going and then will look back as another figure steps out of the forest. Geno will exit with his head held down. There seems to be a mysterious purple and black glow in his joints... and as he raises his head... his eyes will also a have dull, purple-black color...
Could this mean-? Oh no...

-End Cutscene-
More! More!

Deleted member

Shadow Star, that is a great SSE story. Better than your Dedede/Geno one I must say.

Anyways, in the future you should do a boss one against something big.

sonic smash down

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
somewhere in the smash community
**** now thats asome shadow star. any one else got a story for geno

and mind if i serve a higher athourity wit a staff???

geno was in my first game i ever played and that was the best game besides smash that i ever played. geno is my second most wanted character in the game.


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
Shadow_Star...are we seeing Dark Geno? YAY!

Not as good as the other 2 chapters but still its exciting to know you're still writing it! It's good for the use of body language but it feels as though the the girl is damsel in distress (even though she is) So hopefully she gets a bigger role, also how did Issac know how to exit the forest? Wario as well. And its cool to see Geno go kinda like TOM1 from TOONAMI (original)


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
You haven't been to the gfaqs Brawl board. ''Does Sonic is ****?'' is a common fad there.
I've been to other gamefaqs message boards before. I've never returned, I'd rather retain my sanity.

Edit: give me one insult I've made.
Just about everything here you posted has been to spite supporters, and you know **** well you've been doing it, all those "I can stay here and say what I want" crap in response is just self-imposed justification.

A SmashWiki member. It was deleted because it was useless, doesn't belong on a site that deals with actual Smash gameplay, including smashers, crews, confirmed characters etc. and reeked with fanboyism.
Lol I'm Machspeed! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try!
Those are just plain simple ones, but everything you've posted falls under A) Trolling. B) Insults. C) Spam.

Shadow Star

Smash Apprentice
Nov 19, 2007
Lost, searching for a purpose...
Shadow_Star...are we seeing Dark Geno? YAY!

Not as good as the other 2 chapters but still its exciting to know you're still writing it! It's good for the use of body language but it feels as though the the girl is damsel in distress (even though she is) So hopefully she gets a bigger role, also how did Issac know how to exit the forest? Wario as well. And its cool to see Geno go kinda like TOM1 from TOONAMI (original)
In the words of the great Masahiro Sakurai: "You don’t have time to ponder such questions, as Link has just grabbed a Smash Ball."

But in all seriousness, Peach probably helped Isaac find the way out; it's not that hard after all. And Wario just plowed his way through on his motorcycle.

And also, OMG I MISS TOM1!!! The original Toonami was pure awesome and win.


Smash Lord
Dec 28, 2006
Sacramento, California
I've been to other gamefaqs message boards before. I've never returned, I'd rather retain my sanity.

Just about everything here you posted has been to spite supporters, and you know **** well you've been doing it, all those "I can stay here and say what I want" crap in response is just self-imposed justification.

Those are just plain simple ones, but everything you've posted falls under A) Trolling. B) Insults. C) Spam.
Once a troll always a troll. That Geno card makes me want to vomit in every which way possible. In a good way.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 24, 2007
I've been to other gamefaqs message boards before. I've never returned, I'd rather retain my sanity. It's not nearly as bad as some pleople say, and it's a lot of fun.

Just about everything here you posted has been to spite supporters, and you know **** well you've been doing it, all those "I can stay here and say what I want" crap in response is just self-imposed justification. No, I can say here as long as I give reasons for my opposition, and I don't go ahead and say ''LOL GENO FANS SUX''

A SmashWiki member. It was deleted because it was useless, doesn't belong on a site that deals with actual Smash gameplay, including smashers, crews, confirmed characters etc. and reeked with fanboyism.

This one comes straight from the justification that was give for the deletion, on the page's history. http://www.smashwiki.com/wiki/Talk:The_♥♪!?_Alliance

Lol I'm Machspeed! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try! Nice try!

As for this one, he took it rather nicely, even jokingly saying ''nice try'' in another of his posts.

Those are just plain simple ones, but everything you've posted falls under A) Trolling. B) Insults. C) Spam.
Face it, I'm not a troll.


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
In the words of the great Masahiro Sakurai: "You don’t have time to ponder such questions, as Link has just grabbed a Smash Ball."

But in all seriousness, Peach probably helped Isaac find the way out; it's not that hard after all. And Wario just plowed his way through on his motorcycle.

And also, OMG I MISS TOM1!!! The original Toonami was pure awesome and win.
:laugh: alright and yes original 97' TOONAMI was the best and the ****

Anyways nice card :laugh: insta-kill

Deleted member

Mathieu21 isn't a troll but he is starting to annoy me with this spam sarcasm. I have respected him and his debates I have had with him. No, he is not a troll but could you please tone down the sarcasm and leave all this arguing behind us, Mathieu21? You can keep debating against Geno all you want, I don't care, but if you ave nothing better to do than just spamming up the thread than go out and play some Football in the snow.


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
It's not nearly as bad as some pleople say, and it's a lot of fun.

Yeah, it's worse. I suppose if spamming "over 900000!" and "Your momma!" and barely typing proper English with 13 year old boys who think .EXE is the greatest thing to ever happen to Megaman, be my guest.

No, I can say here as long as I give reasons for my opposition, and I don't go ahead and say ''LOL GENO FANS SUX''

In good dialogue, there are two forms of text. The first is what's literally being said, and the other is subtext, what it actually means. I wouldn't be surprised if your Literature-related classes are among your best.

This one comes straight from the justification that was give for the deletion, on the page's history. http://www.smashwiki.com/wiki/Talk:T...21?_Alliance

Yes, I know, but your wording is deliberately insulting. Also, all "crew" or support groups for any character, confirmed or not, are no longer allowed due to R.I.D.L.E.Y. sabotaging each one with their bull****.

As for this one, he took it rather nicely, even jokingly saying ''nice try'' in another of his posts.

Actually, he did, but I'm pretty sure because he knew how stupid the post was in the first place. I'm pretty sure he didn't say it since.

Face it, I'm not a troll.

I'd be more inclined to believe you if over 100 of your posts were in this thread against the inclusion of this character with the same irrelevant points. Not too mention you keep claiming you're just here because you got banned from gamefaqs and introduced yourself here as a "notorious Geno hater". What better way to spend the time than to tick off the supporters here?
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