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The Official Geno Thread


Smash Journeyman
Nov 24, 2007
Kirby Super Star is the best Kirby game ever made, and what Smash is basically based on...Except smash is a Platfighter instead of just a platform game. Many elements from Kirby Super Star didn't return until smash...specifically the SSE
Pretty understandable since Brawl is Sakurai's creation... but I don't see the link with Gemo.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
That person that said Square was no contacted was proven false A LONG time ago
*PHEWW* I was scared it was another "Megaman" incident, and I DID NOT feel like trying to have to juggle debating for his inclusion as well as Megamans.


Smash Champion
Jun 18, 2006
Philadelphia, PA
He's saying that elements of Super Star are in the SSE such as the two player aspect functioning like it does with Super Star.

Deleted member

Pieman0920 said:
Mario's FLUDD doesn't make him any less of the Mario who's supposed to represent all Mario games. It just something to pay tribute to one of his main games, as well as actually have a move that he really uses. (His spin attack in his old games was more akin to his down air, instead of the Mario Tornado...but now the down air is gone and replaced by the tornado?) But the thing is you're overhyping a old game which would have already gotten its representation if it was worth it in the past games. Paper Mario is now the Mario RPG of choice. Why would Nintendo go back to its old games? In the end it's not important enough to get its own character like that, and it's still already got three characters. And just because they also show up in other games, doesn't discount the other Mario characters. You say that only Geno can represent it, but he's not the main character of it. We have that one aleady. Then it goes that Geno would represent it because of his moves, and because Mario uses moves from other games? That's got to be one of the more twisted arguments for it. You think Geno would do better than Mario because of the moves he uses, or is it because Geno only represents SMRPG? Heck, why don't we have one character from each game in because they represent their game better than the multi-game stars, and since they only showed up in that game, and their movesets would reflect that.
Name one game from any other series that didn't make history in Nintendo. One. Super Mario RPG is a game that made history to Nintendo. First Mario RPG. First Nintendo game made with a 3rd party company. First game to have Boser as a protagonist. It's in the books. That's how iconic Mario RPG was.

You said that we should have other one-timer characters from other series to represent something. Sheik was hinted to come back and Sheik was only seen in OoT and Sheik is hinted to some back. OoT was a great game like Mario RPG but the game wasn't as iconic as Mario RPG. Sheik could represent OoT like how Geno would represent Mario RPG.

We do already got 3 characters from the game, you're right about that, but they're in because it's pretty **** obvious. Mario, Peach and Bowser ARE the Super Mario series (along with Luigi). Since Geno was the main star of Mario RPG, the real savior of the Mushroom Kingdom and Star Road at that time, Geno scoring a high amount of mentions on the poll, his large fan base, Sakurai showing interest, obscure and retro just what Sakurai likes and his threat to blow up Japan. amirite?? =P


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
What does this have to do with everyone's favorite doll?
Nothing, Silver was talking to Pieman about that response...

Besides, time is relative anyway...you people think too linear...

*Such primitive minds*


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2007
In your cereal, stealin' your prizes!
Oh well, you're good at this Copper, so I'll respond. But if that other guy keeps replying, I'll be forced to stop. =/
I'll keep posting as long as work keeps me bored. :laugh:

Well I've acknowleged the "pros" so to speak, and most of them are pretty flimsy in my mind. Tell me something I've really been ignoring.
It seems you took me slightly out of context. I suppose the word 'ignore' was not the best choice for arguing my point. What I meant was that you seem to be 'disregarding' the pros just as GTS is 'disregarding' the cons.

Both of you make excellent points, but neither of you are going to accept the others'.

That money is never coming back though when you don't have someone who can get it back ;O
It may, after Super Mario RPG is released on the Virtual Console.

I can see where you're coming from, though. As of right now, Geno has no means of drawing in additional profit.

True, but this goes into play against those who compare him to other old characters like Pit and Ice Climbers. As people say they are old and only have one game, they forget that Geno isn't the main character like they are. Now while there may be the fact that Geno is cleared because his main character was added, he still has these restrictions on him, along with others, all at the same time. (Aka there are newer characters, along with the fact he's third party)
Maybe that is where I stray from the typical Geno supporter, Pieman. I won't use other retro characters as an excuse for Geno's candidacy. I'm a firm believer that a great character who qualifies is a great character who qualifies, regardless of how old they are or where they originated from.

The fact that Geno is so old, yet is still subject to many debates such as this, is a testament to how great a character he really is.

I know that Geno has a lot going against him. Maybe I don't take his situation as seriously as many others do. All I can say is that he'd be a good character for the game, and all it takes is for Sakurai to see it the same way.

And SE is closer to Geno than HAL is. It'd make much more sense if SE included them instead, but they didn't. Why would a completely different company find use for him because of his apperent fans, when his own mother company did not?
Well, consider that the only people at Square who might have cared about Geno now work for AlphaDream. It is quite possible, at this point in time, that HAL and Nintendo care more about the character than Square does.

It's not a matter of persepctive really. She is doing one of those options. What it is though can't possibly be known, and thus can't possibly be used in any argument for or against him. She's just there.
Again, I think you misinterpretted me. I didn't mean that the options themselves were a matter of perspective. I was more or less referring to what you thought she'd do.

Well...no, I disagree with you. It was for money. Sonic fighting Mario draws people in. It's been one of the most anticipated fights of all Video Game-dom. Geno doesn't have any status like that. Heck thinking about the other way to get in (Snake) no one at SE will probably beg for Geno, seeing as they wouldn't add him in any of those other games. >_>
I'll agree as far as them including Sonic with profit in mind, right up until we get to what Sakurai's primary intentions were. There is no way to prove this (on either side), but I view Sakurai as an artist, not a suit. I don't think he's making this game strictly for the money. I think he's making Brawl the way he is because he wants to be one of the prominent faces in the gaming industry. There's never been a game like this before (not even Melee, in a sense). This is going to go down in the history books, people.

Either way, we don't know what his interests are, so we really can't say who he put on the roster or why.

Besides, I wouldn't even try to argue that Geno would get in the same way that Snake or Sonic did, but just because it hasn't happened before does not mean that it can't happen at all.

Luigi's games are for the most part indeed represented in Brawl. But he still had important roles in multiple games. Multiple. He's had so many roles, and is known by basically everyone who knows Mario. He's also had his own games. I hardly think it's the same thing. (You can't deny it, it's the fact of the matter) :O
So, essentially, Luigi's inclusion is based on his popularity and relevance, like every other character from the series. My only response is that if every character in Smash Bros was a massively popular and recent character, I probably wouldn't buy the game. It would be boring.

Well isn't that just speculation to how Sakurai thinks? I mean if other characters are anything to go by, it's not. Even without the third party restriction, a character with all the other restrictions hasn't surfaced yet, so why would that change when even more time has passed?
Considerring that all of our information comes directly from him, I'll sure as heck speculate how he thinks. After all, he's the one that makes the major decisions. Wouldn't it be great to know how his brain runs? :chuckle:

I've got to run, though. I'll respond to more at a later time!


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2007
The Hot Pink Gopher
ZOMGZ, it's a random troll, oh well. So if Geno is somehow a starter, who is going to be him first? Not me, I got other people to try out.

I'm not a troll. I just hate when people say "So-and-so is gonna be confirmed soon!"

I don't believe Geno will be in Brawl, or any other game for a matter of fact. He is a has-been. Why would Square bring a nobody into the Wii's most likely best selling game. They're are a ton of other Square characters that are even considered video game legends that could be in Brawl. Geno won't be in any other game either because, again, he is a has-been. He was in one game, that's all. That game was a Mario RPG game, but the new Mario RPG game is Paper Mario, replacing Super Mario RPG. Geno will just be in your memories, never to be seen again.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I'm not a troll. I just hate when people say "So-and-so is gonna be confirmed soon!"

I don't believe Geno will be in Brawl, or any other game for a matter of fact. He is a has-been. Why would Square bring a nobody into the Wii's most likely best selling game. They're are a ton of other Square characters that are even considered video game legends that could be in Brawl. Geno won't be in any other game either because, again, he is a has-been. He was in one game, that's all. That game was a Mario RPG game, but the new Mario RPG game is Paper Mario, replacing Super Mario RPG. Geno will just be in your memories, never to be seen again.
Because he's awesome, that's why he will be in Brawl


Smash Journeyman
Nov 24, 2007
I'm not a troll. I just hate when people say "So-and-so is gonna be confirmed soon!"

I don't believe Geno will be in Brawl, or any other game for a matter of fact. He is a has-been. Why would Square bring a nobody into the Wii's most likely best selling game. They're are a ton of other Square characters that are even considered video game legends that could be in Brawl. Geno won't be in any other game either because, again, he is a has-been. He was in one game, that's all. That game was a Mario RPG game, but the new Mario RPG game is Paper Mario, replacing Super Mario RPG. Geno will just be in your memories, never to be seen again.
Go away. Geno is the greatest thing to ever happen to the world. He's very sexy and he can have my babies. I have hentai of him (but don't tell anyone). Mallow is in this also, and you can tell he is a tadpole ''down there''.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 20, 2007
Guys...I'm pretty sure Geno won't be revealed until after Brawl is released in Japan.

Geno is most likely unlockable and definitely is not taking up a 3rd party slot, right?

I could be wrong...but wouldn't it make sense it he was revealed sometime after Brawl is out in Japan?


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2007
Guys...I'm pretty sure Geno won't be revealed until after Brawl is released in Japan.

Geno is most likely unlockable and definitely is not taking up a 3rd party slot, right?

I could be wrong...but wouldn't it make sense it he was revealed sometime after Brawl is out in Japan?
I guess so, after Melee came out, Sakurai started to update the unlockables.


Smash Champion
Jun 18, 2006
Philadelphia, PA
My idealism knows the boards will be so much better when the game comes out, but my cynicism realizes that it will be the same stupid crap.


Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2008
Crawl back under your bridge, troll. You aren't welcome here with such blunt and immature comments. :ohwell:
He isn't a troll. You are merely to arrogant to think of him as anything else, he gives reason why he thinks Geno shouldn't be in and you flame him or make blunt and immature comments.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2007
The Hot Pink Gopher
Crawl back under your bridge, troll. You aren't welcome here with such blunt and immature comments. :ohwell:
And how was I immature?

I stated legitimate reasons why Geno should and will not be in Brawl and was responded to by comments such as these:

Because he's awesome, that's why he will be in Brawl

Go away. Geno is the greatest thing to ever happen to the world. He's very sexy and he can have my babies. I have hentai of him (but don't tell anyone). Mallow is in this also, and you can tell he is a tadpole ''down there''.
Yeah and I'm the immature one.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
He isn't a troll. You are merely to arrogant to think of him as anything else, he gives reason why he thinks Geno shouldn't be in and you flame him or make blunt and immature comments.
No, I just disagree completely. He just repeated something someone said earlier that I was already in a conversation about someone else about when he came here


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I didn't repeat anything, that's pure speculation. I came in here, stated my opinion, and was replied to with immature and altogether disturbing comments.
Why wouldn't Square let them use Geno...not to represent themselves, but at the request of Nintendo?


Smash Journeyman
Nov 24, 2007
Seriously, ParamoreRiot, I'm really with you. I'm against Geno, if you couldn't tell by my high sarcastic statements.

By the way, it looks like you guys have decide to ignore me.
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