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The Official Geno Thread


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Geno has a much better chance, in fact a better chance more then Krystal...
Uh... that's going a bit too far...

Here are the newcomers I think have a better chance then Geno:

1. Krystal (95%)
2. Ridley (90%)
3. Megaman (85%)
4. Captain Olimar (90%)
5. Whoever the Animal Crossing rep is (95%)
6. Isaac (85%)
7. Lucario (90%)

Characters I think that have about the same chance as Geno (70-80%):

1. Claus (depends on whether or not Sakurai thinks Mother deserves more then one rep)
2. Takamaru (depends on Sakurai's additude towards adding more Japanese exclusives)
3. Black Shadow (see Claus... F-Zero)
4. King K. Rool (see Claus but +1... Donkey Kong)

I could go into all the reasons but I could probably fill up this entire page with my theories and what I've observed. Keep in mind that all of these characters are from different franchises and thus are not in direct competition with Geno. I have a strong feeling that Krystal, Captain Olimar, and the Animal Crossing rep are going to be in the starting roster so that leaves eight of these people to be possible unlockables.


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2007
Atlanta, GA
Geno may not have the highest chances of the possible newcomers, but he is quite possibly the best choice for a Square-Enix representative. Sakurai also loves those retro characters, not to mention he'd fit in nicely with the rest of the cast. Sakurai's mentioned him too a couple times.

Square-Enix's small Geno cameo appearance in Superstar Saga shows that they don't have too much of a problem with Nintendo loaning the rights to the character.

At this point... Geno is kind of well... don't know how to put it.
Let's just say he has fair-good chances of making the cut.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 2, 2007
South Gate, CA
In terms of being a Mario rep, I'd say Geno has very high chances of being in Brawl, especially if the other choice of a Mario rep is Bowser Jr.

Sucks that Geno lost the character battle. This was more of a victory for Geno haters than it was for Mewtwo fans :p. W/e its just a game, anyways Sonic will avenge Geno. >_>


Smash Cadet
Dec 14, 2007
Because of Ridley beating PT, the Pokeman fans desperately voted for the last pokemon rep., which is why geno lost. But, Mario will take out Ridley and Sonic will slap Mewtwo in the face...all is good


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Some Geno hater elsewhere is saying that Birdo is more significant than Geno. Is she even a threat at all?
Seeing how Daisy, Waluigi, Petey Pirhanna, and Toad have gone down in flames despite being, and I quote an old rival of mine, "so important *stifles a laugh* for being constant parts of the noncanon spinoffs which make more money then the canon games" (that was basically his main arguement for Daisy), Birdo's chances are beyond laughable. To suggest that Birdo will be playable at this point is the equivalent of saying that a goomba will be playable. As I've said, Bowser Jr's been knocked down a couple pegs because of a boatload of factors brought up by various updates so Geno's only real competition now is Paper Mario.(Although there's not really any evidence showing that Sakurai is really interested in the character seeing how it didn't appear in his journal and how it hasn't been mentioned in anything else including the 2001 Melee poll. It did have the trophy in Melee but...)

I think it's safe to conclude that Dr. Mario's been given the boot and I came to this conclusion when, in the second trailer, I noticed that a lot of Dr. Mario's "attack effects" (power, directional influence, etc) were incorporated into Mario's. With that said, the Mario franchise has four reps right at the moment (since Luigi is obviously returning and Yoshi and Wario represent their own franchises). Seeing how the Mario franchise is Nintendo's flagship franchise and easily the most important due to not only sales but also innovations it has brought to the video game industry, it will easily have the most characters just like last time. Currently, Pokemon technically has four reps (because of the Pokemon Trainer's pokemon) and it's fairly obvious that they are going to get at least one more (I have a feeling that either Mewtwo or Jigglypuff is going to get the boot and that Lucario is going to replace one of them seeing how all his competiton *Deoxyes, Munchlax, Meowth, Gardevoir, and Blaziken* has been shot down) so logically, the Mario franchise would be allowed a minimum of 6 characters. I imagine that because of this the Mario franchise would get two new reps: one to replace Dr. Mario and one completely new person. Based on that, I think you guys can figure out the conclusion I came too.


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
They are going to come crawling back. I just know it.
I doubt it. SE doesn't need to crawl back when they can just send their remakes and FF spin offs on the DS.

Every now and then they will probably ship a Chocobo spin off on the Wii.


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
They're either going to go to Wii or Xbox.
The PS3 is a good 7 million sales under Wii and the 360.
Thats where the DS comes in. The best selling console ever and the one where FF games do extremely well on. The upcoming Dragon Quest is likely to explode on the DS. I'm telling you, SE does not need to go back to the Wii to keep their heads above water, they are breaking the bank despite PS3's mediocre sales.


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2007
Atlanta, GA
Thats where the DS comes in. The best selling console ever and the one where FF games do extremely well on. The upcoming Dragon Quest is likely to explode on the DS. I'm telling you, SE does not need to go back to the Wii to keep their heads above water, they are breaking the bank despite PS3's mediocre sales.
Yeah. Theres also rumored to be an SMRPG2 release coming on the DS, no source sorry, but it was stated in some magazine. I will definently buy that game if it kills me. I think they're slowly going to lean away from Sony, the same thing they did to Nintendo after the 64 released.

And Sony is failing the console wars terribly, PSP gone to DS, and PS3 gone to Wii and 360. They need to do something to bounce back, and they need to do it fast.


Smash Master
Sep 21, 2007
Baton Rouge, LA
Yeah. Theres also rumored to be an SMRPG2 release coming on the DS, no source sorry, but it was stated in some magazine. I will definently buy that game if it kills me. I think they're slowly going to lean away from Sony, the same thing they need to Nintendo after the 64 released.

And Sony is failing the console wars terribly, PSP gone to DS, and PS3 gone to Wii and 360. They need to do something to bounce back, and they need to do it fast.
Maybe side with Nintendo and become SoNintendo!!!


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
Yeah. Theres also rumored to be an SMRPG2 release coming on the DS, no source sorry, but it was stated in some magazine. I will definently buy that game if it kills me. I think they're slowly going to lean away from Sony, the same thing they need to Nintendo after the 64 released.

And Sony is failing the console wars terribly, PSP gone to DS, and PS3 gone to Wii and 360. They need to do something to bounce back, and they need to do it fast.
FFXIII and possibly KH3 may be the answer to the PS3's problems...


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2007
Atlanta, GA
Hopefully it can.
Was planning on getting a PS3 for it's beautiful graphics but the games recently have me questioning it.
(There's always your good games on the system though, like Ratchet and Clank or GTA)

The only reason I would like to see Square-Enix come back (and though it sounds selfish) is to see Geno and Mallow come back to life. Those two characters, along with the whole plotline of the SMRPG could make way for many great games, many different RPGs. The SMRPG was the basis for Mario's games and pretty much every Mario RPG is similar to it nowadays. Timed hits, dodging attacks, the humor, you name it and it was in the RPG. It was also the first time you could use Bowser as a playable character. I don't want that games wonderful mechanics to die after only one game, I hope it can move on.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 2, 2007
South Gate, CA

Alright fellas, thats enough "console war" talk, let's get back to Geno, but FYI, PS3 is an alright system and its starting to catch on to the 360 and Wii. 2008 will be a grand year for the PS3.

Seeing how Daisy, Waluigi, Petey Pirhanna, and Toad have gone down in flames despite being, and I quote an old rival of mine, "so important *stifles a laugh* for being constant parts of the noncanon spinoffs which make more money then the canon games" (that was basically his main arguement for Daisy), Birdo's chances are beyond laughable. To suggest that Birdo will be playable at this point is the equivalent of saying that a goomba will be playable. As I've said, Bowser Jr's been knocked down a couple pegs because of a boatload of factors brought up by various updates so Geno's only real competition now is Paper Mario.(Although there's not really any evidence showing that Sakurai is really interested in the character seeing how it didn't appear in his journal and how it hasn't been mentioned in anything else including the 2001 Melee poll. It did have the trophy in Melee but...)

I think it's safe to conclude that Dr. Mario's been given the boot and I came to this conclusion when, in the second trailer, I noticed that a lot of Dr. Mario's "attack effects" (power, directional influence, etc) were incorporated into Mario's. With that said, the Mario franchise has four reps right at the moment (since Luigi is obviously returning and Yoshi and Wario represent their own franchises). Seeing how the Mario franchise is Nintendo's flagship franchise and easily the most important due to not only sales but also innovations it has brought to the video game industry, it will easily have the most characters just like last time. Currently, Pokemon technically has four reps (because of the Pokemon Trainer's pokemon) and it's fairly obvious that they are going to get at least one more (I have a feeling that either Mewtwo or Jigglypuff is going to get the boot and that Lucario is going to replace one of them seeing how all his competiton *Deoxyes, Munchlax, Meowth, Gardevoir, and Blaziken* has been shot down) so logically, the Mario franchise would be allowed a minimum of 6 characters. I imagine that because of this the Mario franchise would get two new reps: one to replace Dr. Mario and one completely new person. Based on that, I think you guys can figure out the conclusion I came too.
Anyways, I agree with Fatmanonice, I've been thinking about that too. It is very possible Mario will get two more reps. I believe it is very likely Geno will be one of them, as for the other one it could possible be Bowser Jr, but idk thats my guess.


Smash Lord
Dec 3, 2007
Seeing how Daisy, Waluigi, Petey Pirhanna, and Toad have gone down in flames despite being, and I quote an old rival of mine, "so important *stifles a laugh* for being constant parts of the noncanon spinoffs which make more money then the canon games" (that was basically his main arguement for Daisy), Birdo's chances are beyond laughable. To suggest that Birdo will be playable at this point is the equivalent of saying that a goomba will be playable. As I've said, Bowser Jr's been knocked down a couple pegs because of a boatload of factors brought up by various updates so Geno's only real competition now is Paper Mario.(Although there's not really any evidence showing that Sakurai is really interested in the character seeing how it didn't appear in his journal and how it hasn't been mentioned in anything else including the 2001 Melee poll. It did have the trophy in Melee but...)

I think it's safe to conclude that Dr. Mario's been given the boot and I came to this conclusion when, in the second trailer, I noticed that a lot of Dr. Mario's "attack effects" (power, directional influence, etc) were incorporated into Mario's. With that said, the Mario franchise has four reps right at the moment (since Luigi is obviously returning and Yoshi and Wario represent their own franchises). Seeing how the Mario franchise is Nintendo's flagship franchise and easily the most important due to not only sales but also innovations it has brought to the video game industry, it will easily have the most characters just like last time. Currently, Pokemon technically has four reps (because of the Pokemon Trainer's pokemon) and it's fairly obvious that they are going to get at least one more (I have a feeling that either Mewtwo or Jigglypuff is going to get the boot and that Lucario is going to replace one of them seeing how all his competiton *Deoxyes, Munchlax, Meowth, Gardevoir, and Blaziken* has been shot down) so logically, the Mario franchise would be allowed a minimum of 6 characters. I imagine that because of this the Mario franchise would get two new reps: one to replace Dr. Mario and one completely new person. Based on that, I think you guys can figure out the conclusion I came too.
I completely agree with you.
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